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Chapter 39

Bats hibernate in caves in winter and usually don't go out, but if a few of them move, a large group will be awakened very quickly.

Countless black bats flew out from the bottom of the cave and flew over our heads.

A few minutes later.

"Is it gone?"

Dou Sprout sat up from the ground holding his head.

"Good guy, it's scary, why are there so many bats."

The bats dispersed, raised their heads, frowned, and whispered: "This place... gives me a bad feeling. The last time I had a similar feeling was when I and my boss were at Smart Mountain in Yongnian, Handan, in 1976."

"Yongnian Smart Mountain? What tomb?" I asked the leader.

He shook his head and recalled: "It's a tomb of Zhao State whose owner is very vicious. I don't have time to talk about this now. Bin, keep going down. I want to see...what is hidden here."

Brother Yu nodded and said yes, grabbed the rope and continued to lower it down.

Ah Chun remained silent at this time, frowning and looking around, wondering what she was thinking.

We have two coils of rope, almost a hundred meters long. There is no wind down here. Because it is not affected by the wind, the rope can remain vertical with a flashlight tied to it. It is slowly lowered down under the control of Brother Yu.

I don’t know how many years have passed, but I don’t think anyone has done this.

"Wait Brother Yu...then...is there water underneath?"

Dou Sprout lay down at the entrance of the cave and looked down, saying loudly: "It's water! Or it's a river! Such a wide water surface!"

The bottom of the cave was sparkling, and the three flashlights we hung in the air were like a bright moon, reflected on the slowly flowing water.

He raised his head and said, "I understand. The formation of this hole should be similar to the Yin-Yang Cave on the ground in Tianguangdong Village. It is formed naturally."

"The underground rivers here are interconnected and their flow directions are complicated. The ponds in the village can remain dry all year round no matter whether it is the dry season or not. It seems that the source should be the main stream at the bottom of the cave."

I also thought of something, this is an ecological chain cycle.

Bats will eat enough before hibernation. Although they are in a dormant state after winter, they can excrete on their own.

Thousands of excreta fell into the main stream of the underground river, and were carried everywhere by the current. Those big tadpoles were all waiting in the water with their mouths open, waiting to eat. They can only grow so big if they have to eat.

Brother Yu retrieved the rope, and I asked the leader, "How do we get to the other side? It is visually estimated that the diameter and width of this hole exceeds 13 meters. Can we use a rope to lower it?"

He shook his head and said, "It's useless to go down. There is an underground river flowing underneath. We can only find a way to get past it and keep going forward."

"Did you see this circle of stones?"

He pointed his head at the circle of stones placed at the entrance of the cave and said: "I suspect there was a bridge here before, or something that allowed people to pass, because over time, the wooden bridge or other board-type things were damaged and fell into the river.

It was inside, and in the end only these reinforcement stones were left."

"Hmm... That makes sense. I've thought of it a long time ago," Dou Sprout said, stroking his chin: "But we don't have time to build a bridge, so we might as well go back."

Seeing that we were all looking at him, Douyazai said: "Why are you looking at me? I can jump up to two and a half meters in the long jump. The width of this hole is almost fifteen meters. If I fall down, I will fall to my death."


Xiaoxuan kicked Dou Sprout Zai and scolded him: "Why do you say depressing words every day? Who fell to death? Can't you say something nice?"

"I...Zhao Xuanxuan, I noticed that you are always targeting me," Dou Sprout said with a glare, "I'm just telling the truth, there's nothing wrong with that. You must have lost your temper during menopause. No one will want you in the future.



Dou Sprout looked proud.

"You two, don't argue."

"Boss, can we step on the edge and pass by?" I pointed to the front and said.

Achun said: "No, there is no way to put your foot down there, people will fall."

"It's up to me, I'll do it."

Everyone looked at Brother Yu, wondering what he could do.

"I'll build a bridge."

Brother Yu turned around and said, "Xiaoxuan, where is your knife? Let me use it."

Xiaoxuan was stunned for two seconds, then took out a dagger with a leather sheath.

Brother Yu looked at it, shook his head and said, "It's not this one."

Xiaoxuan muttered a few words but didn't hear anything clearly. She reached out again and took out a handful from her lower back.

"Hey, it's not this one, have you forgotten? The one you peeled last time, the bigger one."


Xiaoxuan unzipped her inner clothes and took out a larger stainless steel dagger.

As soon as the knife was taken off the sheath, the blade was sharp and thick. The tip of the knife flashed with cold light, and it also had three blood grooves for bleeding.

Douyazai swallowed when he saw it. He tugged on me and whispered, "Why does she have so many knives on her body?"

I said, "Are you talking nonsense? It's not like you don't know. You should ask her when she didn't have a knife on her and forgot about the man who raised dogs in the desert? From then on, Xiaoxuan never left her body with a knife."

Perhaps recalling a certain scene, Dou Sprout laughed awkwardly.

He is afraid, you know, because they have lived together for a long time and become too familiar with each other. Douyazai often scolds Xiaoxuan, "You have early menopause, no one wants you, your skin is too dark, you are menopausal...


Brother Yu wants to come out with three daggers. I don’t know if Xiaoxuan has any other daggers hidden in her body.

"Help me pull the rope."

Brother Yu tied Xiaoxuan's stainless steel dagger to one end of the rope. He took the rope and circled it twice, making a whirring sound.

Brother Yu said: "This is called a rope dart, a Shaolin weapon. Everyone in the performance class used to learn it. I have learned it for two years and can use it."

Dou Yazai said in surprise: "Brother Yu, you are not from the kitchen of Shaolin Temple? Why are you from the performance class again?"

Brother Yu smiled: "I didn't say that. I've been in Bodhidharma Academy for several months."

"Give way, I won't hit you."

"Yunfeng, help me shine the flashlight on the opposite wall."

"Okay, just stay like this and don't move."

I turned on the flashlight to focus the light, and the light hit the opposite wall, forming a very bright small circle.

Brother Yu first took a few deep breaths in succession, moved his body, and pressed his hand down as if he was trying to get lucky.

After more than ten seconds, Brother Yu grabbed the dagger, took five steps back, and shouted loudly:


Like throwing a shot put, Brother Yu let out a loud roar, turned his whole body half a circle, and used all his strength.

Just listen to a whooshing sound!

The rope dart was thrown out!

It hit exactly where I marked it with my flashlight!

The metal collided with the stone wall, causing sparks.

Looking again, one third of the fine steel dagger was completely nailed to the opposite wall.

"Pah, pah, pah."

Ah Chun smiled and clapped his hands and applauded: "Hard Kungfu, use Qi to increase strength, belt the whole body, exert force at one point, this time, at least ten years of skill."

"Awesome, awesome," Douyazai kept clapping his hands and saying, "He is indeed the Tomb Saint of Shaolin."


Hearing this nickname, Ah Chun didn't hold back and laughed out loud.

Brother Yu glanced at Ah Chun, turned around and tugged on the rope, then asked Xiaoxuan for a dagger.

Tie the rope to the dagger and throw it down with a stone.

In this way, the two sections of the rope are fully supported by the two daggers.

Brother Yu tried it and said, "It can bear the weight of a person."

"We can grab the rope and climb over. If you believe me, who will come first?"

Everyone was speechless,

Dou Sprout gritted his teeth and stood up and said, "Brother Yu, I believe in you, I'm the last one!"

"Let me do it."

Ah Chun stepped forward and stood at the edge of the cave entrance.

This chapter has been completed!
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