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Chapter 74 Who is Tin Nose

Xiaoxuan and Douyazai came in late because they brought something with them. In the middle of winter, we hid in a cave around a fire to keep warm. We didn't dare to sleep. We only took a nap at most.

The old lady in Yucheng recalled that there was a person named "Tin Nose". She frowned and thought for a long time, but she couldn't tell who on the road had such a nickname.

Several of us saw it. When we heard the name "Tin Nose", the little girl's face changed a lot.

"What's wrong, sister, do you know her?"

Seeing the unhappy expression on the younger sister's face, Ah Chun said, "Don't be afraid. What are you afraid of when I'm here? Is it someone inside?"

The younger sister shook her head and said something while deliberately controlling her voice.

Because she has suffered from a rare disease that prevents half of her face from growing since she was a child, she has low self-esteem and never dares to look in the mirror because she knows she looks different from others.

She fantasized about where she could go to get her face cured. Since there was no way at home, she pinned her hopes abroad.

Therefore, she often hides in bed alone and reads some foreign medical magazines, especially plastic surgery.

Which girl wants her face to look like a monster, right? Just when she was desperate, my little sister accidentally opened an article in a foreign medical journal.

And this dated journal is the "Lancet" from 1921.

The book says that during the war, there was a studio abroad that specialized in making artificial masks for people with disfigurements. The founder was Francis Derwent Wood. The name of this mask studio is too long. I’m not good at English.

Nian, anyway, the translated meaning is "tin nose."

Helping Wood was a talented female sculptor named Anna. Tin Nose Studio first used plaster, and later mixed plasticine. They used photos to create faces that were almost fake and real.

But they were not satisfied yet. What they pursued was the ultimate, so they began to secretly experiment with pig skins and some "special materials".

It is said that the experiment was successful a few years later, and it is also said that it was banned, but one thing can be confirmed, Tin Nose Studio did try some research.

When the little girl said this, her head suddenly made a sound.

After thinking for a few minutes, he raised his head and said, "I suddenly remembered something."

"In 192, a group of young apprentices from the descendants of Brush Li went abroad with the circus. It is said that one of them stayed in a studio abroad to learn plastic surgery and never came back. If this person was still alive, he would be older than

I'm much older."

"Descendant of Brush Li?" I asked the leader who was Brush Li?

He turned his head and said, "Yunfeng, do you still remember Little Kuaishou Lu?"

"The one in the desert who helped us steal the Melody Bird?" I said I remembered, and we even shared the money with him in the end.

"Yes, that's the person."

He nodded and said: "We people nowadays basically only know the clay figurine Zhang. In fact, his contemporaries at that time also included Kuaishou Lu, Brush Li, Kite Wei, and the Brick Carver King."

"Clay figurine Zhang makes clay figures, Kite Wei makes kites, Kuaishou Lu Gan is a thief, and Brush Li makes masks."

"I was wondering...if there is such a possibility."

"What if Disciple Brush Li went abroad, found the Tin Nose Studio to learn from his master, and used his inheritance and advanced technology to make a human skin mask?"

After finishing speaking, he raised his head and took a breath and said: "This is possible... Zhu Liankui, the magician, stayed in Boston and never came back, and became a great magician."

Hearing this, Dou Sprout looked slightly horrified and slapped his face hard.

In movies and TV shows, human skin masks have been filmed to pieces, and often even the skin and flesh are torn off as soon as they are torn off. They even say a stupid line, "Haha, you never dreamed of it, right? It's me. I've been waiting for this day for a long time."


As for whether this thing really exists in this world, I have always been skeptical until I met Master Xue.

I showed the photo on my phone to the old lady Yucheng, and Master Xue saw the photo come alive.

The old lady burped and fainted from fright.

After pinching someone to wake him up, the old lady shouted in horror: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! When Lao Xue entered the coffin, I personally put on the shroud! It was summer when he died, and I could smell the rotten flesh.


"I'm leaving! Xiao Wang, I don't want to be here anymore! I want to go back!"

"Bin," he waved his head helplessly and said, "Go and see him off. Pay attention to your safety."

"Come on, ma'am, it's a difficult mountain road, I'll carry you on my back." Brother Yu squatted down and said.

The days were short and the nights were long, and it was still dark. Brother Yu, carrying the old lady on his back, turned his head and said to me: "Yunfeng, the five ugly men of Shehuo are very mysterious. We can only confirm that there is a dwarf, a man who calls himself a tin nose and makes a mask."

Yes, the identity information of the other three people is completely unclear."

"My abilities are also limited. Just make a call and find a capable person to inquire."

"Boss, who do you want me to ask, Wu Le?"

So far, the most capable person I know, besides Ms. Zhao, is Wu Le. I have never seen Ms. Zhao’s face, and the aura from her back alone feels like it could crush someone to death.

"Changchun Meeting Wu Le...head, I don't have his phone number."

He shook his head: "It's not Wu Le, have you forgotten? Wu Le has to call him Master Sheng when he sees him."


"I didn't save his phone number either."

"Yunfeng, what's the matter with you? This is wrong. You should save a phone number for people like these. Maybe you can help us solve our urgent needs in the future."

He raised his head and frowned and said, "I've seen your mobile phone. What kind of chicks are there, Hu Niu, old money's granddaughter, Boss Bai, straight girl? Why do you keep these? What's the use?"


My eyes lit up, "Head, I have Xiaomei's phone number."

He raised his head and sighed, asking who Xiaomei is.

I said: "Xiaomei is Xiaomei. Xiaomei can find her godfather."

"There's no signal here. I'll go out to find a signal. You guys just wait."

I hurried out of the cave and ran until I was halfway up the mountain when I saw that my phone had two bars of signal.

"Xiao Mei...Xiao Mei."

I found the number and called it directly.

"Hello?" A clear female voice came from the phone.

"Xiaomei, it's me."

"Xiang Yunfeng?"

"Yes, yes, I am Xiang Yunfeng. Please tell me my current mobile phone number."

"Oh, 13..."

"Ok, bye."


After hanging up, I called my godfather again.

The godfather was surprised to hear that it was me, and asked what happened.

I directly stated the purpose of my visit and said: "Master, do you know about the five ugly people in Shehuo?"

The godfather thought for a few seconds and said, "I've heard of it, what are you doing?"

"Who are these five people? Do they have names? Are they male or female?"

"That's it?"

I said that's it.

"Just wait, I'll ask my servant and I'll call you in ten minutes."


After waiting for less than ten minutes, my godfather called me.

He said: "There are five people named Five Ugly. They appeared in Yongzhou, Hunan around 1995. Their real names are unknown. They are a small non-governmental organization. In the early years, there were frictions with the Weiqi Coal Plant in Beiping."

"The five ugly men are divided from low to high according to their strength and popularity. The fifth is called Little Man, the fourth is called Medicine Box, the third is called Tin Nose, and the second is called Dragon Monkey."

"As for the five ugly bosses, it's very mysterious. The feedback from my side is that some say he's a boy, and some say he's a girl. Anyway, he has two nicknames, one is called He Cai Lao, and the other is Self-Injuring Snake.


"That's the only news."

At this time, I suddenly heard a child's voice on the phone, "Grandpa, grandpa, is it Brother Xiang, is it Brother Xiang?"

"Xiaoqin, put on his pants quickly."

"Hang up, kid."


This chapter has been completed!
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