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Chapter 89 The Wicked

"Don't...stop fighting..."

"Fuck you!"

"You fucking look like this! You're going to scare people to death when you come out at night!"

This is a gang of freaks. Tian Sanjiu's people were frightened when they saw it, and they became angry after being frightened.

Steel pipes and sticks were thrown at the heads of these freaks, and at the same time they were yelling curses.

Among those who were beaten, some of them couldn't speak and just screamed, while those who could speak yelled, "Don't hit me, don't hit me."

Tian Sanjiu put a shotgun against the head of a disfigured man and asked in a cold voice: "Where is your tin nose?"

The black barrel of the gun was pressed against his head, and his finger was already on the trigger.

"On, on...the fifth floor."


Tian Sanjiu walked upstairs with the shotgun in hand, and I followed him closely.

After reaching the fifth floor, he took two steps back and kicked the door open.

There were no lights in the room, it was dark and smelled of medicine.

I turned on the light and saw two people in the room.

There was an ugly old woman with no nose and a crooked mouth, and there was also a fat man lying on the bed.

A bright yellow Taoist robe hangs in front of the bed.

It's that Taoist priest!

The old woman was neither busy nor fussy. She lowered her head and covered the fat Taoist priest with a quilt without saying a word.

"You have a tin nose?" Tian Sanjiu walked in and asked.


The fat Taoist priest turned pale and laughed twice: "Yes, I am the real tin nose. What do you want?"

"Tell me about it."

Tian Sanjiu pulled up a chair, sat down and asked.

The fat Taoist priest lying on the bed looked at the top of the bed and said, "What do you want to ask? I tell you, those people are all my adopted disciples and have no direct relationship with this matter."

Tian Sanjiu nodded and asked, "I promise you won't touch them. Who is the second fat man?"

"He is my adopted disciple."

"Who is Tang Gui?"


"Who made the head?"

"I did it."

After answering this, the fat Taoist suddenly lay down on the bed and shook his head and said: "Even if all four of us die, as long as the boss is still there, someone will replace us in two years at most. It will always be like this..."


Tian Sanjiu stood up and asked me: "Do you have anything to ask?"

I asked two questions, what was in the tomb of the Warring States Period and who was the self-harming snake? These two questions were very important, but the fat Taoist priest didn't say anything. He just smiled and shook his head.

When I pulled back the sheets, I discovered that the fat Taoist priest was completely missing from his knees, as if he had been chopped with a kitchen knife, and was wrapped tightly in rags.

Covering his head with the quilt, Tian Sanjiu grabbed the shotgun and fired twice.

The blood slowly stained the bedding red.

I saw that the disabled old woman without a nose seemed to be crying.

Tian Sanjiu pointed the gun at her head again.

"Tian..." I continued.

Tian Sanjiu smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I don't mean what I say."


The old woman's blood splattered on his forehead.

Then the old woman lay on the bed and stopped moving.

Before it was over, Tian Sanjiu drove a dozen disfigured and disabled people into the house, tied their hands and feet, and stabbed them all.

After going downstairs, smoke started to appear on the fifth floor. Tian Sanjiu put on a mask, looked upstairs and said, "There are only two people left now."

Tin Nose is dead, and I have figured out some things.

This man has taken in many disfigured freak apprentices, including fake Tang Gui, fake Uncle Xue, and fake Er Fatty, including the old man at the entrance of the village, but I didn’t see a three-eyed toad in the house, so I don’t know where this thing is.

"It's on fire! It's on fire!"

The fire was so intense that someone in the building next door noticed it and yelled, calling the fire brigade quickly.

"Brother Tian, ​​let's withdraw first."


"Don't take the train, drive. Be careful when you get back. Someone will give you money next week."

"I know, don't worry."

In the night, the Jinbei car slowly drove away. Tian Sanjiu and I got on the jeep and left the county.

Seeing more than a dozen people burned to death with my own eyes, I was deeply shocked. Either I was overflowing with sympathy or, as a normal person, I couldn't relax.

Tian Sanjiu turned on the radio in the car, and a gentle female voice came from the radio, as if she was reading an anonymous confession letter, accompanied by soothing music, which was more popular at that time.

"What? Are you scared?"

I didn't reply.

He seemed to be inspired by this, smiled, drove the car and said, "There are good people and bad people, good people and bad people. Do you know who I am?"

I said I don't know.

He said calmly: "I can see myself clearly. I am the worst of the bad."

I couldn't help it anymore. I said you have killed so many people. Are you really not afraid?


Tian Sanjiu turned to look at me: "Have you ever seen me scared?"

After a pause, he said: "Xiao Xiang, let's make an agreement."

"What's the agreement?"

He said: "If one day I fail, if you get mixed up at that time, you will help Xiao Luo and help her leave this industry."

I said yes, as long as I have that much ability.

"Wang Xiansheng trained you so well, you have the opportunity to grow up. Besides, you are different from me. You are a bad person, but you will never become a bad person."

The two of us did not go back to Jiang Village, but returned to Tianguangdong Village in the early morning.

Parking the jeep at the entrance of the village, I followed him up the mountain because he got the news that Red Eyes woke up last night.

There were only two people in the cave, a little girl and the other with red eyes. The little girl told me that everyone else had gone down.

"Tianbao, do you know me? What do you think?"

The red eyes were very happy to see Tian Sanjiu and kept nodding.

"Good boy, haha, as long as you don't become a vegetative state, if you become a vegetative state, your Aunt Luo will probably beat me."

He left his head here for two sick days. The younger sister had just had an operation. She was injured a little after the fight with Dragon Monkey that day, so Ah Chun asked her to stay and take care of her red eyes.

There was almost no food in the cave. After so many days of consumption, there was still some left. Later, I was taken down again. I thought about going back and getting some food from the mountain. In addition, I wanted to take a look at the kang cave.

Bronze inside.

One more thing, my notes and some other things are still in the house.

It's only six o'clock in the morning, there should be no one outside in the village, and it won't attract anyone's attention.

After going down the mountain and entering the village, I opened the door, looked around, and ducked into the courtyard.

Go directly to the east room, everything in the room is as before.

I first looked at the two bags of bronzes hidden in the kang hole. They were fine. Then I dug out my bag from under the bed. Everything was still there, including the notes Mr. Wu gave me.

I ran to the kitchen and grabbed some edible things, put them in my bag and zipped it up. I picked up my bag and walked out.

"Hey, Brother Xiang, when did you come back?"

I was locking the door when suddenly someone called me from behind.

"Xiao Tang? Why did you get up so early?" I deliberately pretended to be expressionless.

Xiao Tang, wearing a school uniform and a ponytail, said, "I'm going to help pick someone up. The taxi said it would arrive at half past six."

"Taxi? What taxi? Who are you picking up?"

"Grandma Yapo, she has been discharged from the hospital. Sister Xiaoyun is gone and there is no one to help. I will help get the things."

"Ya Po has been discharged from the hospital?"


I was carrying my bag and didn't know what was going on, so I suddenly asked.

"Xiao Tang, do you like snakes?"

This chapter has been completed!
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