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Chapter 95 The Secret of the Female Village Doctor

There are all kinds of strange things in the world. The key is whether you can encounter them. If you encounter them, you will be unlucky. Just like some people can choke to death when they drink water.

Tang Gui's wife behaves strangely and has a tendency to expose herself. She is a lunatic and mentally ill. How could a normal person guess what a lunatic would do?

Master Ji is over seventy, almost eighty. If you ask him to do a directional blast, there will be no problem at all, but he is indeed not as strong as Tang Gui's wife.

I thought about that scene in my mind.

Tang Gui's wife dragged Master Ji into the woods. The old man struggled desperately, but Tang Gui's wife held down his hands and feet, took off his pants, and struggled again. As a result, his face was scratched several times with bloody marks.


Everyone around him knew it. Although he cared on the surface, someone must be laughing at him secretly. This feeling must be very bad. This is not the old man being happy, but the old man crying.

Tian Sanjiu worked very efficiently. As soon as the weather cleared, he drove the jeep and brought the female doctor back. She was not dead, but she suffered severe trauma. The back of her head was covered in blood. The blood dried and her hair was all knotted.

After carrying the female village doctor onto the bus and closing the curtain, Tian Sanjiu asked someone to bring a bucket of cold water, took a scoop of cold water, and splashed it on the woman's face.

The female village doctor opened her mouth and had a slight reaction.

After pouring a few more ladles of water on her face, after waiting for a minute or two, the woman coughed and opened her eyes a little.

"You all go down and look around."

Tian Sanjiu waved his hand, and others got off the bus one after another. On Nuo Da's bus, there were only three people left on Nuo Da's bus: Tian Sanjiu, me, Master Ji, and the female village doctor A Fang who had just woken up.

"You...who are you...I...where am I..."

The female village doctor was very weak when she opened her eyes, her speech was weak, and her hair was wet and dripping.

Tian Sanjiu wiped her face with a towel and asked expressionlessly: "You are not the boss of the five ugly men. Tell me, is the one nicknamed Self-Injury Snake a boy or a girl? How old is he and who is he?"

"I...I don't know what you said, I...I want to go home."

I immediately said: "Tian Boss, she is lying. She must have seen a self-harming snake, and she must know something."

Tian Sanjiu frowned and rubbed his temples, waving his hand to signal me not to speak.

"I heard someone say your name is A Fang, right? My name is Tian Sanjiu. Let me advise you. I hope you can listen to me and say it."

The female village doctor still said weakly, "I don't know you and I don't understand what you are talking about."

As soon as she finished saying this, Tian Sanjiu took out a vise and clamped her little finger.

A scream! The nail of this woman's little finger was pulled out.

"I'm asking..."


"Haha...haha," the female village doctor gasped, changed her face, and said viciously: "Even if I die, I won't say anything. That is my God. God can give me everything I want."


"He will come to you soon, ha, ha, ha."

Tian Sanjiu wiped the saliva on his face and said, "A person may not be afraid of pain or death, but there will also be things he is afraid of."

"You have a younger brother who bought a house in the county with a loan and just got married this year."

When she heard about his brother, the female village doctor immediately struggled and shouted, reaching out to scratch Tian Sanjiu's face.

Tian Sanjiu grabbed her wrist, slowly pressed it down, and said with a cold face: "My people are already on the way, and they are expected to arrive. You have ten minutes to ask me to stop. I will find your brother and cut off his hands and hamstrings."

, throw him out onto the street begging for food.”

"I said...I said..."

"Tell me, who is the self-harming snake?"

"I, I haven't seen it. It just called me a few times and asked me to take a medicine. It said that as long as I take the medicine for two months, I can join them and become one of the new five ugly people.

What? What."

"One of the New Five Ugly..."

Tian Sanjiu frowned and asked, "So, is this person a boy or a girl?"

The female village doctor shook her head: "I told you, I haven't seen it before. Its voice was deliberately disguised so that I couldn't hear it. The pills were hidden under a tree in Guizailing. I went to get them back myself."

"So, you haven't told me anything useful. Your brother..."


"Yes! I also know other secrets!"

"Don't touch my brother! I tell you!"

"Oh? Tell me."

Next, the female village doctor said a few words intermittently.

Not only Tian Sanjiu, I was also shocked when I heard it!

I asked: "How did you know about this? Where did you know about it?"

She said: "I went to college and was born and raised in Daoxian County. Since I learned about the existence of five ugly people, I have done a lot of research and I discovered this incident by accident.

I summarized what she said into two things.

First, the "Self-Injury Snake" wants to find someone to be its new five ugly people. Taking that pill is a test and takes two months. If everything is normal and the person is not crazy, he is qualified to be its subordinate.

In other words, Tang Gui's wife may have had the same experience. She failed the test and took pills for a period of time, and the side effects made her crazy.

There is another thing that I never thought of before.

Shehuo Wuchou was founded in the late Qing Dynasty, at the same time as the Changchun Society. They were five people.

The temple attendant Yapo in Tianguangdong Village has been passed down to the fifth generation today.

Yapas once told me personally that in addition to each of the five generations of Yapas, including Grandma Xiao Tang, having a small piece of cloth, there is also a "yellow talisman paper" circulated among Yapas.

Grandma Xiao Tang believed deeply in this yellow talisman. She believed that if she visited the temple girl's family, a person would be a dragon or a phoenix within three generations. In order to make Xiao Tang the winner, she would do whatever it took, even to harm Ya Po's family.

The female village doctor is a native of Tianguangdong Village. When she was a child, she knew that there was such a talisman between her teeth. After investigation, she believed that the talisman might not have been drawn by Chen Meiqing.

It may be that the five ugly men of the previous generation deliberately left it to the temple maidens, and left behind the saying "a dragon and a phoenix among men".

The female village doctor said that she had asked many elderly people in the village about the old Yapa. Almost every one or two generations, something happened to the children of the younger generation in the family. Some people drowned accidentally, burned to death accidentally, fell to death...

After Xiaoyun's death, it seems that only Xiaotang is left among the descendants of the Yabos.

Some things cannot be verified because it has been too long.

If the secret told by the female village doctor is true, and she drew a "snake-killing picture" on the little cloth with a toothpa on it, you can boldly guess that during the Guangxu period, in this Tianguangdong village, Wuchou and Chen Meiqing

There have been confrontations.

Chen Meiqing considers herself a descendant of Chen Hugong. If the Five Chou wanted to rob the tomb at that time, then she might be the tomb guard. I don’t believe that anyone could open the seven-door Vajra Gate that could not be opened even with nitroglycerin.

There was silence in the car for a long time.

Tian Sanjiu slowly exhaled a puff of smoke and said: "I didn't expect things to be so complicated before I came here."

"The king said he was confident this time. I hope he can bring good news as soon as possible."

Opening the bus curtains, a ray of morning light shone on Tian Sanjiu's face.

This chapter has been completed!
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