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Chapter 5

That night, four more people came to the hotel one after another, a total of three men and one woman.

The woman is in charge of our logistics, she is in her thirties, her smile is a bit coquettish, and she has a black mole under her eyes. There is a nickname in the industry, called a mole. Later, I heard someone say that the target of a mole is on the fourth floor.

I slept with a hundred men before I was ten years old.

"Hey, there's a newcomer here again. This one is too small. I just don't know if it's small down there..." A mole looked at me with a smile and said.

"Okay, okay, Xiaohong, please don't scare him. This kid is young and has a lot of energy. He might be able to become a talented person after two years of training." Wang Tuotou helped me out.

Those three men are brothers, all surnamed Sun. In order of age, they are the eldest Sun, the second eldest Sun, and the third eldest Sun.

Wang Baotou said that Sun Laoer and Sun Laosan were well-known, and they could do tricks with the Luoyang shovel, and they also had a unique skill of exploring the earth with a flying needle, especially in deep pits, and they had rich experience.

Mr. Sun has two jobs, one as a salesman and one as a salesman. The first impression this man gave me was that he was calm and honest. It was only later that I learned that people who are more honest on the surface are smart in their hearts, and they keep an eye on the road and listen to the directions.

If there is an emergency, you can take care of things.

To the southwest of Shunfeng Mountain Park in Shunde, there is a small ravine, which the locals call Fei Mo Mountain. The boss said that the big hole is halfway up the mountain.

I asked him at that time: "Botou, how did you know there was a big hole halfway up the mountain?"

The old man blew out a smoke ring on his head and told me with squinted eyes: "Yunfeng, there are locks and horizontal fences, and they are clearly located on both sides, high mountains and flat caves, and large burial pits."

I was confused when I heard it. I felt like Wang was talking about tongue twisters and I couldn't understand it at all.

Later, when I memorized the Burial Sutra, Wang Baotou passed on his experience of finding dragons and acupuncture points to me. Only then did I realize that Wang Baotou’s four short sentences really fully demonstrated the Feng Shui advantages of Fei Mo Mountain.

That night, at around one o'clock in the morning, a few of us carried big bags and reached the middle of Moth Mountain.

Looking at an old fir tree, he stamped his head and said excitedly: "Lao Er Lao San, that's it. Take a sample first to taste the saltiness. If there are stones, I'll needle it!"

Sun Laoer nodded and pressed the small intercom on his shoulder: "Boss, are you ready to eat? Are there any guests around?"

As soon as the red light on the intercom came on, Boss Sun's deep voice came, "It's calm, let's turn on the fire and cook."

Knowing that there was no one around, Sun Laoer's eyes flashed with excitement.

He took off his backpack and took out a short stick and finally a half-circle shovel with an elbow.

Wang turned his head and said to me: "Yunfeng, this is the guy we eat with. Times are progressing now, and we have to keep up with the times. The Luoyang shovel is used to make split casings. When you put it in the bag, no one can see it.


Click, click, click. Sun Laoer skillfully picked up the Luoyang shovel. The connected Luoyang shovel was very long, about 1 meter away.

"Second brother, this is a deep pit. Is it long enough? It's not long enough for me to still have it in my bag," Sun Laosan asked.

"Don't panic, third brother. It won't be fun if it grows too long. Let's take a look at the structure of the soil below and taste the saltiness first."

"Yunfeng, come here and help me hold on," Sun Laoer waved to me.

I hurriedly ran over to help him hold the Luoyang shovel, and then Sun Laoer unbuttoned his pants, took out his little brother in front of me, and started to drain the water.

After draining the water, he shivered and picked up his pants.

Squatting down, Sun Laoer stared at the place where the water was discharged for a while. Then he frowned and said, "No, there are rocks down here. We have to shovel at another point."

"Xiaoyunfeng, it's right under your feet, soak in the water now."

Although I didn't understand it, I still did it, so I started to release the water.

"Haha," Sun Laoer said with a smile, "This young man is full of energy and energy! Look at his urine."

He stared at the ground where I put the water for two minutes. Sun Laoer nodded, "This is the spot, there are few rocks down there, let's start drying!"

His hands were extremely strong, and he could shovel down ten centimeters with one shovel. Luoyang kept shoveling away dirt.

After more than half of the shovel was removed, I found that the color of the soil that came out had changed a bit, becoming a bit darker.

I asked: "Second brother, look quickly, the mud has turned black, has it reached the ground?"

"Good morning, this kind of black soil is not what we want. It is a fertilizer layer of rotten tree roots and is useless."

The hole was explored deeper and deeper.

"Damn, that's awesome, the pole is not enough, Third Brother! Extend it!"

As the shaft lengthens, the Luoyang shovel continues to reach down.

An hour later, the shovel brought out a layer of white soil, with some green soil attached underneath.

Sun Laoer sniffed the soil and suddenly became excited.

"Fuck! King Boss! This guy Yunfeng is a lucky star! I haven't seen such a big pit in two years!"

"The shovel hit the rammed soil layer, and the white mud was connected to the green mud!"

"Either a noble of the Western Zhou Dynasty! Or a small prince!"

"We're going to send it out!"

"Shh! Second brother, please keep your voice down," Sun Laosan reminded with a frown.

Sun Laoer, however, looked unconcerned. He waved his hand and said, "It's mainly because I haven't seen green and white hair in a few years. I hope it's a new pot."

The meaning of "new pot" is that the tomb has not been robbed before and is fresh. Only by doing this once can you make a fortune.

The boss said quietly at this time: "It's all a matter of luck. Even if it's a leftover pot, as long as there are two pieces of meat in it, our trip is not in vain."

"This is a pit in the Western Zhou Dynasty. What if a Four-Yang Fang Zun or a Bronze Blood Fang Rei comes out of it?"

"Haha, you have the guts to think about it. If something like that really comes out, we won't dare to sell it. We will be investigated and killed." After Sun Laoer said this, he pressed the intercom again and said: "Boss,

The boss said that there is Siyang Fangzun in this tomb, do you have a way to take action?"

The red light on the walkie-talkie turned on, and a burst of radio waves came.

"Fang Zun, what the heck! I don't want to be shot yet, so hurry up and get to work!"

The Sun brothers are famous because of their real skills. Through the structure of the shovelful soil, they can probably picture the situation of the big pit below in their minds.

Due to the age, such tombs generally have cave-ins. If you want to dig straight to the main tomb chamber with your eyes closed, it is basically a fantasy. You may dig further and further away, and eventually miss the funerary objects.


Therefore, it is the safest way to dig down along the top of the tomb passage and then choose whether to go to the ear chamber or the main chamber.

The second and third sons went into battle together, and along with the cyclone shovel excavation, it was time for me to go out to work.

My job is to scatter soil, but not all soil is scattered. Otherwise, the cave is more than ten meters deep, and I would not be able to carry so much soil.

The soil that is the same color as the surrounding soil is basically scattered in place, and it is basically invisible. The soil I am responsible for scattering is the soil dug up from the rammed soil layer, which is the white soil and green soil.

Because the green paste and white paste were mixed with the soil, the color difference was too obvious, so I needed to spread this part of the soil around without leaving any traces on the spot.

There are people farming everywhere in this mountain. They dare not throw away the green and white soil brought up by the cyclone shovel. They can only pile it aside first and wait for it to be disposed of when it is almost dawn.

This chapter has been completed!
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