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Chapter 150

"Hey, Brother Tian, ​​it's me, Yunfeng."

There was a sound of running water on the other end of the phone, and he was probably washing his feet.

Tian Sanjiu has two small hobbies, one is soaking feet in hot water, and the other is burning people with cigarette butts.

"Brother Tian, ​​I should have told you about the plan in general, right?" I asked.

The other person rubbed his feet and said, "You mean... you spend money first to buy some antiques from me, and after a while, return them to me intact, and finally I will return the money to you."

"Yes! Yes, Brother Tian! That's it." I said.

"Is there something wrong with you?" he scolded me.

I hurriedly said: "Brother Tian, ​​tell me this is a money laundering method. As long as you and I don't tell, no one will be able to find out. I will return the things to you when you get over the current difficulty."

"What, are you ready to go in?"

"No, I'm fine, how could I go in?"

The other party was silent for a few minutes, then suddenly laughed and said: "It seems that Wang Xiansheng's idea is to bring trouble to Shuidong and lure him to me. Tell him that I am going back to accompany Xiao Luo and let me be clean for two days."


He hung up immediately.

I tried calling, but they just didn't answer the call.

There was the sound of sparse running water outside the house. I opened the curtains and it turned out that it was raining.

It was raining heavily, and the light was on at the door. I was sitting on a small bench, staring at the rainy night in a daze.

I walked over, feeling a little depressed and a little angry and said, "Tian Tian saw my head and said I was sick."


I quickly took out the fire and lit the cigarette on my head.


"Yunfeng, look here."

He suddenly pointed his head at his feet to show me,

At his feet, the rainwater gathered into a small river, and a green leaf floated in the water, drifting with the current.

"What's wrong?"

"You are taking a closer look."

I looked again and found that there was a big-headed ant struggling desperately in the water, but no matter how hard the big-headed ant struggled, it was slowly washed away by the rain.

He stretched out his head with a finger and gently pushed the big-headed ant onto the leaf.

Then, the big-headed ant lay on the leaves, hit the corner, turned a corner, and floated away with the current.

The head said: "Yunfeng, in fact, we are just this ant. We came out to look for food, but accidentally encountered a rainy day. If we can't climb up, we will eventually be drowned outside and never see our family again."

After hearing this, I was thoughtful and asked, "What if you don't come out?"

He flicked the cigarette butt into the water and said with a smile: "If we don't come out, we will starve to death. We have no choice."

"Do you understand?"


"when to go."

"Get ready to leave now, I'll change into a pair of sandals."


Three and a half hours later.

Wearing a raincoat, I arrived at the bank of the Min River alone. There was a lion's head on the railing, and the address sent by Qin Kuding told me to wait here.

The Minjiang River in front of me was dark, and I could hear the sound of wind and the sound of rain falling from the sky into the river.

At this time, an old man's shout suddenly came from under the railing.

"Young man, the puppet finds the way!"

I rushed down and shouted: "Four Seasons Changchun!"

This was the connection code given to me by the woman named Xiaofang. The old man was holding a flashlight, riding a raincoat, standing on a small boat and waving to me.

This boat is really too small, only about one meter long and dozens of centimeters wide. It would be difficult for two people to stand on it.

There is a name for this small boat, "Minjiang Bird Boat," which means it is as small as a sparrow.

I was afraid of falling into the river, so I sat down and asked, "Uncle, how can you row a boat without an oar?"

The old man and I sat down together. He didn't rush to reply. He just knocked the hull of the boat twice with a wooden stick, bang bang bang.

The next second.

I was shocked to find that the boat actually started to move away on its own!


No, this bird boat is not as big as a propeller. Where can it get the electric power?

I curiously looked into the water, and vaguely saw that there seemed to be two people underwater, one on the left and one on the right, pushing our boat forward.

The old man called me and said, "Young man, don't watch it. Watching too much will not be good for you. This is the water monkey of our puppet society."

"Water monkey? Is this a human being?" I said.

The old man is not talking.

I floated on the river in a bird boat for more than an hour. After docking, I saw the outline of an ancient building complex in the distance.

The old man rowing the boat told me that this is the local Mingcui Pavilion, also called Guanyin Tower. The one on the west side has been designated as a tourist attraction. The east side has remained in its original state. There are still some real monks and monks living there. The one we went to is the east side.


As he got closer, the old man waved his flashlight a few times.

Immediately, someone in the attic also waved a flashlight.

I saw from a distance that there was a dark figure standing there to greet me not far away, the figure looked like a woman.

I walked over step by step, got closer, and saw clearly.

She looked at me and I looked at her.

"Sister Hong!"

"Sister Hong!"

I threw my flashlight and rushed over!

I ran so fast that I didn't even notice that my raincoat fell off.

Sister Hong looked at me with a smile on her face and opened her hands.

I hugged her!

Real touch, body temperature, softness.

"Sister Hong! Is it you? Sister Hong! Is it you!"

Sister Hong has lost weight, her hair is shorter, the heavy makeup on her face is gone, and her earrings are gone.

Instead, she looked clean and simple, just wearing a pair of clean jeans and a white shirt. The previous perfume smell on her body was gone, but there was a faint body fragrance.

Sister Hong patted my back, and I slowly let go.

She looked up at me and said with a smile on her face: "Yunfeng, you have grown taller and you don't look like a child anymore. Look at your beard, it hurts my hands." Sister Hong touched my chin.

I hugged Sister Hong and spun her around, and she shouted to put me down quickly while others watched.

There are so many things I want to say, but when the words come to my mouth, I stutter a little.

"Hong...Sister Hong, where have you been for so long? Where have you been?"

Sister Hong held my hand, her eyes complicated: "For some reason, I haven't been able to contact you. Ms. Zhao found someone to help me cure Zhierjin. I followed her because we have the same goal."

"Which target?"

"Hiss...it hurts."

Sister Hong pinched my face hard and said with a smile: "You have become bad now. You are no longer the innocent little Yunfeng in Shunde."

I was just so happy to see her again, so how could I not know Sister Hong’s goal?

Sister Hong has two goals.

One is to sleep with 100 men before the age of 40.

The second is to save up 300 million yuan, hire some people, find a few old immortals in the Changchun Society, and avenge her father Chen Xiaohei. The goal she mentioned is the same, and of course it is the second one.

"Sister Hong, why did you sell me?"

"I'm here to save you, because we all need support."

"Don't talk about this yet, Yunfeng, don't make any wild hopes after entering, and don't raise your head when you see Ms. Zhao. Is that clear?"

I nodded and said I knew.


When we arrived at the door, we were blocked by four burly, bald men. I had seen them once before.

"Please give way."

Sister Hong showed them a bronze sign, and then the four people got out of the way.

Sister Hong introduced in a low voice: "Yunfeng, Ms. Zhao is always protected by Da Diao Ke. Da Diao Ke is the top master. Those four bald men just now, don't provoke them when you see them in the future. Be careful."


"Is it Chen Hong? Someone brought it?"

Seeing the visitor, Sister Hong immediately said respectfully: "Wu Diaoke, I brought him."

This is a man, in his forties, sitting on the stone steps at the door smoking.

This man's right ear was missing and was made into the shape of an ear with gold.

He turned his head, and the golden light reflected from his right ear made people want to bite it.

This chapter has been completed!
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