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Chapter 157 Before the Burial

"Bumping into the grave" is also called bumping into the grave, which means that the old grave meets the new grave, and the old coffin meets the new coffin.

A man bumps into a man, a woman bumps into a woman, and a man and a woman harm their luck and wealth.

If the dead people in both coffins are men, then it is a male-male collision. The saying is that if it is not handled properly, the descendants of the new owner of the grave will be extinct.

If they are all girls, and girls touch girls, the offspring of boys under the age of 18 may suffer from hysteria, or they may fall in love impulsively and commit suicide.

If there is a man and a woman, it will damage the financial fortune of the person who sees the coffin, which means losing money or losing money in a short period of time. Anyway, "hitting the tomb" is not good.

I remember that the old man who died in the village was called Grandma Li. She was a good person who had never done any bad things in her life. She was 83 years old. She had no illness or disaster. She really fell asleep at night.

This is called "happy mourning" in the local area. There is no need to greet the host. Many people voluntarily go to the house to help in order to feel happy.

The old man just died. After reading the Feng Shui, the gentleman decided to place the burial place on top of the earth bag of the reservoir. The burial time set at that time was three days later, that is, the morning of the day after tomorrow, between 10:40 and 11:40.

Cannot exceed 12 noon.

I was thinking at night, should I do it or not?

I don’t have enough time to do it, and besides, I’m the only one with no one to help me.

But if I don't do it, I will feel uncomfortable all over.

Pretending to be worried, I tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, and before I knew it, it was dawn.

The next afternoon, I followed two aunts in white clothes with white cloth strips tied on their heads from a distance.

"Who are you? Why are you following us?" The aunt found out and turned around to ask.

"No, I didn't follow you."

She glanced at me suspiciously and quickened her pace.

I also quickened my pace and continued to follow.

When we arrived at Nai Li's house, there were light bulbs hanging on the trees and many people gathered around the door, both men and women. The elders were all busy in the house, and the younger ones were all in groups, smoking and chatting outside the house.

"Brother, here you go."

"You are..." This person took my cigarette.

"A distant cousin just arrived."

"By the way, is the gentleman who showed us Feng Shui to choose the location for Mrs. Li, is he in the house?" I asked.


I reached out to help him light his cigarette, but he lowered his head and hurriedly blocked the wind with his hands.


"Sir, here we are. Not long after we entered, the guy with no hair on his head is named Song."

"Hey? I'm from the same family, but I don't seem to know you? Which distant relative are you?"

I said, I am the nephew of our aunt’s husband’s second brother’s uncle.

Walking in from the door is a small courtyard with a small area. There is a large steamer in the courtyard, and four or five women wearing aprons are pressing dough with rolling pins. This is food prepared for the people who will help tomorrow morning.

No one asked me what I did.

After walking through the small courtyard and entering the inner room, I saw four people standing in a row inside the room, two men and two women, wearing linen and mourning and all dressed in white.

The fat woman standing in the middle is holding a black and white photo in her hand. In the photo, Grandma Li has a blue cloth wrapped around her head and a kind smile on her face.

There was a bald man, about fifty years old, holding a gong in his hand. He struck the gong after saying a few words.

As soon as the gong was struck, the four people laughed.

Especially the fat woman holding the photo, the smile on her face is worse than crying.

After a few minutes, the bald man put down his gong and came out to pour water.

I hurriedly went over and asked, "Is this Mr. Song?"

"What are you doing?" he asked while pouring water.

I said directly: "Mr. Song, I am a distant relative of Grandma Li. I just came here. I see that the feng shui of that place is not very good..."

"Oh? Do you know Feng Shui?"

"No, it's just a hobby, like blind research."

"Tell me."

The bald man took a sip of water and looked at me with interest.

I thought about it and said cryptically: "I think... it would be better to live in a new house."

"Haha, it's not easy, young man, have you ever been a master before?"

"No." I shook my head.

He smiled and said: "Nai Li was kind to me in the early years. I, Song Wang, have been helping people look after the ghost house for thirty years. How could I harm their family's descendants? Since you can see it, it means you have this knowledge. Don't worry, I

It is based on Feng Shui and adapted to local conditions, which is good for their family."

After just a few words of conversation, I knew that this person was a specialist in visiting charnel houses and was a folk expert, so I asked him how to adapt to local conditions.

He sipped his saliva, looked at me and said: "The so-called feng shui changes. This year, when I come to your house, I am not a family, and I don't enter the same house. I can't say more. Since you know a little bit about this knowledge, you will know when you come and take a look tomorrow.


"Really...can Mr. Song tell fortunes and read fortunes?" I asked him instead.

He shook his head and said seriously: "Anyone who eats the food of the dead can't do the work of a living person. If you know how to do everything, you are a liar. I, Song Wang, only help the dead look at tomb sites, move coffins and graves, and don't know how to do any work."

Human faces.”

I thought to myself: "That's good, I'm afraid you can tell from my face that I'm a tomb robber."

Everyone, Feng Shui is useful, not useless. Things that have been passed down for thousands of years cannot be beaten to death with a stick under the excuse of feudal superstition. I have met many people in this field. Just looking at the ancestral tombs and shady houses, this bald man

Song Wang's ability is one of the best. This person can change his career to become a tomb robber. There will definitely be many people asking him to be the leader.

This is a typical folk Feng Shui bureau that takes advantage of the situation. It is based on the folk customs of Fujian. The customs are adapted to local conditions. The new graves will overwhelm the old graves, and the coffins will not be seen when the tombs are bumped. It is very powerful. I will tell you how to do it in detail.

On the morning of the burial, I came again.

The road from Li Nai's house to the reservoir is not very close, it is mostly uphill mountain roads. When I arrived, a group of people were carrying the coffin out of the house.

Individuals carried the coffin with poles. At the front were two strong men. The strong man on the right had his trouser legs rolled up and a cigarette in his mouth. The man on the left held a plate of red rope in his hand. They held on to the door frame and walked out.

Mr. Song came out to say hello: "Let me, let me, take the pot on the floor."

A woman quickly took the pot away.

Then, Mr. Song, holding a small gong in his hand, ran quickly to the door, banged the gong loudly, and shouted outside the door: "Carry the coffin up the mountain! It's time for a funeral!"

Upon hearing the shouting, the gongs and drums team that had been waiting at the door immediately beat the drums. There was a big sister holding a large saxophone, her cheeks trembled, and she started playing hard.

The coffin was carried on a large pole, the family members wore sackcloth and mourned, and paper money was scattered along the way.

Because it was a funeral, no one in the team cried, everyone was talking and laughing.

Those of you who are older in rural areas in Guizhou, Fujian and in the mountains may have seen the scene I mentioned.

The difference between here and the north is the coffin. Here, when the elderly are mourning, they use a large lacquered red coffin. A plush red carpet is laid on the red coffin. The blanket is covered on the coffin lid, and all the long tassels are hung down.

It's down, it's very beautiful.

I checked the time and saw that after carrying the coffin out at around 8 o'clock, they did not go directly up the mountain to the reservoir. They carried the coffin and went to a bridge first.

On the bridge, the strong men carrying the coffin were divided into two groups. They grabbed the poles and pushed each other hard, while shouting loudly and weirdly, just like the bottom cow game. The coffin moved to the left and then to the left between the bridges.


I didn't see the prodigal son in the crowd, but I met Er Pengju. I asked him in a low voice what he was doing.

Er Pengju pointed to the bridge and talked for two minutes.

He was slow-minded and couldn't speak clearly. I guessed that the purpose of doing this was to finally express his reluctance to the deceased.

At nine o'clock in the morning, it was finally time to go up the mountain.

This chapter has been completed!
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