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Chapter 179

"Your surname is Xiang? Xiang Yunfeng, right?"

I nodded repeatedly and said yes.

He pointed to the ceiling with a smile and said: "I hope that the next conversation between the two of us will only be known by heaven and earth, and by you and me."

"I still have time, so I'll tell you."

"Our Changchun Association was established in Jinan in 1903. The first president was my great-grandfather Shi Yuquan, and the vice president was Du Taihai. You should have heard that Zheng Hui, who just passed away a few days ago, was the first vice president.


"I remember when I was a child, my grandfather said that we are in a new society and we have grown too big. The Changchun Society used to be a self-help organization for folk artists and an artist union during the Republic of China."

"Now, it has deviated from the original intention of the Changchun Society when it was founded. If it continues to exist, it will not be beneficial to the new society, so it should be disbanded."

"Since my grandfather had the idea of ​​disbanding, there have been major differences in the meeting. In 1988, the differences broke out. In the end, Zheng Hui and his group won."

"So as rumored by the outside world, the president of the Changchun Association does not have as much power as the vice president."

I was on pins and needles, not knowing why he was talking about this.

He took a sip of tea, put down the cup gently and said: "The Changchun Society should be named Shi, not Zheng. I am about to change this situation."

"Are you a fourth-level Kudin now?"

I nodded.

He played with the teacup in his hand and said casually: "I will secretly help you reach level five. Once you reach level five, you will be able to access some core information. For example, the old witch's puppets will be in a certain city. The most profitable industry is

What, who is secretly in charge of these industries, is it a man or a woman, what is it called, etc."

"When the time comes, just write a few lists and give them to me."

My face turned pale when I heard these words!

I knew it!

If someone takes the initiative to pay for me, there is nothing like this in the world!

If Zhao Qingwan catches me, he will definitely skin me!

I forced a smile on my face:

"Well...I'll give you back the money you paid, and you can find someone else to do it. Haha, I can't do it. I have no brains, I'm stupid, and I can't do it well."

After hearing this, he shook his head and said, "I never threaten others. My friend, it's okay if you don't do it. You can leave now."

"I'm leaving?"

He nodded and pointed to the door.

I walked directly over, fearing that he would regret it and wanted to leave quickly, not wanting to stay here any longer.

Just as he was about to go out, he heard another voice behind him: "Friend, of course you can go, but I just forgot to say something."

"In your small team of tomb robbers, there is a girl from Hong Kong. She is very beautiful."

I stopped and clenched my fists little by little.

Slowly turning back, I gritted my teeth and said word by word: "Listen, I don't care who you are or what your status is. If you dare to appear next to her, I will bury you in the ground with my own hands."

"Oh, look at you."

He said with a smile on his face: "I just complimented that girl on her beauty, don't think too much and don't be nervous."

"Think carefully about what I said, and I won't let you have a midnight snack together."

I took a deep look at this man, turned around, opened the door and went downstairs.

I want to live a simple life and live.

But no, sometimes if you don't cause trouble, trouble will always come to you one after another.

I was holding my breath in my heart.

Anger! Resentment!

I'm like a deflated rubber ball, thrown into a pile of good balls and no one is watching, but some people just like to pick me out and kick me here and there.

And these people have never considered the feeling of the ball.

Did I fucking let you kick me!

Return to the disco and slam open the box door!

This movement startled the bald man who was singing.

"Hey! What's wrong, brother? Your face is so dark?"

The bald man winked at the girl in the miniskirt, who immediately ran over, hugged my arm, and whispered: "Boss...why are you so angry? Mi'er, let's have a drink with you."

"Pour the wine."

The girl giggled and poured me a glass.

After taking a sip, I put down the cup and said, "Pour."

"Keep pouring."

The girl in short shorts was stunned, and I grabbed the bottle and poured it myself.

One cup, two cups, three or four cups, five cups, seven cups.

I smoked nearly two bottles in one breath, laughed loudly, grabbed the microphone and howled twice, then got up and left. The bald man's eyes changed when he looked at me, and Mi'er even covered her mouth and said nothing, probably

Think I'm a psycho.

Drinking is a bad thing. When you drink foreign wine, it is like soda. Who knows the backlash, but it is still very powerful.

Feeling dizzy, I saw that the people around me all had three legs and two heads, walking sideways like crabs.

The disco people are even scarier. To me, those people look like soft noodles with no bones, twisting around on the dance floor.

I patted my face hard, took one step at a time, and walked out of the time tunnel.

My last memory is of falling into a lot of oranges, lots and lots of them, and then I have no memory.


When I woke up this time, I had a terrible headache. When I opened my eyes, I saw a white roof.

I sat up from the recliner, yawned, and turned to look around.

The next second, my face turned pale!

Damn it, what idiot sent me to the police station!

One of my shoes is also missing, only one shoe is left!

The clock hanging on the wall says it's about 8 o'clock in the morning.

From time to time, people pass by the corridor with bags, and there are also a few people wearing blue uniforms with epaulettes.

My heart was pounding wildly, like a deer bumping into each other.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to me, I held my shoes and walked out barefoot without saying a word, lowering my head.

"Hey, are you awake?"

I looked back and saw a young policewoman holding a thick stack of paper in her arms. She might be a police officer or something.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for causing you trouble. I'm fine, I'm leaving now."

"You can't leave yet. You don't have a phone or ID card, and I don't even know your name. According to the procedure, we have to make a simple record."

"Officer, did I hit someone while drunk and cause trouble?"

"No, it's just that you slept on the fruit stall and couldn't get up. It didn't cause any actual damage."

"Then there shouldn't be a need to keep a record, right? I haven't committed a crime." I said with a guilty conscience.

The other party shook his head and said: "It's not a transcript, it's a record. A transcript is different from a record. It's very simple. It only takes a few minutes. Come with me."

I was very reluctant in my heart, but I didn't dare to show it on the surface. I had been to the Chaoyang Police Station once before because of a fight in a bar, so I had some experience.

When you come in here, don't say anything, talk less, that's all.

"Wait a moment. Sit here for a few minutes. Someone will come over and take notes for you in a few minutes."

"Okay, okay, you're busy."

After people left, I was ready to find an opportunity to run away.

The recording room was next to the temporary prison cell, and I saw a short-haired young man being locked up inside.

Why is it him?

Isn't this younger brother Ma Fengfeng? What's his name Ma... Ma Jieyuan?

"Hey! Hey! Brother!"

He saw me standing outside, through the iron railing, and waved to me vigorously.


He looked around and asked me: "Brother, are you out of cigarettes? Give me two."

"No." I said coldly.

He became anxious, glared and said, "Why are you so stingy? I'll pay you back when you get out, hurry up!"

I said I really didn’t. (Actually I did)

"Forget it, damn it," he frowned and said, "I don't know what happened this time. My sister hasn't come to see me for three days. Do me a favor and go find my sister. She's on the street.

There are dyed chickens for sale, very easy to find.”

I looked weird and didn't know how to answer his question.

Where should I find it for you?

I have sold your sister.

This chapter has been completed!
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