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Chapter 183 Luoyang returns the duck

I didn't live in Li's house. Mr. Li helped me find a house, and I stayed there alone at night.

The boss arrived at around three o'clock in the afternoon the next day.

We haven’t seen each other for a few months and I miss them very much.

"Haha! Fengzi! I already knew you were destined to die!"

As soon as we met, I put down my bag and Dou Sprout gave me a big hug.

I hugged Xiaoxuan again and asked how you are doing.

"Yunfeng, you seem to have lost weight and your beard has grown." Xiaoxuan let go of her hand, looked up at me and said.

I smiled and said that I had not lost weight, but I had lost weight somewhere. After eating potato stew with toads for two days, I felt like I had gained weight.

Xiaoxuan burst into laughter and asked, "What is potato stew with toads? How do you eat it?"

Seeing Xiaoxuan smile, I was a little distracted for a moment.

As the saying goes, women change ten years and become more and more beautiful. I haven’t seen her for a few months, and I feel that Xiaoxuan has become more beautiful again. She has straightened her hair, short jeans, and a white tank top. Her facial features are exquisite and she looks very youthful.

,very beautiful.

Brother Yu is still the same, with a bald head. Even though we haven't seen him for a few months, his eyebrows have grown out and his face doesn't look so fierce.

Helping carry things, the boss and I talked and went into the house.

Mentioning what he had experienced in the past few months, he raised his head and sighed and said: "In this industry of ours, we are constantly wandering, and sometimes we can't help ourselves. Just stay alive."

After resting for an hour, I carried the cage with my head and went to deliver the duck to Mr. Li. Echo Duck was locked in the cage, with its head drooped, looking a little downcast. From time to time, it turned its head and looked at Brother Yu with its small eyes as big as sesame seeds.

All things have animism, Brother Yu has fed this thing well, and I can see from Brother Yu's eyes that he is reluctant to part with it, but there is no way, in the end, its owner is not us, we are just temporary owners, and we have to return it to others.

Finally, Brother Yu covered it with Sprite and fed the duck some wine.

I don't know if he felt the atmosphere of farewell, but the duck didn't even drink, but just hung his head.

In response, he just shook his head and sighed.


Compared to yesterday's calmness, today is very busy.

There are two clay stoves built with bricks outside Li's courtyard. Many women in the village are helping to wash and chop vegetables. The loudspeakers on the roof are connected to the DVD player, playing "Birds of the Phoenix" loudly.

He held the cage covered with cloth in one hand and took out a thick envelope from his pocket with the other hand and handed it to me.

"Yunfeng, here is three thousand yuan. You can use it as a gift later."

I took it and said yes.

"Look who's here!

"Haha, old friend!"

Mr. Li came over with a rosy face and a new suit of clothes.

They exchanged greetings and entered the house.

He sat down with his head and said, "Brother Li, this is the duck I borrowed from you. Look, it's intact."

The old man lifted up the cloth and took a look and said, "We have known each other for decades, Xian Sheng. I can trust you."

Recalling the trip to Guizailing, did you think that this duck was useless because it was lost early, but was later recovered by chance?

In fact, it did not play a real role under the small pond in Guizailing.

Next year, that is, starting from January 2005, this duck will shine.

From 2005 to 2008, until the end of the Olympic Games, in just three years, this duck made great achievements in the waters of the Minjiang River. It led the way and led people to find ancient shipwrecks. The batch of objects represented by the "Western King Rewarding Merits" gold and copper coins,

This water duck has all the credit behind it.

Some people even ridiculed the duck and gave it several nicknames, hoping to borrow it from him.

Some people even jokingly call it "the first sight of the Minjiang River", "the duck's head", "the king of ducks," and so on.

"Old friend, are you still active in Luoyang this time?" (Activity means tomb robbing.)

He raised his head and took a sip of tea and said, "It depends on the situation. Brother Li, are you still doing secret activities in the past two years?"

Mr. Li shook his head and said: "Old friend, I will never spend all my money until I die. Now I just want to have a great-grandson to enjoy my life."


The old man glanced at me, frowned and knocked on the table and said: "Since the year before last, the situation has changed. It can be said that the situation has become tense. I was almost put on a tag and handcuffed. Old friend, you should know what I said."

The head looked solemn, nodded and said, "I know."

"Well, so, if you want to have an event, I won't participate."

"In addition, after my grandson is busy with his wedding, I will return the 100,000 deposit to you as soon as possible."

"Don't worry," he stood up and said, "Then I wish you, Mr. Li, a great-grandson as soon as possible, and you should be busy first."

After I came out and walked to a place with few people, I asked the leader what he meant by what he just said.

What do you mean, "The situation has changed?" "The situation has changed?"

He glanced at the surrounding villagers who were busy organizing happy events, then frowned and said: "Yunfeng, have you heard that a complete Tang Sancai pottery horse came out of Luoyang the year before last, which is 1.2 meters high and was

4 million was sold abroad."

"What the hell?"

"A three-color horse that's one meter tall!"

What the head said scared me!

This is also too big. The Tang Sancai horses I have seen before, regardless of whether they are good or bad, the largest one is only over 30 centimeters tall.

"Is it real or fake? 1.2 meters? With the craftsmanship conditions of the Tang Dynasty, it is impossible to burn it, right?"

I really don’t know about this, I’ve never heard of it.

He shook his head and said, "They all say so, but the real thing was indeed dug up. This was the 1210 tomb robbery case that happened in Luoyang the year before last."

This tomb robbery case is very complicated, and there are certain aspects involved that I really don’t dare to say more about. The names of the people used next will also be pseudonyms. I hope you understand.

1210 Extraordinary Tomb Robbery Case, 1126 Extraordinary Tomb Robbery Case, 210 Extraordinary Tomb Robbery Case, and 1149 Extraordinary Tomb Robbery Case.

Among them, "Codename 1126", also known as the Liaoning Tomb Robbery Case, I remember the location where it was solved. I said before, it was at the "Tianyi Hotel". Master Yao was framed this time and was betrayed by a man named Guan Jie in the industry.

Tell me first, the masterminds of "1210" are people from this village. Insiders call them the "Four Song Brothers". These Four Song Brothers can also be said to be the "ceiling of Yeluzi."

The brothers Yang Kun and Yang Bin in Xi'an that I know are not good in front of these four people, they are about two levels behind.

How awesome is it?

Let me put it this way, the number of objects sold by the four of them in the past few years is thirty times the number of objects in the Luoyang City Museum!

Do you know what this concept is?

That is counted in "10,000 pieces".

The 1210 case was listed for supervision the year before last, but it has not been completed for more than ten years.

The specific reason is that someone wrote a song and posted it on the Internet, and the reason is all in the lyrics.

You can still find it now. Just go online and listen to it. It’s called “Song of the Luoyang Tomb Robbers.”

I've said too much, don't fucking call me in.

A proverb that every three-year-old child knows, "There is heaven above, and Suzhou and Hangzhou below. You were born in Suzhou and Hangzhou, and you were buried in Beimang."

It is said that Beimang Mountain in the north of Luoyang has good geomantic omen and many ancient tombs. So far, more than 1,900 ancient tombs have been discovered. It is estimated that this number is only one-tenth, and the rest have not yet been discovered.

There are enough ancient tombs in Xi'an, right?

But it's still not as good as here.

If you don’t believe it, let me just tell you a few ancient tombs that have been discovered in Beimang.

The imperial mausoleums include one Eastern Zhou imperial mausoleum, five Eastern Han imperial mausoleums, two Cao Wei imperial mausoleums, five Western Jin imperial mausoleums, one Northern Wei imperial mausoleum, one Later Tang imperial mausoleum, and one Southern Ming imperial mausoleum. Who are buried there? Liu Chan and Meng

Chang, Li Yu!

The feng shui in the mountains here is so good that I want to be buried here after I die.

In addition, I am talking about some people who are usually familiar to everyone and are buried here, such as Su Qin, Zhang Yi, Ban Chao, Lu Buwei, Du Fu, Wang Zhihuan, Yan Zhenqing, Di Renjie, Shi Shouxin, Bai Juyi, Fan Zhongyan, Chu Suiliang, etc., they are all buried here.

Some tombs have been found, but many tombs have not yet been found!

There is this poem from the Tang Dynasty, which says: "There is little idle land at the top of Beimang Mountain, and it is full of old tombs of Luoyang people. Many people buried the old tombs, and there was no place for gold to be piled up."

Precisely because there are countless ancient tombs, this is a holy place for tomb robbers. There are countless masters hidden in various villages. An old man working casually in the fields may be the "leader" of the team.

When we got here, we first wanted to "return the favor", and secondly we gave our heads to old friends to "return the favor" by giving gifts and money. Now we came here just to see if we could "do some activities."

Li Yuanbao, who said that he got married young, will get married tomorrow. With the signal from the boss, I approached him and volunteered to "carry the plate."

Li Yuanbao's wife is very young, I guess she is at least as old as Xiao Tang.

Tomorrow morning we will receive the bride, worship heaven and earth, and have a feast.

At night, it's... "Having fun in the wedding room."

This chapter has been completed!
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