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Chapter 61

Following the path pointed by Sister Hong and walking for dozens of meters with a flashlight, I found a film plastic bag on the ground. There was a trademark on the bag, which was used for quick bread like those on supermarket shelves.

I didn't even look back, frowned and said, "Be careful, Sister Hong, there may be someone nearby."

What's strange is that Sister Hong behind her didn't answer.

"Sister Hong?" I turned my head and looked.

The surrounding light is dark.

There is nothing behind me now, not even a shadow of Sister Hong!

She's gone! She was obviously following me just now!

I ran back and forth and searched around. The more I searched, the more frightened I became. I wanted to shout Sister Hong's name loudly, but I didn't dare because I was afraid that there would be that group of people nearby. The sound transmission effect in a confined space was very strong, so I didn't dare.


I was so nervous that my forehead was sweating. I kept calling Sister Hong's name in a low voice. No one responded.

Suddenly, I took a photo with my flashlight.

I saw someone in the northwest corner with his back to me. His back was motionless. Judging from his clothes, he must be Sister Hong.

"You scared me to death, Sister Hong. Why didn't you reply when I told you?"

She still stood there motionless, as if she didn't hear me.

I quickly walked up to her and held up my flashlight to take a photo.

Sister Hong's face was pale at this time, her eyes were dull, and she had no reaction to the flashlight! I shined a flashlight on her, and she didn't even blink!


At this time, several bird calls suddenly came from the darkness in front of me. The calls were almost exactly the same as those we had heard before. Sister Hong also said that they might be pheasants or something like that, so she told me not to pay too much attention to them.

At this time, several points of fire appeared in the darkness ahead. These fires were suddenly big and small, far and near, like will-o'-the-wisps floating up from hell.

I pulled Sister Hong and subconsciously took two steps back to run away, but she stood very firmly and I couldn't even pull her...

Those few lights are getting closer and closer to me.

Several faces gradually emerged from the darkness.

Looking at these people, I felt despair, thinking that this time it was over, I had to explain myself here, our team would be wiped out.

There were five people on the other side, and three of them held three burning torches.

Xiao Tuantou, the tall young man Jian Ge, Chen Jiansheng, and two others, a boy and a girl, I didn’t recognize these two people.

Xiao Tuan had his hands behind his back and his face was expressionless. Chen Jiansheng was holding a torch, smiling at the corner of his mouth, staring at me like a pet.

The woman was tall, dressed in black, and her eyes were light yellow. What attracted more attention was that there was a pure white owl without a leash standing on her left shoulder. The owl's pupils showed a light yellow vertical line. The woman

Her eyes were very similar to those of an owl. I looked at each other and felt scared in my heart. Her eyes were too cold.

Chen Jiansheng held up the torch, looked at me and said with a smile, "You are quite capable. We underestimated you before, but you were able to run out of the snake pit. You seem to have some skills at such a young age.

It’s all in vain that we tried so hard to catch you.”

Looking at Chen Jiansheng, I took a deep breath and asked: "What's going on with Sister Hong? What's going on with you? How did you find my traces?"

"Gu..." The owl standing on the shoulder of the yellow-eyed woman let out a low cry. Sister Hong actually moved when she heard the beast's cry!

Xiao Tuantou looked at me and said: "Little baby, let me introduce to you. This is Miss Wen Yun, the descendant of Xiaomen Niaokou Jin. Niaokou Jin is good at training owls and Ye Yao. As long as people swallow Zinger Jin before, Wen Yun

The girl can control the person's basic actions through the chirping of birds. This can be regarded as one of the strange skills of the old society, just like the old sea dog's incense."

I was shocked and angry! It seems that Chen Jiansheng and this group of people have known about my plan for a long time!

Chen Jiansheng deliberately pretended not to know before. I happened to pretend to be in a white coat and asked Sister Hong to be a test subject. These people were just using the slope to play with me!

In other words, from the first time Sister Hong entered the tent, she had been force-fed and swallowed that finger gold. Sister Hong had been controlled by this woman playing owl...

No wonder, Sister Hong deliberately said she knew where the eldest, third and third brothers were being held, and when she first came down, Sister Hong firmly pointed to the road on the left, and finally led me here and in front of this group of people.

This is an urn to catch turtles.

It seems that Researcher An and his group are also in danger.

I thought I was a Monkey King who wanted to overthrow the world, and I imagined that I could save everyone by myself, but in the end I discovered that because I was inexperienced in the world, the other party was treating me like a monkey. The only thing I couldn't figure out was that since the other party had already

They discovered my plan. With their manpower, they could have caught me directly, but why did they have to go to such great lengths to lure me here? Is there something special about this place?

I looked at the little girl with her hands behind her back in front of me, gritted my teeth and asked, "Why? I believe you are working so hard in secret, not just to play with me, right?"

"Are you kidding me?" Xiao Tuantou shook his head and said with a smile: "Boy, you think too highly of yourself. You are just a small fish. You are using your hook as our bait. We are just fishing to catch the big fish behind you.


"You guys are fishing for small fish, I don't understand what you are talking about at all. Now that the matter is over, you can kill or chop it up as you please!" I had a bad feeling in my heart, and I vaguely guessed that the big fish he was talking about was.


"Hey," Chen Jiansheng said with a smile: "The boy is quite talented, but I think... he's just showing off."

After saying that, he turned to look at Xiao Tuantou with a charming look on his face: "Sir, when will the big fish bite the hook? I don't know whether the big fish is under the water or on the surface now. In my opinion, you are so elusive, sir."

With a four-inch flying knife, as long as these big fish dare to emerge from the water, they will definitely die without their bodies intact!"

"No need to flatter me," Xiao Tuantou said with a frown; "If my guess is correct, there is at least one person on the same level as me on the opposite side. I hope it's not Wei Tong and beggar Liu..."

Chen Jiansheng exclaimed: "Sir, didn't Wei Tong die of cancer more than ten years ago? I heard that beggar Liu also had Alzheimer's disease and was paralyzed in a wheelchair for a long time!"

Xiao Tuantou smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Thirteen years ago, since the vice-president took real power, the Changchun Association of Nuo Da has almost fallen apart. Some of them have gone into hiding among the people, or have left the organization and returned to their hometowns under the pretext of illness.

, Jiansheng, although you are a descendant of Bai Chundian, you still know too little about some things..."

After hearing this, Chen Jiansheng fell into silence and did not speak. The expression on his face showed a bit of solemnity.

Xiao Tuantou looked up at the darkness and murmured to himself: "I hope the things in the underground palace are useful and can help the Vice President live for a few more years. Otherwise, there will be no peace in the world again.


Seeing the people in front of me sighing, and seeing the opportunity, I suddenly turned around and ran away, and started running all the way!

Without even looking behind me, I threw my arms away and ran as fast as I could!

I knew very well that as long as I climbed up the ladder first and then closed the top lid, I might still have a chance of survival!

Thirty meters! Ten meters! Five meters!

I was about to reach the ladder when suddenly I heard the cooing of an owl and the flapping of its wings behind me.

Even if a person runs fast, he cannot outrun a bird with wings.

The owl landed exactly on my left shoulder.

I looked back...in the darkness, the woman's eyes seemed to be glowing yellow.

The owl turned its head and stared at me, its pale yellow vertical pupils illuminating my entire face.

but me.

Don't dare to move.

This chapter has been completed!
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