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Chapter 14 Calling

After walking all night, it was time for sunrise.


Dou Sprout pointed not far ahead and whispered: "Look, that's a big pigeon, right? Why is it so big? How about we catch it and eat it."

It does look like a big white pigeon has landed on the ground. I think it is at least half a meter big.

"Whoa whoa!"

Lao Fu shouted twice and threw a stone.

The big pigeon immediately got into the grass and disappeared.

"This is not a pigeon, this is a Tibetan pheasant. You cannot eat it. It is a protected animal." Lao Fu said, looked around, and said, "Seeing this thing proves that we have entered the outside of Miyao Mountain.


"Going north here leads to the snow-capped mountains, while going south is an endless barren land."

"Professor Wang, we have to be careful from now on, especially when sleeping, because there are not only lynxes, golden cats, rabbits, Tibetan pheasants, but also wild ass and wild wolves. There is something I wanted to ask before but haven't yet.

, did you bring the trolls with you before coming?"

"Troll?" I understood, he meant shotgun.

I shook my head and said I didn't bring any, we only had knives.

“It’s not safe to have a knife alone”

Lao Fu put down the bamboo frame and opened the cloth, then stretched out his hand and took out a 38-inch cover. The handle of the gun was wrapped with oily velvet.

This gun looks a bit old, like an antique from the Anti-Japanese War period.

He was quite proud and introduced: "This is passed down from my grandfather. Don't underestimate it. I have killed at least ten wild wolves. You must have this thing for self-defense when entering the mountains."

After walking for a day, nothing happened. I did see several animals that I had never seen before in the woods. For example, there was something with a tuft of hair standing on its head. It looked like a cat but was not a cat. I don’t know what it was.

We camped at night, after eating dry food, we went into the tent to sleep. Lao Fu said he would keep vigil and let us all go and rest.

I didn't sleep yesterday and was very sleepy. It didn't take long for me to feel drowsy.

I was sleeping soundly when suddenly, I heard a sound like "whirring" coming from outside.

It's not a human snoring, it's more like the sound of some kind of animal.

I got out immediately.

I saw Lao Fu standing next to the fire, with his hand on the spray gun and his eyes fixed on the depths of the forest!

Brother Yu also heard the "strange noise" coming out, frowned and asked: "What is this noise?"

"Ha-de-de! Melon-cherry!" (a kind of dirty talk.)

Lao Fu said nervously: "It's a black blind man. There is this thing on the west side of Mi Yao Mountain. Why did it come here? I heard the sound is not far away, but I don't dare to sleep! Hurry! Wake everyone up!"

I had never seen a bear before, let alone a wild one, so I knew that the bear was called that. Those who say they are not afraid of lies, including the experienced guide Lao Fu, are afraid of everyone, and they all say that the black blind man eats human flesh.


Soon, the sound came again.

This time I heard it more clearly and the sound was closer! I just couldn’t see where it was.

Xiaoxuan's face turned pale. She took out a sharp dagger from her lower back and held it tightly in her hand to strengthen her courage.


Lao Fu fired a shot into the air, his face full of nervousness, and he suddenly sang a song with a loud voice.

"Oh hey! Hey hey hey!"

"March 3! Yichun fermented bean curd is put in a small bottle! My aunt and my second aunt put it aside! The old man from my second aunt's family wants to eat it secretly! My aunt tells him to go away!"


After Lao Fu finished singing, he immediately turned around and said loudly: "The Black Blind Man is not far away! All of you sing loudly! Or shout! You can bang the pot! Make it as loud as you can!"

"Hurry! It'll be too late soon!" Lao Fu urged loudly with a serious look on his face.

Dou Sprouts immediately started howling and singing, and the rest of us guys also started shouting along with Lao Fu.

Xiaoxuan found two pots for boiling water, and she beat them like cymbals, making a loud sound.

"Don't stop! Make it louder!"

Ever since, a very strange scene occurred.

A group of people sang and shouted, everyone shouting what they wanted.

Accompanied by Xiaoxuan's hard-working banging of pots, we were like a tuneless band.

Half an hour later, my throat was about to smoke. Lao Fu waved his hand and we all stopped, and all the accompanying noises came to an abrupt end.

After listening carefully for a while, I could no longer hear the "whirring" sound from before.

Lao Fu breathed a sigh of relief, wiped his sweat and said, "The black blind man is most afraid of crowds and noise. He must have been scared away, but to be on the safe side, I'm adding someone to keep watch."

"I'll come, I feel less."

"Well, everyone else should go back to sleep first."

The two of us stayed vigil around the fire, fearing we were sleepy, and we chatted here and there.

At first, Lao Fu used cigarettes to stay awake, but at about three o'clock in the middle of the night, he was like a chicken pecking at rice, with his hands on his knees and his head bit by bit.

At this time, I quietly stood up, walked around him, and walked behind him.

There is his bamboo basket. The big bamboo frame is covered tightly with raincloth and hemp rope regardless of day or night. I have always wanted to see what is in the bamboo basket? Please download the novel app Aiyue app to read the latest content

Is it a bit inhumane?

Peeping into other people's privacy, but I'm curious.

Squatting down, I stretched out my hand to untie the hemp rope.

"Hey don't touch it"

Suddenly, a hand was put on my shoulder.

A cold voice came from behind.

I slowly turned my head and saw Lao Fu standing there with an indifferent expression, holding a shotgun in both hands.

"Hey, Uncle Fu, you're not sleeping. I thought you were sleeping."

"I see your rope is untied. Let me tie you up."

"Young man, we all have privacy. Would you like it if I went to look through your bag?"

"I'm sorry, Uncle Fu! I was wrong."

"You remember my words, there will be no next time unless this happens again."

After saying that, the nervous expression on Lao Fu's face disappeared instantly, and a smile suddenly appeared.

He patted me and said, "Haha, look how nervous you are! I'm teasing you. There's nothing you can't see in my basket, just some dry food, water and emergency items."

"How about I untie it now and let you take a look?"

"No, no, no, Uncle Fu, I believe you," I smiled and waved my hand.

At dawn, continue on your way.

According to Lao Fu's speculation, if we have quick legs and feet, we can walk near the Dulong River this evening, and then walk upstream along the Dulong River for two to three days to reach the deepest part of Damiyao Mountain, the inaccessible basin-shaped area.


Take a look when you are leaving.

Good guy! Just two hundred meters away from our camp, towards the west, there was a row of "strange footprints" vaguely left on the ground, as big as a volleyball.

This is the benefit of finding an experienced guide.

If Lao Fu hadn't made us sing like crazy and howl like wolves last night, we would probably be in a much worse situation now.

At noon, suddenly the cell phone in my pants pocket rang, and it was a text message.

what 's wrong?

Since shortly after entering the mountain, there has been no signal on the mobile phone.

Why is it that as we go deeper, suddenly there is a mobile phone signal? What the hell?

I'm using Nokia's latest 6680. Not only mine, but everyone else's phones have signal, and the signal strength is at full five bars!

Including the leader, everyone, including Monk Zhanger, was confused.

I turned on my phone and saw that it was a text message sent yesterday evening. I only received it now because I suddenly had a signal.

It was sent from a strange number I don’t recognize. The content is:

"Xiang Yunfeng, the company will hold an emergency meeting next Wednesday and we can't contact you. Please call back as soon as you see the message."

Is the company holding an emergency meeting?

I thought to myself who is this?

I have never been to work even a day in my life. I had an emergency meeting at the company. Did I call the wrong person?

No, everyone said Xiang Yunfeng

"Brother Yu, don't talk for now. We just have a signal right now. I'll make a call to find out who this is."

After saying that, I called back this unfamiliar number directly.

This chapter has been completed!
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