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Chapter 36 The Rotten Man

Dou Sprout shouted, "I fuck you!" He swayed and was about to fall down!

Brother Yu grabbed his ankle and rolled to relieve his strength.

The two of them fell to the ground, and the flashlight rolled to the side.

Brother Yu stood up like a carp and asked angrily: "What did you see and had such a big reaction? You almost fell down the stairs!"

I quickly ran over and helped Dou Sprouts up.

"Are you okay? What did you see? Why were you so careless?"

At this moment, Douyazai's face turned pale. He pointed to the third floor with trembling fingers and trembling lips: "There is a ghost on the roof of the ghost house! I saw a ghost!"

Hearing some movement on the second floor, Brother Biao and the others came up.

When Brother Biao heard what Douyazai said, he laughed loudly and said, "Brother, are you dazzled? There are no ghosts in this world. You must have seen something that looked like a human being and you were scared."

Seeing Dou Sprout Zai's pale face, my heart was pounding at this moment.

"Brother Biao, what you said makes sense, why don't you go up and take a look?"

Brother Biao was stunned and was about to speak when we suddenly heard Xiaoxuan holding up a flashlight and shouting: "Look! There is hair there!"

In an instant, all the flashlights shone through.

Only seen.

At this moment, a handful of long hair slowly hung down from the edge of the floor on the third floor, and the hair seemed to move on its own.

Xiaoxuan screamed in fright, and immediately covered her mouth with both hands, with deep fear in her eyes.

Even the well-informed boss had his pupils dilated at this moment, staring at this hair.

While looking at Brother Biao, his calves kept trembling and he couldn't even hold the flashlight steady.

A few seconds later, a man who seemed to have no bones crawled out slowly.

Under the flashlight illumination, it twisted and twisted and crawled down the wall.



Bean Sprouts suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs.

Brother Yu casually picked up a broken stool and threw it out with all his strength!

Surprisingly, this ghost actually reached out to catch the chair, and at the same time it lay on the ground, making an extremely hoarse sound.

"Hey, who are you and why are you here?"

Brother Yu suppressed his fear, frowned and asked, "Are you a human or a ghost?"

The hoarse voice continued.

"Human? Ghost? Hahaha, I haven't seen anyone for a long time. Take a look, am I a human? Or a ghost?"

After saying that, he got up from the ground and lifted the hair from his face with both hands.

Brother Yu saw it first and immediately took three steps back.

Even Brother Yu was scared.

This is an older man, but he doesn't look human anymore.

His face was white, his nose was rotten, he had no left eye, his face was full of pits, there was no flat spot, and his face was covered with pustules, many of which were leaking pus.

Two or three meters away, I could still smell a foul smell. I quickly closed my eyes, not wanting to take a second look.

It's so disgusting. If I had to describe it more accurately, there are probably at least a thousand pustules on this person's face, and there is not a single intact skin.


Xiaoxuan covered her mouth and kept bending over to retching.

"Hahaha, don't I look disgusting when I look like this?"

At this moment, Tuotou suddenly asked: "Are you from the research team?"

After saying that, he pointed his head at the other person's chest.

Only then did I notice that this man was wearing a round iron sign on his chest. The sign was clean and had the word "Shouyan" written on it, as well as the pattern of two wild flowers.

After hearing what the boss said, the other party grabbed the sign hanging on his chest, and his calm and hoarse voice suddenly became excited. "You know the sign!"

"How do you know us! Who are you! What's your name!"

The boss seemed to know something. He looked at the other person with complicated eyes and said, "My name is Wang Xiansheng. Like you, I am engaged in research."

"I don't mean any harm, I just want to talk to you. How many years have you been here?"

"How many years?"

"I can't remember clearly. We probably came here in 1966."

1966? First research?

A piece of information suddenly flashed through my mind. I saw it accidentally when I was looking for Zhou Shunshun in Yinchuan.

Ningbo was formerly the Geological Museum. When I visited, the underground floor was the cultural relics warehouse and he was not allowed to enter. The ground floor was the temporary exhibition hall, VIP lounge and audience service hall. Go up the stairs and on the left hand side is the reading room.

, on the right is an exhibition hall called "Xia Xia Xing".

Daxia is Xixia, which means this is an exhibition hall about Xixia cultural relics. I saw an old black and white photo framed by the window here.

There are more than a dozen people in the photo, some squatting and some standing. The two lines of text on the right say: "On June 13, 1964, the first Xixia postgraduate students took a group photo."

The man is wearing the same badge as in the photo.

The head reaction is faster than mine.

This man is not a ghost, he is one of the people who disappeared back then!

This incident caused a big fuss at the time and even made it into the newspapers.

This "first research institute" is the predecessor of the current Ningxia Institute of Xixia Studies. Today, it has trained a group of doctoral students who focus on Xixia studies in the northwest region.

Knowing that it was not a ghost, Brother Biao immediately became furious: "You're going to fucking scare people to death! You must be the savage in the woods during the day! I almost shot you to death, why are you hiding here!"

"Oh? Just beat me to death. If I die, I won't have to suffer anymore."

His voice still sounded extremely hoarse, as if his throat had also been injured.

Light a candle, tilt your head and ask the other person in a deep voice: "Can we talk about your experience?"

He replied: "Okay, I haven't talked to anyone for a long time, and I want to tell you some things, but I have to take medicine first."

He walked to the big pot and opened the lid. The bark was boiling in the pot.

The man wet the towel in the pot and then took off his shirt.


This time I almost vomited.

On his belly, back, and arms, in addition to patches of white spots, there were also large and small pustules. The large pustules were bulging and broken, like many eyes growing on his body.

I've heard people say that a very severe form of vitiligo will look like this in its late stages, with pustules forming all over the body.

He washed the rag, carefully wiped his stomach with the boiled bark water, then stretched out his hand and said, "Please help me wipe my back. I can't reach it."

Look at me.

I took the towel and wiped his back.

The bulging pustules on his back would immediately "water" outwards if touched lightly.

You can think about it, take a grape, squeeze it hard and it will explode.

I suppressed my nausea and asked: "Brother, why do you use this bark water to wipe your body? This bark is poisonous. You have an infection and suppuration. You'd better go to the hospital for antibiotics."

"Young man, you don't want to know what I've been through."

"I have to rub myself with this bark every day. If I stop, I will feel very uncomfortable."

He turned his head slightly and said to me: "Do you also want to be like me?"

This chapter has been completed!
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