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Chapter 68

Seeing that my face looked ugly, Yao Yumen smiled and comforted me: "You don't have to be afraid, they have been tamed and will not attack people under normal circumstances."

I took two steps back and said, "What's going on, Sister Yu, you can still do this."

"No, you misunderstood. I said they were tamed, but I didn't say I tamed them. I don't have the ability."

"Who is that?" I asked curiously.

The smile on her face disappeared, she looked at me and said: "This man is not here now, but we should see him soon. Chen Hong, you should have heard of Qi Liu on the road, right?"

Sister Hong thought for a while and said: "I have never seen it, but I have heard about it. Qi Liu's monkey trick was very famous in Tianjin Wei back then. Rumors in the world said that this man was very good at taming animals. It is said that he had his own ancestral method.


"That's right," Yao Yumen nodded, "Actually, mandrills are the kings of the mountains. These beasts have very high IQs and are cruel when they get angry. Even tigers and leopards are afraid of them in the mountains. In order to tame them, even if

Even descendants of the Qi Liu family have seen blood."

I believe this. Although this thing looks small and about the same size as a monkey, it is actually cruel in character. It also has the habit of sharing food with the same kind, and may also eat people.

Sister Hong frowned and asked, "Where is Baotou? Where is Baotou now?"

I can hear a hint of gunpowder from Sister Hong's words. I remember Xiao Tuantou said before that he kept us because he wanted to catch big fish and catch the people behind us.

I guessed that he knew that there were people behind us, but since Moth Mountain was so vast, he didn't know if these people had come down or where they were hiding.

Both Jian Baotou and Xiao Tuantou have been around for half their lives. Xiao Tuantou is a member of the Changchun Society and is surrounded by masters and strange people. I guess the purpose of Baotou hiding like this is to win secretly.

In fact, these two people were playing chess. This was a chess game. Although I didn’t want to admit it, Sister Hong, me, and the Sun brothers were all treated as chess pieces.

Little Tutou didn't know what his next step was. Thinking of the causes and consequences of the past few months, I couldn't help but feel a sense of powerlessness in my heart, because I was still too immature compared to these people.

These people have a lot of connections in the world, and they play tricks on each other, both overtly and covertly. Until the moment they finally meet and reveal their cards to each other, no one knows who is losing and who is winning.

Because of the people involved in the Tomb of the Mustard Lord, in the final analysis, they still have to fight for their own strength and connections in the world.

By the way, thinking of this, I asked Yao Yumen a question about Jihou.

Yao Yumen leaned on the haystack, squinting her eyes and said: "The person in the gold coffin and the silver coffin is not the owner of the tomb, Ai Hou. I asked a friend to go to the National Museum of History to inquire, and my friend found a clue."

"There was a historian named Ban Chao in the Han Dynasty. In addition to writing the "Book of the Later Han", this person was also very keen on studying the history of the Western Zhou Dynasty. The "Book of the King of Zhou" passed down by him mentioned Marquis Mustard Seed, and Ban Chao mentioned that Marquis Mustard Seed had a

He loved his daughter very much, but she passed away at an early age due to a stubborn illness. In his grief, Jihou said that he would be buried with his beloved daughter after his death, and reported this to the Emperor of Zhou."

"The ancients paid great attention to etiquette, and it was against the moral norms for children to be buried with their parents. If what Ban Chao said is true and the Emperor of Zhou agreed to this matter, then it is not difficult to see from this incident that Jihou's status was high at that time."

"The person in the golden coffin and the silver coffin is not the owner of the tomb, Kaipou. Could it be that the person lying inside is his little daughter?" I was shocked when I heard the news. Who was the body soaked in the big leather frame? Could it be the owner?

I asked Researcher An, "You said you saw a corpse biting someone, and you couldn't tell whether the corpse was male or female?"

Researcher An carefully recalled it for a moment. She shook her head in fear, "I couldn't tell the difference between male and female. I only took one look at it and didn't dare to look at it. I only remember that the corpse had long hair, was not tall, and was swollen and dripping."

At this time, Yao Yumen sighed, took a deep breath and said: "That is the little daughter of Jihou. Her gold coffin and silver coffin were opened by that group of people. Changchun will find experts to suppress it. I know that sooner or later

Something will happen, and you should know that this thing is actually the most terrifying thing."

"Sister Yu, do you mean to fake the corpse?"

"No, it's not a fake corpse. According to Feng Shui, this is a Yinzi corpse that hasn't been seen for thousands of years. His little daughter can become like this. I don't dare to think about what the mustard has become now. We are going to

Everything may not work.”

I recalled the dream I had that day in my mind. In the dream, I saw the appearance of the man on the bronze bed of Silong. I was scared when I thought about it.

I asked her if the ones she prepared were black donkey hooves, because I had often heard others say that black donkey hooves are needed to deal with these things.

Yao Yumen sneered: "Black donkey's hooves? Think about it, are there any black donkey's hooves among the Feng Shui evil-proofing objects passed down from ancient times in major museums?"

"How about it? No, black donkey hooves were only mass-produced after the Republic of China. As for why they are related to tomb robbing, I don't know."

"Yin Zi Zhi is something from the ancient geomantic omen theory. Of course it won't work with that kind of thing. None of us have actually seen this thing, but I heard my uncle said that once you encounter this thing, use the method passed down from Xiangxi

The old corpse-binding rope and the money in the mouth may be useful. This matter involves the art of suppressing nightmares."

The old corpse-tying rope passed down from that area in western Hunan is naturally related to the corpse driving in western Hunan. This is a regional folklore, and it is the same as the dancing master in the northeast, the poison-raising technique in the Miao border, and the descending technique in the south.

It is called the four major folk arts.

After looking up a bit and tracing back to the source, these are actually related to the Nightmare Suppression Technique.

The word "Nightmare Suppression Technique" was first seen in the first volume of Lu Ban's Book, and it is said that the second volume of Lu Ban's Book records the "Weaning of Victory Technique".

Looking at it now, ordinary people may not be exposed to the art of suppressing nightmares, but the art of hating wins is often encountered. For example, it is often seen in the antique market to spend money on hating wins, spend money on mountain ghosts, stick to the door god during the Chinese New Year, and cross the border when getting married.

Brazier, these are actually the techniques of aversion to victory inherited from the folk.

Let’s not talk about the authenticity of the corpse exorcism in Xiangxi for now, because now they are all cremated and there is no need for it. However, in ancient times, the body’s hair and skin were inherited from the parents, and people paid attention to returning to their roots after death. The earliest corpse extermination in Xiangxi

They are all soldiers who died on the battlefield.

Once the mask is covered, strangers will avoid it, paper money will pave the way, and bells will open the mountains. The third brother told me before that he said that there is a profession in the Yin Qimen that is a corpse exorcist.

The corpse-tying rope and the money in the mouth were originally used by corpse exterminators in western Hunan to deal with corpses. Yao Yumen said that they were used to deal with corpses caused by evil, which makes sense.

Researcher An is now scared to death, and my heart is pounding violently.

I secretly pray that these things will be useful, but if they are useless, the consequences can be imagined.

Now we not only have to fight the people of the Changchun Society, but we may also have to face the legendary Yin Zi Zhi.

It seems that it is right to be cautious.

Caution is the boat.

This chapter has been completed!
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