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Chapter 65 The Unquiet Rainy Night

What is the fun of treasure hunting in the wilderness? Only those who have experienced it can relate to it. It is very exciting because you don't know what treasures you will find.

Not many people know about Xixia porcelain. In fact, it is extremely special, especially the black and white glazed shaved pattern porcelain. At that time, there were less than a hundred complete pieces of porcelain in the world.

Lingwu kiln is just one of the kilns that produces bionic porcelain. There are many other kilns that cannot be named. Because there is too little information, I still can’t distinguish many of them, so they are all collectively called "Xixia porcelain".

In addition to Xixia porcelain, what we most want to dig up is Xixia gold and silverware, because Xixia has a "Siyuan", which is similar to the manufacturing office in the Qing Dynasty, and specializes in making gold and silverware for royal nobles for daily use.

Gold and silverware with the Siyuan stamp are more expensive than gold and silverware from the Tang Dynasty! It is no exaggeration to say that a pair of gold chopsticks can be exchanged for a Mercedes-Benz, and a gold bowl can be exchanged for a third-ring apartment in a first-tier city.

A pair of chopsticks and a bowl, a house and a car are all that simple.

On the first day, we found another large wooden box, which was a bit rotten, and placed it on the kang of one of the stone houses.

Dou Sprout and I excitedly took out the box, but when we opened it, we found that it was full of all kinds of rotten clothes, some of which were so rotten that they broke as soon as we lifted them up.

Most of these clothes are made of leather, including jackets, belly socks (a kind of bellyband worn by Xixia women with elastic bands), straw hats, etc.

It's useless. These things looked yellow and yellow, so I basically burned them. When I burned them, I also checked to see if there were any copper coins, jade pendants, etc. hidden in the cuffs of my clothes.


I was burning my clothes when I heard Dou Sprout suddenly shouting: "Look! Look what treasure I have found!"

I turned around and saw Yazai running towards me excitedly, holding an "electric fan" high.

"Where did you find this?"

"It's in that room! As soon as I saw there was a fucking fan, I took it out!"

This thing has a base, a wooden shaft, three spiral blades set in a circular wooden frame, and something similar to a handle.

It cannot be said to be exactly the same as the floor fans used by modern people, it can only be said to be exactly the same.

My first thought was who had been here and left this broken electric fan behind. I couldn't understand it, so I asked the leader.

After looking at it, he said with a smile: "This thing is interesting. I have seen a smaller remnant than this before. It is a fan from the Xixia period. It is not electric. Look, there is a pull ring there. The pull ring was put on before.

As long as the maid and servant keep pulling the rope, the wind blades will continue to rotate and produce a cool breeze."

Dou Sprout asked if anyone had collected this thing?

He nodded and said, of course, someone will collect it. It is a rare item. Let him put it aside for now and see if he can take it with him when he leaves.

The head warned again: "Be careful when exploring the pit. Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth, or simply wear a mask. The soil here does not grow grass and may contain some kind of medicine."

"Is the soil poisonous?" I asked.

The head said: "I can't be sure. When the archaeological team visited the Xixia Mausoleum in 1977, many people fell ill. Some doctors speculated that it was related to the soil there. Now when you travel to the royal tombs, you will find that the soil there is different.

A new layer of soil was laid.”

After saying that, he raised his head and looked at the sky and said: "It would be nice if it rained, then there would be no dust."

God seemed to have listened to what the leader said, and it started to rain that night.

We collected our things in a hurry and took shelter in the stone house.

As a result, the house also leaked.

He found a dry place to light a candle, raised his head and said with a smile: "Whatever you want, let's make do with it tonight, don't stay too far away, find two separate rooms to sleep in, Yunfeng Douyazi, you can sleep as soon as the rain stops."

Go explore the pit."

He turned his head again and said, "I have to trouble you to keep vigil all night."

Master Zhe nodded.

Yes, Master Zhe doesn't need to sleep, he just needs to be given something to eat, and he will be kept vigil 24 hours a day.

Snake girl, her mother and Xiaoxuan lived in one room, and we men lived in another room, right next to each other. Master Zhe was holding his postpartum care book and watching the rain outside the door.

Maybe I slept for two or three hours when someone kicked my feet.

I was dazed, so I got up and asked, "What's wrong? Is there something going on?"

Brother Yu and Baotou also sat up, and Douyazai was snoring.

It was raining lightly and sparsely outside.

"What's the matter?" I looked at my head and looked unhappy.

He pointed his head towards the door.

I put on my shoes and looked.

"nothing much?"

I just saw it was muddy and dark outside, and there wasn't even a shadow of a ghost.

Turn on the flashlight.

The next second, my scalp felt numb!

Looking around, the ground is full of very small toads, densely packed, everywhere!

There are tens of thousands of them! They can’t even be counted. There are also big toads.

Some were motionless, some were jumping, and there were more than ten of them under my feet! Many of them jumped into the house!


This was in response to Xiaoxuan's scream in the stone house. Apparently, she was also awakened.

I asked nervously: "Boss! What's going on! Why do so many toads come out when it rains!"

He looked around and guessed: "This is a living area. The sudden appearance of so many toads on a rainy day proves that there is definitely a water source nearby."

Two little toads jumped on Dou Sprouts' legs. I kicked him awake and said, "Get up quickly! He's still asleep!"

"What's wrong!"

Dou Sprout woke up in surprise and said, "Hey, what's wrong? Isn't it just a toad? It can't eat people, and it rains a lot! I've seen a lot of them before!" After saying that, he fell back to sleep.

What might come out of too many toads?

Snake, because snakes eat toads.

I was afraid that another snake would crawl in while I was asleep, so I hurriedly put on my raincoat and ran out to see Xiaoxuan and the others.

There were so many small toads on the ground that one foot could crush several toads. I knew that Xiaoxuan was afraid of seeing such densely populated reptiles.

After entering the house, I saw Xiaoxuan jumping on the kang. She kept stamping her feet and shouted: "Go away! Go away!"

The snake girl was not afraid. She was still squatting on the ground, curiously watching the little toad jump around.

After watching it for a few seconds, she suddenly grabbed one and put it in her mouth to eat.

I was dumbfounded.

"Is this edible?! Why do you eat everything!"

She chewed it twice and said with a smile: "This is edible. I'm going to grab some and put them in a bottle to eat as snacks."


When Xiaoxuan saw this, she couldn't help but retched.

Then, she took an empty mineral water bottle and went outside in the rain to catch little toads.

Those things were everywhere outside, so she stuffed the ones she caught into bottles and shook them up and down.

It was raining outside and she was seriously ill. I ran out to persuade her to go back quickly.

"What's wrong?"

Not knowing what she found, she suddenly got up and ran away into the distance. I quickly chased after her.

"Look there quickly." She pointed to the corner of the wall for me to look at.

Shining the flashlight over it, I saw a very strange scene.

There were three small brown snakes entangled with each other, forming a twist. The three snakes stood upright with their upper bodies and kept nodding in one direction.

"What...what is this?"

She frowned and whispered: "This is snake worshiping snakes. There must be a snake king nearby."


"What the hell? Snake King? Python?"

Her face was solemn: "The snake king is not an ordinary snake. It may be some kind of highly venomous snake. Of course, it may also be a python."

"No, I'm going to look for it."

This chapter has been completed!
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