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Chapter 96 Incense Money

"Hold your head, I'm leaving."

He put his head on crutches and told me: "Go back quickly."

I nodded, carried my bag and left quickly.

I trust my intuition and there is only one word for this trip:


Xiaoxuan was in coma, unable to eat or drink, and could not take care of herself.

I have to go back quickly, I want to find the jar of copper coins and bring it back!


after one day.


"Young man! Young man! Wake up!"

I opened my eyes.

The fat lady who was selling tickets and collecting money said, "We are about to arrive at Tianguangdong Village. Don't you want to get off the bus?"

"Oh, we're here, thank you, sister."

The eldest sister held her bag and shook her head: "Young man, you haven't slept for a few days. You are so tired. Let me tell you one more thing. Your body is the capital of revolution. Don't tire yourself out."

When I opened the door and got off the bus, the bus emitting black smoke and exhaust gas walked away.

Returning to Tianguangdong Village again, I felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity and a feeling that things were different and people were different.

The proprietress of the village canteen, the old man sitting under the tree, Li Eryuan, the landlord of the self-inflicted snake, and Tang Gui's pregnant wife...

The house is still there, the trees are still there, but these people are gone.

Passing by the door of Xiao Tang's house, there was a bicycle parked at the door. After hesitating for a few seconds, I didn't knock on the door.

When I arrived outside the house where I used to live, I put down my bag, turned around and saw no one around, then climbed over the wall and went in.

Everything remains as before.

It looked the same when we left, and it still looks the same now, except that there is an extra layer of fallen leaves in the small courtyard.

I found a leather bucket in the corner of the courtyard wall, and there were two sets of second-hand diving equipment I bought in the bucket.

I took it out, wiped it, sat in the courtyard, and waited for nightfall.

At around 10 p.m., I climbed over the wall with my belongings and walked furtively to Guizailing Reservoir alone.

Guizailing has been fenced with iron wire, and the door of the hut where Lao Hu lives is locked. It is dark inside, and no one knows where he has gone.

I changed into my wetsuit and after a quick check, without hesitation, I turned on my headlight and jumped into the pond with a splash.

The water was turbid and there were no fish or shrimps. I vaguely saw a few aquatic plants swaying in the water. The bodies of the dragons and monkeys were gone. I saw a big hole at the bottom of the water, and I swam through it with all my strength.

The sound of water breaking.

I came up and swam quickly to the shore.

The reflective logo on the limestone wall was still there, so I took off my mask and walked deeper into the cave.

It's dark here and quiet around here.

Apart from the sound of my own footsteps, I could only hear the sound of dripping water.


I held up the flashlight and turned my head sharply.

No one is there, I'm just too nervous.

When I got to the slippery slope, I tied the rope and slid down the wall.

I found the hole in the wall, but it was empty.

I slid to the bottom and released the rope. A few minutes later, I found a broken jar and old copper coins scattered on the ground.

I picked up everything without leaving any behind, turned around and left with my backpack.

Soon I stopped and went back.

Relying on my memory, I walked around for nearly two hours and found the secret room.

In the secret room, those shabby bright yellow canvases are still hanging on the ceiling of the cave.

The flashlight shined down and illuminated a dead human skull, with the skull attached to the straw body.

I knelt down and said, "Daozhang Chen, I'm back to see you."

There were two black holes in the eye sockets of the skull, staring straight at me, as if wanting to talk to me.

"Daozhang Chen, I got the copper coins you hid in the cave. Thank you very much."

As soon as I finished speaking, my skull suddenly fell off, rolled to the side.

Closing my eyes, a picture appeared in my mind.

Two hundred years ago, a heroic female Taoist priest with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes burned incense and chanted sutras here.

Only a few green smoke rose into the sky. There was a copper coin jar on the tribute table in front of her, and three sticks of incense were stuck in the manger stove.

Those are the bright incense money.

The most precious thing in the world is the incense money passed down from generation to generation.

When I opened my eyes, the ruined scene returned to my eyes.

I recalled one more thing.

That day we also picked up a Guangxu imitation Xuande manger copper incense burner here.

Now it seems that the stove was probably used by Chen Meiqing to burn incense. After the incense money was consecrated here, she went out with the money jar and accidentally dropped one.

More than 190 years later, Dou Sprout picked up this copper coin here.

And it was this copper coin that guided me to return to this place again.

All of this is like the will of God.


Is there something there?

I raised the flashlight and saw something hidden on the dusty wall of the tribute table.

I hurried over to take a look, wondering if Chen Meiqing had hidden something in the wall again?

I turned the flashlight over and poked the wall a few times.

It collapsed, revealing a hole with a large diameter.

I bit the flashlight and reached in to retrieve it.

So deep...

Suddenly! I felt like there were a lot of living things crawling on my arms!

Pull your hand out fiercely!

Damn it!

All live centipedes!

There were at least dozens of them! They crawled all over my arms!

I yelled, jumped, and slapped the centipedes on my body hard.

There are more and more densely packed centipedes! They are crawling out from the hole in the wall.

Seeing this, I ran away with my bag on my back!

This is not a treasure cave, there is a huge centipede's nest on the wall!

I was bitten several times on the back of my hand and it was swollen. The bite wounds were not visible, but they were definitely red and swollen.

Two hours later, I surfaced and swam quickly to the shore to change clothes.

At this time, the sky is getting brighter and the copper coins have been obtained. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

The back of my hand was very red and swollen, and I had blisters. After scratching the blisters, I felt painful and itchy. Centipedes are poisonous to a certain extent, but I knew they were not poisonous, so I simply washed them with water and detergent.

I found a deserted place in the village and set my wetsuit on fire.

Passing by the door of Xiao Tang's house again, I paused for a few seconds, then stepped forward and knocked on the door.


“Brother Xiang??”

Xiao Tang opened the door and was obviously surprised when he saw me.

I smiled and said, "Is your grandma at home? I'll come and see her."

We haven’t seen each other for half a year. Xiao Tang has straight bangs and silver earrings. Although she is still a little girl, she is obviously more mature.

"Oh...at home, Brother Xiang, come in quickly."


"Milk! Look who's coming to our house!"

The old lady was sewing something in the room. When she saw me, she was stunned, and then she said, "It's you, young man."

The old lady wore reading glasses and had a kind face.

It’s unimaginable that she killed someone six months ago and chased me for several miles with a hoe. But that’s all in the past, and I naturally won’t mention it again in front of Xiao Tang.

"I just happened to be passing by and came to see if you are okay, aunt?"

"haha okay."

"Young man, if you have anything to do, just tell me, don't hide it."

I glanced at Xiao Tang.

The old lady immediately said: "Granddaughter, go and see if the water in the kitchen has boiled."

Seeing Xiao Tang go out, I quickly said: "Mom, your Guan Luoyin, can I try it again?"

"Oh, I want to try it again, so it worked last time?"

"Auntie, I had a very strange dream last time. I did dream about some friends who had passed away, and I also dreamed about my parents."

"Haha, then it's working."

Grandma Xiao Tang smiled and shook her head and said: "Guan Luoyin has a time limit and can be used once every ten years. If you want to use it, I'm afraid you have to wait nine years."

I was stunned. I didn't expect that there was a time limit.

Grandma Xiao Tang explained: "This is a rule. If the living can see the dead every day, then the order of the underworld will not be disrupted."

I thought about it and realized what the old lady said makes sense. There must be restraints in everything.

After getting up and saying goodbye, I went to the house of my previous grandmother, the old lady who was hit on the head by a slingshot, the deceased Grandma Xiaoyun.

She lost her granddaughter in her later years, and her mental state was very poor. Due to her identity, she now relies entirely on the support of the villagers.

Old Ya Po is already in her final years, skinny and skinny, and looks like a skeleton. It is estimated that she does not have many days left.

The old lady was very happy that I came to see her this time. She held my hand and asked me how I felt, which somewhat flattered me.

"Auntie, can you let me take another look at that old red cloth you used to wear?"

The old tooth woman nodded, she got down from the bed tremblingly, and helped me climb the wall and empty the cabinets.

Soon, I saw the old red cloth again.

My brows furrowed.

The content drawn with a black brush on the cloth is still the same.

A copper coin sword cut a snake into two halves.

The mirror we climbed in July is weird and ancient. It is said that it was a pottery weapon used by ancient Southern Qiang wizards. The weird mirror is so hard that even the butterfly knife made of pure steel by the folding master cannot be broken.

I frowned because I was thinking.

Is this painting reminding me to use these copper coins to weave a copper coin sword? This can be used to deal with the July Crawling Mirror.

Suddenly something clicked. The more I thought about it, the more excited I became, and I clenched my fists fiercely!

A hundred generations of incense and money can kill ghosts and snakes with one sword.

This chapter has been completed!
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