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Chapter 98

The old shopkeepers have excellent eyesight, and almost no one in the industry dares to fool them with fake products.

The Wonderful Bird made by Uncle Liao and Xiaomi can fool the eyes of museum experts, but I guess it can't fool the eyes of old washers.

Many tomb robbers have come into contact with Lao Xi. In the next few years, Master Yao played cards with others and was tricked into losing more than 87 million yuan. He was a man who was willing to admit defeat. In order to pay off his gambling debt, he took away 16 Western Zhou Dynasty items.

The bronzes were given to Lao Xi of the Inner Mongolia Department for more than 40 million yuan.

Since I have made an appointment to meet with someone, I have to pick up the goods first.

Xiaoxuan wanted to go, but I didn't let her go.

Just like that, I drove the Xiali and Brother Yu to pick up the goods.

The next evening we arrived at Panlongshan Cemetery. We could still see people visiting graves and there were security guards patrolling the cemetery.

Brother Yu was shocked when he saw the photo of Bean Sprouts on the tombstone and asked what was going on.

I said with a sneer: "Bean Sprout is a miser. Don't worry if he protects me. Look at his sharp eyes."

Brother Yu said speechlessly: "Okay, I'll let Dou Sprout know this and stop fighting with you."

"When will we do it?"

"Tonight, at two o'clock."

We waited in the car until 1:30 in the evening, then climbed over the wall like a guy and went in.

I bought a tomb, why should I do it secretly? Because I don’t want others to see it.

"The security guards aren't around, are they?"

Brother Yu looked back and forth and whispered: "No one is there, do it quickly."

In the dark, I had just dug a few shovels of soil when I suddenly heard someone shouting: "Who's there!"

This sudden voice made me stand on end with fear!

I immediately threw the shovel and asked anxiously in a low voice: "Brother Yu! Didn't you say there is no one!"

"How could I see that! The man was squatting on the ground without turning on the light!"

A young man walked over while pocketing his pants.

"What are you two doing, visiting graves?"

I smiled and said, "Yes, I am going to the grave. I have been busy with work during the day these two days, so I thought I would come at night. Didn't it scare you?"

The young man showed his white teeth and said with a smile: "Fortunately, I was squatting down just now to defecate, and I saw you two standing here muttering about something."

I guessed that he was a night shift patrolman at the cemetery, so we smoked and chatted for a few minutes. He asked me why I didn’t bring the incense paper money, and I said I did. It was in the car and I would go get it right away.

After smoking the cigarette, the man left and turned around to tell us to pay attention to our safety and not to burn the grass. Naturally, I kept saying yes.

I breathed a sigh of relief. If I had been caught red-handed just now, it would be hard to explain.

Pick up the guy's grave digger again.

At this time, Brother Yu's voice suddenly trembled: "Yun...Yunfeng, look there quickly."

I took a look.

Under the moonlight, a black and white photo of the young man just now is posted on the bluestone tombstone next to it.

I rubbed my eyes and my face turned pale!

"Yu...Brother Yu, have we seen a ghost? I remembered that the man's face just now was very white, as white as paper."

Brother Yu also turned pale with fright, and explained: "Maybe they just look a bit alike, and it was too dark, so we both saw them wrong."

I nodded repeatedly: "Yes, it was too dark, so I saw it wrong."

After people encounter certain emergencies, they will always find ways to comfort themselves.

After digging open the tomb and removing the bluestone covering the tomb, I bent down and reached down and took out my bag.


"My bag is not that heavy!"

I hurriedly opened the zipper, and when I saw it, I was dumbfounded.

"Where's the stuff!"

"Where are my things!"

The bag is full of dirt! A bag full of grave soil!

I was so frightened that I broke out in a sweat. I poured out all the dirt in the bag and turned it upside down!

Golden bowl! Jade! Horse tiles! Everything is gone!

"Impossible! I was obviously buried here!"

Two faces suddenly flashed through my mind.

I kicked the tombstone and cursed: "Damn! It must be those two old men!"

"Don't panic, tell me clearly! Which two old men?"

"It's just those two cheaters! Damn it, I think they are so honest, how could they...!"

Brother Yu frowned and asked: "Do you know the names of the two old men? Where do they live?"

"I don't know! But I know the female manager who sells cemeteries, she must know!"

At around one o'clock in the morning, Brother Yu and I hurriedly went to the cemetery office. At this time, the staff were starting to go to work one after another. The young people we met last night were not ghosts, but a pair of twins. The brother was dead. The ones we met last night were

Brother. Because I saw his work photos posted on the cemetery employee photo wall.

The female manager told me that one of the two old men was named Zhao Guisheng and the other was named Huang Suolai, and they lived in a village not far from the cemetery.

Knowing their names and where they lived, Brother Yu and I searched for them without stopping.

When we arrived at the place, the building was already empty.

The villagers said: "Looking for Lao Huangtou? His family seemed to have moved to the city two days ago."

I gave my neighbor five hundred yuan and asked him to contact Lao Huangtou immediately and tell him that his things had not been moved cleanly and that he should come back and get them again.

Three hours later, Old Huangtou did not come back. A man in his forties came back on a motorcycle.

Seeing him take out the key and go to open the door, Brother Yu and I immediately ran forward and held him down.

"You! What are you going to do!"

"What are you doing? Huang Suo is here? Who is he to you?"

This year's man hesitated and said he didn't know anyone who asked Huang Suo to come.

"Still pretending! How can I have the key if I don't know you!"

I slapped him hard!

He struggled hard, but Brother Yu kicked him twice again.

I took out the knife, pointed it at his face, and said coldly: "Do you know what I do? Give me back the things. If you dare to say nonsense, I will stab you to death right now and bury you."

The man's legs were trembling and he wet his pants in fear.

The process is omitted.

It was a near miss and I got my things back that night.

One piece of jade cong was missing and they sold it for a hundred yuan.

I was puzzled, so I asked Old Huangtou how he knew the coffin contained not ashes.

Old Huang, who had a blue nose and swollen eyes, and a face covered in blood, said that when he was being buried that day, he accidentally heard the sound of metal colliding in the coffin. He knew that it was not ashes, but that there might be gold or silver hidden there.

This is both an episode and a lesson.

No matter male or female, old or young, some people may look honest and affable, but in fact they are very shrewd.

That jade cong has flowed into the local antique market and cannot be recovered. If it is forcibly recovered, it will take a lot of effort, but its actual value should be around 50,000.

After driving back and staying for another day and a half, Lao Xi, who was in charge of this area in Sichuan, called and informed the boss that he was coming to see the goods.

This old man was very cautious. He was not the one who came in the morning. He hired an ordinary person to come and check on us.

It wasn't him who came in the afternoon. It became clear when he turned his head and talked to the other person.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, someone knocked on the hotel door again.

I looked through the crack in the door.

She was a woman wearing round sunglasses. She looked to be around twenty-seven years old.

I opened the door and asked who I was looking for.

The girl in sunglasses smiled and said, "Hello, I'm here to see the goods."

I was speechless and said: "Are you still testing? Can you be a little sincere? Damn it, what we are looking for is Lao Xi, who is responsible for receiving goods from the Sichuan department."

The woman took off her sunglasses and said with a smile: "That's me. I'm responsible for the appraisal, valuation and goods receipt of the company in Sichuan Province. Handsome man, don't underestimate women."

This chapter has been completed!
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