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Chapter 106 What Are Silver Coins?

"Don't make a sound..."

I did not choose to run in a panic.

Instead, he pulled Xiaoxuan, ran a few hundred meters westward, and squatted in someone else's vegetable patch.

Sure enough, three police cars came and stopped everyone they saw!

Some people held a bag of silver coins and tried to rush over, but were immediately knocked down.

With the police lights flashing, people yelled, some were caught, and some ran away.

After staring for a few minutes, a voice suddenly sounded behind me, which startled me.

"Hey! Brother, has the police station left?"

I looked back and saw that it was the boy with a short head selling beer just now.

He was also squatting in the vegetable field, right behind me.

The boy with the flat head slowly moved over and whispered: "The people running around now are all fools. It is safest to hide here. How many did you rob, brother?"

I shook my head and said I didn't take it.

He said he didn't take it either.

After staring at each other for a few seconds, the boy with the flat head smiled.

He took out a silver coin from his pocket, put it in front of his eyes, stared at it and said: "This is probably an antique. If you don't want it, I will give you money to buy it for you."

Xiaoxuan asked him curiously: "How much do you plan to give?"

He stretched out his hand and said, "Five dollars. I'll buy what you have for five dollars each. I want as much as I want."

Xiaoxuan was amused by his serious expression, and she hurriedly covered her mouth for fear of being overheard.

The boy with a flat head looked straight at Xiaoxuan and said, "Girl, you are so beautiful, your smile is so beautiful."

After saying that, he quickly took out another card.

"Girl, this is my business card. If you need any help, please feel free to contact me."

"How old are you?" Xiaoxuan asked him with a smile.

The guy with the crew cut immediately said I was 20.

He can't be 20, the most is 17 or 16. If he has 20, I will twist off my head and use it as a ball.

Xiaoxuan reached out and took his business card, looked at it, and then let me see it.

I laughed when I saw it.

"Kangding Industrial Investment Co., Ltd., Chairman and General Manager, Wang Mingjie." followed by a series of phone numbers.

I patted his cheek and said with a smile: "Boy, get out of here before I'm angry and you don't want to get beaten."

The boy with the flat head was not angry either. Instead, he shrugged indifferently and said, "My master said that anyone who underestimates me will regret it in the future. The green mountains will not change and the green water will flow forever. Goodbye."

After saying that, he stood up and left, but after walking a few dozen meters, he stopped again, turned around and blew a kiss to Xiaoxuan.

I grabbed a stone from the ground and threw it at it, and the boy with the flat head was beaten away by me.


I spat and thought, you haven't even grown any hair yet you still want to be cool and pick up girls.

After waiting for a short while and watching the crowd disperse, I took Xiaoxuan and secretly got into the car and returned to the hotel.

While driving on the road, I looked down at the silver coins in my hand.

This kind of coin has no holes. Since it is made of silver, the surface will inevitably be oxidized.

On the back of the silver coin, there is a picture of hundreds of flowers with the same theme as that on the sarcophagus. What is striking is that there is a pattern of poplar trees engraved between the pictures of flowers.

Turn it over and look at the front of the silver coin. It is full of characters. At first glance, it looks like Chinese Pinyin, but if you look closely, it is not Chinese Pinyin.

For example, I see "y", "g", and "s" written.

The y is written like a slingshot, the g is like a hook used to hook meat in a butcher shop, and the s is like a red bow compressed inward.

"Yunfeng! Watch the road!"

I turned the steering wheel hard! The car almost went into the river.

Xiaoxuan breathed a sigh of relief and asked me: "Have you noticed? When did the silver coin come from?"

I was distressed and said no, I couldn’t see it, I hadn’t seen it.

"Hey... strange, there are antiques that you don't recognize, Shenyanfeng?"

"Don't be weird, I can't see it, which means no one in the entire Sichuan Province can see it."

"Tch, Yunfeng, you can really brag."

Xiaoxuan took a cigarette from me, lit one, and turned to look at the night scene outside the car window in a daze.

After I got back, I went straight to the boss's room and showed the silver coins to the boss.

He stared at the light bulb for a long time, frowned and said: "Strange... I have never seen a silver coin from which dynasty this is."

He even said he had never seen his head before!

Things are rare and valuable, and I immediately realized the importance of this thing.

People in our field all have a problem. If they encounter something they don’t recognize, they often stay up at night trying to figure out what it is.

I took them all out, put them on the table and counted them. I grabbed twenty-two of these silver coins in total.

After making a cup of strong tea, under the light, my head and I began to study this thing seriously.

He took a sip and said, "This is a handmade silver coin. It must be older than the Ming and Qing dynasties. We can rule out the Ming and Qing dynasties."

I nodded in agreement.

The silver coins of the Qing Dynasty were all machine-made coins, and the pressure can be seen on the coin body and edges, and ours must have been hand-made in the past.

I murmured: "Bangtou, flowers and poplar trees... In which dynasty was this pattern popular? What is its significance? And when you look at this coin, I always feel that it does not look like the style of the original area, but like a few famous names.



His head and eyes lit up, as if something suddenly occurred to him, and he asked me to get the map quickly.

After I brought it, I immediately put the head on the table.

He pointed and said: "We are here now, where are we?"

"Kangding." I said.

I moved my head and finger half a centimeter to the left and asked, "Where is this?"

I looked at the coordinates on the map and answered doubtfully: "Chongzhou City."

"That's right."

"During the late Tang and early Song Dynasties, there was a country established by ethnic minorities in Chongzhou called Shatuo Kingdom. Some people also called it Chongzhou Shatuo Kingdom."

I was confused.

I really don’t know this, I’ve never heard of it at all.

He took a deep breath from the cigarette and said, "I also accidentally noticed it when I was studying Xiwu'er before. I didn't expect that we would have the opportunity to encounter objects from Shatuo Kingdom."

I didn’t understand this until I explained it. I guess many local friends in Sichuan don’t know it either.

This kind of silver coin is not a currency in circulation, it should be a "reward coin".

Similar to the silver Taiping Tongbao Palace coins and the silver Chongning Yuanbao from the same period in the Northern Song Dynasty.

The characters on the front are ancient Turkic characters, which, like Xixia, are dead characters.

At the end of the Tang Dynasty, a Shatuo army was stationed in Jiguan Mountain, which is located in Gou's hometown of Chongzhou City today.

After the fall of the Tang Dynasty, a leader of the Shatuo tribe proclaimed himself king and established the Shatuo Kingdom in Chongzhou. Later, this country suddenly disappeared. I don’t know what happened.

To start with, the most famous thing about Shatuo Kingdom in Chongzhou is the treasure-hiding poem that has been circulated.

"Seven steps up, seven steps down, seven or seven steps to pick up gold and silver."

This is true, believe me, it's not a joke.

The treasure-hiding poem is not groundless. If you have a friend who wants to make a fortune, go find it.

Just like Zhang Xianzhong's treasure poem of that year.

"Shilong vs. Shihu, there are tens of thousands of gold and silver. If anyone finds out, he will buy Chengdu Mansion."

This poem has been passed down for more than two hundred years. Not many people believe it, not even experts, but a small number of people do.

Let me tell you, this small group of people have made so much money that their children no longer have to work in this life.

Nowadays, there are several Chinese box coins on the market, including gold coins of the Palace of the West and silver coins of the Palace of the West, all sold by this group of people. The current price of each coin is more than two million.

I guess they must still have some leftover.

Later, the archaeological team dug out a giant stone dragon deep in the bamboo forest on the mountain in Shuangjiang Village. Another three hundred meters away, they dug out a giant stone tiger, which was more than ten meters long and weighed several tons. If conditions permit,

Go check it out, it’s very domineering.

The stone dragon and stone tiger looked at each other, and the area they were looking at was the river mouth at the foot of the mountain!

Tens of thousands of objects sank under the sand at the bottom of the river mouth!

Including various gold coins for the King of the West! Large silver ingots! Gold seals and more!

Therefore, sometimes legends are not just legends, they can also bring you endless wealth.

The key is to see if you have the "courage".

This chapter has been completed!
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