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Chapter 127 Night Battle

I have been warned before that when traveling in the world, I should avoid touching women, and don’t do anything for the sake of women, as it is easy to fall into trouble.

Between the opposite sex, interests are the most important thing. If the other person can bring me any benefit, then I will take the initiative to contact the other person in exchange for the greatest benefit. Men and women use each other.

However, Magma Jane is an exception.

I just want to save her, no reason.

If there is one reason, it is that I want heroes to save beauties.

We live in a Ming society, and many people don’t know this. In fact, it’s not just Sherpas. For example, the “Mang people” tribe in Jinping County, Yunnan Province believe that a woman’s pregnancy has nothing to do with her husband.

It is just a dispensable carrier. The reason why women conceive children is related to a special "god" worshiped in their tribe.

When women there are about to give birth, they cannot lie down on the bed to give birth. They are required to give birth to the baby standing up.

The husband watched as the woman gave birth to the baby while standing, and then the husband cut the umbilical cord with a piece of bamboo soaked in sheep blood.

Bamboo slices are not sharp, and even if you cut them more than a dozen times, the umbilical cord will not break.

Doing so will lead to premature death of the newborn, and severe hemorrhage or infection in the woman. Doesn’t it sound weird to you? This is the fact. If you don’t believe it, go and see their tribe yourself, assuming you can sneak in.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, a huge bonfire was lit in the tribe.

The people in the tribe were sitting on the ground around the bonfire, and the ignorant children in twos and threes were chasing and playing around the bonfire. The atmosphere was lively. I watched all this from a distance and clenched my fists fiercely.

It is understood that at 11:30, Magazin will be tied up and carried on a homemade stretcher made of branches. After being sent to a certain place, the entourage will hang her up with ropes, just like an animal, with her wrists and ankles

A cut was made on each of them, and he bled to death.

At that time, it was my best chance to save her. Firstly, it was far away from the tribe's base camp to avoid the large army, and secondly, it was easier to escape.

I tightened my trousers, hid my sword and gun, put a crossbow on my back and was fully armed, and lay down on the grass nest to wait. Brother Biao sent someone to look for me, but they couldn't find me because I asked Aunt Mingmi to leave a message saying that I would leave in the afternoon.

Soon, the time has come.

I saw Magadhan being picked up by a strong Sherpa man and placed on a stretcher at the instruction of her mother. Then the strong man knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times to Magadhan lying on the stretcher.


The crowd waved torches, and strange screams came from the men's mouths.

The leader, Zami Wang, slammed the wine bowl.

The stretcher was lifted up by four strong men and walked out.

Magmazine's mother knelt on the ground, clasped her hands together, and murmured with tears in her eyes.

"Ignorant! Stupid!"

I hid in the grass nest, cursed secretly, and prepared to leave immediately.

At this moment, the crowd, Brother Biao, suddenly ran out holding a torch.

Brother Biao shouted into the darkness: "Brother! Please, brother! We can't do anything! Don't come out! Don't come out! Just leave!"

People around looked at Brother Biao curiously. They couldn't understand what Brother Biao was shouting.

I kept a cold face and quietly followed the stretcher team.

As we walked along, under the faint moonlight, I saw Magdalene's expression as she was tied to the stretcher.

There was no curiosity or desire in her eyes, only confusion and fear. Could it be the advice from her mother? She did not scream or struggle, but lay quietly on the stretcher, as if accepting her fate, looking at the flowers, plants and trees on the roadside in a daze.

The stretcher was walking below, and I was running above.

Magmazine tilted her head, as if she saw me, her eyes changed.

I waved to her desperately from afar!

The Sherpa man carrying the stretcher turned to look at me, and I immediately squatted down and hid in the grass.

There is no road at all up here, just grass and various thorns and branches.

There were many bloody cuts on my hands, face, and feet, but I didn't dare to stop for a second and followed closely.

After walking for about an hour and a half, we arrived under a big cedar tree and the stretcher was put down.

A few people said a few words to each other, and I saw them tying Magmazine with a rope, wrapping the other end of the rope around the branch, and pulling it off the ground with all their strength.

Magmazine looked towards me intentionally or unintentionally.

One of them took out a sharp knife and started to cut her wrist.

Right now!

I stood up directly and without any hesitation, I triggered the crossbow!

Ah, a scream! The sharp crossbow arrow instantly pierced the man's stomach!


When several other people saw this, they suddenly drew their sheep-killing knives, became furious, and rushed towards me with fierce faces!

Able to undertake the transportation task, they are all the bravest warriors in the tribe! Each of them dares to fight the jackals with bare hands in the mountains!

Normally I have no chance of winning in a one-on-three matchup, but don’t forget, I have a product from Hyundai Ming in my hands.

A gunshot!

"Stop! Don't go forward!"

I looked fiercely, panted slightly, and aimed the gun at a person's head.

Maybe the gunshot scared them, or maybe they knew what I was holding. Each of these people held their sheep-killing knives high and looked at each other.


I shouted sternly: "Back off! Whoever dares to move again! I'll shoot him!"


I was very nervous. When I saw the eyes of several of them suddenly become fierce, I shouted "Hu Ka!" They were holding sheep-killing knives and slashed at me at the same time!

I didn't hesitate for a second, aimed at the person directly in front of me, and fired three times! The man fell to the ground with a thud, and the hand-killing knife also fell.

I immediately turned the gun, and the other Sherpa roared angrily and threw the sheep-killing knife towards me!

I lay down to avoid the knife, and shot this man in the calf! Before I had time to react, the last person suddenly jumped out from behind and pounced on me!

The Sherpa raised his sheep-killing knife and slashed at my head. I grabbed my crossbow to block, but the other party slashed at the crossbow!

His eyes were as fierce as a wild beast, holding knives in both hands, and kept pressing down!

I struggled to hold on, my face turned red, and the tip of the knife was getting closer and closer to my face.


I was pinned down by the opponent, and I used all my strength to move the crossbow to the right position little by little, and pulled the trigger with my index finger.


The crossbow arrow hit this man's left eye socket!

It shot through the opponent's head almost instantly, leaving only a short tail outside.

Blood! And other sticky liquids splashed all over my face.

I pushed the man away, wiped my face, and lay on the ground gasping for air.

The Sherpa whose leg I injured was gone. He might have run away in the chaos. I stood up with difficulty, walked to the cedar tree, cut the rope with a knife, and supported Magadhan.

"Let's go... let's run... people are coming soon! Run to the north, my horse is there."

I felt like I had lost my breath, and the pain in my left rib was severe.

We supported each other with Magmazine, and we stumbled and ran into the mountains.

This chapter has been completed!
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