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Chapter 133

Deep in Mi Yao Mountain, it’s half past three in the middle of the night.

"Yu Bin, help me get a basin of water, the wound needs to be cleaned!"


Ah Chun took the washbasin from Brother Yu, turned around and got into the tent.

Looking down at the withered magnolias in my hands, the memories of Marjane in my mind were like flipping through a photo album, one by one flashing quickly. I was so shocked when I first saw her, and she gave me dried medicinal herbs.


Finally, this thin photo album turned to the last page.

Marjane turned into a cold corpse with no temperature.

I lowered my head and gradually clenched my fists.

His teeth were clenching and his body was trembling!

"What's wrong Yunfeng? Are you okay?"

I slowly raised my head.

"You... why are your eyes so red?"

"Did you get injured in the explosion just now?" Brother Yu asked me worriedly.

I was stunned like a demon. I ignored Brother Yu and muttered to myself as I walked: "Why? Why? Why do you do this?"

I walked into the woods alone, leaned against the tree, and sat down slowly.


"Damn it! Why did you attack her!"

If I hadn’t accidentally discovered magnolia, I, Xiang Yunfeng, might have been kept in the dark my whole life!

There are only two possibilities for this matter!

Either Ah Chun did it by himself!

Either the boss is also involved!

Brother Yu Xiaoxuan also participated! Everyone participated!

Hou Tou was afraid that if I forcibly took Ma Zhen with me, it would cause big trouble for the team, so everyone hid the matter from me under the signal of Tu Tou!

Achun and Ma Zhen have no grievances and have never even met once. The possibility of the first scenario is extremely slim.

That only leaves the second possibility!

I started planning for the sake of me and the team...

The time and place were just right that day! Only the boss has this kind of planning ability!

In order to find Brother Biao, I went up the mountain first, and they also arrived late. I even wondered if they were living near the Sherpa tribe at that time?

Thinking of all these things, I feel all kinds of things in my heart.

Brother, woman, master.!

Someone tell me what should I do.

I forcibly suppressed an "impulse" and returned to the camp absentmindedly.

After sitting by the fire for a while, I turned my head and sat down.

"What, are you worried?"

I didn't look at my head, lowered my head and whispered: "It's nothing."

"Yunfeng, you have been following me for several years. I understand your character. If you have anything on your mind, just say it. I will be with you in everything."

I looked up at the head with gray temples and swallowed the words that came to my mouth.

I have traveled all over the world in the past few years. I am no longer a child, and I also have my own ideas.

Handing over a cigarette, I changed the subject and asked, "Boss, that black coffin is so scary, what are we going to do next?"

He thought about it and said: "The Bo people lived in the late Song Dynasty and early Yuan Dynasty. This time point coincides with the time when Li Xian fled. I think the hanging coffin tomb we saw is Li Xian's tomb.

In other words, the Bo people in the coffin may be the indigenous people who were buried with Li Xian."

He glanced deeply at the surrounding night, frowned and said, "Li Xian must be buried somewhere here. There are many treasures in the tomb. I can feel it, it's very close..."

We were attacked by a group of monkeys in the mountains. Except for Achun, who was as agile as a cat, everyone else was more or less scratched by the monkeys. The next day, I put the breakthrough point on Dou Sprout, who was the easiest to trick.

"Ya Zai, you were the one who attracted the monkeys here yesterday, do you know?"

"Holy shit, please keep your voice down so they can hear me and kill me!"

"Don't worry, no one will know if I don't tell you."


"By the way, Yazai, you came out of Kangding into the mountains two days ago. Did you stop on the way?"

"It didn't stop, what happened? No! It stopped all night!"

"The boss let us stay one night at Lao Guo's place in the experimental field."

I frowned and asked, "Then you guys were on your way early the next day?"

Dou Sprout scratched his head and said we were leaving in the afternoon.

My heart skipped a beat.

If you think back carefully, you will be able to match the time.

The night Marzhen had her accident, I stayed in the experimental field. The next day, I sat on the stone floor from dawn to dusk.

We set off from the experimental field in the afternoon, and at our normal pace, we were able to meet me at Laoshilou in the evening.

I still remember the first words Boutou said when he saw me were: "Yunfeng, just wait and be anxious."

Go find Ah Chun, she is washing shoes.

I smiled and said hello: "Good morning, Sister Chun. I didn't expect you to bring washing powder with you."

"Good morning, it was all caused by those monkeys last night. My shoes were all covered in mud."

"Sister Chun, let me help you wash it."

Ah Chun smiled and said: "You are just like Yu Bin. You are always attentive and either cheating or stealing. What bad idea are you thinking about?"

"No, I can't have any bad ideas. By the way, Sister Chun, do you think there's any Lusa around here?"

Ah Chun was stunned: "Gas station? Didn't you catch a fever when you went down to the river last night? Where can you find a gas station in this deep mountain and forest?"

"Oh, I made a mistake."

I stood up and turned around, my face cold.

"Nonglusa" means Tibetan, which indeed means gas station. I don't know many Tibetan words, so this is what I heard from the locals when I was refueling.

Ah Chun accidentally revealed that she understands Tibetan.

The neat hidden message on the wall may have been written by her to make me believe that Marjane committed suicide.

Some people may have questions, "You and Magma Jane have only met a few times, so why are you so interested in her? Just pretend that nothing happened and accept the result."

I can't accept that Marjane can't just die like an ant.

I squatted on the ground and smoked two cigarettes in a row. I went over to Ah Chun and said, "Sister Chun, there are fruits in the woods over there. I want you and me to pick some fruits and eat them in the afternoon."

Achun said suspiciously: "There are fruit trees over there? Why don't I remember it?"

"Yes, there are several wild pomegranate trees."

Ah Chun said let’s go and pick some and bring them back.

Along the way, she walked in front holding the basin, and I followed her.

I didn't lie to her. There were indeed two very short wild pomegranate trees deep in the forest. When we arrived, Achun stood on tiptoes to pick the fruits.

Standing behind her, I quietly took out the knife.

If we take action, Brother Yu and I will no longer be brothers. But at this moment, Marzhen's voice suddenly came to my mind.

"Yunfeng, I died miserably. If you want to avenge me, take action and kill her...Kill her..."

I said angrily: "What to do with my head!"

Ma Zhen's voice said in my mind again: "Kill them all, leave no one alive. Kill them all after they go to bed at night. Yunfeng, don't you love me anymore? You have to avenge me."

My eyes gradually became bloodshot and turned red.

Looking at Achun's neck, I raised the knife in my hand high. In a daze, I saw Ma Zhen's white clothes covered with blood. She was standing next to the pomegranate tree, smiling and nodding to me.

I no longer hesitated and stabbed the knife down!

The moment I took action.

Ah Chun suddenly turned around! She grabbed my wrist holding the knife!

Achun's face was indifferent, and his voice was extremely cold: "Xiang Yunfeng, what do you want to do..."

If there were other people present, they would definitely see that my eyes were bloodshot and red at this moment. I didn’t say anything and just pressed down on the knife.


Suddenly, I felt a burning pain on the left side of my face.


Ah Chun slapped me twice in succession. She was not afraid and looked at me coldly.

I was so angry that I threw away the knife and threw Ah Chun down. My eyes were red and I strangled her neck with both hands!

Ah Chun resisted, and she pushed her knee into my abdomen! At the same time, she put her hands on my chin, trying to push me away!

I saw Marzhen standing next to me and kept saying: "Harder! Harder! Choke her to death!"

Normally I am no match for Achun, but now, I don’t know where I got the strength from.

I watched the blood vessels on the back of my hand burst!

Ah Chun's face gradually turned red! Her legs were kicking and swaying wildly! She was slapping me in the face with both hands!

This chapter has been completed!
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