Turn off the lights
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Chapter 143

According to industry rules, white candles are not lit in tombs, only red candles are lit. White candles are unlucky.

Dou Sprouts and I slowly moved the coffin lid away.

Ah Chun held up a candle to light up the scene, and we all gathered around to watch.


At first glance, the coffin was filled with thick yellow bedding!

The embroidery stitches were clearly visible. When I touched them lightly, these quilts were like soft tofu. They looked complete but fell apart when I touched them!

One layer, two layers.

We took it down layer by layer, and I roughly counted that the tomb owner was covered with fourteen layers of quilts!

The last layer is the best preserved. It is a yellow gauze silk gauze curtain from the Song and Yuan Dynasties. Through the thin layer of yellow gauze, we can all see that the tomb owner has a very upturned nose.

It's female.

Looking down, the ancient corpse is obviously pregnant with a big belly, like a pregnant woman who is pregnant in ten months.

It was very dark inside the tomb, and the candles were like fireflies, illuminating only a few feet of the coffin.

The boss, Mr. Jiao, he belongs to both the southern and northern factions. He has been doing this all his life. His eyes are full of shock at this moment!

"Fengzi, have you seen it?"

Dou Sprout looked frightened and kept shaking my arm.

"Don't fucking shake me, I'm not blind, I saw it!"

I'm afraid of ghosts, but I'm not afraid of corpses, especially female corpses, and there's nothing to be afraid of.

I stretched out my hand and was about to lift off the last layer of yellow gauze on the body.

The boss didn't let me use my hands directly, but handed me a pair of chopsticks, meaning not to touch them directly, so it would be safe.

Just like that, I used chopsticks to pick up the yellow sand curtain on the face of the female corpse, and lifted it up little by little.


Dou Sprout was so frightened that he took two steps back and sat down on the ground.

Everyone's face turned pale.

Has anyone ever seen ancient people face to face?

None, right?

I have seen!

That scene is still fresh in my memory.

This female corpse was on the thin side and should have been around thirty when she died. She had a white jade hairpin inserted into her head. The hairpin did not completely tie her hair, and half of her hair was spread out on the back of her head.

The female corpse's eyes were tightly closed, her expression was peaceful, and no trace of the pain of death could be seen. Her facial features were lifelike, with an oval face, a cherry mouth, willow eyebrows, and a raised nose. She looked like a nomadic beauty.

The female corpse in Mawangdui, Changsha has not rotted for two thousand years, and the female corpse in Jingzhou has not rotten for more than a thousand years, but compared to the female corpse in front of me, it is so different!

This woman looks like she just died last week! The only explanation is that the sealing of the camel-skin lacquer coffin, coupled with the dozens of layers of quilts covering the body of the woman, completely cut off the air! This caused the coffin to create a kind of vacuum.


But even so, the face of a person who has been dead for hundreds of years cannot be so lifelike. This is really scary!

At this time, Xiaoxuan suddenly said to me: "Yunfeng, look at her, she is so beautiful."

"It's so beautiful!" I said with a white face: "I've been dead for hundreds of years, I guess I will turn into a zombie soon."

Mr. Jiao Jiu sighed and said: "Hey... the world is full of wonders. My trip with you was not in vain. I had my eyes opened before I died. This is the true immortality of bones."

I asked what the non-bone is?

Jiao Jiuye did not answer me directly, but continued: "It is more troublesome to explain the non-transformed bones. The time, place and people are indispensable. When the Qing Dynasty Tomb was stolen, people in the industry said that the old Buddha's face was rosy and lifelike when he opened the coffin.

The reason why she became immortal is actually because she had a luminous pearl under her tongue. Young man, please take a look at this female corpse."

This story is true. At that time, Cixi had a pearl under her tongue. I don’t know if it was a night pearl. No one had ever seen it.

I took a deep breath to embolden myself, silently said I'm sorry, and then pinched the female corpse's jaw open with one hand.

"I can't see it. Take the candle and light it."

I pinched the female corpse's mouth and looked around.

I haven't brushed my teeth for many years. My teeth are black and yellow. My tongue is very big and looks a bit shriveled, like a pig's tongue.

I let go.

Due to the lack of skin elasticity, the female corpse remained in an open-mouth position.

"No, Mr. Jiao, I looked and there was nothing in my mouth."

"No, there is something."

Brother Yu frowned and said, "Yunfeng, I was taking a closer look at her back teeth. I seemed to see something reflecting the light."


I was looking at it as Brother Yu said, and I really found something small.

It was so slippery that it took me three attempts with chopsticks to pick it out from the back of the corpse's mouth.

It is a piece of "black jade" polished into an oval shape.

It's not Hotan ink jade, nor is it jade ink jade. This thing is plain and opaque. It may be a local jade species whose name I don't know.

Xiaoxuan said doubtfully: "Look, her belly is so big. Is it possible that she died during childbirth? Could she be a concubine that Li Xian married here after he fled?"

Dying in childbirth...it is indeed possible, but I have to take a look to be sure.

Then I discovered another detail.

This female corpse must have died in winter.

The lavender skirt she wears on her lower body is called a "spin coat".

During the Song and Liao Dynasties, ordinary women could not wear purple, let alone wear spinner coats.

Only "married women" of the third rank or above can wear purple spinner jackets. Ordinary women can only wear jackets. In summer, they wear single jackets and in winter, they wear thick jackets, paired with double-breasted and narrow-sleeved jackets on the upper body.

Douyazai put his head around and asked me: "Fengzi, are you trying to take off someone's pants?"

I said without taking a look, how would you know if she died in childbirth?

Douyazai said: "But whether she died in childbirth has nothing to do with us, right? We just want to find valuable treasures!"

At this time, Ah Chun frowned and said: "Let's go. Even if it's a dead person, you two men shouldn't look at it like this. It will make people angry. Be careful that they turn into ghosts and take revenge on you."

After Ah Chun said this, the candle suddenly burned brightly and dimly even though there was no wind.

Xiaoxuan quickly blocked it with her hands, and then stabilized the flames.

After untying the lavender coat worn on the lower body of the female corpse, Dou Yazi helped hold the candle, and Ah Chun bent down to look at it.

"How are you doing, Sister Chun?" Douyazai asked curiously.

Ah Chun said without raising his head: "Don't rush me, I haven't found it yet."

"Found it, what is this..."

"This... this is a man!"



"Impossible! Sister Chun, are you sure you can see clearly?!"

"What are you talking about? How can I not tell the difference between men and women? I've seen this thing a lot, can I still admit it?"

Dou Yazai also didn't believe it and said: "Then this Li Xian is a shemale? Sister Chun, please take a look to make sure. You don't know, some men are so small that you can't see them after they shrink, only their flesh can be seen."

Ah Chun cursed the gangster and leaned over to look again. She must also want to confirm whether this person was a boy or a girl.

Dou Sprouts turned sideways to look at it, which caused the candle in his hand to become crooked.

We didn't notice at first that the hot wax from the red candle fell drop by drop on the rotten bedding.

Smoke started coming out after a few seconds.

I smelled the smell and saw the smoke coming out, and immediately reminded loudly: "Stop looking! Get the candle! You're going to start a fucking fire!"

Dou Sprout was in a hurry and immediately reached out to pat the smoking area on the quilt. He was afraid that it would develop into an open fire and burn the funerary objects in the coffin, so Dou Sprout patted with great force.

It just so happened that the position he took the photo was on the belly of the female corpse.

Suddenly, no one expected it.

There was a dull thud.

It's like a balloon bursting!

The female corpse exploded from her belly button! A foul-smelling black water! It poured all over Ah Chun's head and face.

This chapter has been completed!
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