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Chapter 153 The Kangding Banshee

I searched all night last night, almost all over the city of Kangding, but couldn't even see a shadow.

Until now, Brother Yu is still worried about Achun's physical condition. She said that Achun didn't wear shoes when he ran and was barefoot. It was snowing here, so would his feet be frostbitten?

I was exhausted, drank half a mouthful of cold water and fell asleep on the sofa, having a nightmare.

I dreamed that I was using a flashlight and walked to a crematorium with a red door. After entering, there were many single beds, and there was a cold corpse lying on each bed. There were men and women. Ah Chun was sitting on the bed.

On a corpse, the dead man's intestines were taken out and he was eating the intestines like noodles.

I woke up from a nightmare and it was time for lunch.

Xiaoxuan went out to buy groceries. Brother Yu was not in the mood to cook, so we ate yesterday’s leftovers.

At the dinner table, Douyazai deliberately did not mention Achun's matter, but changed the subject and asked me: "Hey, Fengzi, who do you think the black hand sold all our copper coins to? Is he called the White Wolf with Empty Gloves?"

, they took away all our things without spending a penny."

I threw down my chopsticks and said, "I didn't say anything. I just want to give people face and gain favors. He doesn't want to get away with nothing. He wants it but has no money to buy it! People like them who work on the front line all year round are always short of money."


"Ah? Can't? Are they still short of money?!"

Dou Sprout didn't believe it and said: "It doesn't cost anything to dig out copper coins. You can make money by digging them out!"

"You know what the heck, their kind of business depends on people doing it, they can't sell to everyone, and the bigger the business is, the harder it is to make money. Most of the money is spent on goods, and there aren't many skills on hand.

The cash used, let alone millions.”

"After a period of time, let him recover, and he will definitely give us the money. Otherwise, if word spreads that the Siping Gang will not pay after receiving the goods, no one will dare to contact them in the future."

Dou Sprouts scratched his head as he seemed to understand.

At this time, someone knocked on the door. It was Xiaoxuan who had come back from shopping for groceries. She didn't look very good. I asked what was wrong?

Xiaoxuan came in and closed the door and whispered: "No, I was buying vegetables at the vegetable market just now. I heard an old vegetable seller said that he lost a chicken at his house last night. In the morning, I found the chicken feathers. Maybe it was eaten by something.

The food was eaten alive."

"Why do you all look at me like this?" Xiaoxuan asked with eyes wide open.

I said: "So, do you think it was Ah Chun who ate the old vegetable seller's chicken?"

Xiaoxuan nodded repeatedly.

I said speechlessly: "There are hundreds of thousands of chickens in Kangding. If you lose just one chicken, you can't assume that Achun ate it. Do you understand?"

"Oh, I'm just telling you what if it's true."

At this moment, the cell phone with my head on the table suddenly rang, and the caller ID was Mr. Zhao.

"What's wrong, Mr. Zhao?"

Mr. Zhao on the other end said: "Old man, I just got off the bus at Jishou and am now on my way to my apprentice's place. Just now I suddenly remembered something on the way. Something is wrong."

"How do you say this?" asked the head.

Mr. Zhao said in a puzzled tone: "You said that the little girl named Achun took the prescription I gave her and her condition improved that day?"

He looked at me and said yes, that's right.

"That's the problem. My folk prescription is effective, but it can't be effective on the same day! Moreover, because people infected with corpse poison will have the urge to eat raw meat, I deliberately added calamus and duck head to the prescription.

, I just want to suppress her instinct to eat raw meat as much as possible."

Mr. Zhao said in a deep voice: "Now it seems that my prescription did not have any effect at all. The reason why her condition improved that day was because she secretly ate raw meat with blood."

"There is only one possibility. There is something wrong with the medicine. Let me ask you, is the rhino horn powder used in the medicine made from real rhino horn?"

He turned his head and handed me the phone directly.

I quickly said: "Master Zhao, that rhinoceros horn powder should be real. I bought three taels and spent more than two thousand yuan."

"It's not necessarily true that it's expensive. I'll hang up first. You must figure this out."

I handed the phone back to my head, frowned, hurriedly took a few mouthfuls of rice, and then went to the drug store with Brother Yu.

"Hey, young man, you are here again! Do you want to buy the same things as last time?"

"Come here and ask you something." Brother Yu waved.

The old man from the medicine shop came over with a smile and asked what was wrong.

In an instant! Brother Yu grabbed the old man’s neck and lifted him off the ground with one hand!

The old man was kicking his feet in the air and screaming wildly! His face gradually changed from red to black, and then from black to purple!

As soon as Brother Yu let go, he suddenly fell to the ground, covering his neck and coughing non-stop.

I knelt down and said, "Damn it, you damn old man, tell me! Is the rhino horn powder you sold me that day fake?"

"Ahem...cough! I...I don't sell fakes, all I sell are genuine."

"Still talking back? If you don't tell the damn truth, I'll kill you, believe it or not!"


"Don't! I said! I said!"

He panted for half a minute and said dejectedly: "It's fake. What I sold you that day was not rhino horn powder, but cow horn powder."

When I heard this, my face turned pale and I asked: "Ox horn powder, you asked me for four fucking two thousand yuan, how much did you pay for it?"

He said with a guilty conscience: "Two dollars and a half, I bought it for two and a half dollars."

I stood up, rubbed my face vigorously, and when I was done, I kicked the old man to the ground.

"Damn you! You really hurt us!"

If there was nothing wrong with the prescription! Ah Chun would not want to eat raw meat! Then the result would not be this!

This is a chain reaction. Ah Chun became like this. Bean Sprout is responsible! Brother Yu is responsible! I am also responsible! It seems that the three of us accidentally harmed her!

Mr. Zhao will arrive in Sichuan in three days at the earliest. Within these three days, we will find Achun at all costs! Control her and receive treatment!

One day passed, and bad things happened one after another.

Xiaoxuan's words came true. A chicken farm in Kangding was stolen one after another. All the chickens were stolen. Brother Yu and I rushed over and asked the boss. The boss was afraid and said: "The chickens were lost in the middle of the night last night. I saw

The surveillance at the gate seemed to be a woman without shoes. It was so scary. I had never seen anything like that. She didn’t even pluck out the hair. She caught the chickens in the chicken coop and ate them alive!"

Brother Yu and I looked at each other, and I took the chicken farm owner aside to discuss, gave him five hundred yuan, and said he would let us stay here for one night, but Brother Yu and I hid in the courtyard without blinking.

He stared at us all night, as if Ah Chun knew we were there and didn't come over at all.

Another day later, I heard that not only the chickens were lost, but also the cows raised by a family were lost!

The carcass of a cow was found by the river, and the heart of the cow was ripped out! This caused people in the city to panic, because it had just snowed two days ago, and some Tibetans said that the banshee from Zheduo Mountain had come down.

He just wants to eat the hearts of children. Whenever he hears these rumors, Brother Yu will always frown.

If you don’t believe it, go to Kangding and ask the locals if there was such a rumor that year. For this reason, Dongguan Primary School locked the door an hour and a half earlier at night.

This chapter has been completed!
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