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Chapter 190 Haircut

There was a lot of noise, and a large group of people were dragging their luggage and rushing to catch the train.

"Uncle Hui, you have a safe journey. I am going to Xiangxi at the end of the year. I will definitely go to Aizhai to find you then."

"Okay, let's go back. I originally wanted you to recognize me as my godfather, but you didn't. I am teasing you about Yang Gong. It is a secret of our Aizhai Hui family. Don't practice it blindly."


"Also, kid, the three zombie powders I gave you are also called zombie eyes. Don't use them unless absolutely necessary."

"I understand, Uncle Gray, don't worry."

"Zombie Eyes" is a powder in a small bottle, the color is very similar to pepper.

Uncle Gray warned me that this thing is extremely poisonous!

The meaning of "Zombie Staring Eyes" is that it is so poisonous that it can open the eyes of the corpse. It must be stored carefully and not to break the bottle. I temporarily put it in the right pocket of my shirt.

Uncle Gray sat by the train window and chatted with me for a few more words. Next to him was an older sister. The older sister immediately covered her nose and looked at Uncle Gray with disgust.

With a melodious whistle, the train slowly drove away.

I smiled bitterly, shook my head and exclaimed: "What a strange person."

Mr. Zhao patted me on the shoulder and said, "Go pick up Achun. I have some things to do and I have to go back first." The prosthetic leg installed on Mr. Zhao's left hand was the most advanced silicone prosthesis at the time. At first glance, it looked like a real hand.

I have to pick up Ah Chun and Brother Yu. She hasn't had her hair done yet.

Kangding is the most beautiful after the snow every year.

The whole town seemed to have taken a bath. The air was very fresh. I looked up at Zheduo Mountain in the distance. Occasionally, I would think: "Why don't I stay here for the rest of my life?" But after thinking about it, I couldn't bear to part with the money and the money.

This colorful world.

Back then, there was a very skilled female hairdresser named Zhou on the third floor of an old unit building on Xiaqiao Pedestrian Street. She always liked to frown when she was cutting hair.

Other barbers cut hair shorter and shorter, but Sister Zhou can cut hair longer and longer.

A pair of scissors kept dancing in the air, and I saw that Ah Chun's hair, which was not long at first, was gradually cut into long, diagonal bangs.

After using the straight iron to perm her hair, she lowered her bangs and combed it twice with a comb to perfectly cover the darkened left side of Achun's face.

Brother Yu nodded repeatedly and kept saying: "Beautiful, pretty, good, good, good."

"Yunfeng, your hair has grown too, why don't you cut it?"

I said cut it and sat down immediately.

Cover with white cloth.

The hairdresser Sister Zhou frowned and asked me: "What hairstyle do you want?"

"Just a buzzcut will do, and a more stylish haircut will do." I said.

"Your hair grows thick and fast, and the hair texture is also hard. It is not suitable for a flat head, and is more suitable for a buzz cut."

"What's the difference? Doesn't a flat head mean an inch head?" I don't understand.

"Sit tight and you'll find out later."

Sister Zhou stepped on her foot and lowered the chair, strangled my neck, and immediately started cutting.

ten minutes later.

Not to mention, I look two levels better in the mirror. Sister Zhou has piercing eyes. I am more suitable for a short haircut. I am very satisfied.

"Sister Zhou, how much do we have in total?"

"Five bucks for the two of you."

Sister Zhou collected the money and said while sweeping the floor: "It's your turn, come sit here."

A man sat on the sofa for a while. This man looked strange. He had a round bump on his forehead, as if someone had taken a bowl and pressed it on his forehead.

"Let's go, Brother Yu."

After taking two steps, we suddenly heard the man behind us who was getting his hair cut say calmly: "Huang Chun'er, come back with me."


Brother Yu immediately protected Achun behind him, with a very nervous look on his face: "Changchun Meeting!"

The man was sitting on the barber's chair. He raised his hand and patted the barber, Sister Zhou, on the shoulder.

Sister Zhou, who was cutting her hair, suddenly stopped.

The scissors she was holding fell to the ground, and she looked in the mirror in a daze, falling into a trance.

My face changed.

"Patting flowers" is also called "patting fans"! This was a method used by human traffickers in the past.

"How can you let Ah Chun go!"

"She didn't kill anyone!"

"She just stole a few chickens from society! How much can a few chickens be worth! Ten thousand! One hundred thousand!" Brother Yu said angrily.

The man sat on the barber chair and spun around. He looked calm and said to Brother Yu: "The rules of the Changchun Society are not child's play. Huang Chun'er knows it very well. Besides, she didn't just kill a few chickens...


Brother Yu turned his head sharply and asked Ah Chun in disbelief: "You killed someone?!"

Ah Chun slowly lowered his head and remained silent.

The atmosphere in this small barber shop that was usually ordinary suddenly became solemn and tense.

Brother Yu took a deep breath and said: "Even if she killed someone at that time, it was not her intention. She was ill and out of control! You Changchun Association must know right from wrong."

The man was still sitting on the barber's chair. He said: "That's why I asked Huang Chun'er to go back with me for investigation. Young man, it's such a pity. You forced the exercise that night, which caused the qi and blood to surge, and the meridians were injured. For more than ten years,

The foundation of the New Year has been completely destroyed, and now I can’t even lift a bucket of water?”

"Besides, let alone you, at this moment, even if Master Huang Chun'er is here at half the price, I don't take him seriously." His words revealed strong confidence in his own strength.

"Brother Yu!


I yelled, picked up a chair, and slapped the opponent directly on the head!


The man raised his hand and punched the chair, causing sawdust to fly everywhere.

The power of this punch did not diminish. When it hit me, I felt like I had been hit by a hammer on my stomach. It hurt so much that all my internal organs were turned over!

I was sweating all over and endured the severe pain. I hugged this man's legs tightly! I raised my head and shouted, "Take Ah Chun and run away! Leave me alone! They don't dare to touch me! Find the leader!"

Brother Yu gritted his teeth! She glanced at me, opened the door suddenly, and dragged Ah Chun to run downstairs.


I didn't say a word and hugged his legs tightly.

I was kicked several times on the back. The more he hit me, the tighter I hugged him!

After dozens of seconds, I couldn't hold on any longer and slowly let go.

He lifted me up from the ground, and I grinned, looking at myself in the mirror with blood on my teeth.

"Why are you laughing? Do you think this is useful? It just delays it for a little time."

"A weak person like you dares to stop me, do you know who I am? Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Ahem...I'm afraid, I'm afraid of death."

I smiled miserably and gasped: "I'm weak. I don't know who you are, but you don't dare to kill me."

"I am Xiang Yunfeng, I know Xie Qirong, I know Wu Le, I know Lord Ma, Lord Gan, and Lord Chu. Do you dare to kill me?"

The other person frowned and let go of his hand. I held on to the chair to stand firm.

"How could you possibly know these people?"

The man with the bag on his forehead is very strong. Although I don’t know martial arts, I can feel that he is at least stronger than the three brothers from the North Leg. Now we have to use a delaying tactic. I will chat with him for one more minute. Brother Yu and Ah Chun

Just be as safe as possible.

My chest hurt like I was having a breath, and my forehead was covered with sweat. I suppressed the discomfort and said, "You don't have to worry about how I know these people. I can only say that it will be very troublesome once you kill me."

"How much money can you make in a year in Changchun? Thirty thousand? Fifty thousand? One hundred thousand?"

"Your socks are old and your leather shoes are worn like this. Is the money you earn from working hard for the Changchun Society enough to support your wife and children? Not enough..."

"I have a suggestion. You might as well report to the Changchun Society that Achun died accidentally during the pursuit. How about that?"

The man looked indifferent. He looked me up and down with interest and asked, "How much can I get?"

I made a comparison.

This chapter has been completed!
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