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Chapter 206 Crime

Every place has its own customs. Tibetans in Kangding have long believed that on the day of the Buddha Festival, burning black stones and moving them to their homes will be prosperous in the next year. The person responsible for burning the stones also has hard conditions and must

He is a lifelong single person.

Three days later, it was around ten o'clock in the evening.

"Brother, are you afraid?"

I unscrewed the wine bottle, took a sip, and wiped my mouth: "I'm afraid of fucking xxxx."

"Okay, if you have the guts, I'm not afraid! I slept one night on Wushan Mountain last year, and there were coffins all over the mountain."

Walked more than two hundred meters.

"Are you sure you are here?" I asked.

"Shh... keep your voice down... I came here to check on you earlier. The old woman's neighbor has a dog."

Wu Shixun and I were wearing "ceremonial robes" and squatted in the corner talking quietly.

In front of you is the old woman's residence, a dilapidated bungalow with a small courtyard surrounded by a brick wall.

He whispered: "It's almost eleven o'clock. The old woman is probably asleep. Let's climb over the wall and get in. When she's not paying attention, you cover his head with the robe. Do you understand?"

"Understood, let's go!"

The cassock weighed more than ten kilograms, and the small bronze mirrors sewn on it would clang against each other. I had to pull the robe down tightly with my hands to avoid making any noise.

When his heels landed, he pointed to a bungalow in the southwest corner and then touched it.

As I got closer, I felt a little nervous.

Didn't sleep? Because there was TV sound in the room.

Through the window, Yo squinted and looked inward.

There is a black and white TV in the house playing the Henan opera "Chaoyanggou", and the screen will flash from time to time.

There was a bamboo rocking chair in front of the TV. The old woman was lying on the chair, rocking and watching TV.

I saw a blanket covering her legs, and a black kitten lying on the blanket.

There is a scene in Chaoyanggou where Yinhuan went to the countryside and made a joke because he didn't know any crops. The old woman laughed out loud when she saw this scene, which sounded a little scary.


The black cat seemed to hear the noise and jumped on the back of the chair, staring at the window with a pair of cat eyes.

Then, the old woman slowly turned her head.

I grabbed Wu Shixun and squatted down violently!

After a few seconds, seeing that nothing was wrong, I looked ugly and whispered: "Didn't you sleep...?"

He told me not to be anxious and wait patiently for the opportunity.

Just then.

I suddenly felt someone blowing air on the top of my head.

Look up.

The old lady was lying by the window, her face turned pale, she lowered her head and said with a smile: "Who are you looking for?"

Immediately, Wu Shixun shouted in panic: "Do it!"

I immediately stood up, took the cassock and covered the old woman's head directly.

With a crash, the window was closed and locked, and the old woman immediately stepped back.

"Don't run!"

A stone smashed the glass, and we jumped right in.

"Where are you going!?"

Wu Shixun took out his flashlight and turned it on. At the same time, he held a copper bell high in his right hand. He shook the bell vigorously and shouted: "Come out! I see you!"

The black and white TV is still playing in Chaoyanggou. Perhaps it is a psychological effect. I always feel that the eyes of the characters on the TV are squinting at us.

There was only the faint light of the TV.

Wu Shixun slowly approached the closet and opened it fiercely.

"No one is there? Are you hiding under the bed?" I pointed to the single bed.

Just as I was about to turn around, I suddenly saw a pale and distorted old man's face reflected vaguely on the large bronze mirror inlaid on the back of Wu Shixun's cassock.

I looked up sharply.

"On top of the wardrobe!"

The old woman was lying on the wardrobe like a cat! I just shouted out! She suddenly jumped off the wardrobe and jumped on me. She was not as agile as a seventy-year-old man!

At that moment, the old woman and I looked at each other, her face was ferocious, and she yelled at me loudly, which I didn't understand.

"Brother, don't look at her! She's casting a curse!"

My eyes are dull.

Because I saw Ma Zhen again. She was spotless in white clothes, with long flowing hair and beautiful facial features like a fairy on earth. She was looking at me and smiling.

My eyes turned red, and I reached out and touched her face.

The touch that can be transmitted is not like a girl's skin, it feels rough, like touching the bark of a tree.

The little fairy suddenly turned into an old woman.

The old woman smiled and grabbed my hand and put it on her face, her eyes full of ridicule and teasing.

At this moment! Wu Shixun knocked the old woman down from behind. He quickly took off the cassock he was wearing and covered the old woman's head, suppressing her!

The old woman struggled vigorously and let out a series of strange and sharp screams. How to describe it? It was a bit like the screams of a young woman.

Wu Shixun's glasses fell off, he was sweating, and his hands were firmly pressed on the cassock.

After about a few minutes, the old woman's struggling movements became smaller and smaller, and finally her legs slowly straightened out.

Wu Shixun let go and took away the cassock covering her face.

I saw that the old woman's mouth was slightly open, her eyes were wide open, and she was motionless!

"Dead...dead??" I stuttered.

Wu Shixun gasped and said, "How about it! You still don't believe it! I told you that my robe is useful!"

I said anxiously: "You obviously covered this to death with your clothes! Hurry up and think about how to deal with it!"

"Don't worry! I'm thinking about it!"

He ran to the window and looked out, then turned back and said hastily: "No one saw it! Let's find a place to bury her quickly!"

"Bury it there!"

He looked panicked and said: "There is an apple tree behind the house! Bury it under the tree!"

"Stop it! Bury the house behind the house, don't rush out if it rains heavily!"

I thought about it and immediately said, "That's it! Let's get some wet coal and throw it into the fire, and then seal the doors and windows tightly! People will think she was poisoned by gas."

"What if we need an autopsy?!"

I said the autopsy was rubbish, but no one in the village understood it! The old woman had no children, she just died from the gas! Who would worry about this?

Just like that, I lifted the old woman to the bed, carefully helped her take off her shoes and covered her with a quilt, then added a lot of wet coal to the fire, and finally closed the doors and windows tightly. The house was soon filled with a faint smell of gas.

"Brother, leave quickly! What are you looking for?"

I searched all over and found a small wooden box in the drawer. I opened the box and found some red paper and a flat brocade box inside.

When I opened the brocade box, there was a lock of black hair inside.

I recognized it at a glance. This was not modern hair, but hair from a long time ago.

After death, as long as the preservation environment is good, the hair will not rot for hundreds of years. I have seen a lot of this kind of hair in coffins, and it is usually separated from the skull of the tomb owner and rolled into balls.

Judging from the length, the lock of hair in the brocade box should be female hair, but this is not absolutely true. Some people also had braids in the past.

Intuition tells me that this hair is not something interesting. It may be that of a woman named Xixima hundreds of years ago. According to Wu Shixun, I guess this woman is the earliest prototype of the climbing god worshiped by the party members.

This thing was evil, so I immediately threw it into the fire.

The fierce fire burned his hair to ashes in an instant.


Don’t do bad things, don’t be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door.

If you do something wrong, you are afraid of people knocking on your door!

After the accident, I was very nervous. I was afraid that someone would come looking for me, so I didn't dare to go back, so I stayed in a hotel.

Wu Shixun asked me for 20,000 yuan. He made clothes and bought bells. I thought there would be a witchcraft battle or something, but unexpectedly, he just covered the person with his clothes to death!

Another thing, before I left that night, I smelled the small bottle of wine that Uncle Ma Liang gave me. It did smell bad, but it stopped smelling after I left the old lady's house. It was strange.

On the afternoon of the second day after the accident, the cell phone I had been guarding rang.

"How is it going?"

On the other end, Wu Shixun breathed a sigh of relief and said, "As you expected, the old woman has no relatives. The village arranged to take her directly to the crematorium for cremation. Everyone believed that she was poisoned by gas, and no one thought otherwise."

I also breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good. Let's try to see each other as little as possible from now on. There's one more thing I want to ask you. If the old woman dies, does that mean that the Crawling God is dead?"

Wu Shixun on the other end was silent for a few seconds after hearing this, and then said: "Brother, you can't say that. This old woman, including the July climbers you mentioned to me before, they are just worshipers and worshipers of the climbers. Can you say that?"

Do you understand? This is like some kind of cult. Who knows if there are other people who believe in God, but...according to my secret observation of lurking in the village for the past two or three months, there should be no one else."

"Brother, this is our secret. You can't tell anyone, otherwise I will be guilty of fucking murder!"

"Don't worry, I definitely won't say anything. I'm fucking involved too. If I say something, doesn't that mean I'm giving myself away?"

"Just understand. By the way, do you know that the old woman cursed you before she died last night?"

"What are you cursing me for?"

"That's a Dangxiang language. I don't understand it, but it's definitely not a good word. It's probably a curse that you'll be hit by a car when you go out, or drowned while swimming."

"Don't be afraid, the curse didn't succeed because you were wearing the cassock I made and the cassock blocked it for you."

After thinking for a while, I said: "There is something I haven't asked you all this time, that is, do you have any mental problems?"

"Hold the grass! What did you say? Do you think I am crazy or mentally ill?"

"I don't mean that, I'm just asking."

Wu Shixun said: "I did take medicine for a period of time in the past two years, but it was all forced by my family. I have no mental problems at all! If there were problems, how could I still communicate with you so normally?"

"Okay, I got it. I'm hanging up. I'll contact you if I need anything."

I threw away my phone and leaned on the chair to rub my temples, feeling very tired.

July crawled to death, and the old woman also died. Marjane's revenge was finally avenged, right? But why do I still feel uneasy in my heart?

I closed my eyes and started to recall the whole story in my mind, and ended up falling asleep thinking about it.

"Hello? Hello?!"

When I opened my eyes, I saw a person standing in front of me. It turned out to be the duck man Wang Yuanjie.

He was still the same, but he was standing behind the iron gate with handcuffs on his hands. He said with a smile: "Why are you so stupid? How could I lose to you in the first place? Use your little brain to think carefully.

What details did you miss?"

"Nonsense, you are just my defeated general! What qualifications do you have to teach me how to do things?"

"Oh, if it weren't for that damn old man, would you have been able to defeat me in the first place?"

He waved to me through the iron gate, with a smile on his face, and said coquettishly: "Brother, I'll wait for you inside."

This chapter has been completed!
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