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Chapter 213 Taste

Twenty million is an amount that many people will not be able to earn in their lifetime, but in our industry, there is nothing unimaginable, it’s just one thing!

As long as you are brave enough and not afraid of death, you can go dig the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang and make money in one night!

What I'm afraid of is that I can earn my life but I can't spend it!

It's like you have worked hard to save money for ten years and married a wife, but on the wedding night, your wife went to someone else's bed.


In the wooden house, he raised his head and took a sip of tea. He stared at us and said, "Tell me, why did we get into a fight all of a sudden?"

Dou Sprout and I both had bright faces, especially Dou Sprout with panda eyes on his face.

He cried aggrievedly and said: "Boss, look at how Fengzi beat me, ah? Did I do anything wrong? I just want our team to make more money. What did I do wrong? Beat me!"

, my mother can’t even recognize her.”

He put his head down on the teacup and said with a strange expression, "It's your turn to tell Yunfeng."

"I don't have much to say. If you don't listen to me, you should be beaten! This is all done lightly by me, just to make him remember a little longer!"

I told the story of the consequences, shook my head after hearing this, and said: "Ya Zai, it's too easy to get caught selling those large stone sculptures. We northerners generally don't touch those kinds of things. Besides, it's wrong for Yunfeng to hit you. You

Go out first and I'll talk to him."

Dou Sprout glanced secretly, lowered his head and walked away quickly.

Seeing Dou Sprout Boy go away, he immediately smiled and said that the fight was good.

He said: "Well done. Ya Zai has the character of a boat racer in southern Fujian. He is too impatient. If you can't control him now, you will be even more unable to control him in the future."

"I am over seventy and you are only twenty. There is a long way to go in the future. Yunfeng, your future achievements will definitely be higher than mine. What things can be touched and what cannot be touched, you will be the leader from now on.

You must always have a mental balance."

I nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, let me test you. If a jade garment with gold threads appears in the tomb, can you take it?"

Without thinking, I said: "Take it! But I will be very careful when selling it."

"Where are the large bronze items with inscriptions?"

I said it depends on the situation. If it's as big as Simuwu Ding, I won't take it! I will choose to sell something like an old man and sell the news to people in the industry.

"Okay! Not bad! What you said is exactly what I thought," he looked at me with a hint of relief.

For dinner, Xiaoxuan volunteered to make pimple soup. It looked ugly, like stirred pebbles and cement slurry, but the taste was surprisingly good. I drank half a bowl, and the bean sprouts drank three large bowls in a row.

After eating and drinking, and resting for a while, a group of us picked up our things and rushed to the Lost Soul Forest to start our night operations.

Didn't the samurai let the bean sprouts dig out during the day?

The woods are eerie at night, and there is heavy fog. The branches are shrouded in fog and look hazy. It's like being on the road to the underworld. When I shine a flashlight on it, I always feel that the eyes of the stone statues are glowing.

After looking carefully, he frowned. He suddenly pointed at the stone statue and said, "Have you noticed that there is something underneath? Dig down to see what it is."

After digging a few shovels, I heard a clang! It seemed like it had hit a rock.

After digging through the soil, a layer of white, jade-like stone slabs was revealed.

The first thing that comes to my mind is the white jade table!

I immediately wiped it with my hand and found that it was a white marble slab with very good texture. The ancient white marble was actually marble.

Dou Sprout whispered: "Look, there are patterns."

There is a layer of dense patterns carved on the surface of the stone slab, almost all of which are lotuses. The stone carvers are highly skilled and have carved each lotus petal into a dynamic and lifelike form.

After digging for nearly ten minutes, the whole thing was revealed.

I just said it was a white marble slab. No, to be precise, this thing is more like an open-air stone bed.

It is not all white, some places are very dark, as if it had been burned by fire. A stone warrior statue nearly one meter high stands guard on the right hand side of the stone bed.

Dou Sprout asked: "What kind of peak is this?"

"The bed is there. You can lie down on it and try it."

Dou Sprout scratched his head, threw down the shovel, and lay down on it.

"How does it feel?" I asked,

"Ouch... It's so cool. It's chilly. It will definitely be cool to sleep in this summer."

I said it's wrong for you to lie down like this.

"Put your feet flat, put your hands on your chest, yes, that's it, close your eyes."

Dou Sprout slowly closed his eyes.

He reacted quickly, Douyazai opened his eyes and said: "Fuck, you are playing with me, I'm not dead yet!" After saying that, he quickly came down.

If my guess is correct, this thing should be the "burning table" from long ago!

The lotus represents the bliss of the Western Heaven in Buddhism.

The Dangxiang people are of nomadic origin and have their own custom of cremation. The reason why some places on the stone bed are black are the traces left by previous cremations!

It seems like this is an open-air crematorium!

I visually estimate that this stone bed weighs at least three tons. I can't imagine how people transported it here in the past.

Xiaoxuan suddenly shouted: "Look at your head! There are many words here!"

On the lower right end of the stone bed, hundreds of Xixia characters were densely carved. No one present knew what was written. I speculated that it might record an event at that time.

I asked Xiaoxuan to hold up a flashlight for illumination, and I took pictures of these words with my mobile phone. There are experts in China who specialize in studying Xixia. When I go out, I have the opportunity to ask someone...

At this time, Xiaoxuan suddenly covered her mouth and said, "Why does it smell so bad? Who farted?"

"You let it go, right?"

Dou Sprout said: "No, but why do I suddenly feel a little pain in my stomach."

In fact, I put it in. Just after Dou Sprout said that he had a stomachache, I also felt uncomfortable.

The feeling came too fast and was unstoppable.

I took some paper from my bag and hurriedly ran away, followed closely by Dou Sprout. After a few minutes, Brother Yu and Boss also came, and everyone looked uncomfortable.

Only Xiaoxuan was okay.

Suddenly, a stench filled the forest.

Xiaoxuan shouted: "What's wrong with you?!"

My face was pale, and I squatted in the grass nest uncomfortably, shouting at him: "What kind of pot did you use for dinner?"

"What pot? What's wrong? It's just an ordinary pot. I just picked it up on the stove."

At this time, Baotou looked ugly. He waved to me and said, "Yunfeng, give me some paper."

"That's all I have, boss!"

He raised his head and said, "I know, give it to me first. You are young, so it's okay if you don't use it."

Xiaoxuan was still asking what was wrong, and I said loudly: "Don't you even look at it! The pot used to cook copper coins has been rusted out, and it's poisonous! It can't be used!"

I had diarrhea twice. My stomach didn’t hurt much anymore because I drank half a bowl of pimple soup made by Xiaoxuan before I came here, and Dou Sprout drank three full bowls. You can imagine how serious his condition was.

An hour and a half later.

Dou Sprout's face was sallow, he had his hands and feet spread out, a cigarette in his mouth, and he was leaning against a big tree with a lifeless look on his face. You talked to him, but he didn't say a word.

After taking a puff of cigarette, Douyazai said very weakly: "Young Master, I crossed the Pacific Ocean and crossed the desert all the way here. Unexpectedly, I stumbled today. Zhao Xuanxuan, you are killing me with this pimple soup."

Xiaoxuan's face turned red and she whispered, "Then who told you to eat so much?"

"What did you say!"

Dou Sprout helped the tree to stand up. Before he could speak, his expression changed again, and he ran away, covering his stomach.

The head looked pale and said helplessly: "Okay, I can't do it today, let's finish the work early."

so amazing.

I felt like there was still some accumulation in my stomach, so I ran to find Bean Sprouts.

After turning off the flashlight, we squatted behind the grass nest and chatted.

"I'm sorry Fengzi. I thought about it carefully later. It was my fault during the day. Don't take what I said to heart. I will listen to your decisions from now on."

I patted him on the shoulder and said it was over, we are still good brothers, let’s go ahead.

"Then don't touch my butt."

I said who the hell touched your butt.

Just finished speaking...

I suddenly felt a cold hand gently rubbing my butt behind my back.

This chapter has been completed!
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