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Chapter 805 Inaccessible place

"What do you mean? Yin Qi?"

The head looked solemn and nodded: "Yes, Feng Shui says that Yin Qi will appear in places where there are many dead people, and Yin Qi will accumulate for a long time and become corpse evil gas. This is common sense."

"It's not that there are copper ore ores underground here, but the evil energy underground has affected the compass magnetic field."

"Yunfeng, there is a problem, have you noticed it?"

"What's the problem?"

He raised his head and frowned and said: "Here in Kangding, Dangxiang people fled in the past. Dangxiang people also paid attention to burial after death. But I checked the local archaeological history here. Strangely, very few tombs of Dangxiang people have been found. It can even be said that

No, then the question is, where are these hundreds of party members buried? Have they all disappeared?"

The headman said in a startling tone: "I suspect it is possible that he was buried deep in this bamboo forest."

I frowned when I heard this. It’s really hard to say. Although the Dangxiang people were formerly nomadic people, they have a strong ethnic consciousness.

Turning the head indicates yin energy and evil spirit.

Some people definitely don’t believe it, saying what is evil spirit? It’s unreliable and unrealistic at first glance.

But if I say a word corresponding to evil spirit, you will definitely not refute.


Ordinary people say that this woman is blessed, and whoever marries her will be blessed.

We have passed through the Lost Forest several times, always taking the outer route and never going into the depths.

This safe route was originally taken by Lao Fu. The area of ​​the Lost Soul Forest is very large. It can be said that the periphery and the depth are completely two concepts.

The compass doesn't lie, no one is moving, but the compass needle keeps swaying slightly on its own.

"What, are you scared?" he asked me.

"No," I said, looking at the compass: "Look, if the Yin Qi affects the magnetic field, then we people should feel uncomfortable, right?"

He raised his head and said, "Don't you feel your feet are cold?"

"It's very cold," he said before I noticed that the soles of my feet were freezing.

Pointing his head to the right, he said: "The source is not here. I plan to go deep into the depths to see if I can find anything. Please accompany me."

After collecting the compass, Boutou and I walked out into the depths of the Forest of Enchantment.

In order to avoid getting lost, I would carve marks on the trees with a knife every few meters I walked.

After walking inward for about 40 minutes, there was no path at all and there were tall arrow bamboos everywhere.

Keeping my head fixed on the compass, I turned to look around.

Suddenly I saw a wooden sign standing in the weeds.

After digging out the weeds, we found a very worn out rectangular wooden sign.

There were a few scrawled words written in red on it.

"Danger, no access."

Below the words, a big red cross mark was drawn.

I guess this sign was put up by local herdsmen in Kangding, or simply by the local tourism bureau, to remind people who accidentally come here to leave as soon as possible.

In the era when information was underdeveloped, people often disappeared here. The most famous one I heard was that a local old ranger and his apprentice came to the mountains to look for wild Ganoderma lucidum. They accidentally broke in and got lost. Later, the old ranger froze to death.

, his apprentice ran out, but he was crazy. No matter who talked to him, he would just keep shaking his head and saying "black mist, black mist."

The place was covered with fallen leaves, and the sun could not be seen when looking up, so I felt a little scared at the time.

"Head, why don't we go back first."

He shook his head and said: "Don't be too afraid. Rumors are always exaggerated. They have all come this far. How could you not check it out? Yunfeng, you have always had a strong sense of direction. You marked the way just now and I took it with me."

Shovel, keep walking."

I had no choice but to look at the sign and then walked in.

That place was so impressive.

The tree trunks were covered with large fungus trees, and the fog was so thick that it was like an artificial fog machine spraying. The distance between me and my head was more than three meters, so I couldn't see anyone else.

I brought a digital watch with me, looked down at the time, and found that time went by very fast, and the seconds seemed to fly by.

The compass on the head was even stranger, the magnetic needle started to move backwards.

"It seems that this is where it should be. You can dig a hole underground and have a look."

“How deep do you want to hit?”

The boss said he had three poles in his bag and asked me to pick them up.

Who would have expected that this fight would cause a big problem.

Four meters underground here is full of red, yellow and white colored soil!

I walked forward and descended into a pit in one breath. Every pit looked the same, which showed that this might be a huge cemetery with an area of ​​more than five kilometers!

My head was so tired that I was sweating. I wiped my sweat and said, "You were right about my head. You really dug it out! There are countless ancient tombs underground here!"

After I finished speaking, I turned around. The fog filled the air and I couldn't see the leader.

"Head? Head!" I shouted loudly.

"Yunfeng! Where are you!"

"I'm here!"

We can hear each other's voices, but we can't see each other's positions.

Reason tells me not to run around at this time, as I may run further and further away and eventually lose my way in the forest.

The fog was so thick that I couldn't see any reference except the trees in front of me. At this time, I thought of a way.

I shouted loudly! Keep your head where you are and don’t move!

Then I hugged a tree and started climbing the tree.

Keep climbing up and quickly climb to the top of the tree.

At this time, I hugged the tree trunk tightly with one hand, took out a strong flashlight with the other hand, adjusted it to the astigmatism mode, and raised the flashlight high.

I have used this flashlight for several years. I bought it with Li Jing in Shunde. The one made in Germany is very easy to use. I can’t bear to throw it away. If there is a small problem, I fix it myself. I always take good care of it. I have changed the battery twice.


"Hold your head! Look up!"

"did you see that!"

I guess if he looks underneath, he should be able to see a "sun" in the mist.

Sure enough, I heard the leader yelling: "I saw it! I'm behind you!"

A few minutes later I came down from the tree and met my head, which was a false alarm.

We marked it and were careful enough, but even so, we still lost our way when we went out. We went in circles and ended up back where we were.

There is no east, west, north or south here, no compass! Compass! Satellite positioning doesn’t work! I just relied on my natural sense of direction and walked until dusk until dark! Then I walked out of the Forest of Ecstasy with my head.

It's winter now. If we can't get out, we may freeze to death in the forest.

Back at the experimental field, Xiaoxuan cooked a pot of ginger tea and drank the hot ginger tea before feeling like she was no longer so cold.

If you want to dig in, you must first ensure that you don't get lost. We have been discussing this.

Lao Guo drank ginger tea and said, "I usually don't dare to go there because I'm afraid I'll get lost and not be able to get out. I didn't expect there to be treasures there?"

"Uncle Guo, I dare not say that there is a treasure, but according to preliminary detection, there are many people from the past buried underground there. There must be something there."

"The problem now is that it's too easy to get lost in there. Once you get lost, it's easy to be in danger. If I hadn't been lucky today, my head and I would have fallen!"

"I have a solution!"

Dou Sprout suddenly said: "How about we use pigeons? Carrier pigeons!"

I shook my head after hearing this: "No, haven't you heard anyone say that? A group of geological surveyors used this method when they went there two years ago. As a result, the homing pigeons did not dare to fly and only dared to land on the ground."

At this time, Lao Guo suddenly said: "Actually, I have a good idea."

The leader said: "Oh? What can I do? Brother, tell me quickly."

Lao Guo smiled mysteriously.

He lowered his head to untie his shoelaces, looked at us, and slowly straightened the shoelaces with both hands.

This chapter has been completed!
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