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Chapter 821

"Xiang Feng, don't be distracted...kiss me."

My blood surged in the last second, and my face turned red with excitement.

But the next second, I was so frightened that I lost all my lust for it!

All passion has been extinguished.

I plucked up the courage and took another look at the bed. Only the child was lying on the bed sleeping soundly.

"Sister, I have some important things to do, so you can go to bed first! I'll see you again tomorrow!"

After saying that, I hurriedly put on my clothes, opened the door and ran out as if I was running away.

When did my drinking ability become so bad? After drinking two glasses of white wine, I started to hallucinate. I ran to the bathroom and wiped my face with cold water twice, and then I felt a little more awake.

Looking at my face in the mirror, I slapped myself! I thought to myself: "Xiang Yunfeng, you almost made a big mistake! Is what you did right for Marzhen? Is it right for Xiaoxuan? You should be slapped.


A night of silence.

The next morning, the eldest sister looked at me with a look full of resentment.

I avoided her gaze, coughed, and said, "Then let's split up as planned. I'll take the child away first. Don't worry, sister, I will definitely take good care of her."

She nodded, knelt down and said to her daughter with a smile: "Little schoolbag, please be obedient. Uncle Xiang will take you to buy toys. Haven't you always said you want to buy a car?"

"Okay! Let's go buy a car!"

What does a child of that age know? I went to the supermarket with my little schoolbag and bought a few toys, and then put her in the back seat of the car.

The child didn't cry or fuss, he just lay on the back seat of the car playing with his new toys.

When I returned to the experimental field, I asked Xiaoxuan to help take care of the child, gave her a few words, and then left in a hurry.

The next step is to wait for the eldest sister to say something.

At about 11 o'clock in the morning, I received a text message with only two words in it.

"Come quickly".

I bought two more barrels of soybean oil and drove to Guozhuang.

The door was unlocked. As soon as I entered the courtyard with the oil in hand, I heard the sound of things being thrown!

When I walked to the door of the west wing, I saw the eldest sister with disheveled hair and bare feet. Her clothes were covered in dirt and she was kneeling on the ground with red eyes.

The bowl was shattered on the floor, and the old lady was full of anger. She pointed at the eldest sister and cursed:

"Zhao Juan! What on earth do you think of this child! Where is my granddaughter?"

The eldest sister cried with red eyes: "Grandma! It's all my fault! The car broke down on the way yesterday! After making a phone call, I went to the roadside to use the toilet, and when I came back, the child was gone!"

"Blame me! Blame me! It's all my fault!"

The eldest sister slapped herself hard! She was crying and slapping her at the same time, and the sound of the slap was loud.

The old man smashed the cane hard and said anxiously: "What's the use of hitting yourself now! Find a way to find the child! Call the police!"

The old lady was shaking with anger.

She pointed at her eldest sister and said: "My son only has this kind of flesh and blood left. If...if my granddaughter has any shortcomings, I...I can't spare you!"

The eldest sister tilted her head and kept sobbing, looking very sad.

By chance, I saw a trace of resentment flash in her eyes.

At this time, I coughed, stood at the door and asked, "Grandma, what's going on?"

When the old lady saw it was me, she immediately roared at me angrily: "Why are you here again! Get out of my house quickly! Get out of here!"

"Grandma, why are you scolding me? I just came to see you and give you something."

"Who cares about your things? Get out of here! Don't come here again!"

"Okay, let's go, I'm so enthusiastic that I'm so enthusiastic." I muttered dissatisfiedly, picked up the gas and turned around to leave.

I deliberately slowed down my pace, and as soon as I came out of the gate of Guozhuang, sure enough, the old man followed me out in a hurry with a cane.

"Hou Sheng, Hou Sheng, don't leave yet!"

The old man said to me: "I'm really sorry. There's an emergency at home. The lady is angry. Don't worry. I know it's a bit shameless to say this, but can you also help us find the child?"

I looked surprised: "Master, what do you mean? Looking for a child? Whose child are you looking for?"

"My granddaughter is lost! You saw her yesterday!"


His hands shook and the barrel of oil fell to the ground.

I asked anxiously: "The seven-year-old girl disappeared yesterday? Where was she lost? Have you called the police?"

"The police have been called. They will probably come over soon, but we can't place all our hopes on the police. We have to find ways to find it ourselves!"

"Of course! Don't worry, uncle, if such a big thing happens at home, I will definitely help!"

"In this case, I will search along the mountain road now and let you know as soon as I have any news."

As soon as I walked away, I saw the police car coming. After stopping for about an hour, the police car left again.

The old lady, who was very old, was also looking along the road with a cane.

As she searched, she cried and shouted: "Granddaughter! Little schoolbag! Where have you been! Grandma is calling you!"

Seeing this scene in An, I thought of my grandma, but I suppressed this silhouette in an instant.

Those who come out to mix in society will be bullied if they are soft-hearted. Good-hearted people will not make a fortune. This is an iron rule. If you want to get ahead, you must be ruthless.

It's around two o'clock in the afternoon.

The eldest sister kept crying quietly, while the old man and the old lady remained silent.

I frowned and said, "Sister, please don't cry first. It's important to look for the child. I've searched everywhere I could find within a dozen miles around here, but I still can't find it. You guys said... she's such a small child.

Where can you run to? What did the police say?"

The old man said: "After asking about the situation and making a record, he said that now we can only report the case, and it will take 48 hours for the case to be filed."

At this moment, the cell phone in the eldest sister's pocket suddenly rang.

The eldest sister's eyes were swollen from crying, and her whole body seemed as if she had lost her soul.

I reminded him to answer the phone first, what if it was news from the police station.

Then she hurriedly took the phone and pressed the answer button.

Just a few seconds after receiving the call, the eldest sister suddenly looked frightened and her face changed drastically.

She said loudly and with a trembling voice: "No! Please don't hurt my daughter! I agree to any conditions!"

Upon hearing this, the old lady's face changed drastically and she immediately stood up from her chair!

I gestured to the eldest sister to turn on the phone hands-free so that everyone could hear, and she immediately did so.

I heard a man's deep voice coming from the other end of the phone...

"Oh, is she the young lady from Bao's Guozhuang?"

"Listen carefully, it's not easy these days. My brothers only want money and don't want to kill themselves. But if we can't ask for money, I'm afraid you won't be able to see your children in this life."

"Money! I have money! Don't hurt my daughter! I will give you whatever you want!"

On the other end of the phone, the man smiled and said, "The fixed price is 600,000. Remember, you need cash."

"600,000! I...I don't have that much money on hand!"

"Then there's no way."

"don't want!"

"Please don't!"

The eldest sister's face was filled with tears, and she cried: "Don't hurt the child, I will collect money for you right away."

The other end snorted coldly: "If a big family can't come up with 600,000 yuan, who will believe it? I only give you one day. If I don't see the cash at this time tomorrow, don't blame me for being cruel."

"Also, remember! If you want to take a gamble on calling the police... you can give it a try and see whether it is the police who arrive faster or the brothers who strike faster. At your daughter's age, there are many teeth on the road that are willing to spend money.

Money to buy.”

The conversation ended abruptly, and the other party simply hung up the phone.

The old lady's eyes darkened and she fainted on the chair.


The old man pinched the person again and shouted loudly. After a few minutes, the old lady regained her breath.

She opened her mouth and shouted: "God! What evil has our Bao family done!"

"Jiawa, how much money do we still have saved?"

"Miss, the total is less than four thousand yuan!"

The old lady slammed the table anxiously and shouted: "What can you do with such a small amount of money!"

She asked the eldest sister sharply: "How many do you have there?"

"Grandma, my total net worth is only more than 40,000 yuan. I saved it when my husband was still alive. I will borrow it right now! If I don't borrow enough, I will sell the house!"

"Young lady! The other party only gives us one day! Even if you sell the house, I'm afraid it won't be too late!"

The eldest sister collapsed on the ground and burst into tears.

I thought to myself, "They say women are made of water. It's true. These tears always flow out at will."

"Miss, if it doesn't work, let's tell the police."

"No! Didn't you listen to what I just said on the phone? I can't let my granddaughter take risks!"

The old lady gritted her teeth: "I am an old man, even if I kowtow to others! Even if I smash the pot and sell iron! I still have to collect the money."

The old man looked the calmest and asked me what I thought.

I thought for a while, frowned and said: "This matter is strange. I'm afraid it's not that simple. Think about it, the robbers know the identity of the eldest sister and also know her mobile phone number. In other words, your Bao family may have been raped by someone a long time ago.


Seeing that everyone was listening attentively, I continued my analysis and said: "The other party must have been on the street. Only those who have been around will call human traffickers Yazi, and this kind of people can often do anything for money."

After listening to my words, the old lady closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

When she opened her eyes, she seemed to have made up her mind and said to me: "No need to pretend, there is no way out now, I will sell you the heirloom of our Bao family."

I hurriedly waved my hands: "Mother-in-law, please don't say that! I'm not the kind of person who takes advantage of others!"

"Stop talking nonsense! I won't ask you for more, 800,000. Can you come up with it today?"

"800,000... This number is a bit large, it should be about the same."

The old lady snorted coldly, turned around and said, "Jiawa, let's go dig out the things and let them see the goods first."

It was easy to tell from the old lady's tone that she knew I was pretending to refuse but also knew that I must be feeling happy at the moment.

But what could she do if she knew?

She could never have imagined that her granddaughter-in-law, who had always been obedient, gentle and virtuous, was one of the masterminds behind it, and she even used her own daughter to set the stage!

Her little granddaughter is her weakness, and now I have caught it in my hands.

My trick is called conspiracy and scheming at the same time. She is trapped in a situation that cannot be solved!

The old man looked around, and finally sighed heavily and said, "Come with me."

He led us out of the Guozhuang gate and walked to the right. After walking for ten minutes, we arrived at a large wasteland with overgrown weeds and a dozen tombstones.

This is the Bao Family Cemetery. (If you are interested, you can use a satellite map to look at it. You should be able to see the Bao Family Cemetery.)

After arriving here, the old lady knelt down tremblingly and kowtowed three times to a bluestone tombstone.

She glanced at me, pointed directly under the tombstone and said: "There is an iron box buried thirty meters underground. Dig it out. The box contains the sparrow picture that Emperor Qianlong gave to my ancestors of the Bao family."

This chapter has been completed!
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