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Chapter 218 The Elder's Exam

A man has gold at his knees, he must have backbone and dignity.

Under normal circumstances, you don't kneel unless the other person is very capable and has great hands and eyes.

This man named Luo is still alive and well. Who is he?

There are three major caves in the row, earth cave, fire cave and water cave.

There is only one place in China where Huodongzi is produced.

It's Changsha...

Huodongzi, without exception, are all tombs of Chu during the Warring States Period.

Today, 99% of the places that can be seen in the counties and cities around Changsha have been visited by tomb robbers. Instead of 9 out of 10 tombs being empty, 90% of them are empty.

Dongzi was committed by this man named Luo. He can definitely be called the "King of Tomb Robbers in Changsha".

Anyone in Changsha over 40 years old has most likely heard the news in 1996. That year, the Hunan Administrative Committee and the Changsha Archaeological Team participated in the excavation of a large tomb of Huodongzi in the Warring States Period that was said to be well-preserved. The government allocated 10,000 yuan to the archaeological team.

Two hundred villagers from Shiyan Village were invited to help dig and seal the soil.

It rained lightly that night, so the archaeological team finished their work early.

That night...a man used a Luoyang shovel to pass through the sealing earth, and hit the main tomb chamber directly above the tomb owner's coffin with incomparable accuracy!

The important burial objects in the coffin were almost looted. When the archaeological team discovered the tomb the next day, they only found a military green rubber-soled shoe covered in mud. The story of this rubber-soled shoe had been published in several editions of old newspapers.


Later, the "grave robber" was caught and sentenced quickly.

Few people know that the owner of that rubber-soled shoe is the unattractive man in front of me, and that the guy who has been in the cell for eleven years is actually trying to incriminate me.


"Hey, baby, don't kneel down, get up quickly! My wife has already gone through menopause, but she can't give birth to a son as old as you!"

Upon hearing this, everyone in the room burst into laughter.

His joke was vulgar, but I was not angry. Instead, I stood up, patted my legs, and said with a smile: "It is said that the tomb robber king of Changsha, who has great hands and eyes, likes to adopt adopted sons. I, Xiang Yunfeng, studied under Yinhu. If Luo adopts his adopted son,

I will be your adopted son and I will not embarrass you if the word spreads about it in the future."

"Ha ha."

He pointed at me and laughed heartily and said: "Baby, you are so thick-skinned. If you want to be my godson, you can't do it without some special skills! Let me ask you, how are your eating skills? What do you know?"

I said, "I'll eat well and I'll eat a little bit of everything."

"What a loud tone... Then I'll test you!"

The Changsha tomb robber king sat cross-legged on the sofa, pointed at me and asked: "For example, tonight, we all formed a group to go to a pit, and it suddenly rained heavily. In this case, can we still do it?"

I didn't even think about it and replied directly: "The saying in the industry is that you don't drill holes on rainy days, but everything is not absolute. If the ground is not clay soil, but full of sand, you can still dry it on rainy days. On the contrary, the resistance will be reduced due to the lubrication of the water.

It’s easier to get in and out.”

"Hmm... Not bad, it seems that Silver Fox has trained you to have two skills."

"I'm testing you."

"The grass on Liliyuan grows old and withers every year. Wildfires never burn it out, but the spring breeze blows and grows again. Which dynasty, which place, and which ancient country's tomb does this poem describe?"

I was stunned. This problem may not sound trivial at first, but it is actually quite difficult.

If you don’t understand the structure of tombs in the past dynasties, you won’t be able to incorporate Du Fu’s poem into it.

I frowned and thought to myself.

Liliyuan Shangcao refers to grass, not trees. One year old and one dry means that new grass will grow every year. So there is a high probability that this place is rarely stepped on by people. If it is often stepped on, it may not be possible.

The grass has grown.

After careful analysis... the wildfires are inexhaustible, implying that the surrounding air is dry and the humidity is low, making it easy to catch fire. It also refers to the fact that this large tomb may be located in the northern plains.

The spring breeze blows again, which means that the tomb is not blocked by mountains and can be blown by wind from all directions.

The large tombs of the Han Dynasty liked to carve mountains into the mountains to build tombs, which would definitely block the wind. This is ruled out.

There are two types of rammed earth, one is cooked earth and rammed earth. Refer to the roads around the Qin Mausoleum. Two thousand years have passed and still no hair has grown, let alone grass. The other is raw earth and rammed earth. This kind of soil

The deeper it goes down, the tighter it becomes, and the roots of many trees cannot penetrate in! So weeds will only grow on the surface of the sealed soil pile.

The two most likely ones are the Zhao State Tomb in Hebei and the Jin State Tomb in Shanxi.

Compared with the tombs of the Jin Dynasty found in the Shanxi area, the tombs of the Zhao State found in Handan are more remote, with higher terrain, larger mounds of earth, inaccessible, and less likely to be stepped on, so the grass in that place can wither and flourish every year.

Some seniors in the room were still thinking about it. When I told me the exact answer, everyone except their heads looked surprised.

I sneered in my heart: "You old guys, don't look down on this generation of young people!"

The Changsha Tomb Robber coughed on purpose and said, "Well... he's really awesome, but I just want to accept him as my godson! I've had so many godsons over the years, some of them I even forgot their names.

Xiang Wa, I, Lao Luo, recognize you and remember your name."

I immediately held up my hands and said loudly: "Master Luo, and all the seniors, my name is not Xiang Wa, my name is Xiang Yunfeng, the cloud of Baiyun! The peak of the mountain! People give me the nickname Shenyan Peak!"

He nodded repeatedly and said he had taken my name down.

It was past twelve o'clock at night when I came out of the room. I opened the window to get some fresh air, and suddenly someone called me.


A nice female voice came from the phone.

"Brother Xiang! Where have you been during this time! You agreed to give me money! Did you forget!?"

"It's you! I didn't... I didn't forget... How could I forget such a big thing? I'm out of town these two days. When I'm done, I'll go to the bank to transfer money to you. Is three hundred thousand enough?


His voice sounded a little aggrieved.

"That's almost enough. Brother Xiang, please don't lie to me. I trust you so much."

I swore I would never lie to her, so she was willing to hang up the phone.

It was my fault. I took away their jar of human heads and sold it to Boss Chai. It wasn’t that I wanted to default on the debt, I really forgot about it. I would definitely transfer the money to her.

I was on the fourth floor when I suddenly smelled a very fragrant smell of roasted sweet potatoes.

I followed the smell downstairs and found it in front of a small supermarket on the roadside.

"Boss, buy two kilograms of roasted sweet potatoes."


"Fell asleep?"

The lights were on in the small store and the door was open. Before I even called out when I entered, I heard a voice behind the leather curtain.

"Oops... Oops, ouch... Oops! I've passed the power! I've passed the power!"

I listened for a minute, coughed on purpose, and the sound from behind the curtain immediately disappeared.

A few minutes later, the proprietress in her forties with a rosy face came out and asked me: "What do you want?"

"Take two bags of Huazi and sink two pounds of roasted sweet potatoes."

After giving me the things, the landlady felt a little guilty and asked with a red face: "Did you hear anything just now?"

I shook my head and said, "I didn't hear you."

She breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Sweet potatoes taste good when they are hot, but not when they are cold. Are you here to attend a hotel wedding?"

Before I could express my position, she whispered again: "I'm going to ask, if the bride is like that, how can she still get married?"

I frowned and said, "What's wrong with the bride?"

"You came to the wedding and you didn't even know?"

She said: "Some time ago at night, something suddenly exploded in front of the hotel!"

"The fire brigade said that the battery of the electric car exploded. I heard that the bride happened to be passing by there at the time, and as a result, her face was blown up."

As soon as I heard this, my face instantly turned pale!

The landlady didn't notice that my expression was wrong. She looked concerned and gestured to me and said: "Some people said that the bride was completely blown from her mouth to her temples, and her back molars were exposed!"

This chapter has been completed!
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