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Chapter 227

Putting my hands together, I said to the rotten coffin in front of me: "Is the master in there? I want to ask for some money and flowers. No wonder, don't blame me. I will burn more paper for you in the future."

"Brother Yu, please press it, but I can't open it. The coffin board is deformed."

"Okay, I'll do it."

As he spoke, Brother Yu took the crowbar and rolled up his sleeves.

In the old coffins in the past, once the coffin board was deformed, it could not be pushed open. In the movies, the tomb robbers who directly pushed open the coffins were all fake (except for the sarcophagus). In the early years, they mainly used crowbars, but now they use oil chainsaws, so what is discovered now

In many tomb robbery scenes, there is a square incision on the coffin.

The bean sprout man was lying on the female coffin with a happy and contented expression, and he didn't show any nervousness at all, and he kept urging us to work faster.

It was late at night, and a bright flashlight was swinging around in the main tomb chamber, which was more than 30 square meters.

When Brother Yu pried the coffin open, he made a squeaking sound, a bit like a mouse.

After prying it open, I immediately held up my flashlight and took a photo into the coffin...

The first thing that comes into view is a pile of human bones. The mud has dried into a black solid. Several ring-shaped jade objects on the surface are buried in the black mud.

I looked at it and frowned and said, "Look, this man was not old when he died. He was very young, no more than thirty years old.

"What's this?"

"Yuhuang or Yuhuan?"

I used a stick to gently push the skull of the tomb owner aside, and picked out a round piece from the mud.

I thought it was jade, but it turned out to be cold to the touch, with a metallic texture and a whitish color.

After wiping it with my sleeve, I saw clearly that the front of this thing was a bulging relief pattern. I couldn't tell what the pattern was. It looked like a dragon and a snake. The back was sunken inward. The overall size was about five centimeters and it was very heavy.

Press hands.

What's even more strange is that on the reverse side, there is a circle of English letters, with a box in between, and the word "小" written in the box.

It's said to be the buttons on the tomb owner's clothes. They are too big. How could people have such big buttons on their clothes? Also, this thing is from the Han Dynasty, so why are there English on the back?

"It's strange... take a look at your head, what is this? It's not jade, it seems to be silver."

"Let me see."

I held it in my hand and looked at it carefully for a minute, then a smile suddenly appeared on my head and face.

"Yunfeng, this should be a Shaofu coin from the Han Dynasty. Very few of them are willing to be buried with it, so it is rare."

I was puzzled and asked: "What is a Shaofu coin? A coin? Why are there English letters on the back of this thing?"

The boss explained: "This is not English, it is a mark of anti-counterfeiting nature. Shaofu coin is what people in the industry call it. Among the people, this thing is also called Silver Dragon coin."

"Silver Dragon Coin?"

An idea flashed in my mind.

"Botou, is this third grade platinum??"

Nod your head.


Then the owner of this tomb must be a rich man! Maybe he is the son of a high-ranking official in the Han Dynasty!

Platinum Sanpin is a Han Dynasty silver coin that is not widely circulated among the people. I guess the material is silver-tin alloy, and there are three types: dragon coins, horse coins, and turtle coins.

Dragon coins are round, like big buttons.

The Malaysian Ringgit is square with a horse on the front, while the Turtle Coin is oval like a turtle shell.

At that time, a platinum dragon coin weighed two taels and could be used as three thousand small five-baht coins. A Malaysian ringgit weighed two and could be used as five hundred five-baht coins. Turtle coins were the cheapest and could be exchanged for two hundred five-baht coins.

This thing is not pure silver, and the value is high, so there were many counterfeit coins in those days. It is said that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty killed more than 100,000 people who stole coins and kept trying. This led to the people later not recognizing this kind of money, so the casting period was very short.

It's over.

I put this thing in my trouser pocket, washed it, and studied it carefully.

At this time, the head said: "Look quickly, there is a high probability of dragon coins, turtle coins and ringgit coins. If the three-grade platinum coins are put together as a set, the price can triple."

I nodded and was about to continue rummaging through the coffin for ringgit and turtle coins. At this moment, Brother Yu suddenly held me down.

We looked up at the same time.

"Zi la la...Zi la la!"

Suddenly there was a loud noise above, as if the bed was being moved.

Immediately afterwards, some gravel and loose soil continued to fall from the top of the tomb, and they all fell on our heads.

Douyazai said blankly: "Look! The stones on the vault are cracked! This won't suddenly collapse!"

Five minutes later, the sound of the bed being moved above me disappeared, and the earth stopped falling from the vault. I breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, we dug out a lot of good things from the man's coffin, found other ringgit coins and turtle coins, and put together a complete set of three-grade platinum coins from the Han Dynasty.

In addition, we also found a jade ring, a sapphire pendant, a gilt belt plate, and a turtle-twist white jade identity seal engraved with the name of the tomb owner. There were two seal script characters written on it. After careful identification, it should be "Zhang Wu".

Therefore, the name of this tomb owner is Zhang Wu.

The identity seal is not big, just the size of the thumbnail of our adult thumb. The seal is thick, jade-like, warm and moist, and it is small and exquisite.

Almost all jade identity seals from the Han Dynasty are this big. If you see a big identity seal, it is 100% fake.

In addition to these, there are two small stone figures, placed on the left and right hands of the tomb owner.

The face of this small stone sculpture was covered in mud. If you wipe it off, you can see that it depicts a woman.

This stone figurine placed on the left hand of the tomb owner holds an unknown object in both hands and puts it to his mouth as if to blow.

The one on the right side of the tomb owner is holding a guqin in his hand. The figurine is wearing loose clothes and trousers with trumpet-shaped trouser legs. This design conforms to mechanics and is very stable when placed on the ground and will not fall easily.

Brother Yu shook his head and said: "This young master from the Han Dynasty knew how to enjoy himself. When he died, he not only had to have his wife by his side, but he also had two maids placed in the coffin to serve him."

Brother Yu is right, these two little stone carvings are the "figurines of skilled women who play taro and play the piano" from the Han Dynasty. These skilled women are not what modern people call chicken girls. In ancient times, they were real performers who did not sell their bodies.

I turned my head to look at the female coffin, feeling a little more excited.

It is not difficult to see that the owner of this Han tomb was a man who lived a prosperous life and loved music very much. Then would his wife's coffin be buried with musical instruments from the Han Dynasty? For example, there were things like chimes.

This kind of ancient musical instrument is extremely valuable. In many cases, a small item is sold for more than a bronze tripod! Ordinary people don't know that many domestic celebrities love to collect such things and are willing to pay a lot of money to buy them on the black market.

I emptied out the men's coffin and put the lid back hastily. I asked Douyazai to go up to let the wind blow, and Xiaoxuan came down to "sit on the men's coffin".

Xiaoxuan refused to do it after coming down because she thought the coffin was dirty.

I begged: "Sister-in-law, just go up and sit down! You are the only woman here! We dare not break the old rules in the industry! Breaking the rules can easily cause trouble!"

After much persuasion, Xiaoxuan sat on the coffin with an unhappy expression.

Seeing this, I looked at the female coffin in front of me, rubbed my hands and said half-jokingly: "Ya Zai, watch carefully! I'm going to take advantage of your wife!"

Dou Sprout didn't reply, so I looked back and realized that Dou Sprout had gone up to let him go.

The woman's coffin was quickly opened.

But the result surprised us.

This chapter has been completed!
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