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Chapter 234 Xiaoxiang Xuewu


"Please...please, Director Wu, stop playing with me. I will listen to you in everything."

At this moment, I was as wet as a drowned rat, naked, huddled in the corner, shivering, and couldn't help begging for mercy.

Wu Le was expressionless: "Young man, don't blame me. There are still twelve days left. During this period, I will train you as much as possible. You are too weak to survive there."

Hearing this made me angry, and I stood up immediately! I quickly covered the vital parts with my hands, and said anxiously: "You can actually change to someone else! There is someone who has better drilling skills than me!"

"Oh? Who?"

"Lu Ziming! Bean sprouts! You can let him go!"

Unexpectedly, Wu Le laughed after hearing this.

He shook his head: "I believe in my vision. We have been planning this task for several years, and you are the most suitable candidate."

Seeing me looking around, he said, "You don't have to think about how to run away, no one can find this place."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a bang, and the warehouse door was kicked open from the outside!

Seven people rushed in with shotguns in both hands, led by Xiao Wu!

Very suddenly, the long-haired man immediately protected Wu Le behind him.

Then I saw Brother Tian walking in with his shotgun in one hand, wearing a black suit and his head lowered.

"Brother Tian!"

I screamed excitedly, I knew he would definitely be able to find me!

The next second, the barrel of the gun was pressed against the head of the long-haired man. This action caused his neck to tilt back.

Brother Tian raised his head and said with cold eyes: "This is my territory, do you want to die?"

When he said this, his finger was already on the trigger.

The long-haired man grinned and said, "How dare you..."


It was Xiao Wu who fired the gun, and then a series of intensive gunshots rang out.

It sounds like setting off firecrackers during the Chinese New Year!

In the blink of an eye, the long-haired man was covered in blood, beaten into a sieve, and collapsed on the ground against the wall, lifeless.

Xiao Wu spat on the ground, his eyes looking crazy.

Wu Le's white shirt was stained with blood. Seeing such a tragic situation, he remained calm and frowned and said: "Brother Tian, ​​we are not from the same street, but we must follow the rules when walking on the street. We saved

Your woman, is it inappropriate for you to do this?"

After hearing this, Brother Tian said expressionlessly: "First of all, it's not that I don't follow the rules, but you have your rules, and I have mine. On my territory, you took mine away without saying hello to me."

Little brother, you just broke my rules first, remember, this is Zhengding, not Changchun."


Wu Le smiled and said: "Brother Tian, ​​I believe that in the war years, you must have been a heroic figure."

He glanced at the long-haired man's dead body and said, "You're right, I should say hello to you first, so I don't plan to be your enemy."

Wu Le pointed at Brother Tian and said, "But you can't deny that we saved your woman. The only price for this is that he needs to do something for us." Wu Le pointed at me.

Brother Tian frowned and asked, "What do you want him to do?"

"I have no comment on this."

Wu Le patted his shirt: "Give you some time to have a good chat." After saying that, he went out and looked back at me before leaving.

With just this look, I understood its meaning.

After the person left, Brother Tian quickly asked me: "Yunfeng, what did this person ask you to do?"

I thought about it and gritted my teeth and said: "Don't ask Brother Tian, ​​I am willing to do this for them now. You go back and tell the boss for me. If I can't come back a year ago, I will definitely come back after that year and let them wait."


Brother Tian frowned: "What do you mean by this? You don't have to worry about Xiao Luo's personal safety for me. No matter who the opponent is, I can protect my woman."

I sighed and remained silent.

I'm not only worried about Aunt Luo, but also the safety of several of us. I understand the meaning of Wu Le's look, so I don't dare to gamble with everyone's life.

Finally, I convinced Brother Tian. He didn’t take me away, but just left me a pack of cigarettes and a lighter at my request.

I was leaning against the wall smoking alone, looking up at the roof in a daze, thinking: "I have spent so much money and there are so many women waiting for me. I will definitely be able to get through this difficult time."

The door opened and it was Wu Le who came in.

He didn't mind that the ground was dirty, so he sat down next to me and said, "Young man, you made the wisest decision. In this way, many people will not have to die."

I handed over the cigarette case, and Wu Le took out one and lit it.

He took a deep breath, looked at the roof and said with a smile: "It's good to be young..."


The next day, I was naked, cross-legged, and looking at a drawing on the ground. The paper was yellow, and it was an architectural drawing with a very chronological feel.

Wu Le introduced to me seriously: "Remember, the mental hospital is divided into east and west areas, which are not connected to each other. They are separated by a wall about seven meters high. All the people in the east area are male, and all the people in the west area are female.

Yes, this is the gate, this is the canteen, and this is the accommodation area. After you enter, you will most likely be locked up on the fourth floor of the East District."

I looked at the architectural drawings and said, "This place doesn't look like a hospital, it looks like a prison. Why are there still women?"

"Of course, it's not just men who get mental illness," Wu Le told me with a serious expression: "The women's area is even scarier. They are a bunch of crazy women who have killed countless people and been imprisoned for decades. I told you

You don’t even know him either.”

I frowned and said: "Director Wu, I have a little problem now. If I am imprisoned on the fourth floor of the East District and the person you asked me to rescue is on the second underground floor, how can I dig a hole down? I am Tu Xingsun? What else?

, what do you want me to use to make holes?"

"This is the difficulty," Wu Le said: "If you can't find a way, you will be locked up there for the rest of your life."

He frowned and continued: "I can only help you so much. Remember, there is a room on the fourth floor that is a freezer. There is a cardboard box behind the refrigerator. There are tools you need in the box."

I was stunned and said, "Then you didn't let me wear clothes for the past two days because you were afraid that I would get cold when I went in?"

He nodded, then shook his head: "Yes, you have to adapt in advance, because it is not an ordinary freezer, it is a room used to freeze corpses, and it is very cold."

"You mean the morgue?"

"Yes, you can only enter the mental hospital, but you can't leave it. People who die of old age or accidents will be put there for final disposal."

"In your line of work, you shouldn't be afraid of death, right?"

I said anxiously that I am not afraid of dead people! But I am afraid of living people!

The place is full of lunatics from your Changchun Society! I can’t fight, I’m afraid I’ll be beaten to death by a bunch of lunatics!

Wu Le nodded: "I have already considered this, so I found a master from the association to train you and teach you a mysterious Jianghu Kung Fu."

"Are you kidding? How much can I learn in just ten days! I'm not Brother Yu! I don't have any foundation at all!"

Wu Le smiled and said: "You don't need to learn too much, just learn how not to be beaten to death."

That night, Wu Le led a strange man to the warehouse.

Why do you say this man is strange? Because this man is a few meters tall, has tattered clothes, a full beard, and is carrying a large wooden box on his back.

What he is carrying on his back is said to be a wooden box, but it is actually more like the wooden Buddhist shrines found in Dongyang area. It looks very strange anyway.

This person came in and said, "Director Wu, are you just teaching him?"

Wu Le said please, this person is very important to the meeting.

The bearded man grinned: "Boy, stand up and let me take a look."

I did it.

He pinched me, then scratched his head and cursed: "Damn it, this kid has no foundation at all. His little arms and legs are as skinny as a monkey."

He lowered his eyes, looked at me and laughed: "Haha! Good guy, you have a caterpillar on your body!"

Knowing that this person might not be offended, I laughed with him on the outside, but in my heart I had already greeted his entire family, including all ten generations of his ancestors.

Wu Le said: "Help me, I personally owe you a favor."

"Ouch! It's not easy to ask Director Wu to owe you a favor. Well, I promise you!"

Just hear a thud as the heavy object fell to the ground.

The bearded man put the Buddhist altar on his back on the ground. Then he took out three thick-thread incense sticks from his bag and lit them. He held the incense in both hands and knelt in front of the Buddhist altar and said loudly: "Monkey Lord! It's time to wake up!"

The smoke from this coarse incense was lingering, and I saw three words carved on the top of the beam of the Buddhist niche.

"Monkey mounts horse".

"Ah..." A yawning sound suddenly came from inside, and then the wooden door of the Buddhist niche slowly opened to both sides.

There was actually a short, gray-haired old man lying inside!

The old man yawned with his mouth wide open. With sleepy eyes, he got out of the Buddhist niche and stretched himself.

Wu Le turned to me and said: "This is Master Hou Shang Ma, why don't you pay your respects quickly?"

I immediately knelt down and said: "Hello, master, my name is Xiang Yunfeng, please teach me a life-saving Kungfu!"

The little old man with gray hair looked at me and smiled and said: "Baby, as the saying goes, if you pass the punch but not the step, you will hit the master with the step, but for Wu Le's sake I will make an exception today."

"Listen up, I have three life-saving skills that I can teach you, but you can only choose one of them."

"The first is the small plum blossom step, the second is the square and wrong step, and the third is the one-circle Tai Chi step. Which one do you want to learn?"

I rolled my eyes and said immediately: "Master, I don't want to learn these three things. I want to learn the one that is the most effective at saving my life."

The little old man laughed: "Haha! Baby, you are quite a ghost!"

"Then I'll teach you how to catch cicadas."

This chapter has been completed!
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