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Chapter 257

Master Qin thought for a while and said: "If...if I don't go out in the end and you go out, you can take a look at my brother for me. He is in a nursing home in Siping. His name is Qin Erping. Take a look at his life for me."

Is it good or not?”

I nodded: "I promise you, but Mr. Qin, on the other hand, if I fail to go out in the end and you go out, can you also send me a message?"

"Okay, you tell me."

I thought about it and said, "Go to Zhengding to find a man named Tian Sanjiu and ask him to come and rescue me quickly."

"Okay, I promise you."

At this moment, Manager Zhao's voice suddenly came from the door: "Haha, everyone is here."

"Good morning, leader!"

"Good morning, Manager Zhao!"

People in the chess and card room stood up to say hello.

Mr. Qin and I also ended our conversation and concentrated on playing chess.

"It's okay. Let's keep playing. I'm here to tell you some good news."

Zhao Guizhi smiled and said: "I announce that from now on, the water room will be open 24 hours a day, and everyone can take a hot bath at any time."

"It's from Mr. Ge! It's great!"

“Thank you, Management Zhao!”

"Thank you, Manager Zhao!"

The water room on the fourth floor is the shower room. It used to be open once a week. I have been here for more than half a month and have never been there once.

I usually use a plastic basin to get hot water in the cafeteria, and then come back to my room to wash it.

I have to admire that this person named Zhao does have two tricks.

It used to be that Qu was the manager on the fourth floor. At that time, almost no one called him Qu, manager, and they all called him Qu behind his back.

Now that Zhao Guizhi has taken office, he held a Lantern Festival party and invited four beauties from the West District. To a certain extent, this satisfied the empty hearts of these elderly people.

Now the hot water room has been changed from once a week to open all day long. This is a bonus. Who doesn’t want to take a comfortable hot bath before going to bed?

The people here are all Jianghu people from the past. This is what Jianghu people are like. You respect me three points and I respect you seven points! What matters is the word righteousness.

After eating in the cafeteria at noon, I went back to my room and lay down on the window to look at the playground.

Mainly look at the Robber's Cave, and also observe today's wind strength and direction to see if there is any soil falling on the roof.

Everything is perfect.

I was in a good mood, whistled, grabbed a towel and a plastic basin and went straight to the hot water room.

Yesterday I was covered in dirt and felt uncomfortable if I didn't wash it off.

On the first day it opened, there were quite a few people who came to the hot water room. I didn’t recognize most of them, they were all new faces I hadn’t had much contact with.

I took off my clothes, opened the leather curtain and went in. It was very warm and full of fairy spirit.

The row of shower heads on the left was all occupied, so I went to the right and found a corner seat.

The woman doesn't know, but when the man enters the bathhouse, he sometimes compares them.

Compare to what?

I'm embarrassed to say this, but I must have passed the exam anyway.

I tried the water temperature and it was just right.

At this time, someone came to my right.

This man was about forty or fifty years old, with a beard and a tattoo of a snake swallowing a sword on his arm. He wouldn't wash it off and kept staring at me sideways.

I couldn't help it anymore and turned around and said, "What the hell are you staring at me at? Have you never seen it before?"

"Haha...haha, little brother, don't be so angry. I think you are new to me. You are new here, right?" The bearded man smiled and talked to me.

I ignored this person and started to apply soap on my head. I had no choice but to use soap instead because I didn't have any shampoo.

"Use mine, I have it."

He was very enthusiastic and handed me a small package of shampoo.

Don't use it for nothing, I took it and used it all. The shampoo foamed, but it was easier to use than soap.

"Little brother, look at me, I will show you a unique skill!"

After turning off the water, I scratched my scalp and turned around to look.

I saw this man clenching his fists and sucking his stomach back hard.

"Did you see it? My name is Vacuum Belly. Isn't it awesome? Do you know how to do it?" he said.

I said it was not difficult, and after I tried it, my stomach became even more deflated than his.

"What are you playing at? None of you are good at that, look at me!"

Suddenly, another big fat man came over and shouted that I should also perform a vacuum belly.

At this time, the bearded man on my right immediately became unhappy. With a dark face, he said in a cold voice: "Damn fat man, get out of here within three seconds."


The big fat man glared and said: "Do you think this is your home? Tell me to get out? Who the hell are you!"

The bearded man stared at the big fat man coldly for a few seconds. Suddenly! He jumped up, spun around in circles and whipped his leg, and there was a loud crack!

It was like the sound of a whip being thrown out! It hit someone in the head!

This big fat man's huge body was like a dead fish, and he lay down straight on the spot!

The bearded man wasn't going to let it go yet.

He grabbed the big fat man's hair with one hand and pulled him up. With the other hand, he turned the hot water switch to the maximum, picked up the shower head and poured it directly on the fat man's face.



The big fat man was awakened by the scalding hot water. He kept struggling and let out extremely painful screams.

A drop of water accidentally splashed on my arm, which immediately made me feel hot and blistered.

The bearded man said coldly: "Fat man, don't move. I'll help you wash your face."

Soon, as the big fat man screamed, what was flowing down was no longer water, but blood...it was all blood.

The big fat man's face was covered with big blisters, and his begging for mercy became smaller and smaller.

Perhaps because he felt bored, the bearded man let go of the big fat man. He grinned at me and said, "Little brother, no one will disturb us anymore. Please rub my back."

"No... no need, brother, you've finished washing."

He frowned, looked at me and said, "Do you also want to wash your face with hot water?"

"Well...hehe, okay, brother, I'll rub your back."

He smiled and kicked away the big fat man with blood on his face like a football. He put his hands on the wall and said, "Come on, rub it carefully."

I took a deep breath and told myself, "I'm going out soon. I'll endure it as long as I can. Nothing is more important than my own life."

"Brother, do you think this strength is okay?"

"Well, that's good, go down a little bit."

I adjusted my direction and rubbed his back vigorously. If I had a knife in my hand at this time, I might have wiped his neck.

"Where is little brother from?"

"The ones from the Northeast, the lumpy ones from Heilongjiang." I said with a smile.

"Oh, it turns out he's a young man from the Northeast. That's good."

"A little further down."

This chapter has been completed!
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