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Chapter 274 Meeting the God Deer Two in One

How could a person disappear in the blink of an eye? I shouted nervously:

"Mr. Liu! Mr. Liu!"

Suddenly, a response came from not far away: "My boss! I'm here!"

I stepped on the thick snow and hurriedly ran over.

"Holy shit! Why did you fall?"

In front of us is a downward slope, about three meters high, covered with thick snow.

Others were lying at the bottom of the slope, looking like they had fallen badly.

"Just wait! Don't move! I'll be down right away!"

I didn't bring a flashlight before I came, and now it was dark. I landed on my butt, held my hands up to keep my balance, and slid down carefully.

"What do you think? Can you move? Did you fall?"

Mr. Liu was lying in the snow nest. He was breathing heavily and said with a slightly painful look on his face: "It's too slippery! I didn't see the path clearly just now! I accidentally twisted my foot!"

"Slow down! Let me help you up and try!"

I just helped the person up and wanted to help pat the snow off his body.

At this moment... Mr. Liu suddenly hissed! He pointed behind me and made a silent gesture to me.

I couldn't figure out the situation and slowly turned around to look.

I saw a sizable adult dwarf deer standing not far from us. It stared at me without blinking.

Mr. Liu asked me not to move, but I didn’t dare to move, so I whispered: “What? Isn’t this a stupid roe deer?”

That's right, the scientific name of this thing is dwarf deer, which is actually the mythical beast Silk Spore that is a specialty of our Northeast. I often saw this thing in the mountains when I was a child, but now it's hard to come across it.

Mr. Liu supported me and said in a low voice despite the snow covering his body: "Master, have you ever seen such a big stupid spore before? Take a closer look and see what's different about it."

I turned around to look, and saw that this thing was still standing not far away, staring at us.

Huh? It's a little different...

This Silly Spore is a bit strange. It is very big. The fur on its body is yellowish brown, but from the neck up, including the entire head, it is pure white. I have never seen a dwarf deer with this color.

The two of them looked at each other from afar.

Mr. Liu slowly squatted down, picked up a dry branch next to him and slowly stood up. Then he stepped lightly and limped towards the dwarf deer.

Seeing that the distance was gradually getting closer, Silly Spore seemed to smell a hint of danger and actually took a few steps back.

Mr. Liu stopped and shouted: "Roe deer!"

Silly Spore was frightened by the cry, turned around and ran away very fast.

The reason why Mr. Liu yelled was actually a way to catch the roe deer.

The reason why it is called Silly Spore is because this animal is very curious. Even if it runs away now, it will definitely be curious and come back later.

Mr. Liu took me and hid behind a big tree and waited quietly.

Sure enough, after the two of us hid behind the tree for more than ten minutes, we saw this big dwarf deer running back again.

Mr. Liu seemed to have forgotten that he had just sprained his foot. He rushed out instantly and hit the short deer on the head with a stick!

Has anyone heard the cry of Silly Spore?

In fact, it is just like a dog barking, it will bark like "Woof! Woof!".

"Haha! I made an unexpected fortune! This is it!"

Mr. Liu laughed loudly, threw the wooden stick and stepped on it with his foot.

Silly Spore is still alive, Mr. Liu said with a smile: "My boss, ordinary roe deer can only be sold for a few hundred yuan. This one is so big and looks strange. It must be mutated. I guess it will be sold in the city at least

You can get two thousand yuan!"

In fact, roe deer meat is not delicious and has a sour taste. The reason why it is valuable is because in those years it was said that this meat is a great tonic, and men take it to enhance their virility.

Mr. Liu took out his belt and used it to tie up the roe deer. He was lowering his head to tie it up when I suddenly heard a little "movement".

I walked a few steps forward following the sound. I looked down and saw a snow pit on the ground. There was actually a nest of small roe deer hidden in the snow pit. They were not much bigger, just as big as two shoe boxes, and their eyes were still small.

Didn't open it.

Mr. Liu came over and saw it too. He was very happy and said with a smile: "Haha, boss, we are so lucky. We are really catching one after another."

"Sir, why don't we arrest these few? I think they don't even have two ounces of meat in total."

"That's not possible! Boss, this big one is gone. Even if we don't take it, they won't be able to survive!"

At this moment, the big stupid spore on the ground turned and stared at me. It was obvious that tears were rolling in its eyes. It was really fucking crying.

I was going to move the grave in a day or two, and suddenly I wanted to do a good deed to accumulate some bad deeds, so I said, "Mr. Liu, look at this, just let them go, big and small, and I'll give you five thousand when you're done."

Yuan compensation.”

He was stunned for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Just like that, I let the big roe deer go, and I went down the mountain with the limping Mr. Liu.

Our family has three rooms. My grandma lives in one, Mr. Liu lives in one, and in the remaining room my grandma lets me and Dr. Fan live together.

I couldn't take advantage of a man and a woman living together in the same room, so I took the initiative to lay the floor on the floor. As a result, I woke up from the cold in the middle of the night.

There were snowflakes outside the window that night, and I suddenly heard the barking of dogs at the door. Neither my family nor my neighbor Aunt Liu’s family had dogs, so why were there barking sounds?

I took a flashlight, put on my coat, opened the door and went out to take a look, and I saw that stupid spore!

It kept walking back and forth in front of our house, leaving footprints on the ground.

"Why the hell are you following me! Get out!" I yelled loudly.

This roe deer is still circling in front of my house and won’t leave!

I picked up a stone and threw it over, and then drove it away.

After returning to the house, I saw that Dr. Fan's quilt was not tightly covered, so I gently covered her with the quilt.

When I lay down and thought about the scene just now, I suddenly felt that there was something evil about it.

Among our folk in the Northeast, things like weasels, rats, snakes, and roe deer are said to have spirituality and understanding of human nature. I always feel that this roe deer is following me down from the mountain, as if it wants to tell me something.

A night of silence.

After breakfast the next day, Mr. Liu used a stick as a crutch and ran with me across the mountains and plains.

Huangtian paid off, and this time we really found a Feng Shui treasure land in a good location in the mountains.

This place is located halfway up the mountain, with flat terrain and a quiet environment. It is backed by a mountain and the Feng Shui mouth is facing a small river at the foot of the mountain.

It's winter now and the river is frozen. If it's summer, you should be able to see the entire river flowing slowly in front of the entrance of the hall.

If you stand at the foot of the mountain and look halfway up the mountain, you will find that the terrain at this location looks like a letter "U" shape.

I follow Mr. Liu's words: "This place is called Longtantou Treasure Cave, which is the most suitable for storing wind and collecting energy. If our ancestors are buried here for a long time, it will be of great benefit to their descendants!"

After choosing a place, the next step was to set a date. Mr. Liu used the "Old Almanac Calendar Method" to calculate the time. He said that after two days, the 17th and the 20th, after one day, the 20th would be an auspicious day.

The best day for the dead is to break the coffin and raise the grave.

On the 19th, Mr. Liu asked someone to transport a good nanmu coffin from the city. We secretly hired someone to transport this coffin. At that time, people did not allow burial, and those who were caught would be fined. But I didn’t know how to do it.

Don't pick on those people.

The time has just arrived on the 20th.

On this day, many relatives came to our house. In addition to uncles and aunts, Mr. Liu also hired a coffin bearer from other places.

My grandma gave each of these people a hundred yuan in red envelopes, which was a lot. At that time, the average monthly salary in Mohe was only four to five hundred yuan a month.

Just like that, the group of people, wearing sackcloth and mourning, carrying various things and carrying the empty coffin, went up the mountain.

When arriving at the old tomb, various fruit plates were placed and three pillars of incense were burned. All those who came, including the younger ones, knelt down and kowtowed, and all the elders bowed.

Mr. Liu threw a handful of paper money into the air with his big hand. He recited the memorial in a loud voice, and then handed me the shovel and said seriously: "My boss, you are a direct descendant. You must dig these three shovels of soil."


I nodded, silently took the shovel and dug three shovels of soil in front of the grave.

I looked at the tombstone erected in front of the old grave, took a deep breath and said, "Father, mother, you all hurry up and pack up. I will move you to a new home."


Firecrackers exploded in the sky, and the echoes echoed throughout the valley.

Mr. Liu said loudly: "The auspicious time has come! The female relatives should avoid it! Break the soil and open the grave!"

After he finished reciting, the young coffin bearer he found had a shovel in his hand and started digging directly.

As a result, just after two shovels were dug, Mr. Liu suddenly rushed over angrily and yelled at one of them: "Damn it! Go to the front! Why are you digging behind here!"

I didn’t understand its meaning at first, but I only understood it later. There is also a saying that when a family moves a grave and digs it, they must not excavate behind the grave. They must dig from the front, because once they excavate from the back, it will be "excavating the back."

, which is homophonic to "Jue Hou", is very unlucky.

The strong man worked hard and soon found the coffin buried in the soil.

My family was poor back then and the coffin we used was not a good one. Twenty years later, the original coffin has become rotten and deformed.

Seeing the coffin emerging from the soil, Mr. Liu immediately shouted: "Master! Block the light!"

Immediately, two people held up a piece of black cloth to prevent the sun from shining directly on the coffin.

"Master, the coffin is about to be opened. Don't be afraid when you see the bones. When picking up the bones, you must pay attention. Pick up the bones at the hand first, and then pick up the skull. This is an old rule that cannot be broken. Do you remember it?"

I said I remembered it.

Did you notice? He just said "pick up bones" instead of "pick up bones". This is also an old rule, because picking up bones is the same as "cheap bones", which is unlucky.

I'm not afraid either. What are my parents afraid of?

The nails on the coffin were opened, and everyone worked together to push open the lid of the coffin.

This is the first time I have seen my parents in all my years.

Anyway, I can’t tell what they looked like before, they were all turned into a pile of bones. My grandma looked at them with tears in her eyes.

Following Mr. Liu's instructions, I put on red gloves and began to pick up the bones in order. The bones were taken out and placed on a piece of black cloth.

Mr. Liu looked on and couldn't help but praise: "That's it. Boss, you did a good job and your hands are very steady. Some people will be scared when picking up bones for the first time, and their hands will be unstable."

What he doesn't know is that I've probably seen many more dead people's bones than he has.

After picking up the bones, Mr. Liu asked several people to work together to move the old coffin away. He filled a bag with the loess under the coffin with his hands, saying that the owner would have peace of mind if the soil was brought to the new tomb.

, this is also the rule.

After finishing this, we started to backfill the tomb soil. One thing to note here is that the lid of the old coffin cannot be closed tightly, and a gap must be left. I don't know the specific meaning of it, but this is what was done at the time.

At this time, Mr. Liu looked at the sky and kept urging him to hurry up. He said that the tomb relocation could not exceed 12 o'clock in the afternoon, and the deceased must be buried before 12 o'clock.

It's better to hurry up and hurry up. We finished the work around 11:40 in the morning, and now we just have to wait until the day after tomorrow to move my grandfather's old grave.

After everyone left, Mr. Liu asked: "Master, aren't you going back?"

I smiled and said you go back first, I will stay here alone for a while.

My grandma still wanted to persuade me, so Mr. Liu pulled her down the mountain.

I was the only one left, and my nose felt a little sore when I looked at the newly erected tombstones. There were not even photos, and I didn’t know what they looked like.

I was an orphan since I was a child, and I suffered from low self-esteem for a long time. No one could understand my suffering.

If they were still here, I definitely wouldn't be on this path.

But I don’t hate them either, I just feel sad and uncomfortable.

I took out a bottle of white wine from my arms, sat alone in front of the new grave and drank it.

I didn't shed tears in front of others, but I couldn't help it when I was alone.

I drank and cried and drank. After finishing the last bottle of liquor, my head felt dizzy and I fell asleep leaning against the tombstone.

I don’t know how long it took, but I suddenly felt my face getting hot.

When I opened my eyes, it was already dark, and the stupid spore was lowering its head and licking my face.

This chapter has been completed!
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