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Chapter 1,342 Leaked news

In the film and television industry, I have to say that there is some truth in people's tendency to confuse film and television.

Because the relationship between movies and television is really subtle and can indeed be said to be highly related.

From the script to the cast, and even the director and production team, they often cross boundaries with each other.

Even the degree and speed of message exchange are surprising enough.

Ning Weimin, for example, did not expect that in this era where it is still very difficult to spread any news.

He had just negotiated a series of cooperation plans with the Film Bureau and China Film Company, and he didn't even have time to say hello to Song Huagui and politely seek the opinion of his immediate superior.

As a result, the National TV Drama Production Center got the relevant information first.

At the beginning, the person in charge who decided to sell him the overseas copyright of the TV series "Dream of Red Mansions" actually called him specifically for this purpose.

He half-jokingly said on the phone that he couldn't favor one over the other, and couldn't just support film creation and forget about old friends.

His intelligence skills and efficiency are simply better than those of professional agents.

At the same time, the person in charge also mentioned their meeting at the wedding a few days ago. At that time, they only drank and congratulated each other. There were some important matters that they had not had time to discuss with Ning Weimin. Now he is very "sincerely" inviting him to spare some time to make the production.

Sit in the center and drink tea.

Needless to say, as a smart man, Ning Weimin naturally understood the meaning of what he said.

Obviously, the TV drama production center should be a little worried that all the funds in his hands are invested in the film industry. This is because he is planning to insert a pole and intercept some food and grass.

For this reason, he just felt a little funny about how wealthy he was, but he didn't refuse.

After all, he is aware of the current lack of funds for domestic cultural undertakings, and has just experienced the shortcomings of the current system. As far as the film and television industry is concerned, all production units are poor farmers, and there are no landlords at all.

Sure enough, we met again at the TV drama production center the next day. After being polite to Ning Weimin in person, the person in charge began to strongly recommend Curry TV series to him, hoping that he would buy more and continue to broadcast them overseas.

The TV drama production center can also use this money as funding to develop more dramas.

But it is a pity that although Ning Weimin also has his heart set on fulfilling his mission, he does not want to disappoint the person in charge.

But the problem is that in recent years, the creative method of filming masterpieces in TV drama production centers has just begun to gain momentum.

Most of the TV series they filmed before were those that reflected reform and opening up and reflected on "movements".

For example, "Wasted Years" and "Through the Storm".

There are also anti-war dramas and spy war dramas that reflect the war years, such as "Harbin at Night" and "Triumph at Midnight".

There are very few TV dramas like "Xueye" that focus on the emotional lives of ordinary people.

Even TV dramas with compact plots and rich emotions like "Undercover Police" and "Searching for the World" are stories based on the historical environment of a special era.

If you don't understand that special history, it will be difficult to fully understand the logic of the play.

Therefore, these TV dramas are too far away from the lives of Japanese people, and there is almost no way to arouse the interest of Japanese people.

In Ning Weimin's view, due to the huge differences in the current social environment and economic development between China and Japan, these TV series are really not suitable for broadcasting in Japan and are difficult to sell.

Not to mention a good time slot, I guess it would be difficult to ask TBS to broadcast it in the night time slot when the audience is the least.

So Ning Weimin searched around in the library but couldn't find anything he liked.

In the end, I had no choice but to buy the eight episodes of "Ji Gong" that were just aired this year, as well as the eight episodes of "Wu Song" and the ten episodes of "Qin Wang Li Shimin" that were previously in the library.

I believe that Japanese people are more accepting of these things related to history and mythology.

However, although the dramas he bought were few, the prices were very generous. He directly offered three TV dramas for 100,000 US dollars.

On average, it's about four thousand dollars per episode, so I'm definitely not stingy.

You know, in this era, domestic film and television drama productions only need to arrange transportation and accommodation for filming on location, and there is no need to spend any money on other aspects.

In order to receive the crew, units from all over the place were very happy. They felt that they were promoting them. They also felt that movies and TV were sacred and there was no concept of charging at all.

In fact, the production cost of each drama is only 50,000 to 60,000 yuan at most.

It can be said that except for TV series such as "A Dream of Red Mansions" and "Journey to the West" that require the production of a large number of special props and costumes, the rest are absolutely low-cost productions.

The 100,000 U.S. dollars given by Ning Weimin is equivalent to a small 800,000 U.S. dollars at the real private exchange rate.

The money for just two episodes is enough to cover the cost of each drama. The rest is pure profit, so can the person in charge still be dissatisfied?

Don't say anything, just say that the price he gave, even compared with the ATV in Hong Kong City, is absolutely luxurious.

You know, ATV bought "A Dream of Red Mansions" for US$2,500 per episode, and the entire show only cost US$90,000.

And this was only because Ning Weimin was willing to buy the overseas copyright of "Dream of Red Mansions" for a sky-high price of 400,000 US dollars, so the price was set.

Otherwise, ATV would only be willing to pay US$1,800 per episode at most.

These Hong Kong cowards are no better than those Japanese profiteers who offer an episode of one thousand US dollars.

Therefore, there is no doubt in the minds of the person in charge that Ning Weimin's behavior is unrealistic and generous.

Not to mention, Ning Weimin was indeed a good friend. Just to share the worries of the person in charge, he even offered to make an advance payment, which moved the person in charge sincerely, and his good impression of him skyrocketed.

According to Ning Weimin, the TV drama production center is short of money to shoot new dramas.

It doesn't matter, he is willing to spend 200,000 US dollars first to meet the urgent needs of the production center.

Anyway, the cooperation between the two parties is a long-term matter, and it is not a one-time deal, so this is regarded as an advance payment.

When a new TV series is released, they can go back and convert it based on the transaction price.

In this way, the quality of TV series creation can be better ensured.

Needless to say, as soon as this suggestion came out, the person in charge's eyes were filled with stars. Looking at Ning Weimin at this time, he felt closer to him than his own brother.

Although he was a little disappointed with the amount of his purchase at first, the person in charge never expected that Ning Weimin would be willing to pay first and get the goods later.

The person in charge was quite satisfied and contented with the fact that he finally got 300,000 US dollars in foreign exchange from Ning Weimin, equivalent to more than 2.2 million in financial support.

Not to mention that there are no negative emotions at all at this time, it is not an exaggeration to say that I am elated.

Therefore, Ning Weimin then proposed to the person in charge that he hoped to invite the "Dream of Red Mansions" crew to visit Japan next month to enhance cultural exchanges and expand the influence of "Dream of Red Mansions" on Japan.

Of course, the person in charge has no reason not to cooperate.

He immediately said that the crew of "Dream of Red Mansions" had just visited Japan not long ago, and most of them had not dispersed after returning to Beijing. They were temporarily staying in Beijing to wait for the crew's follow-up arrangements. It was not difficult to gather them together, so it was just a matter of giving an order.


Now that they hear the news about going to Japan again, they will definitely be happy.

As for Ning Weimin's further suggestion, if the crew could be invited to do commercial promotions for Tan Gong Restaurant's new stores in Kyoto and Osaka while in Japan, the person in charge agreed and said that it would be no problem.

He said that as a cultural institution, it is our duty to support domestic enterprises in their overseas business operations.

Especially for someone like Ning Weimin, who fully supports the development of domestic film and television and has made great contributions to the overseas promotion of "Dream of Red Mansions", we must cooperate and support him.

Not to mention attending several commercial events for him, it is also appropriate to let the crew pat GG for him.

To be honest, the person in charge actually said these last few sentences casually to show off his dignity.

But for Ning Weimin, whose mind was full of calculations, he was overjoyed when he heard this, and he really took it seriously.

On the spot, he rolled his eyes and a new idea came to his mind.

He said in his heart, yes, "Dream of Red Mansions" is an eternal classic, and it is so popular now, and he has this convenience, why not take advantage of it?

If we don't make full use of the current popularity of "Dream of Red Mansions" and let it show more commercial value, wouldn't such a good resource be wasted? Wouldn't that be stupid?

It should be said that Tan Gong Restaurant has never reaped the dividends of IP except for selling its sentiments with "The Curtain" and "Burning the Old Summer Palace".

With such a good IP, he only wants to sell peripheral products such as handicrafts. Why doesn't he think about developing Twelve Golden Hairpin snacks, Twelve Golden Hairpin wine, and the Red Mansion Banquet?

It's a pity that he laughed at the Grand View Garden in the first place. In fact, it was just a joke at fifty steps and a hundred steps.

It seems that stock trading and real estate speculation are really ruining people. Financial games have dumbed down such a smart person like him.

In this way, inspired by the person in charge, Ning Weimin, who was originally anxious to say goodbye, now left in no hurry.

Instead, I started researching with the person in charge about the comprehensive cooperation between the "Dream of Red Mansions" crew and Tan Gong Restaurant.

This conversation lasted from morning to afternoon, and they sat together for a drink and a meal at noon.

The final results were impressive, and Ning Weimin signed a comprehensive GG cooperation agreement with the National TV Drama Production Center at the cost of 300,000 yuan.

The TV Drama Production Center not only agreed to authoritatively endorse the "Dream of Red Mansions" themed catering activities and service content for Tan Gong Restaurant in the name of the crew.

He also promised to arrange for the main actors in the crew to be in place as soon as possible to shoot GG for the Tan Palace Restaurant and the crafts surrounding Dream of Red Mansions ordered by Ning Weimin.

To put it bluntly, this is equivalent to Ning Weimin signing the entire crew to endorse his products.

Not to mention that, Ning Weimin turned around and went to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. She included "Dream of Red Mansions", "Feast of Red Mansions", "Grand View Garden", "Twelve Golden Hairpins", "The Story of Stone", and "Taixu Illusion"

, "Psychic Baoyu", "Crimson Pearl Fairy", "Shenying Waiter", "Fengyue Baojian" and many other well-known terms closely related to the Dream of Red Mansions were collected and registered as commercial trademarks one by one.

And its business scope covers clothing, jewelry, catering, wine, beverages, snacks, toys, and handicraft industries.

Now, he is considered a non-toxic and husband, blocking other people's way.

On the other hand, he remained discreet and quietly occupied most of the commercial application channels of "Dream of Red Mansions", one of China's four major IPs.

Although he didn't know it yet, in the original history, a few months later, he was supposed to become prosperous by relying on the trademark "Dream of Red Mansions" and "Twelve Golden Hairpin Wine", get rid of poverty and become rich in one fell swoop, and enjoy a glorious five or six years.

A village-run winery in Yibin, Sichuan, had its future completely ruined by him.

The good days that could have been held in hand were all in vain because of him.

I really don’t know whether I should say that he has a smart mind or that he is too cruel.

All in all, this deal was a great deal for him.

Although I spent a lot more money, the things and favors I bought were priceless.

However, to Ning Weimin's surprise, the chain reaction of the leaked news has not ended yet.

A few days later, Liu Xiaoqin relied on her own connections and got information about Ning Weimin's recent efforts in the film and television industry.

So she also called Ning Weimin.

But the difference is that she launched an investigation on the phone and repeatedly complained that Ning Weimin was not interesting enough.

It is said that Ning Weimin has decided to make five export films with the Film Bureau and China Film and Television, but none of them stars her.

Asked Ning Weimin if he considered her a friend? Did he look down on her?

Because Ning Weimin was familiar with her temper, what valued her was her straightforwardness and frankness.

It was somewhat expected that this overly arrogant and overconfident "Queen Mother of the West" would have such a pretentious reaction.

Therefore, instead of minding it, he told me frankly that he did not choose a movie starring Liu Xiaoqin because the "The Queen Mother" series suitable for distribution in Japan all used Hong Kong's distribution channels, and he had no way to get involved.

And other films she starred in are not suitable for release in Japan. For example, "Furong Town" involves the historical background of a special era and is not easily understood by foreigners.

Then we have no choice but to wait until she has a work with a suitable theme before collaborating with her.

Unexpectedly, Liu Xiaoqin immediately responded and said that she was currently filming a movie in which "two men fell in love with the same woman, and the three of them slept on the same kang".

The background of the story is the capital city of the Republic of China. The story situation is simple and should be in line with Ning Weimin's description just now, and it is almost completed.

I just don't know if Ning Weimin is interested or not, and whether he is willing to interview her.

As a result, Ning Weimin had no room for refusal, so he had no choice but to agree to the appointment out of face.

And he did have a strong curiosity. After much thought, he still couldn't figure out what kind of movie this was.

In the 1980s, were our film creations so large-scale? The content was so exciting?

I've never heard of it. It couldn't be that it was banned right after it was filmed. It has no chance of being put on the big screen.

Unexpectedly, when he arrived at the factory in Beijing the next day and saw the Ming and Qing Streets where countless famous movies were filmed, Ning Weimin couldn't help but be happy and had to admire Liu Xiaoqin's intelligence and cunning.

Dare to Love is a movie directed by Ling Zifeng and starring Liu Xiaoqin and Jiang Wen.

The effect of this kind of joke is no less than someone misrepresenting the domestic comedy "Look at the Family" as the American movie "The Georges."

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