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Chapter 1,353 Under the Neon Lights

Although I know the general address, there are too many clubs in Seven-chome.

Minister Ji Mao took his son Ji Mao Ce along an alley on the side to the road behind the main street. Many shops with the same business scope are clustered here, at least hundreds of them.

So even though we knew that the Chixia Club was nearby, the neon sign was mixed among the thousands of flowers, making it difficult to find it.

Jimao and his son searched for the name of the store with wide eyes, and almost bumped into pedestrians on the roadside several times.

Finally, their behavior attracted the attention of a "careful person" who has been staying here all year round.

"Excuse me, two customers, which store are you looking for?"

A short lady with a scarf on her head stood in front of Yoshimo and his son, holding a basket of tulips, and took the initiative to inquire about their destination.

"We're looking for the Akaka Club. I heard it's near Seven-chome Middle Street. It should be here, right?"

"It's almost here, but on the other side of this building. I can take you there."

The flower girl said, changing direction and giving directions to the two people next to her.

Arriving at the place soon, Yoshimo and his son followed the flower girl to the main entrance of the building, which was indeed very spacious and grand.

As the flower girl pointed to a neon sign above her head, Yoshimo and his son looked up from the bottom along a long line of colorful light boxes hanging on the wall, and finally found their target.

The third neon sign is "Chixia Club".

Speaking of which, this was the same path they took in the first place, but they missed it unexpectedly.

Maybe it’s because the greeting signs are made more delicately and compactly?

All in all, it’s really a bit of a dumbfounding situation.

"Buy a bouquet of flowers! Give this bouquet of flowers as a gift to Mama Sang at Chixia Nightclub!"

The flower girl also knew that the breakup was imminent, so she looked at the father and son one last time full of hope and made a request that was difficult to refuse.

"How much does a bunch of your flowers cost?" Jim Maoche asked.

The flower girl smiled and replied, "One thousand yen."

It should be said that although the price is on the expensive side, it needs to be treated differently in a special place like Ginza.

Especially at such a late hour, the flower girl is rewarded for guiding the way.

So Jimao Ce only hesitated for a moment before touching his wallet. He thought it was fair.

Unexpectedly, the moment he opened his wallet, Minister Yoshimo suddenly interrupted, "Give her two thousand yen and she won't take the flowers."

Ji Maoche was confused for a moment by his father's order, and a puzzled look suddenly appeared on his face.

However, his doubts were completely suppressed by his father's stern face.

When he found his father looking at him seriously, his attitude was serious.

He didn't dare to say anything else, so he simply followed his father's instructions and simply added another thousand yen bill and handed it to the flower girl.

There is no doubt that this is an unexpected surprise for the flower girl.

She took the money, which was twice as much as expected, bowed gratefully, and left.

Not only that, because out of fear of his father, Ji Maoche also suppressed his curiosity and did not immediately ask his father why.

As a result, his silence earned him a look of approval from his father, which made him feel more at ease.

And soon, he discovered the reason why he was inconvenient to ask.

For no other reason than because there are various entertainment venues in buildings like this, even at night, the entrance and exit doors are open to facilitate the entry and exit of guests.

The signboard of Chixia Club shows that the club is on the third floor. If they want to go upstairs, they have to stand in front of the elevator and wait for the elevator to come down.

Moreover, this building has twelve floors, and there are shops of this kind on each floor.

So there were a total of seven or eight guests waiting for the elevator in front of the elevator door.

They are all middle-aged, carefree people, and most of them are professionals who use company business expenses at a glance.

There are also two people dressed more casually. I don’t know if they are musicians or painters.

In addition, there was a tall and thin male waiter standing at the door of the building.

He looked to be in his mid-thirties, wearing a dark brown big-brimmed hat like a conductor's, dark brown clothes and pants like a conductor's, and dark brown boots. It seemed that he had been watching their actions in front of the door just now.

Especially when they saw Yoshimo and his son sending the flower girl away with money and walking to the elevator of the building together.

The male waiter at the door confirmed that they were guests coming to the building, and skillfully took off his big-brimmed hat, revealing his brush-style hairstyle, and bowed deeply to them.


If you think about it, you will know that in such public view, it would be a bit embarrassing for Yoshimoshi to ask his father why he gave two thousand yen and did not ask for flowers.

Soon, the elevator came down.

The male waiter in uniform watched all the waiting guests get on the elevator.

He stood up straight and bowed in front of the door again.

"Please go away!"

In this way, the respectful posture was maintained until the elevator door closed.

As a result, the elevator was on the lowest floor where Yoshimo and his son were going.

As soon as they arrived on the third floor, the two of them were the first to get off the elevator.

By this time, I saw that there was no one else in the corridor.

There was no need for Jimao to ask any more questions. Minister Jimao stopped himself, took the initiative to mention what happened just now, and revealed his intentions in a low voice.

"Ace, were you curious just now about why I asked you to do that?"

"Yes, Minister."

"Then have you figured it out now?"


Ji Mao's stupidity forced Minister Ji Mao, as a father, to remind him again.

"I remind you again, this is Ginza. It's not an ordinary place."

"So...so...father thinks the bouquet is too shabby and can't give it away?"

Fortunately, this son is not too stupid, and he finally guessed a little bit of Minister Yoshimo's thoughts.

Otherwise, Minister Yoshimo will really lose all his patience and may not be willing to waste time talking to such a stupid son.

"You're right, you can't give away a bouquet like that. You can only make do with fooling the waitress who is not very popular. You have to understand that in any club in Ginza, Mama-san is the most important person. I know you.

There are also the most celebrities. If you bring something like that up, it will only make people laugh and make you lose face. Only a fool would do such a stupid thing."

"Then if that's the case, why do we have to give the flower girl an extra thousand yen?" Yoshimoshi asked again.

"For the same reason, this is Ginza. You should remember the waiter at the door, right?"

"Yes, I remember." Ji Maoche answered honestly, but he still didn't quite understand what his father meant.

"That person is here every day to watch the door and is responsible for greeting and seeing off guests. In other words, he is also one of the most well-informed people about this building. If there is a store in this building that the mamasang wants to know about a certain customer

If there are more situations, I will definitely ask him to pay attention. On the other hand, if any customer wants to know about a certain store in this building, he will probably talk to him. That’s why I do this. If we often visit him in the future,

If we come to patronize this place, then our actions just now are likely to be spread to other people's ears through that person's mouth. After all, no store does not like generous customers. If you want to become a popular customer, this is a very important point.


"Oh?" Jim Maochu was deeply touched by his father's words, and he couldn't help being surprised by his father's foresight.

"Why do you look like this? You are so surprised? Let me tell you, the reason why I have been strict with your behavior since childhood is because many times, details can determine everything. Ah, by the way, take out your lighter and have a look


"Huh?" Jim Maoche was also surprised by another inexplicable request from his father. He really couldn't catch up with his father's unexpected thoughts.

But due to the attributes of a good son, he still did it.

"As expected, it's a bargain of 100 yen. Don't let anyone see this kind of thing, throw it away as soon as possible."

Following Minister Ji Mao's order, Ji Mao Ce followed the instructions with sincerity and quickly disposed of the plastic lighter in his hand - kicked it into the darkness of the corner.

But it wasn't over yet. Minister Yoshimo immediately turned his attention to his shoes, and then took out his handkerchief and handed it to him with great dissatisfaction. He looked around and whispered, "Give your shoes a good wipe."

No matter how obedient he was, Ji Maoce couldn't bear it at this time. He really felt that his father was a little too cautious.

After all, it’s not like going to work in the morning. It has just rained a little. How can any office worker’s shoes remain as discernible as they were in the morning?

What's more, my father's handkerchiefs are not cheap. They cost 2,000 yen each, just to clean my shoes...

"Minister, this..."

"Idiot, why are you hesitating? Let me tell you, every store and every staff here is good at judging people by their appearance. They can roughly determine your origins based on your clothes and conversation, so pretend appropriately.

A rich man is a hero that every man who goes to a bar in Ginza must have. If you want to get something from here and don't want to spend money in vain, then you must learn this skill."

"Also, please listen carefully to me. At midnight, it is usually the time for customers to leave various business places in Ginza. Ginza bars do not have any clearly marked prices. All they have is a white note with the words

Look at the amount you have to pay tonight. On what basis is this amount calculated? Don’t ask. If you ask, you will be a bumpkin. Let me tell you, there is only one standard for calculation, and that is the look in the eyes of Mama-sang or the store manager. She thinks

If you have money, charge you more. If she thinks you are worthless, charge you more. If she has compassion for you, she might charge you less."

"But no matter what, as long as you get this small piece of paper, you must take out your wallet to pay the bill without hesitation. If your eyes stay on the small piece of paper for three seconds, then you will be looked down upon. If

If you dare to tell Mama-san, ‘It’s too expensive, can you give me a discount?’ Then it will be difficult for you to step into this store next time.”

As Minister Yoshimoro said, "Do you understand?"

Ji Maoce had woken up in shock and truly understood the good intentions of his father's teachings.

He didn't dare to hesitate, responded, and quickly bowed and polished his shoes.

That's not all. As a father, Minister Yoshimoto waited for him to stand up straight again and tidied his tie before taking him inside.

At this time, Ji Maoche no longer had any relaxed mentality, and now he only had a serious attitude in his heart.

To be honest, I didn't expect that a meeting in a nightclub would require so many things to pay attention to, and I learned a lot of knowledge from my father that I couldn't learn in the classroom.

He had a vague feeling that the club door in front of him was the real adult world.

Compared with there, graduating from college, being hired by a bank, or even a recent promotion seem less important.

It seems that only when he is accepted by the world inside can he truly grow up.

There were several shops on both sides of the corridor, but they were not the places they were looking for.

The Chixia Club is at the very back, and the entrance to the store is a heavy metal door.

There are several large characters made of metal lying on the door, which does not clearly show the name of the club.

Moreover, there is a bronze plaque hanging below these words with the words "Membership System" written on it.

Seeing this sign, both Minister Yoshimoto and Yoshimosu took a breath in unison.

Because this also means that this club has a threshold for guests. Good business is inevitable, and it doesn't seem to be that easy to get into.

Just as they hesitated, the door opened by itself from the inside with a "snap".

Then Jimao and his son saw two elderly and potbellied guests walking out of the door.

The three service ladies who saw off the guests followed closely behind.

They are all beautiful, and their looks are at the level of models or actors.

When they saw Jimao and his son, knowing that they were guests, they all smiled and bowed.

From the outside, you can also see that the inside of the club looks like a liquor store.

A long stretch of several layers of bottles of foreign wine and Japanese sake are neatly arranged in the decorative cupboard at the entrance.

Although the entire scene in the club cannot be seen yet, the sounds of laughter, talking, and clinking glasses are intertwined with the dim lights, like waves of air pouring out from the screen of the wine rack.

This undoubtedly shows how prosperous the business is.

However, in the bar behind the door, the bartender wearing a bow tie and a 50-50 parted hair showed a suspicious expression, as if he found that both Yoshimo and his son had faces he had never seen before, so he quickly walked out of the bar .

"Is this... the first time you two have visited our place?"

"Yes, today is the first time." Minister Yoshimo replied.

Of course he saw the other party's scrutiny, so he added another sentence.

"We are from Sumitomo Bank and would like to come in for a drink."

However, even so, the bartender still glanced at them sharply.

"Sorry, our store is a membership system and only provides services to members or friends introduced by members. Therefore, please forgive me, sir."

These words inevitably made Minister Yoshimo a little embarrassed and a little sad.

If nothing else, he has always enjoyed high-level treatment throughout his career.

Especially after he was promoted to the headquarters of Sumitomo Bank, he became the focus of all kinds of people's efforts to fawn over him in almost all social situations.

However, in recent years, with the signing of the Plaza Accord, the Japanese banking industry has begun to have a difficult time.

Now he not only needs to be groveling to his customers, but he can't even enter a nightclub in Ginza.

As one of the senior employees of a core company of the Sumitomo Foundation, he believed that he did not deserve such treatment.

When did Japanese banks decline like this?

When he thought of these, he felt his pride hurt and his heart ached vaguely.

"Looking at your appearance, it seems like you are refusing, right?"

Minister Yoshimo's tone couldn't help but become tougher.

He finally found this place, how could he just leave like this?

What's more, it's too embarrassing in front of his own son. How can he talk about the majesty of his father?

So I will never give up until I achieve my goal.

"I'm really sorry. Please forgive the rules of this club. Unless you are introduced or accompanied by a member."

The bartender's attitude was somewhat improved than before, but his tone was mixed with a threatening tone.

Such words made Ji Maozhu, who was standing at the back, stunned and a little scared.

However, Jiang is still old and hot, but Minister Jimao calmly showed off Ning Weimin's brand.

"It's true that no member introduced me here, but I know President Ning of Dan Gong Restaurant and Dadao Trading Company. I also know that he is there. I just made a special trip to meet with him today. I think he might be willing to be our introducer.


These words really worked, and the bartender's expression immediately changed.

"What, you two are acquaintances with President Ning?"

"Yes, if you don't believe it, you might as well ask President Ning."

As he said that, Minister Yoshimo took out his business card and handed it over.

The guy in the bow tie hesitated, shrugged his shoulders, and bowed without extending his hand.

"No, I'm really sorry! Please come with me, both of you."

The bartender apologized softly to Igawa-kun.

"Please, come over here. I will inform you two. However, President Ning is very busy now, and I am afraid I won't have time to meet you two at the moment. Would you two mind having a drink first?"

The arrogance of this person just now disappeared, and he was completely different in an instant, with a respectful look in his eyes.

This finally made Minister Yoshimo's self-esteem a little satisfied.

And Ji Maoche, who followed him submissively, also let out a gentle breath.

At this time, he no longer had any doubts about his father's words.

Sure enough, the clubs in Ginza are really not places where ordinary people can just enter.

This chapter has been completed!
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