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Chapter 33 Ominous Omen

Su Ye's speed was very fast, like a dark golden lightning, rushing straight towards the gaseous black shadow.

Xie Chong, who possesses wisdom, is said to be at least level four.

The glimpse of the gaseous black shadow is obviously intelligent!

But if it was really a fourth-level evil spirit, why would it run away?

Xie Chong saw that humans should not be hungry, but why did he run away like a guilty thief?


It’s really strange!

However, in perception, the oppressive feeling given to Su Ye by the black shadow was not as oppressive as that given to him by the diamond-level instructor.

In other words, it should not be a fourth-level evil cult.

He is not the fourth level, but he has wisdom, and yet he behaves so strangely...

Is it a second-level or third-level special evil cult?

It stands to reason that this trial site No. 9527 is reserved for freshmen trials, and there should not be evil worshipers of this level.

Even if there are second-order evil spirits, there is a very small chance that one of them will appear after a group of first-order evil spirits devour each other.

But this dark shadow is obviously not one of the trial targets.

I heard that at the border of the abandoned city, there are auxiliary awakeners setting up barriers to prepare for their new life.

Isn't it an accident?

This gaseous black shadow was actually specially prepared by the college government?

"But the speed is too fast. Is it really one of the trial targets?"

At this time, Su Ye frowned and chased after him, but the speed of the gaseous black shadow was not slower than him at all!

You know, his speed at this moment has reached the level of the golden realm!

Although he didn't completely let go of his speed, it was enough to prove that the gaseous black shadow was definitely a third-order evil spirit that had not escaped!

And behind Su Ye, a few hundred meters away.

"What's going on? This abandoned city area was obviously investigated by the military and the night watch yesterday. There will definitely be no evil worshipers above the first level. They even paid a lot of money to set up barriers to prevent other evil worshipers from entering. This is guaranteed. Everything is perfect, but this evil head..."

The tall and thin instructor was even more confused and nervous than Su Ye at this time.

In fact, he has never seen this gaseous black shadow like Xie Chong, no!

Even unheard of!

As the martial arts instructor of the Federation Holy University, he knows everything from first-level evil spirits to ninth-level gods and demons, as well as evil gods and alien species.

This was really the first time he had seen this gaseous black shadow.

The third-level Xie Chong is intelligent, like a gaseous body entangled in black smoke, able to mimic the shape of limbs, and can also fly in the air...

It has never happened before in human history!

This Xie Chong is 100% a new species!

It was not deliberately arranged by their college.


An accident occurred during the freshman trial!

"We must contact people outside the barrier immediately to find out what is going on. If there is more than one such evil cult..."

Thinking of this, the tall and thin instructor's heart twitched suddenly and he quickly dialed the phone.

On the other end of the phone, a majestic male voice soon came: "Impossible! Our barrier troops did not find any third-order evil spirits entering this abandoned city! They can barely resist even space shocks, do you think? Would we make such a stupid mistake?!"


He didn't pay attention to the angry tone on the other end of the phone. When he heard this answer, the tall and thin instructor felt as if his heart had been hit hard by a heavy stone.

The troops maintaining the barrier didn't notice anything unusual?

So what is going on with this evil beast? Could it still appear out of thin air?!

An ominous premonition suddenly poured into the heart of the tall and thin instructor, and he replied: "Sir Yan, immediately send people to search the entire abandoned city. The third-level evil cult is absolutely true, don't be careless!"


There was silence for a moment on the other end of the phone, and then he responded after a long while: "Sorry, I was a bit exaggerated just now. The search operation will begin in five minutes."

After hanging up the phone, the tall and thin instructor then called the instructors in charge of the six classes. After being told to contact them, he returned his attention to Su Ye and looked in front of Su Ye, who was still there.

A gaseous black shadow that has been suspended in flight.

He wanted to take down the black shadow immediately, but he wanted to observe it first.

When being chased, will this evil creature seek shelter from its own kind? If not, it's okay.

But if it is discovered that there is a second evil cult like this...

The new life trial must end!

Because at this moment, most of the freshmen have already gone to various places in the abandoned city under the leadership of a top sophomore student.

If those teams who are not strong enough to face this evil beast encounter...

The consequences could be disastrous!


Su Ye felt that the gaseous Xie Chong was locked tightly, and his legs instantly exploded with great force.


The terrifying physical strength directly trampled the concrete floor into pieces, and the body suddenly shortened the distance from the evil head.

Unexpectedly, the black figure seemed to have noticed Su Ye's movements, and instantly exploded, throwing him away by nearly forty meters.


With a sneer, Su Ye quickly pulled out the dark gold sword behind him.

"Three sections of chop."

Whispering, he turned into a ray of sword light, and with the slashing arc, he rushed out twenty meters away.

As if teleporting, after the second slash, Su Ye had arrived below the gaseous Xie Chong, and the third slash...

With the blessing of the leaping state, he slashed towards the black shadow suspended in mid-air!


The last slash like a crescent moon reflected a sharp luster in the moonlit sky. As soon as the gaseous black shadow noticed the movement below, it tried to separate out a simulated black smoke and looked at it. It was frightened by the light of the sword in front of it and made it verbose for a while.



The light of the sword passed by, and a corner of the originally circular air ball was cut off.


The next moment, a sharp and piercing scream came from the black shadow of the air mass.

The sound was loud and hoarse, and the scream could be heard hundreds of meters away.






As the wail fell, the same sharp and strange sound came from all directions in the abandoned city.

It came so unexpectedly!

After a while, large black smoke filaments emerged from the direction of the sound. The remaining weak moonlight was continuously absorbed and swallowed by the black smoke filaments. The night sky in the abandoned city completely disappeared and became pitch black!

"what happened?!"

Su Ye's brows jumped suddenly, why did the sky in the abandoned city area change in less than a second?

Being in the dark night, listening to the strange calls.

His heart was beating non-stop, and an ominous premonition crazily eroded his mind.

The tall and thin instructor behind him stopped hiding now and appeared directly next to Su Ye: "Su Ye, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, mentor. I just chopped off that thing on my head, and then..."

Faced with Su Ye's doubts, the tall and thin instructor was also one of the top two. This was the first time he had seen such a situation.

Didi, didi, didi…

A rapid message prompt came out, and the tall and thin instructor nervously answered the call. Chief Yan's voice came. This time, his tone was solemn and uneasy.

"Instructor Huang, you are right. Something unexpected happened in the abandoned city area. After the weird screams just came out, the forbidden barrier of our barrier class disappeared for no reason. At this time

The space in the abandoned city area...is very unstable!"

This chapter has been completed!
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