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Chapter 1020 Red Envelope (1.02 million)

"This is a roast leg of lamb. Such a big one costs more than 100 yuan, right?" asked a male classmate with a mustache on his lips that had not been shaved yet.

He still has the childish look of a student on his face. He has never tasted it and has never gone to higher-end hotels. He is not sensitive to the price of food.

Others at the same table were eating chicken. Hearing this, they said: "I don't think so. I went to the supermarket to buy things. Now a pound of mutton costs more than 30 yuan. A roasted leg of lamb of this size is even more expensive."


"Come on, brother, let's cut the meat into pieces and eat it while it's still hot, otherwise it won't taste good when it gets cold." There are also those who are arrogant and want to eat as soon as the food is delicious.

As soon as he reminded him, everyone else responded and helped.

There are so many good dishes on the table, let’s eat them first.

"How much do you think this table of food costs? I feel like it won't be cheap if we eat it ourselves." A sincere child asked.

"You can't stop me with 1,000 yuan. This boss is so kind," said a girl.

Thinking about today's experience, from breakfast to lunch to the dinner in front of her, she felt like she was dreaming.

I'm afraid it's just a flash in the pan, and I will have to continue eating steamed buns from tomorrow, or make a box for each person to buy easily.

But it wasn't over yet. They were eating when the middle-aged man they saw this morning came over carrying a large black plastic bag.

"Everyone has a good meal and a good drink," Cao Shuchao said with a smile.

He then took out the red envelopes he had prepared in advance from the plastic bag. Each red envelope contained 150 yuan: "Our boss said that this subsidy will be settled once a day and will be given directly to you. Take it all, who will lose it?"

We won’t make up for it.”

"Ha ha!"

Someone at the table was amused.

But after receiving this thin red envelope, they felt it was very heavy.

When they heard about giving money, some people couldn't wait to put down their chopsticks, open the red envelope and look at it.

One is worth 100 yuan, the other is 50 yuan, exactly the same, lying quietly inside the red envelope.

"Hurry up and get ready, finish your meal first, we have to take the car to leave later." A classmate warned.

Their original plan was to return no later than 7 o'clock, rest early in the evening, and come back to work early tomorrow morning. The time was still quite tight.

Pan Jianglong and Zuo Yongsi, who were dining next to them, saw this scene with their eyes. They did not think that Cao Shujie did it to them.

There's no need for that.

Pan Jianglong knew that Cao Shujie told him from the beginning that he would directly settle the subsidies for them, and he has always kept his promise.

That night, Cao Shujie was so tired that he felt so tired that he didn't even want to think.

I didn’t even calculate how many people came over that day and how much money they probably spent.

After sending Pan Jianglong and Zuo Yongsi away, Cao Shujie and Cao Jianlong separated, returned home, and wanted to sleep next to the bed.

It was his wife who pushed him up and asked him to take a shower.

"You walked around outside, you are sweating, and you smell of tobacco and alcohol. How unpleasant it is." Cheng Xiaolin said to him.

Cao Shujie grabbed his clothes and smelled his body. He also felt that the smell was very strong, so he quickly took his clothes and took a shower.

But when he came back after taking a bath, he was no longer sleepy.

I lay in bed tossing and turning, but couldn't sleep.

Mengmeng was already fast asleep next door.

His son Cao Yirui was lying inside, also sleeping soundly with his butt sticking out.

Cheng Xiaolin was already asleep, but her husband kept turning around outside, which made her wake up again.

He said a little irritably: "Shujie, what are you doing? Just go out if you don't want to sleep. I'll be busy tomorrow."

Okay, Cao Shujie went outside and stayed for a while, reading the news on his mobile phone. He stayed up until almost 11 o'clock in the middle of the night. Then he started to feel sleepy again and went back to bed to fall asleep.

The next morning, Cao Shujie got up a little later than yesterday.

Looking at the time, it was almost 6 o'clock. Cao Shujie didn't go walking his dog today. After washing, he hurried to the park.

Thinking that Pan Jianglong told him when he left yesterday that 100 more students from Yiling University would come as volunteers today, Cao Shujie felt happy and wished for this.

He was so busy that he never expected that Caojiazhuang would attract so many people.

After arriving, I saw six buses parked at the entrance of the park. The students who had come to serve as volunteers were getting off the bus to organize their teams. Cao Shuchao and Yue Tianliang were chatting.

Seeing Cao Shujie, Cao Shuchao came to tell him that there were 300 volunteers today.

"It's okay. Let's allocate them to four parking lots and parks according to yesterday's allocation plan. Leave more people on the orchard side and the park side." Cao Shujie told him.

He believed that Cao Shuchao could handle the remaining specific details.

In fact, when we were talking about the distribution plan for these volunteers, another thought flashed through Cao Shujie's mind.

The parking lots in Taodong Village and Zhujiazhuang were also very tight yesterday. When they got together for a drink in the evening, he could see that Zhuang Xuejian and Zhu Hongwei were very happy, and the income from the parking lot alone was not small.

Last night we talked about the idea of ​​widening the section of road from Caojiazhuang north through Taodong Village into a two-way four-lane road, but the dozen or so households along both sides of the road would have to be relocated.

The Bureau of Culture and Tourism will cooperate with Caojiazhuang and provide corresponding compensation. Zhuang Xuejian patted his chest and told them that he would do ideological work for the villagers after returning home.

It shouldn't be a big problem.

In addition, when talking about the tight parking lot and lack of space in Caojiazhuang, Zhuang Xuejian and Zhu Hongwei also took the initiative to express their willingness to continue to expand the parking lot at their place.

I originally thought that we had to have a good talk and share some benefits, but no one expected that they would be more active than Cao Shujie.

In fact, everyone knows it, and there is a saying that explains it very well, which is "If there is no profit, you can't afford to be early."

Seeing that Cao Shuchao and Yue Tianliang had finished talking, they were about to take these people to the farm restaurant for breakfast.

"Go and eat more, there may be more people today." Cao Shujie said.

Be prepared!

Cao Shujie is not yet sure how many visitors he will receive during this seven-day holiday.

The autumn cold in the morning disappeared little by little, and foreign vehicles gradually appeared on the streets of Caojiazhuang.

The small village that pressed the pause button began to move again.

To the north of Caojiazhuang, at the stalls surrounding the foot of the Mengmeng Orchard Mountain, various hawking sounds came and went, making it particularly lively.

Some tourists from other places come to Caojiazhuang early to eat some of the special breakfast beef soup and beef cakes here, and some go to Xinjiang Hotel specifically to eat baked buns.

Or walk around the stalls to see what different breakfast options there are. Before you even get close, you seem to smell the aroma of breakfast.

At Cao Shujie’s house, Mengmeng didn’t go out yesterday.

Grandma said there were too many people outside, many of whom she didn’t know. If she went out and ran around, she would get lost and it would be difficult to find them.

So he kept letting her play with her brother at home.

Wang Yuelan's worry is not unreasonable. There are too many foreign tourists, people and walking vehicles are everywhere, and children are running around and can't be found in the crowd.

If you don't pay attention again and are hit by passing vehicles, it will be too late to regret.

But Mengmeng couldn't hold it in anymore at home today. She had to go out and said she wanted to go play with her friends.

Caojiazhuang is in the same grade as her, or one grade behind her, but her friends who went to kindergarten together are now in elementary school.

Taking advantage of the National Day holiday, the kids originally wanted to go out and play, but their parents were busy setting up stalls to make money at this time and strictly ordered the children not to go out and run around.

Staying at home all day makes them uncomfortable.

After a 7-day holiday and not being able to go out for a single day, these little guys can really rebel.

Until the phone rang at home and they received a call from Cao Xuemeng, they wanted to play together, and the little guys immediately agreed.

Mengmeng asked her grandma to help make the call.

After a round of phone calls, Mengmeng repeatedly promised her grandma that she would follow her out to the south to meet up with her friends and she would never run around.

"If you run around again later, I will tell your mother when I get back and ask her to break your legs." Wang Yuelan issued the most severe threat.

But Mengmeng didn't believe it. She even hugged her grandma's arm and shouted, "Grandma is the best to me."

"Humph, you know what you say is nice." Wang Yuelan stretched out a finger and tapped her granddaughter's forehead.

Holding her grandson in one hand and holding her granddaughter's hand in the other, she walked out of the house. Before leaving the house, Wang Yuelan said something to her husband, Cao Jianguo.

It's just that Cao Jianguo is busy at the stall and greeting customers at the moment, and he doesn't care about them at all.

"Grandma, grandpa is so busy. Grandpa makes a lot of money, right?" Mengmeng turned her head and looked back at the busy grandpa and asked.

Wang Yuelan didn't have time to settle the accounts now, so she said, "It's okay. I'll ask your grandfather to save all the money he earns and give it to you when the time comes."

But Mengmeng shook her head and said, "I don't want it. Dad said that all the money he earns is for me, and I can't spend it at all."

Wang Yuelan didn't expect her granddaughter to say that, so she couldn't help laughing.

When Mengmeng, Cao Heng, Cao Zizheng, Cao Wenwen, Cao Pengfei and several other friends got together, everyone started having fun.

Wang Yuelan got together with the children's grandfather and grandmother, who had been old neighbors for many years, and talked about what happened in the village.

They were also very emotional.

I feel like life is getting better and better now, something I never dared to think about before.

"Cao Wenwen, let's jump rope, I'll throw the rope." Cao Pengfei shouted loudly.

Cao Zizheng also shouted: "Okay, okay, I'll jump rope too. Cao Heng, you can throw the rope. I'm really good at skipping now."

"I don't want to play skipping, it's not interesting at all." Mengmeng didn't like it and wanted to play some other games.

But the four friends ignored her, and Cao Zizheng had already run home to find the rope.

"Sister Mengmeng, come and play together." Cao Wenwen shouted.

Now there is no way to hide and seek, no way to ride a bicycle, and all I can do is jump rope.

Mengmeng felt it was very boring, but she couldn't think of anything else interesting, so she could only agree: "Okay then!"

When Cheng Xiaolin went to the park with her sister-in-law, Cao Huifang suddenly told her that her classmate Deng Miaoshan would be here later.

"That's the classmate you went to school with before, right? I remember coming to our house." Cheng Xiaolin also remembered Deng Miaoshan.

But she didn't expect that her sister-in-law would start a business together with her classmates, which she found quite interesting.

Cao Huifang nodded: "Sister-in-law, she has some questions and wants to ask you for advice."

"It's okay, let her come. Just let her go directly to us in the park later. Speaking of which, the relationship between you two is really good. My former college classmates have long since dispersed, and we haven't had much contact with each other for so many years.

"Cheng Xiaolin said this. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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