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Chapter 108: Monthly ticket for recruiting thieves in the orchard) 8000


"Honey, how many kiwis have we sold from the 2nd to now?"

On the evening of the 21st, after seeing off the last batch of customers who came to pick today, Cao Shujie and Cheng Xiaolin returned from the orchard on the mountain and began to compile the accounts for this period.

Cheng Xiaolin turned on the computer and entered today's weighing data and receivables into a spreadsheet to keep records. She said: "Today, a total of 15,360 kilograms have been sold, with a total revenue of 430,000."

From being excited at the beginning to feeling calm now, Cheng Xiaolin’s highest posted income in one day was 59,864 yuan yesterday and Saturday. Excluding discounts and free gifts, she sold a total of 2,138 pounds.

This long summer vacation will end next week. Many parents are going out with their children. Some parents are thinking of picking some kiwi fruits for their children to take with them before they leave home to go to school, so that they can eat more fruits at school.

, timely supplement vitamin C.

There are also people who feel that the kiwi grown by Cao Shujie tastes really good after picking and eating it many times. Although it is a bit expensive, you can buy less and it is still very good to satisfy your craving.

"If you put it this way, there aren't many kiwis left in our orchard." Cao Shujie knew it.

Almost every customer who comes to pick is given more than a kilogram for free. Each one may not seem like much, but when the number of people comes increases, a lot of the discount will be waived.

But Cao Shujie has no regrets!

Cheng Xiaolin nodded and said, "I estimate that there will only be a few thousand kilograms left at most."

"Okay, let's sell it for another week at most and keep the rest for ourselves." At this point, Cao Shujie calculated the account and said, "I guess there won't be many kiwis left after next week."

"Well, don't think so much, we have already made a lot of money, just enough to spend."

"You are quite tired during this period. Go wash up and rest early." Cheng Xiaolin said to him.

Cao Shujie smiled strangely and said, "How about I wait for you to wash it together?"

"Okay, just wait. I'll get a pair of scissors later and have to cut the wool." Cheng Xiaolin stared at her husband with a half-smile.

Cao Shujie felt like he was trembling all over, asking for trouble, and hurried away in despair.

When a new day came, Cao Shujie got up early in the morning and took his four dogs out for a walk.

This time he did not go to the orchard on the mountain, but took the dog directly to the Yellow River dam in the east.

Nearly two months have passed since the water was released from the upstream in early July. The water flow in this section of the Yellow River near their home has begun to slow down steadily. Based on the experience of previous years, the water level in the Yellow River will continue to rise in the next period of time.

After falling, it cannot be said that it has recovered to the point where the river bed is exposed, but it can be fished again after two months.

"oh oh……"

"Oh woo..."

Daha and Xiaohei howled almost at the same time.

Even though Big Ha is more than three months older than Little Hei, it seems to Cao Shujie that Little Hei's howl now has a hint of the breeze of a dog dad.

Given time, it will definitely become a good dog, and Cao Shujie is also looking forward to that day.

"Don't bark." After a while, Cao Shujie ordered, and the two dogs stopped howling almost at the same time.

I woke up early today, and there were almost no people on the Yellow River dam at this time. Occasionally, an engineering vehicle carrying sand and gravel passed by, passing through the Yellow River in the south and going directly to the other side of the river.

Cao Shujie led four dogs and walked southward along the Yellow River dam. They almost reached the intersection of the Yellow River Floating Bridge, and then stopped to rest for a while.

"Daha, Erha, sit down!" Cao Shujie held the dog leash and rubbed the heads of Daha and Erha. The two dog brothers also sat down in cooperation.

Cao Shujie sat next to them, looking at the two little German shepherds who were standing next to them and staring at him quietly. Cao Shujie waved to them: "Dahei, Erhei, come and sit down."

It has been more than a month since I got these two dogs back. The two little German shepherds are very smart and can understand some simple commands given by Cao Shujie.

The two of them sat quietly in front of Cao Shujie, looking up at Cao Shujie opposite. The dog's ears stood up and the pupils shrank. When they looked at Cao Shujie, their eyes were crystal clear, and their eyes were shining brightly. Cao Shujie looked from them

I can read joy and attachment in my eyes.

Cao Shujie was also happy and reached out to touch the heads of the two German shepherd dogs, as if they were communicating with this body language.

The atmosphere at this moment seemed particularly harmonious.

But Daha and Erha have restless tempers. They are very energetic. They started to get irritable just after sitting for a while. They kept howling "oh, oh" and wanted to run a few laps.

Cao Shujie saw this scene and said: "Daha, Erha, brothers, please stop yelling. When we get back, I will get you a car and let you pull me up the mountain every day."

When Daha and Erha heard what Cao Shujie said, the two brothers disagreed. It didn't matter, as long as they could make them run.

Otherwise, they won't be able to vent their energy, and they will just want to cause damage.

It was more than an hour after we got off the Yellow River dam.

His father Cao Jianguo called him and asked him to go home quickly.

Cao Shujie thought something had happened at home, so he hurriedly led the four dogs back, even shouting "Big Ha, Er Ha" and run away.

With the guidance of these two dogs, Cao Shujie felt himself being pulled by them to run. He took one step forward, but before he could get a firm footing, his other leg was pulled forward by the running power of the two dogs. It felt like he was walking as fast as flying.

a feeling of.

After finally running home, Cao Shujie was out of breath.

But thinking of his father's anxious look on the phone, Cao Shujie didn't even bother to rest. He ran into the house and saw his father, Cao Jianguo, sitting in the house, so he quickly asked: "Dad, what happened?"


"Shujie, something happened." Cao Jianguo said.

Cao Shujie's face changed with fear: "Dad, what's wrong with you? Let's go to the hospital quickly."

Only then did Cao Jianguo realize that he had said the wrong thing. He said, "It's not me, it's the orchard on your mountain."

"What happened in the orchard?" Cao Shujie frowned, not everything was fine during this period, nothing happened.

"There is a big hole cut in the barbed wire guardrail at the old orchard in the northwest, so people can get in." Cao Jianguo's face was filled with excitement when he spoke.

He gritted his teeth, wishing he could eat that scum alive.

"Is there still such a thing?" Cao Shujie's mood suddenly deteriorated.

Cao Jianguo nodded: "I went to feed the cows this morning. When I came back, I passed by the old orchard and found that the barbed wire fence on the west side of the old orchard had been cut open. It should have been done last night."

He said: "I looked carefully and found that there were many footprints in the area with the holes in the orchard, and there were also traces of dragging bags on the ground."

"Dad, are you so powerful that you can even investigate?" Cao Shujie still wanted to joke a little to liven up the atmosphere.

Cao Jianguo grimaced and glared at his son: "Shujie, I'm talking about business, please be more serious."

Cao Shujie also knew the seriousness of the matter. He was now thinking that it would be fine if the other party just stole some kiwi fruits, but if the other party acted mischievously and did other things in his orchard, such as poisoning, it would be a big trouble.

"Dad, let's go over and take a look. I'll contact Boss Chen and come over with the materials to fix the damage." Cao Shujie pondered for a moment and said, "This matter needs to be reported to the police and investigated!"

When Cao Jianguo heard his son talking about calling the police, he thought so too.

No matter who this person is, what he did was unjust.

But Cao Jianguo also had concerns: "Shujie, considering the efficiency of the police station, is it useful to call the police?"

"Dad, let's go over and take a look before we talk."

The two men didn't bother to have breakfast, so they rode an electric tricycle to the orchard on the mountain.

After arriving here, he stopped the electric car, opened the gate of the barbed wire guardrail, and Cao Jianguo took his son to the damaged barbed wire guardrail.

Only after I got there did I realize that I really couldn't notice the hole unless I looked carefully.

Cao Shujie stood next to the entrance of the cave, looking at the messy footprints outside the cave, as well as the messy leaves, branches, and scratches on the ground. He somewhat understood why his father was able to investigate. The traces were too obvious.

"What a stupid inexperienced thief!" Cao Shujie thought.

He realized it was probably someone inexperienced...

Cao Jianguo looked at the hole and thought hard, then asked abruptly: "Shujie, do you think he will come again?"

Cao Shujie looked at his large orchard, and after thinking about it for a while, he said, "Should we come back?"

"Then why don't we make any noise for now, find a few more people in the village, and catch turtles in a vat at night to see if we can catch him? What do you think?" Cao Jianguo was also a ruthless character when he was young.

His eyes were very fierce right now. If he caught the thieves, he would have wanted to break their legs on the spot.

"It's not impossible, but the question is who the other party is. Who knows if the person we are calling is a thief?" Cao Shujie said.

When Cao Jianguo heard his son say this, he was also stunned.

Just when he was thinking about what to do, he heard Cao Shujie say: "Dad, I'll call Cao Zhen and the others to get some long sticks, and I'll get the big one and the second one over in the evening."

"Can they do well? Don't do bad things again." Cao Jianguo was a little worried about the two huskies raised at home.

But Cao Shujie said with certainty: "It must work. They are both taller than my knees and weigh 40 pounds. Besides, we still have to take care of them."

Thinking of this, Cao Shujie's plan became more and more thorough. He was now worried that the other party would not come tonight.

Thinking of this, Cao Shujie had an idea in mind and said to his father: "Dad, go back to the village and tell others privately that the kiwi fruits in the orchard have been packaged by a big customer. They won't sell them today. The big customer will come directly tomorrow."

All the cars will be picked up and taken away."

"Do you think this person is from our Caojiazhuang?" Cao Jianguo frowned. This feeling is not good.

But Cao Shujie shook his head: "Not necessarily, it could be people from other villages."

After saying that, the two men left the hole alone for the time being. They locked the door and came down the mountain again.

After returning home, I told Wang Yuelan and Cheng Xiaolin. They were also very angry and gnashed their teeth.

Cao Shujie called several of his boys. After Cao Zhen heard about it, he asked him if he wanted to find a few more people.

But Cao Tiemin also brought decoration workers with him, and there were more than a dozen people there.

Unless the other party committed the crime as a gang, looking at the situation at the scene, it doesn’t look like it!

Cao Shujie said: "It's enough for you to come."

"Prepare more guys." Cao Zhen was very excited when he heard the voice. He asked: "Shujie, do you want me to find someone to get some real guys?"

"What?" Cao Shujie was wondering when he heard Cao Zhen say: "Gun, and knife!"

"Fuck!" Cao Shujie was shocked, what was going on.

He said: "No need, I will just prepare a few more long sticks. I will still have my two dogs when the time comes..."

In the morning, many people in Caojiazhuang knew that the remaining kiwi fruits in Cao Shujie's orchard had been rounded up by a large customer and would no longer be retailed. They would be picked and loaded into trucks tomorrow.

The news didn't cause much of a stir.

After all, many people come to Caojiazhuang to pick kiwi fruits during this period, and they are all used to it.

However, the kiwis sold in Cao Shujie’s orchard are very expensive, and some people are still envious!

In the morning, some people came over and wanted to pick some. When they saw that the orchard was closed, they all called Cao Shujie, but they were all rejected by Cao Shujie.

In order to prevent the other party from making a trip in vain, Cao Shujie gave them the remaining inventory at home for free.

Cao Shujie was really afraid that the people who stole his fruit might do other things in the orchard, such as poisoning!

Until there are no results tonight, or until the test results come out, he means that they will not be open to the public.

In order to test the test results, Cao Shujie personally went to the county town to buy some test materials. After returning, he collected some samples from more than 20 different locations in the orchard for testing.

This kind of work is too familiar to him, and it's just a bit troublesome.

Fortunately, after a lot of work, he was reassured that there was nothing wrong with the simple test results.

Until evening, two vans drove over from Pingyuan County and parked directly in the courtyard at the foot of Cao Shujie Mountain, which was still being renovated.

Cao Zhen, Cao Shuyang, Cao Shulun, and Cao Fei all came, plus Cao Tiemin and others who were decorating Cao Shujie in Caojiazhuang. After they got together, Cao Shujie explained the situation to them.

After all, there is uncertainty in this kind of thing, and Cao Shujie doesn't want to force anyone.

Fortunately, these brothers are all very capable and no one said anything else.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, Cao Shujie took Daha and Erha and led them into the orchard and nestled far away from the cave.

Cao Shujie also specially gave it to Daha and Erha, saying: "Daha, Erha, I won't let you call me, so you two don't speak, or I will stew you tomorrow. Do you understand?"

Daha and Erha didn't know if they really understood what Cao Shujie said. The two brothers gave Cao Shujie a very disdainful look, and then lay lazily on the ground, closed their eyes and fell asleep.

Cao Shujie told Cao Zhen and the others: "I'm going to trouble my brothers tonight. Regardless of whether there are any results tonight, I will invite you all to have a good time in the county tomorrow."

"Bullshit, this bastard is bullying you because he doesn't give our brothers face. If he dares to come again, he will look good!" Cao Zhen said cursingly.

This is the loyalty between the two of them fighting together.

This chapter has been completed!
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