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Chapter 1102 Seemingly prosperous (40008000)

During the three-day Labor Day holiday, as expected, the number of visitors to Caojiazhuang Children’s Theme Park and Mengmeng Orchard surged.

On April 26, the day Wang Xuelia came to visit the Caojiazhuang Children's Theme Park, the number of people entering the park during the whole day was only over 30,000, but on the morning of Labor Day, there were already more than 50,000.

The winding fence in front of the roller coaster in the theme park was full of people queuing up to get on the roller coaster, and people were handing out free fruit soup next to them.

This is made by cutting apples, hawthorn paste, rock sugar, wolfberry, red dates, kumquats, pears, etc. into small pieces, and then adding white fungus and boiling them at high temperature.

Wait for the fruit soup to naturally cool down to a warm state, and then put it into a large stainless steel thermal bucket. The staff will push the thermal bucket around the park and provide it to all tourists for free.

It is not only a good way to cool down and relieve the heat, but also a delicious little drink.

It is provided free of charge in key parks, which has never been heard of in other scenic spots.

Some people posted this little incident online for everyone to comment, and they deliberately took a close-up of the diced fruit they received.

The color of the soup in the lens is very bright, and the various pulps floating in the soup are particularly eye-catching.

The fruit pulp content in the fruit soup is very high. From this point, it can be seen that Caojiazhuang really pays attention to it and does not just put a small amount of fruit in a pot of water.

Many people also wrote online about their experiences in the theme park, and one netizen’s statement made many netizens sigh.

This is a netizen from Shicheng, the neighboring province. He shared his experience and said that this is the second time that he has taken his whole family across the province to play in the Caojiazhuang Children's Theme Park during the May Day holiday this year. These two times, every time he came here,

It gave him a different experience each time.

Last summer, when his son was on vacation, he saw this place from the Internet. He brought his family here for the first time. He could see at a glance that Caojiazhuang Children's Theme Park was not perfect in all aspects, but the people here showed their enthusiasm with their enthusiasm.

Demonstrates respect for tourists.

Like other scenic spots, they are indifferent to tourists, and some places even bully foreign tourists or spend outrageous amounts of money, but this situation does not exist here in Caojiazhuang.

Moreover, all the stall owners around the park are very conscious, the quality of the products they sell is guaranteed, and the prices of key products are not high.

He heard that there are also specialized local law enforcement teams that have been patrolling for inspections.

In the words of the stall owner himself, the prices of things must be a little higher than the normal price, but don't expect the prices to be ridiculously high. If that happens, the tourists will not say anything, and the law enforcement team of their village will first fine them heavily.

They may even be disqualified from setting up stalls.

This time during the Labor Day holiday, this netizen brought his family over again.

As soon as I arrived, I saw free fruit soup and free Yuru melon pulp in the children's theme park.

When tourists receive it, the staff will also thoughtfully tell them some food taboos and tell them where to go for help if an accident occurs.

From every detail, we can feel the efforts made by Caojiazhuang Children's Theme Park and the importance they attach to tourists.

It is obviously a free amusement place that does not charge tickets, but he has made more efforts than those scenic spots that charge tickets. The various complete service systems make this friend who loves traveling particularly emotional.

The key is that those tourist attractions that charge fees are not as good as them, which is very troublesome.

After this netizen posted his feelings online, it attracted a lot of attention and discussion, and everyone had similar resonance.

This netizen did not expect that his article would be noticed and commented on by so many people. Even the team behind the park heard about it and contacted him through a private message on the platform, asking for his address.

I want to give him a special souvenir.

After Cheng Xiaolin took over the children's theme park and Mengmeng Orchard, Cheng Xiaolin, apart from working on her own self-media account, spent the rest of her time there, thinking about how to improve services.

The proprietress is personally in charge, and the staff in the two scenic spots are naturally more attentive in their services.

Cao Shujie was not able to keep an eye on the scenic spot all the time before. Although he has a high prestige, some people still behave lazily and are not enthusiastic enough towards tourists when they cannot see him in person.

But after Cheng Xiaolin took over, she promulgated a series of management regulations, which played a key role.

Cheng Xiaolin had no such management experience before, but as a woman, she has a more delicate mind and considers many aspects. Starting from the details, she has really gained a unique set of experience.

These changes are happening unconsciously, but tourists who have visited Caojiazhuang many times can feel these subtle changes.

Cao Shujie looked at the changes in the scenic area. He didn't care about it at all this time, and his thoughts were all on the factory.

With the arrival of Labor Day, many supermarkets, shopping malls or chain snack stores across the country are offering promotions and discounts.

Aimeng Preserved Fruit is no exception, and they offer various promotional offers.

Thanks to the excellent quality of Aimeng Preserved Fruit products, the efforts made in recent years, and the recognition of this product by market consumers, during the promotional period, I saw that the price of Aimeng Preserved Fruit is indeed very affordable, and there are many

Consumers who usually like to eat Aimeng preserved fruit took advantage of the low price to buy more and eat them slowly, which also drove the sales of Aimeng preserved fruit to increase again and again.

Some supermarkets originally thought that they had sufficient stocks and did not need to worry about short selling.

But when they actually saw the products being snapped up, they realized that their consideration was still too one-sided, and quickly notified the purchaser to find Xuemeng Food Factory to place additional orders.

Those wholesalers with a certain scale directly find people to drive to Xuemeng Food Factory to load the entire truckload of goods.

Cao Shujie didn't take a break during May Day. When he was walking around the factory, he came to the warehouse delivery area and saw everyone busy under the scorching sun, and many people were dripping with sweat.

Cao Shujie also chatted with Cao Shuju, the warehouse supervisor, and told her to do a good job in preventing heat stroke and cooling down the employees.

But as soon as they finished speaking, Cao Shuju complained that their best people had been transferred away. They were very short of manpower on the delivery side.

Cao Shujie was also a little embarrassed, but he had no regrets about transferring Hu Yong to Wuqi, Xinjiang.

There is one less person on the delivery side, so we can find two more people to handle it.

But it is difficult to cultivate a talent with good character.

When Lian Qijian called him to report on his work, Cao Shujie knew that Hu Yong was doing very well at Xinjiang Wuqi. Although he was not familiar with the procurement business at the beginning, he worked very seriously.

As long as people are not stupid and there are people willing to teach them, the rest won't be a problem.

Hu Yong's performance won Lian Qijian's recognition.

"Can we keep up with the timely delivery rate now?" Cao Shujie took the initiative to change the topic and asked her.

He also gets a headache when women get involved in random things.

Cao Shuju nodded and told him that it was okay, but it was definitely a step back than usual.

"We used to be able to achieve more than 99%, but now, the volume of shipments during this period is too large and the warehouse delivery side is tight, so now we can only achieve more than 3%."

"Did you tell Manager Wang about the recruitment?" Cao Shujie asked her.

Cao Shuju nodded, indicating that she had told Wang Zhifeng about this matter.

The human resources department is also stepping up to help with recruitment, but because time is so tight, although some people have come to apply for jobs in the past few days, they have not found a suitable one yet.

Cao Shujie had no solution for this problem.

The time was too short, and they failed to make this prediction.

Cao Shujie told Cao Shuju that he could first go to the labor market to recruit some people to deliver the goods.

Cao Shuju responded.

Cao Shujie still had a lot of things to do, and he didn't stay in the delivery area for too long.

After leaving here, Cao Shujie went around to other places.

Today is a short holiday, but except for those who work shifts, no one else in the company has a holiday, and no one complains in the face of three times the salary.

Many people even discuss it privately, wishing it would be like this every day.

When Cao Shujie came to his office, not long after Cao Shujie sat down, Quality Department Manager Luo Changjin came to see him.

The last all-employee company meeting was held after the Spring Festival. Sheng Weijun, a reserve talent reported by the quality department, was criticized by the all-employee meeting for work violations. Later, he was fired because of his serious disciplinary violations.

As the reporter of reserve talents, Quality Department Manager Luo Changjin also took the initiative to apologize to his boss Cao Shujie after the all-staff meeting and review his work mistakes.

After that all-hands meeting, Luo Changjin began to pay attention to discipline and process management within his department. The quality department as a whole has indeed undergone great changes, and work efficiency has also been greatly improved.

He came to see Cao Shujie this time to tell Cao Shujie about the company's product system audit and certification.

"Mr. Luo, sit down first." Cao Shujie stood up and went to make tea.

After pouring Luo Changjin a cup of tea, Cao Shujie asked Luo Changjin to explain it to him in detail.

This kind of system audit is a routine operation, and different certifications need to be carried out 2 to 3 times every year.

The quality department has always been responsible for this aspect.

However, several third-party review agencies come to bid every year. When it comes to spending money, Luo Changjin must report it to Cao Shujie.

After waiting for Luo Changjin to finish his report, Cao Shujie asked Luo Changjin how the third-party audit and certification of his company's products for export was progressing.

Hearing Luo Changjin report to him on the progress of export audit certification, export audits for 4 countries have now been completed, and several others are under review.

This is also very annoying. The standards implemented in many countries are different, and there is no way to achieve a global certification.

For some certifications, it is necessary to find an audit agency in the corresponding country to certify the factory, which often takes a long time.

Cao Shujie nodded and urged him to continue to speed up the progress.

"The market is changing too fast now. We have to hurry up and launch the product. While the market is good now, we can sell more if we can." Cao Shujie said.

Luo Changjin frowned slightly, feeling the pressure from Cao Shujie's words.

The products of Xuemeng Food Factory have always been very popular in the market, and the market supply exceeds demand.

The trucks that come to pull goods outside the factory are all queuing up, and the warehouse delivery side is too busy working overtime to do anything. This also makes the employees in the company obsessed with the current situation of the company's great sales performance, and never thought that the market would change.

Don't solve this problem well.

But their boss Cao Shujie doesn't seem to see it that way.

But seeing that Cao Shujie didn't say much, he didn't dare to ask.

After reporting his work, Luo Changjin left Cao Shujie's office with a heavy heart.

Cao Shujie was the only one left in the office. He was considering the overall situation of the company and was not fascinated by the 'grand occasion' in front of him.

To put it mildly, their company's products sell well all over the country.

But no one can predict which day the overall market will shrink. A large-scale economic downturn will inevitably be accompanied by changes in people's views on consumption. When the income is reduced, who will still buy snacks?

No one in the factory may have thought about this day, but as the boss, Cao Shujie has to think about the future.

At this time, you can sell more and recover more funds, which will be beneficial to resisting risks in the future.

Cao Shujie understands this truth, and many others also understand this truth.

The seemingly prosperous market always lurks in crisis.

In particular, the instability of the international political situation has also brought great variables to the economic market.

Wang Qinghui has been very busy recently, busier than before.

As a high-level leader, the information he has access to is far from what ordinary people have access to.

He is more aware of how severe the current global economic and political situation is.

It seems like everything is peaceful and peaceful, but in reality there are black holes everywhere.

Wang Qinghui has been holding more frequent meetings recently, and each policy is submitted to the meeting for discussion and then implementation.

There is a "new energy craze" all over the country, but Wang Qinghui is not fascinated. He realizes that there are big problems in the current "new energy" market.

Moreover, many places have blindly and forcefully launched some new projects, resulting in the poor quality of these projects. Some companies that pretend to be fake have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, defrauding state subsidies and bank loans. In the end, they have been developing for two years without producing anything concrete.

The mess was thrown away, the boss ran away, and the money was gone.

The workers can't get their wages, they have no income, and they're staring at the entire family!

After another meeting was held and the policies just issued by the superiors were conveyed, Wang Qinghui thought about the strict investigation of anti-corruption requested by his superiors. He rubbed his temples to relieve some tense nerves.

After a while, the phone on his desk rang again. After Wang Qinghui saw the phone number, his expression became serious.

After answering the phone, Wang Qinghui's face became more serious as he listened to the person on the other side talking. A few minutes later, the call was completed.

Wang Qinghui picked up the phone and thought about the content of the communication just now. He also wanted to curse, what the hell is this.

A big problem was discovered here in Dongshan.

The higher-ups told him, with the intention of beating him up, and made it clear that he would be dealt with strictly.


Wang Qinghui's face turned pale as he punched the desk with his fist.

Someone passed by outside the door and when they heard the movement inside, they didn't dare to wait for a moment longer. They even sped up and trotted away. (End of Chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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