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Chapter 1116 The brightest star in the sky (40008

"Honey, I succeeded." After Ye Shanliang hung up the phone, he shouted toward the bedroom.

His wife yelled: "I'm not deaf, can you speak a little louder in broad daylight?"

"Oh, I succeeded in the interview. The people from Xuemeng Food Factory just asked me to report next Monday." Ye Shanliang's voice immediately dropped a few decibels.

His wife suddenly appeared at the door and asked him anxiously: "What did you just say? Can you speak louder so that it doesn't sound like a mosquito?"

Ye Shanliang: "..."

He found it really difficult.

But he didn't care and understood why his wife was like this. He smiled and said to her: "I will go to Xuemeng Food Factory to work next Monday. I will live in the factory dormitory then, and you will have to work harder at home. Look.

With two children.”

"Is this the factory you mentioned that gives you a salary of 10,000 yuan?" His wife's eyes were full of expectation.

After seeing Ye Shan nodded, his wife ran over to him like crazy and hugged him. That kind of emotional catharsis made people feel heartbroken.

A few days ago, after her husband's interview was successful, she called and said that she was very happy.

But after her husband came back and inquired in detail, he learned that he had to wait until he passed the physical examination before he could join the job. If he failed to pass the physical examination, he might lose this opportunity.

During these few days of waiting, she began to worry about gains and losses. Ye Shanliang did not sit still and waited for death. During this period, he also went out to interview with other companies, just in case, leaving himself a way out.

He knew very well that they were just an ordinary family and could not withstand a few twists and turns.

Now they finally got the exact news that Xuemeng Food Factory asked him to join the company, and the two of them were relieved.

Monday, May 29th.

Tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival again.

Xuemeng Food Factory concentrated on recruiting a group of employees some time ago, and today they went through the onboarding procedures together.

This group of people is relatively large, and there are people in various positions.

If we count them all, there are 63 people in total.

But this is just the beginning, the recruitment work for the second factory is still going on.

According to the plan, at least 400 people will be recruited to meet the demand.

The Human Resources Department is responsible for the basic training of these employees, and the Quality Department and Safety Administration Department are responsible for explaining the company's quality principles and safety requirements to them.

However, compared with the past, this time a new employee training was temporarily added.

This item is where Cao Shujie meets new employees face to face. He wants to tell these new employees about the situation of Xuemeng Food Factory.

After the first few processes were completed, there was still plenty of time. Wang Lu, the specialist in the human resources department who was responsible for the induction training of new employees, called He Ruijia, the boss's assistant, and told her that it was the boss's turn to face-to-face communication with the new employees. Wang Lu

I asked He Ruijia to help convey it to Cao Shujie.

He Ruijia also knew about this arrangement. She did not dare to delay and quickly told Cao Shujie. After receiving the news, Cao Shujie did not hesitate and quickly came to the large training room on the first floor, where 63 new employees were waiting to join.


Pushing the door open and seeing these 63 new faces, Cao Shujie had a heartwarming smile on his face.

After a brief self-introduction, Cao Shujie did not talk too much nonsense, but went directly to the topic.

"Welcome to join Xuemeng Food Factory. I am Cao Shujie, the founder of Xuemeng Food Factory."

"Xuemeng Food Factory has been 4 years old since its establishment. It is still very young and is in the most energetic and passionate stage of development."

"Just like everyone sitting here, in the coming time, everyone and I will work together to work hard and make progress."

Speaking of this, Cao Shujie paused for a moment. She took the Wahaha bottled mineral water handed to him by Wang Lu, took two sips, and continued: "When I came in just now, I felt the warmth of our 63 new brothers and sisters.

That kind of vibrant passion, whether you are in your twenties, thirties, forties, or older, I want to tell you that this is just your physical age, but it does not mean that your spirit is also the same.

Your biological age is the same."

"I came here specially to meet with you today. I personally hope that everyone can stay young, energetic, passionate and energetic like Xuemeng Food Factory in the coming time."

"During this recruitment, I heard Manager Wang Zhifeng of the Human Resources Department talk to me about a very heavy topic." A trace of sadness naturally appeared on Cao Shujie's face, and his eyes scanned the faces of the 63 new employees one by one.


Many people did not dare to look at Cao Shujie and lowered their heads.

But some people kept looking up at Cao Shujie, as if they still had a hint of arrogance in their hearts.

Just when everyone was wondering what Cao Shujie was going to tell them, they heard Cao Shujie continue: "Manager Wang told me that many of our new employees are generally over 35 years old."

"I thought to myself, isn't this a normal thing? Our country stipulates that you have to be 60 years old at the earliest to retire. Doesn't this mean that if we live to 60 years old, we can still work again."

"But Manager Wang told me that brothers and sisters of this age group are not accepted in other factories, and it is a threshold for recruiters to acquiesce."

Speaking of this, Cao Shujie suddenly laughed.

His laughter was loud, like unbridled mockery.

There were many people over the age of 35 in the large training room. When they heard Cao Shujie talking about this incident, they all lowered their heads subconsciously.

They thought that their boss, Cao Shujie, had opinions about people of their age. They thought that Cao Shujie would think that they had not achieved certain success at this age and were still running around looking for a job to support their family. They thought that Cao Shujie would look down on them.


But none of these things they thought happened. Cao Shujie sighed: "Everyone, I understand your feelings very well. To be honest, I am already 34 years old this year. If I hadn't come back from Beijing 7 years ago, I would be very lucky.

I have everything I have now through my hard work. Maybe I will be like you and face the embarrassing situation of being eliminated in the workplace because of my age.”

Those above this age group lowered their heads again, including Ryo Hayama, who came here today to go through the entry procedures.

They felt that what Cao Shujie said was too harsh and unpleasant, and it also made them feel uncomfortable.

They also wanted to stand up and refute Cao Shujie like those unscrupulous young people, but they did not have the courage.

But what Cao Shujie said next made them feel the long-lost touch.

"But I want to tell you, if those factories and so-called companies outside think that you are over 35 years old and do not want you because of this so-called tacit age threshold, then I want to tell you that this is the stupidity of those companies and those companies.

Compared with the sadness and immaturity of the company bosses and the age threshold they set by their so-called bullshit, I think your experience and skills are priceless treasures that far exceed your biological age."

"Xuemeng Food Factory never checks the age of its employees. As long as your personal abilities match the development of the factory, we will keep you."

"For example, among the brothers and sisters who applied for employment this time, 26 are over 35 years old, accounting for 41% of all our employees. The company's policy is here. What do you have to worry about?"

"One more thing, I can also guarantee you that the salary the company will give you is definitely not what other companies can give you. Why do we give you such a high salary? This is because the company recognizes your personal abilities and the company believes that you

Okay, brothers, in the next time, when you officially enter Xuemeng Food Factory, I hope that all of you can block out the previous unhappiness and meet your next challenges with a new mental outlook.

I hope you will work hard here and strive to realize your own value."

"I hope that if you are wronged at Xuemeng Food Factory, you will never hide it in your heart. Do you think the company will have any objections to you? Don't make random guesses. If you have any questions, you can go to your superiors.

Wang Zhifeng, Senior Manager of the Human Resources Department, or come and talk to me directly, but you must not do anything that your relatives will regret."

After Cao Shujie finished speaking, the 26 middle-aged people in the audience who were over 35 years old all raised their heads and looked at the man in front of them who was about the same age as them, who was also the boss of the company. They were filled with emotions that they couldn't explain.

What kind of feelings, but Cao Shujie's words made them understand themselves again.

Many of them were annoyed that their age had reached this threshold, but they did not expect that Cao Shujie had high hopes for them.

Even though some people at the scene felt that this was Cao Shujie's words and that he was brainwashing them, many people were thinking that I would rather be brainwashed.

"When I was desperate, there was such a company that did not dislike my age. Instead, it recognized my ability and experience with a high salary, and kept and hired me without hesitation."

Ye Shanliang, who was sitting in the crowd below, looked at Cao Shujie, who told them to have a good lunch at Xuemeng Food Factory after finishing his speech. Looking at his young and somewhat exaggerated face, he thought to himself that he was only better than

It's easy for me to be three years younger, but his success is something I will never be able to catch up with in my life.

After Cao Shujie finished speaking, he left the training room.

Wang Lu continued to stand on the podium and followed what Cao Shujie said just now, training the people on the scene and telling them what to do next.

Cao Shujie left the big training room and returned to his office on the third floor. Thinking of the topic he just talked about to the new employees, he actually wanted to say that rejecting a person because of his age is a tragedy for this society.

It's a setback.

But Cao Shujie couldn't control it, so he could only do what he could in this regard.

For example, Xuemeng Food Factory specializes in recruiting older young people like this time.

In Cao Shujie's view, these people have heavy responsibilities because they have families to support. They also have a stronger sense of responsibility. Compared with young people who are so willful that they can just leave at a moment's notice, these people are more able to calm down.

Come down and work hard.

Perhaps in some respects, they need such a job more than those young people.

Why not give them a chance?

Xuemeng Food Factory will not only recruit a group of older young people in this batch, but will also recruit in the next batch.

After all, Xuemeng Food Factory is not a high-tech enterprise, and the demand for academic qualifications and high-skilled employees is not high. He will not refuse such a group of people to join.

In the later days, Cao Shujie would pay attention to the progress of the recruitment work from time to time, and at the same time, he had also been paying attention to the construction progress of several other projects in the second factory.

Especially the progress of laboratory construction.

Seeing that the laboratory was about to be completed, Cao Shujie also began to consider recruiting talents in this area.

Unlike recruiting people in the factory production link, Cao Shujie knew that this project really needed a group of real talents.

All aspects involved require their professional knowledge to analyze, research, and synthesize new products.

Cao Shujie called Wang Zhifeng and asked him to come to his office.

After waiting for Wang Zhifeng to come over, Cao Shujie told Wang Zhifeng the function of the laboratory under construction, and also told Wang Zhifeng what to do next for this experiment and the direction of research.

These things have never been disclosed before, and this was the first time Wang Zhifeng heard about it. Because of this, Wang Zhifeng felt quite shocked.

He didn't expect that his boss had been hiding such an idea all along, and according to the boss's description, this nutrient solution could promote the growth of plants and shorten the plant growth cycle.

From Wang Zhifeng's limited knowledge of agriculture, this nutrient solution fundamentally changed the genes of plants.

He then thought that the taste of the fruits in the boss's orchard was significantly higher than that of ordinary fruits on the market, and if he remembered correctly, the growth cycle of the fruits in the boss's orchard was obviously shorter than the growth cycle of similar agricultural and sideline products.

Before this, Wang Zhifeng always thought that the boss had special management methods, just like the greenhouse disrupting the seasons of fruits and vegetables. But now when the boss asked him to personally take charge of the next recruitment of personnel for the laboratory, Wang Zhifeng realized that the boss had a special management method through cultivation.

This special nutrient solution is used to manage crops.

He then thought about something. Cao Shujie was openly recruiting a group of scientific researchers to study nutrient solution at this time, which made it clear that this product would be sold next.

For a moment, Wang Zhifeng suddenly felt that Xuemeng Food Factory seemed to be moving towards a greater company.

He couldn't handle the information that instantly entered his mind.

Then he consulted Cao Shujie in detail about the specific talents he needed. Cao Shujie explained clearly to Wang Zhifeng his needs for each talent.

Obviously, Cao Shujie has a clear mind about the composition of the overall organizational structure and the next research direction.

Wang Zhifeng did not doubt whether his boss's project would die prematurely or come to an end.

On the contrary, he felt that when this project was announced to the outside world, it would be the brightest star in the sky.

But Wang Zhifeng also realized that this kind of product must face many problems when it comes out, right? (End of this chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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