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Chapter 172 Mr. Dog is open. Please give me your monthly ticket) Good night

"Dad, set off the fireworks quickly, hurry up." Mengmeng couldn't wait any longer and began to urge her father.

Hearing Mengmeng say this, others began to urge: "Master Gou, hurry up."


The sudden appearance of the nickname caused silence for a few seconds, and then bursts of laughter broke out.

Cao Shujie was also depressed when he heard this nickname. Not only did people call him that in the county, but also in Caojiazhuang.

Cao Shujie felt that with this nickname alone, he was now famous within Pingyuan County.

"Who gave me this nickname? If you have the ability, stand up and let's challenge each other. I promise not to break your legs." Cao Shujie scolded with a smile.

The folks around him didn't care, they were all waiting for Cao Shujie to set off the fireworks.

I saw Cao Shujie walking to the center of the field carrying a 50-centimeter square firework carton, holding a flashlight in one hand for lighting and a windproof lighter in the other. After lighting the fuse, he quickly ran back.

Before he could run to the crowd, there was a "bang" sound behind him, and then the dark area instantly turned into five colors, reflecting all kinds of lights on the people in front of him. Cao Shujie also didn't

After running away, he turned around, calmed down and began to enjoy the fireworks rising from the scene.

Everyone watching cheered.

There are people setting off fireworks in the countryside, but not many.

Except for those who do have a lot of money in their hands, most people will choose to save their money. They will not buy so many fireworks to play with like Cao Shujie. For them, this is a waste of money.

But no one expected that Cao Shujie, an outlier like Cao Shujie, would dare to play like this in Caojiazhuang.

Many people looked at the busy figure in the center of the field, their eyes full of envy.

"If I had Brother Jie's ability, I wouldn't go out and have to make some money outside and still have to suffer. How boring." Someone whispered to the person next to him.

The person next to him is Cao Shuai, one of the two people who works at Cao Jianhua's pig farm.

The fattening pigs at Cao Jianhua's pig farm were all cleaned out yesterday, and with the Chinese New Year coming up in a few days, Cao Jianhua took the opportunity to give him and Cao Jianjun a holiday.

Hearing what he said, Cao Shuai said with a smile: "Wan Chun, if you don't want to go out, I can introduce you to work at Uncle Jianhua's place. Do you want to go?"

"Feeding pigs?" After hearing this, Cao Wanchun shook his head and said, "The smell is too unpleasant. I can't do that job."

Cao Shuai didn't want to talk to him, but he still asked: "Wan Chun, what kind of job are you doing outside? How much money can you make in a month?"

"I do maintenance work in the factory, and after deducting insurance, I only get 1,800 yuan a month," Cao Wanchun said.

He whispered: "The salary is neither high nor low. I just want to be free and learn a craft over time."

"Oh, 1800 is really not low." Cao Shuai said, and then there was no response.

Cao Wanchun felt uncomfortable, so he deliberately asked: "How much does it cost you to stay at home a month?"

"It's not a lot. My job is quite tiring. I can only get about this amount in a month, and there is no insurance." Cao Shuai said as if I'm not as good as you.

Hearing what Cao Shuai said, Cao Wanchun felt uncomfortable. He knew very well that if Cao Shuai's income was really similar to his, then he was far behind compared with Cao Shuai.

After all, Cao Shuai is in his hometown. Regardless of food, clothing, housing and transportation, Cao Shuai's consumption is almost non-existent.

But Cao Wanchun needs money for renting a house, eating, transportation, etc. outside, and the 1,800 yuan he earns is almost gone by the end of the month.

While the two of them were talking, Cao Shujie waited for the fireworks to finish before lighting another one.

This firework also has a name called the spinning pear blossom. It blooms with dazzling silver light from the bottom until it rises into the air. People who don't know it will definitely guess that aliens are invading after seeing this strange appearance.


That night, after the people had almost arrived, Cao Shujie set off fireworks continuously for more than half an hour, which made the people who came over so addicted. Some people on the scene were discussing who would come to take over tomorrow night.

As for the fireworks you bought, don’t hide in your own home to admire them, take them out and enjoy them together.

Two more days passed in the blink of an eye. During these two days, Cao Shujie visited several elders and gave them some New Year gifts.

Or take his grandfather to visit his old friends and pick up some things.

Until the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month, Cao Shujie got up early in the morning and started cleaning and packing things.

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, and he has to prepare some New Year's goods.

"Shujie, kill those two chickens and stew them later." Cheng Xiaolin was busy in the kitchen and shouted outside.

Cao Shujie was chatting with his grandfather and playing with Mengmeng outside. After hearing his wife's instructions, Cao Shujie went to catch chickens in the dog cage outside without saying a word.

His father, Cao Jianguo, brought these two chickens two days ago and asked him to kill them during the Chinese New Year and stew them in advance for later use.

Cao Shujie was not polite to his father either.

When he was killing the chicken with a knife, Mengmeng squatted down to watch, and asked him from time to time: "Dad, what are you doing?"

"Kill the chicken and cook chicken for you, do you understand?" Cao Shujie asked her.

Mengmeng blinked and thought for a while, nodded and said: "Kill the chicken with a knife!"

"Yes!" Cao Shujie nodded. As soon as he finished speaking, Mengmeng ran towards the house, which confused Cao Shujie.

After a while, she saw her daughter running out with a red plastic toy knife. She handed the toy knife to Cao Shujie: "Dad, here is the knife!"

Cao Shujie looked at the plastic knife in his daughter's hand and was a little confused.

Just now I was thinking about what Mengmeng was going to do, but she didn't expect that she would bring her toy knife and let her father kill the chicken with it.

"Mengmeng, thank you!" Cao Shujie gestured: "Your knife is too big, the chicken is too small..."

Cao Huifang listened to her brother's serious nonsense and couldn't help laughing.

But what she didn't expect was that Mengmeng wasn't happy when she heard her smile. He rushed towards her with the toy sword in his hand and waved it around wildly, looking like he wanted to chop her with one blow.

Cao Huifang stood up and ran, shouting to the back as she ran: "Mengmeng, what do you want to do, murder my aunt?"

"Pfft..." Mengmeng pouted and spat out, she said: "I let you bully me and beat you!"

Mengmeng was very resentful towards her aunt. She waved the big knife back and forth in her hand, driving her aunt around the sofa in the living room.

When the old man Cao Zhenghu saw it, he was immediately amused.

When Cao Shujie finished finishing the two chickens, Mengmeng was defeated by her aunt again. Cao Huifang was grabbing her armpits and spinning her around. Mengmeng kept shouting "let me go", but every time she spun around, she would scream.

Hehehe laughter.

When Cao Huifang put her down, Mengmeng was unhappy again and insisted on asking her aunt Cao Huifang to take her around two more times.

Cheng Xiaolin didn't bother to care about them. She was also busy washing pork, beef and mutton. The water had been changed several times, but it was still bloody. Cheng Xiaolin asked her husband: "Shujie, are you finished? If so, you can go

Take out the meat grinder and grind some pork and beef fillings later, and make some meatballs."

"Okay, I'm going to mince the minced meat right now." Cao Shujie was very quick.

But Cao Shujie had just found the meat grinder, and before he could grind the meat, a familiar voice came from outside the door.

"Shujie, are you at home?"

"Woof woof woof!" Dahei smelled a strange smell and barked at the gate.

This series of dog barks startled the people outside the door.

Cao Shujie, who was preparing to mince minced meat in the room, was also stunned for a moment. He shouted: "Cao Zhen?"

"Dahei, don't bark!" Cao Shujie scolded it, put down what he was doing, wiped his hands with two pieces of tissue paper, and walked towards the gate.

The person standing at the gate was none other than his little Cao Zhen.

But compared with a few months ago, Cao Zhen has gained a lot of weight, and his skin is a bit darker than before, but this makes him look healthier.

He was still carrying a few bags in his hands. When he saw Cao Shujie, a pure smile appeared on his chubby face.

Cao Shujie walked a few steps quickly and came to the gate: "Have you finished reporting to your company?"

"I finished my report yesterday. It's a holiday. If I don't have a holiday, can I come back to you?" Cao Zhen said while looking at the two-story building.

It is different from the previous rough houses. After the decoration is completed and the furniture is added, it is not much different from the small villas that Cao Zhen saw when he went to the villa area.

"That's great!" Cao Zhen sighed.

"Why are you standing at the door? Come in and have a cup of tea." Cao Shujie pulled him and walked home.

Turning into the yard from the gate, Cao Zhen was startled when he saw the four dogs: "Why have they grown so big?"

"What you are saying is really poor. Daha and Erha are almost a year old, and Dahei and Xiaohei are also 10 months old. Can they not grow up?" Cao Shujie said to Daha, Erha and the others.

Wave your hand and let them go back to the kennel.

Cao Zhen looked at the four dogs with great interest: "Shujie, you were nicknamed 'Dog Master' because of these four dogs, right?"

"Don't pick up the pot and pick up the pot. If I knew who gave me such a bad nickname, I would give him a beating!" Cao Shujie said cursingly.

He thought this nickname was really unpleasant.

When Cao Zhen heard what he said, he couldn't help laughing.

After entering the house, Cao Zhen talked about everything he had done after going to Xinjiang, but Cao Shujie was not interested at all in how he contracted the land and how he planted cotton after spring. He asked: "Cao Zhen, to be honest, are you here?"

Are you looking for someone in Xinjiang?"

After finishing speaking, Cao Shujie stared at Cao Zhen without blinking his eyes. This look confirmed Cao Shujie's guess.

"Is it unusual for me to find a partner over there? Besides, I'm this age, so I should find a partner!" Cao Zhen said.

Cao Shujie sighed and asked him: "Then will you come back in the future? Or do you plan to stay in Xinjiang for a long time?"

After a pause, Cao Shujie asked again: "My uncle, my aunt, what did they think about it?"

"You are just like my mother!" Cao Zhen complained to him.

Even so, he still said: "80% of the time I will come back."

Immediately afterwards, Cao Zhen told Patiguli's life experience.

After listening to what he said, Cao Shujie also felt sympathy for Patiguli: "So she is the only one left in your partner's family?"

Cao Zhen nodded and said, "When you see your sister-in-law in the future, you can't talk about this issue, or I'll kill you."

"..." Cao Shujie looked confused.

When I have a woman, my 'brother' will be trampled under his feet.

"Brother Zhen, when did you come back?" Cheng Xiaolin came out of the kitchen. When she saw Cao Zhen, she took the initiative to say hello.

Cao Zhen saw her and said with a smile: "I came back last night. I came back too late, otherwise I would have come to find you yesterday."

Cheng Xiaolin nodded. When she saw her daughter who had just ran down from the second floor, she waved to her: "Mengmeng, come here and call me."

Mengmeng was very well-behaved and ran over and called "Uncle", which made Cao Zhen very happy. He handed the things he just brought in to Mengmeng and said: "This is a special product I brought back from Xinjiang, Mengmeng."

Cute, try it."

If it was someone else's, Cao Shujie would have refused it outright, but Cao Zhen wouldn't. He said to his daughter: "Mengmeng, eat it quickly."

Then he said to his daughter: "Mengmeng, why don't you thank you soon?"

"Thank you, uncle!" Mengmeng became very happy when she heard that there was something to eat. She carried a few bags with a little difficulty and went to study slowly.

"Are they all back?" Cao Shujie thought that it would be better to hit the sun. If Cao Fei, Cao Shulun, Cao Shuyang and Cao Tiemin all come back, they might as well get together today.

But Cao Zhen didn't know either. He said, "I haven't asked them yet, so they probably haven't come back yet."

"I'll call and ask," Cao Shujie said.

But after a round of phone calls, only two of the other four people came back. Cao Shuyang still had a night shift and would not be back until tomorrow.

Cao Shulun is still working in the factory, and he won't have a holiday until tomorrow, New Year's Eve!

"Ignore them. I'll call Cao Fei and Cao Tiemin over. The four of us will have a drink today." Cao Shujie said.

Cao Zhen originally wanted to refuse, but when he saw Cao Shujie bringing out a bottle of Wuliangye, he swallowed his refusal again.

"So luxurious?" Cao Zhen asked him.

Who would have thought that Cao Shujie said without looking back: "You've been forcing me to leave for half a year. It's not a waste to finally come back and entertain you with Wuliangye!"

"Master Gou is bright!" Cao Zhen said.

Cheng Xiaolin next to her couldn't help but laugh after hearing this.

Mengmeng didn't know why her mother was laughing, but it didn't stop her from laughing too.

Cao Shujie felt happy when he saw his daughter's silly look.

He said to Cao Zhen: "Cao Zhen, you came at the right time. I just stewed the big rooster in the morning. I will make two bowls of pure beef balls and pork balls later, and I will make two vegetarian dishes today, okay?"

"Why not? Just make a plate of pickles!" Cao Zhen said.

But Cao Shujie was not happy and kept talking about what he needed to prepare.

When Cao Fei and Cao Tiemin arrived, Cheng Xiaolin had already prepared the dishes, and the four of them drank together.

I'll start with 8,000 today, I'm a little tired, I'll definitely make up for it this week, I'm a good old tree.

This chapter has been completed!
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