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Chapter 420: People from the equipment factory (410.01 million)

 Cao Shujie heard the chirping sound below, and his face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

"Who just told me to fuck you to death? If you have the ability, stand up for me. I promise not to beat you to death."

This sentence made all the people present burst into laughter.

Even the four people behind Cao Shujie, Cao Jianlong, Gao Changyin, Cao Zhengcun and Lu Ping, had kind smiles on their faces.

But if you look closely, you will find that they also have envious looks in their eyes.

Push forward 10 or 20 years, and there will be no one who can be so loved by the people in Caojiazhuang.

"Well, I think I'd better abdicate to let Shujie apply to join the party." Cao Jianlong sighed.

If Cao Shujie, the village director, and the village secretary shoulder the responsibility, will Caojiazhuang develop faster?

The Caojiazhuang village meeting has ended, but the people in the Caojiazhuang village committee compound don't want to leave yet. They are all looking forward to Cao Shujie saying something else.

"Go back, there is nothing else to do today, everyone will work hard next, our Caojiazhuang will get better and better day by day." Cao Shujie waved everyone back.

These common people then turned and walked outside.

As they walked, they discussed the three policies Cao Shujie just mentioned. To be honest, all the people in the village were very satisfied.

Who doesn’t have children yet?

Who doesn’t have an elderly person in their home?

Those who have been on the battlefield should be remembered!

"Shujie is really good. I used to think that this kid would have a lot of potential when he grows up. Look, let me be sure."

"Old aunt, I remember you said this to me before. Have you forgotten?"

"Shuquan, why don't you blame me if you don't work hard? Look at Shujie, who is younger than you, and what he has done."

There is no time to talk today.

Cao Jianfang was walking outside and suddenly saw Cao Zhenghu sitting at the door. He quickly walked over and approached Cao Zhenghu: "Master Hu, why are you here?"

"Jianfang, I have nothing to do at home. Come over and see what kind of meeting Shujie is holding." Cao Zhenghu's face was full of pride.

The person who just spoke was his grandson.

What his grandson said made him feel that this boy brought honor to their old Cao family.

Seeing so many people in Caojiazhuang supporting his grandson, he felt that it was worth his while to die.

After waiting, tell them about the great ancestor of the Cao family, who wouldn’t give a thumbs up?

"Master Hu, your tutor is good, Shujie has nothing to say." Cao Jianfang said.

"Haha." Cao Zhenghu laughed.

Cao Jianguo came to look for him. When he saw Cao Jianfang, he greeted him: "Jianfang, are you going back too?"

"Brother Jianguo, your son is really good. To be honest, I have never obeyed any of those birdies before the village committee, but I admire Shujie."

The expression of admiration on Cao Jianfang's face has not dissipated. He turns his head and glances at the village committee office from time to time. He doesn't know what plan Cao Shujie and the others have gone to discuss to benefit the people.

Cao Jianguo was even more proud when he heard the other party praising his son than him.

He felt happy in his heart and kept a smile on his face, but he was still habitually modest: "Jianfang, don't praise him like that. If you praise him again, his eyes will grow to the top of his head."

"Haha, brother Jianguo, let's have a drink together some other time."

Cao Jianfang left.

Cao Jianguo also took his father north on an electric tricycle.

"Jianguo, after you go back, go burn some paper and put incense on your mother's grave, and tell her how promising Shujie is." Cao Zhenghu told his son.

Cao Jianguo nodded and agreed.

"Dad, don't think about anything. I will take care of this matter."

"Shujie is a good boy." Cao Zhenghu sighed: "This is just too tiring for him."

"Dad, Shujie is still young. He won't be tired if he works more. Besides, he doesn't do much physical work."

Cao Zhenhu was very disdainful of his son's statement: "What do you know? You know how to dig the ground. The scholar uses his brain."

Cao Jianguo was scolded by his old father and immediately stopped talking.

Some villagers from Taodong Village came over, and they originally wanted to hear whether what Cao Shujie said was related to planting kiwi fruit trees and raising cattle.

But after listening to it, I realized that the two are incompatible with each other.

He should have relaxed, but after hearing Cao Shujie's meeting, the villagers in Taodong Village felt even heavier.

There is a saying that goes well, there is no harm without comparison.

The villagers of Taodong Village feel that they could still compare the two villages in the past.

But it doesn't work now. The gap in all aspects is too big. Caojiazhuang is completely crushing Taodong Village.

It is said that the Caojiazhuang Village Committee distributes moon cakes and rice to the whole village during the Mid-Autumn Festival on August 15th, and also distributes welfare during the New Year.

It's a good thing now, they still have to send things to the families of veterans.

Send something to an elderly person in the family who is over 70 years old.

Bonuses are given to children who are admitted to undergraduate and graduate schools, and the bonuses are not even half a star.

Especially what Cao Shujie said, if a student from any family is admitted to a key university, he will roll out red carpets in the whole village from south to north, let the students bring red flowers, and the village committee will hold a banquet for the whole village!

One after another, one incident after another crushed Taodong Village to pieces.

These villagers from Taodong Village suddenly had an idea in their minds. They wanted to ask if there were still more people in Caojiazhuang, and could they transfer their household registration?

Some people are also thinking, when will Caojiazhuang annex Taodong Village?

In the courtyard of the Caojiazhuang Village Committee, everyone was gone.

But the entire courtyard seemed to still be filled with the lively atmosphere just now, which lingered for a long time.

In the village committee office, Cao Shujie, Cao Jianlong, Cao Zhengcun, Gao Changyin, and Lu Ping sat down.

"Shujie, what you just said was so good. I couldn't help but feel calm after listening to it."

"But there's one thing. Let's give bonuses to children who go to college. It's okay if we have money now, but if something happens one day..."

Before Cao Jianlong could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Cao Shujie: "Uncle Long, just don't worry, our Caojiazhuang will only get better and better in the future, and there will definitely not be the day you said."

"I believe you, we will start construction next and complete the construction of the parking lot and stalls as soon as possible."

Cao Jianlong also felt that what Cao Shujie said was reasonable.

Since last year, Caojiazhuang parking lot has been charged. The parking fee of one yuan per hour is not much, but the accumulation is not low.

Overall, the Caojiazhuang Village Committee is really different now than in the past.

Cao Jianlong thought about the current appearance of Caojiazhuang and compared it with the past. He sighed: "Shujie, you don't know, it really feels like a dream."

"Yeah, Uncle Long, I think it's better to be more realistic." Cao Shujie had a teasing smile on his face.

"Let's have lunch together?" Cao Jianlong suggested.

Cao Shujie just drank too much two days ago, and he really doesn't want to drink at the moment.

"Uncle Long, how about this? You wait here while I go to Uncle Jianhua's to buy a cabbage, two pounds of meat, some vermicelli, and some beef. We can cook for ourselves in the office."

None of them had any objections to Cao Shujie's proposal and thought it was pretty good.

Cao Zhengcun also reminded him: "Shujie, remember to buy a piece of tofu."

"Grandpa Zhengcun, don't worry, we will definitely be indispensable." Cao Shujie walked out.

Cao Jianlong and the others were left busy cleaning up the pots and pans, preparing to start cooking later.

Cao Shujie came to the village committee compound and walked 10 meters south to Cao Jianhua's supermarket.

Seeing that there was no cabbage in Cao Jianhua's place, but there were tofu and cold meat, Cao Shujie bought two catties of tofu and two catties of cold meat.

Go home and get a cabbage and a handful of vermicelli.

Go to the farm restaurant and cut a large piece of beef with soy sauce. After paying the money, take the things and return to the village committee compound.

Cao Shujie was still thinking about cooking, but Cao Zhengcun pushed him aside.

"Shujie, when it comes to making big pot rice, I'm better than you." Cao Zhengcun skillfully cut the cabbage into diamond shapes.

Then cut the meat into large pieces and cut the tofu into 1cm square pieces.

After he finished preparing the vegetables, he started to cook, pouring in oil, putting the meat pieces in the pot and frying, then adding the cabbage, stirring back and forth.

Add the other soy sauce and vinegar. When the color of these ingredients looks about the same, add hot water and add the vermicelli and tofu cubes.

While the stew was being cooked, Cao Shujie was still chatting with Cao Jianlong and the others.

Cao Jianlong was very curious about the factory that Cao Shujie bought in the town.

"I heard from your dad that you guys are on TV."

"Uncle Long, this is what happened." Cao Shujie didn't hide anything, he told Cao Jianlong about it.

I heard Cao Shujie say that fruits will be further processed in the town in the future, and currently the main production is preserved fruits. Cao Jianlong can no longer give any guidance in this regard.

He told Cao Shujie to do it boldly.

If someone brings trouble to Cao Shujie, he should just tell the village, and then all 1,357 people in Caojiazhuang will go to see who dares to be so bold as to cause trouble.

At this time, Cao Shujie felt particularly at ease.

He was also very confident. He felt that no matter what he was doing, he just had to immerse himself in it.

While drinking tea and talking, they smelled the strong aroma of vegetables, and heard the sound of bubbling coming from the pot.

Cao Zhengcun, who was cooking, also called them: "Get out the bowls and chopsticks, we will eat right away."

At noon, we had a stew of cabbage, pork, vermicelli and tofu, and two dishes of soy sauce beef. We ate steamed buns and drank a little less wine. The five of us ate very deliciously.

Starting from March 6, Caojiazhuang also officially started construction.

The third parking lot in the village, with a budget of 60 stalls, is not a small project, but fortunately it is not particularly complicated to build.

Seeing that the stalls and parking lots mentioned before by the village committee were under construction as scheduled, those who had originally planned to rent the stalls for a year quickly came to the village committee with 18,250 yuan, fearing that they would be late.

Has no place of its own.

They handed the money to accountant Gao Changyin and signed it for registration again.

Every time he received a sum of money, Gao Changyin lamented that the saying that making money flows like water turned out to be true.

The money he received was getting more and more, and he was even a little panicked, fearing that something unexpected happened to the money, and he would not be able to explain it and would not be able to compensate it.

Cao Jianlong obviously thought of this, and asked the security director Cao Zhengcun to personally lead two militiamen to escort the accountant Gao Changyin.

The money received that day was rushed to the Yiling Rural Commercial Bank branch in the town before 4 p.m., and all was deposited.

Five days passed unknowingly, until the weekend of March 10th. When Cao Shujie took his wife and daughter to play in the county town, an unknown mobile phone number called him and asked him if he was Cao Shujie?

The other party also introduced himself as the engineer arranged by Dikang Automation Equipment, named Xue Jianwei.

I would like to make an appointment to meet with Cao Shujie to discuss some of Cao Shujie's requirements for automation equipment and to measure the dimensions of the factory workshop.

Hearing what the other party said, Cao Shujie thought to himself that you are finally here.

Of course he agreed wholeheartedly.

He even thought about meeting and chatting with him today, but he heard Xue Jianwei say that he had just arrived at Yiling City Railway Station and was taking the bus to Pingyuan County.

Cao Shujie thought to himself, isn't this a coincidence?

"Gong Xue, give me a call when you arrive in Pingyuan County. I happen to be in the county to do some work. I will take you back to Qingshi Town later." Cao Shujie said to the other party.

After the two parties agreed, Cheng Xiaolin asked her husband if he was busy with something?

"I contacted an automation equipment company that specializes in food deep processing, and the other party arranged for an engineer to come over and discuss equipment issues with me."

So that's it. Cheng Xiaolin nodded: "Aren't they here yet?"

"I just got on the bus from the city to our county. I will go to the station and take them back to Qingshi Town together later," Cao Shujie said.

Mengmeng was having fun at the moment. Cheng Xiaolin saw that her daughter didn't want to leave and said to Cao Shujie: "How about you go back first, and I will take Mengmeng and take the bus directly back to the village."

"No, it's too late today. It's okay to talk about it tomorrow." Cao Shujie was worried about leaving his wife and daughter alone before taking the bus home.

Another hour passed, and at around 4 p.m., Cao Shujie received a call from Xue Jianwei and drove to Pingyuan County Bus Station with his wife and daughter. When he saw Xue Jianwei, he realized that two people were coming.

According to Xue Jianwei's introduction, the other one is a program technician from their company named He Fucheng.

Mengmeng had had enough fun at this time. Cao Shujie called Xue Jianwei and He Fucheng to get in the car together and drove towards Qingshi Town.

On the way, Cao Shujie also said that he had arranged accommodation for the two of them in the town, and they would go to the factory together tomorrow to have a good chat about the equipment.

"Boss Cao, you don't have to be so polite. Our company will reimburse you for accommodation." Xue Jianwei felt embarrassed.

But Cao Shujie said: "Since you are here for my business, I will definitely arrange the food and drink. As for whether to reimburse you or not, that is your company's business."

Cao Shujie didn't say what he meant. You can take it back and reimburse it according to the invoice. The money is yours.

Just such a small detail, Xue Jianwei and He Fucheng suddenly had different perceptions of Cao Shujie.

They were still thinking that the boss of a township enterprise could be so open-minded!

More than half an hour later, when they arrived at Qingshi Town, it was already getting late. Cao Shujie took them directly to Fuxing Hotel to make arrangements for meals, and also arranged accommodation at a nearby hotel.

Everything is arranged clearly.


This chapter has been completed!
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