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Chapter 429 Mengmeng feels very cool (700.01 million)

 Cao Shujie stepped aside and stood aside, watching his grandfather sit firmly on the car, carefully twisting the accelerator handle to test the speed, then shift into reverse gear, and try back to get a feel for it.

He also tried the high, medium and low gears, the headlights, and the left and right steering. After memorizing them all, he slowly turned and rode out of the yard, saying: "Shujie, are you at home?"

Come on, let me go out and try it for a ride."

"Grandpa, please ride slowly." Cao Shujie was afraid that something might happen to his grandfather, so he ran out behind the electric tricycle.

But the speed of his legs could not keep up with the speed of the electric tricycle. When he ran to the gate, his grandfather had already rode the electric bicycle to the intersection on the north side of Caojiazhuang and was turning south along the street.

This speed is too fast.

"Grandpa, don't go to high-end." Cao Shujie shouted from behind, but unfortunately Cao Zhenghu could no longer hear his voice.

Cao Shujie was helpless. It was just fine for his daughter to be disobedient, but his grandfather also had such a personality, so he couldn't worry about anything.

Cao Shujie simply walked slowly to the street, sat down on the bluestone beside the intersection, and watched his grandfather riding an electric tricycle heading south.

Unknowingly, only a vague outline of the electric body was left, and later even the outline was no longer clear.

Cao Shujie waited patiently. Ten minutes later, his grandfather Cao Zhenghu reappeared in his sight riding an electric tricycle.

Getting closer and closer, and before I knew it I was riding to the intersection.

"Shujie, this electric tricycle is great for riding." Cao Zhenghu said with a smile.

He was very satisfied.

When Cao Shujie saw the smile on his grandfather's face, he also laughed: "Grandpa, whatever you think is good."

"It's good. I just met the old man Cao Zhenglin, and his eyes were filled with envy."

Cao Zhenghu looked very happy, just like a child who got his favorite toy, but no one else had it, so he felt very proud.

"Grandpa, let's go home and rest for a while." Cao Shujie asked him.

But Cao Zhenghu didn't go home. He pointed to the kindergarten next to him: "I'm waiting here to pick up Mengmeng. You go back first."

"Then I'll take the electric tricycle..."

Cao Shujie was still thinking about getting the electric tricycle home.

But before he finished speaking, his grandfather glared: "When Mengmeng gets out of school later, I will take her back by bike. She has been to school all day. She is so tired. How can you bear to let me, a bad old man, take her back?"


Cao Shujie thought to himself that this big hat was really heavy.

Besides, you just kept saying you didn’t want it.

There is no way to make sense.

"Okay, then I'll go back and cook first, and then call my parents later and ask them to come over in the evening and have a meal together." Cao Shujie said this.

Cao Zhenghu looked at his grandson with disgust: "You can do whatever you want, don't bother me here."

Cao Shujie turned around and walked towards his home in the east. He didn't want to be disliked here.

Let us say that Cao Zhenghu was basking in the sun at the intersection until almost 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The school bell rang in Caojiazhuang Kindergarten, and the children were about to sound the clarion call for liberation.

Cao Zhenghu quickly rode an electric tricycle over.

As soon as he rode to the door, many people looked at his new electric tricycle and asked: "Uncle Tiger, did you just buy this?"

"Grandpa Tiger, your tricycle is so beautiful."

"It doesn't look cheap. How much did Brother Hu pay for it?"

Various greeting voices sounded almost at the same time, and the door became lively.

Cao Zhenghu responded one by one. He stretched his head and looked at the children in the kindergarten who were getting ready for school. He thought that Mengmeng would be very happy to see his new car.

When the time came, he would take Mengmeng around the village with a kind smile on his white-bearded face.

Not long after, the cheers of children came from the kindergarten. After a while, a group of children rushed out of the small class classroom.

Following Teacher Li Qiuling's instructions, they quickly lined up at the classroom door, and Li Qiuling led them towards the kindergarten door.

Let parents pick up their children one by one.

When it was Mengmeng's turn, Li Qiuling saw Cao Zhenghu waiting at the door. She called her grandfather at that time: "Mengmeng, your grandfather is here to pick you up."

Mengmeng also saw grandpa Cao Zhenghu. When she heard teacher Li Qiuling say, she rushed out of the kindergarten and ran to Cao Zhenghu: "Grandpa, why are you here?"

This was the first time that grandpa came to pick her up from school.

Cao Zhenghu was thinking about introducing his new electric tricycle to the little guy. Mengmeng noticed it first, and her eyes lit up: "Wow, is it grandpa's new car? It's so beautiful!"

Mengmeng reached out and touched the car trunk and then the back seat. When she saw that the foam plastic bag had not been torn off yet, she poked it twice with her fingers.

"Boom, boom"

With two sounds, Mengmeng popped two plastic bubbles, and she was quite proud of it.

Cao Zhenghu grabbed her arm with one hand and asked her to come up.

Mengmeng lifted her feet and climbed up happily using her hands and feet.

"Grandpa, where should I sit?" Mengmeng looked at the back seat, it was so big.

Cao Zhenghu turned off the key, turned around, hugged Mengmeng and put her on the back seat, letting her sit firmly.

"Grandpa is going to ride away." Cao Zhenghu reminded.

Mengmeng shouted loudly: "Grandpa, hurry up and leave."

Seeing how excited Mengmeng was, Cao Zhenghu felt that this electric tricycle was worth buying.

He started the electric tricycle and walked forward slowly, leaving only a group of children behind him looking at Mengmeng with envy.

They think Mengmeng is really happy. There is a lot of food and drink at home, and there is also a beautiful electric tricycle to ride on.

Mengmeng sat down on the back seat, her butt seemed to have a spring. When she saw the old man riding the electric tricycle, she moved here and there, having a great time.

When the grandfather and grandson returned home, it was already dark. Cao Zhenghu turned on the headlight of the electric tricycle, and instantly a bright white light shone forward.

This is an LED light, very bright.

If someone comes from the opposite side, the light will feel very dazzling.

When Cao Zhenghu rode his electric tricycle to the door of his house, he found his son Cao Jianguo waiting at the door.

"Jianguo, what are you doing here?" Cao Zhenghu wondered.

Cao Jianguo was helpless: "Dad, I'm waiting for you here."

"You don't even look at what time it is. The food is ready at home, and you haven't come back yet. How can you not be anxious?"

"I'm just going to take Mengmeng out for a spin, why are you so anxious?" Cao Zhenghu said a few words about his son, but Cao Jianguo didn't dare to refute.

The meal had indeed been prepared at home. Cao Shujie also took out the wine and filled his grandfather and father's glasses, and he also poured a glass for himself.

Cao Jianguo was asking his old father: "Dad, is this the new electric tricycle Shujie bought you?"

"What, do you have any objections?" Cao Zhenghu asked him.

Cao Jianguo didn't dare to fart.

Cao Zhenghu also said: "You should have bought it for me, but your son bought it for me. You still have the nerve to ask."

Cao Jianguo thought to himself: "What did I say? I shouldn't ask anything, and I don't have that much to do."

Wang Yuelan heard something moving outside, came out of the house, and saw the electric tricycle her father-in-law was riding. It was very beautiful in shape and color. Moreover, this electric tricycle was specially made for pulling people. The rear seat was designed

It seems more comfortable.

"This tricycle is really good." Wang Yuelan praised.

She didn't ask how much it cost, there was no point in asking that.

"Dad, Shujie has already prepared the meal. Let's go in and eat first." Wang Yuelan advised him.

Cao Zhenghu then got out of the car with Mengmeng in his arms, and the grandfather and grandson went into the house to wash their hands together.

When they finished washing their hands and came to the dining table, they saw a table full of dishes. Cao Zhenghu was still wondering: "What holiday is today?"

"Grandpa, you just bought a new car, congratulations!" Cao Shujie said.

The full sense of ceremony amused Cao Zhenghu.

"Your grandson is full of all kinds of weird ideas." Cao Zhenghu said to him.

When Cheng Xiaolin saw this electric tricycle, she also felt that its style was quite novel and its workmanship was exquisite.

"Luyuan's electric cars are pretty good. How much did they cost?" Cheng Xiaolin was curious.

Cao Shujie made a six-character sign for his wife with his fingers, and then spread out five fingers: "It's not expensive, is it?"

"My boss told me to give it to me at the ex-factory price."

Seeing her husband's pride, Cheng Xiaolin found it very interesting.

However, it is indeed not expensive to buy this electric tricycle at this price.

At night, after putting Mengmeng to sleep and the two of them chatting together, Cheng Xiaolin asked about the result of her husband's visit to the county hospital to see Cao Jiangang.

All she saw was her husband shaking his head: "It looks like he's not doing well anymore. He probably won't last a few days."

"Why is it so sudden?" Cheng Xiaolin thought that Cao Jiangang was quite strong before, but he collapsed immediately.

Cao Shujie couldn't explain clearly. He stretched out his hand and gestured and said: "When Uncle Long and I went to see him, Uncle Jiangang was so thin that it was as if there was a layer of skin hanging on his bones. If a child saw it, he would definitely cry.


This sounds very serious.

"Shujie, the day after tomorrow is Tomb Sweeping Day, so we have to prepare as soon as possible." Cheng Xiaolin reminded her husband.

Needless to say, Cao Shujie has always kept this in mind.

The strawberry garden in the orchard has not been open for the past few days, just to give the strawberries in the orchard a buffer period, waiting for the opening of the garden during the Qingming Festival holiday.

He was thinking of using the three-day Qingming Festival to clean the strawberries in the orchard, and then close the garden for rest.

Try to maximize profits.

Speaking of which, there is a limit to how many strawberries can be sold in a year.

Cheng Xiaolin asked her husband: "Shujie, I remember you said that Brother Zhen's restaurant will have a trial opening today. Have you called him?"

As soon as he finished asking, Cao Shujie's claws went numb.

"I've been busy today and haven't had any time, so I forgot to call him and ask." Cao Shujie felt embarrassed.

Cheng Xiaolin glanced at the time on her phone, it was just past 9 o'clock.

"Shujie, why don't you call Brother Zhen now and ask him what's going on there."

Cao Shujie was right. As a good friend, he should call and show concern.

He was also thinking of going there tomorrow.

But I called twice and couldn't get through.

"I should be busy, let's talk about it tomorrow." Cao Shujie showed his wife the phone that hung up automatically, but there was nothing she could do.


In fact, just as Cao Shujie thought, Cao Zhen was particularly busy at this time.

This is something Cao Zhen himself didn't expect.

The recognition of Xinjiang cuisine by the locals in Yiling City exceeded his imagination.

Maybe it's because there are very few authentic Xinjiang dishes in Yiling, or maybe it's because the Five-Star Department Store has a lot of people.

Or maybe he gave 1,000 kilograms of strawberries from Mengmeng Orchard to customers as event gifts, and it really achieved the effect he originally expected?

No matter what the outcome was at this time, Cao Zhen didn't even bother to answer Cao Shujie's call. He was also busy in the hotel like the waiter.

Sometimes I help here, sometimes I help there.

Unconsciously, Cao Zhen's body was soaked with sweat, but he didn't feel uncomfortable at all. His heart was very hot at the moment.

"From the time I opened the door in the morning to the evening, I stopped for three hours to rest and prepare food. The rest of the time I was busy. Even Cao Zhen felt incredible."

He was very satisfied with the result.

We were busy until almost 10 o'clock in the evening, when the five-star department store was about to close, and their hotel also closed.

There was no time to calculate how many tables he had served today and how much money he earned. Cao Zhen held a meeting with everyone and asked them to go back to rest first and go to work as usual at 8:30 tomorrow morning.

At this time, Cao Zhen closed the door and walked to the place where he lived. He took his mobile phone and was about to call his wife to tell him about today's business situation, only to find that he had sent Cao Shujie to call him.

"What are you doing on the phone, little girl?"

Cao Zhen complained in his heart, knowing that Cao Shujie most likely called him to ask about the opening of the hotel.

Seeing that it was getting late and Cao Shujie still had children at home to rest, Cao Zhen was not in a hurry to call him back.

He was thinking about calling Cao Shujie early tomorrow morning and inviting a group of him to come over to support him and gain popularity if he had time.

Although there were many people here today, Cao Zhen did not dare to let down his guard.

We still have to see if we can stabilize and sustain this wave of popularity.

If you can't handle the next business, you have to think of other ways.

"Oh, you can only understand how difficult it is if you do it yourself." Cao Zhen shook his head and sighed.

Feeling the phone vibrating in his hand, he turned the screen and saw that it was his wife Patiguli calling.

"It's so late for this bitch, why don't you go to bed? You don't know the impact of going to bed late on the fetus." Cao Zhen complained, but still answered his wife's call.

So that if he doesn't answer the phone for a long time, his wife won't think about it anymore.

At Cao Shujie's house in Caojiazhuang, he really hasn't slept yet.

The couple was still talking about what happened in the orchard during the Qingming Festival holiday.

Cao Shujie also told his wife another thing: "The day after tomorrow, I will go with Uncle Long and others to deliver some things to the families of veterans in the village."

Cheng Xiaolin understood as soon as she heard that this was her husband fulfilling the promise he had made before.

"Okay, you go and do your work. I'm watching in the orchard. Nothing will happen." Cheng Xiaolin looked very confident.

Cao Shujie also truly believed in his wife's ability. He said, "That's it."


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