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Chapter 604 Tomorrow and accident, no one expected it (710.01 million)

Coming out of the office that was being painted, Shi Jingxiu called Shen Yongjun and asked him to come over and chat with Xue Jianwei to see what could be done to better improve the performance of the equipment and increase production.

Xuemeng Food Factory not only supplies Wal-Mart and Jiajiayue Supermarket, but also other retailers and online sales.

In the coming time, they will continue to develop more new customers and can only find ways to continue to increase production capacity.

Ignoring how Shen Yongjun chatted with Xue Jianwei, Shi Jingxiu went around to the second phase project again.

While Pingyuan County Construction Co., Ltd. is busy with the third plant, their company has arranged another team of people to continue busy with the construction of the second phase project.

The other three construction parties are also busy.

Safety officers assigned by the safety administration department are patrolling the site. If they see any illegal operations, they will immediately stop them. If the situation is serious, they will immediately order the operation to stop and impose fines and rectification.

Here, the safety inspection of Xuemeng Food Factory is not just a show-off.

For three consecutive days, Cao Shujie took his wife and children to have a lot of fun in Shencheng. From the constant smile on Mengmeng's face, it can be seen that she is very happy these days, and Cao Shujie is also happy.

I originally wanted to take the two of them to Xiangjiang for a tour, but at noon on the fourth day, Cao Shujie was having lunch with his wife, daughter and driver Song Baoming. His father Cao Jianguo suddenly called him and told him that his grandfather was unwell.

If you feel unwell and are hospitalized, ask them to go back as soon as possible.

When Cao Shujie heard this, he had no intention of playing anymore.

He asked his father what happened to his grandfather, but his father could not explain clearly on the phone. He only said that Cao Zhenghu fell and broke his head.

Hearing that his grandfather kowtows his head, Cao Shujie has no intention of staying here for one more minute. He hasn't even finished his meal. After paying the money, Cao Shujie asked Song Baoming to drive back to the hotel with their family of three, and take the room and rental

After returning the car, the hotel helped us book a flight to Feiquan City at around 2 p.m.

While waiting for the security check at the airport, Cheng Xiaolin had time to ask her husband what happened to his grandfather.

"Our dad said that grandpa fell down when he went out to play." Cao Shujie had a worried expression on his face.

He also found it unbelievable. How could it be so serious after a fall?

Mengmeng was no longer talkative at this time, and her little face was full of worried expressions.

A pair of small hands were clasped together tightly, looking very nervous.

Cao Shujie turned his head and saw his daughter like this, feeling heartbroken: "Mengmeng, come here."

"Dad." Mengmeng kept biting her lip. Now she couldn't bear it anymore and threw herself into Cao Shujie's arms, crying in her voice: "Dad, is grandpa okay?"

"Don't worry, it will definitely be fine." Cao Shujie said with a smile.

Mengmeng nodded heavily, but tears still flowed down her cheeks.

She didn't cry loudly, but the more this happened, the more worried Cao Shujie and Cheng Xiaolin were about Mengmeng.

Although Mengmeng is naughty in front of the two of them, she has always been very well-behaved in front of her grandfather Cao Zhenghu.

When the couple was busy, Mengmeng spent most of the time playing together with her grandfather Cao Zhenghu.

Cheng Xiaolin said: "It should be fine."

"Yeah!" Cao Shujie nodded heavily, as if he was using this method to relieve his worries.

What is an accident?

It is often said that no one knows which will come faster, tomorrow or the accident.

When things have not happened to me, I don’t have a deep understanding of this sentence.

But things really happened, but I felt powerless.

Cao Jianguo also didn't expect that his old father would fall down while riding an electric tricycle as usual, sitting on the stone bars and chatting with other old people, mainly on his head and bleeding.

The old man who was chatting with Cao Zhenghu quickly asked someone to call Cao Jianguo and make an emergency call.

The treatment was not delayed. After emergency treatment at Pingyuan County Hospital, Cao Zhenghu's condition gradually stabilized.

But after all, he was older. After the fall and the bleeding, Cao Zhenghu still couldn't bear it. He was confused and in a bad mental state.

When Cao Jianguo called his son Cao Shujie, Cao Jianlin also called his two sons and asked brothers Cao Shubin and Cao Shuxin to come back quickly to see if they could help.

After brothers Cao Shubin and Cao Shuxin received the call from their father, they drove back from Anyi City without any hesitation.

Three hours later, the two brothers, who were hurrying slowly, drove to Pingyuan County Hospital.

After meeting up with their old father and second uncle, the brothers were still wondering why they hadn't seen their cousin Cao Shujie. After asking, they found out that their cousin had gone to Shencheng for business.

Grandpa's accident happened so suddenly that even if his cousin had wings, he would not be able to make it back from the deep city in such a short time.

"Dad, second uncle, what happened to my grandfather?" asked the boss Cao Shubin.

On the phone, his father, Cao Jianlin, did not explain clearly. When the brothers Cao Shubin and Cao Shuxin learned that their grandfather had an accident, they were not in the mood to listen to their father's details. Now that they were at the place, they finally had time to ask.

The problem is that Cao Jianlin didn't know what was going on. When he got the news, it was his brother Cao Jianguo who called him.

Cao Jianguo said: "I heard your grandpa Zhengfang ask someone to call me and tell me that your grandpa and grandpa Zhengfang suddenly fell down while they were sitting on a rock while they were talking. It was a coincidence that they happened to be kowtowing."

Cao Jianguo was panicked at first, but it had been more than 4 hours since the incident happened. In addition, with the doctor's first aid, the old father's condition stabilized, and he was now stable.

"Second uncle, what did the doctor say?" asked the second eldest son, Cao Shuxin.

Cao Jianguo shook his head: "The doctor said your grandpa might have been a little dizzy at the time. We have to wait for your grandpa to wake up and ask for details."

"Is it related to my grandfather's high blood pressure and blood sugar?" Cao Shubin asked.

Before, grandpa had always been fine, but at his age, not to mention every year, but every few months, his physical condition is different.

"The blood pressure and blood sugar are indeed a bit high, but your grandpa pays great attention to what he eats," Cao Jianguo said.

However, Cao Shuxin said: "Second uncle, did my grandfather suffer from heatstroke due to high temperature?"

Cao Jianguo was not in a hurry to deny it. Cao Jianlin said from the side: "There is a possibility. It has been very hot at home these days. Your grandfather went out to play during the day..."

The few people said nothing more and could only pray that Cao Zhenghu would wake up soon.

Unknowingly, it was getting dark, and Cao Shubin asked his second uncle and his father to go home first, while the two brothers watched from here.

"That won't work, Shubin, you go back to Caojiazhuang first. Your father and I will just watch here." Cao Jianguo said.

Several people declined back and forth, but no one left. They all wanted to wait until Cao Zhenghu woke up before talking.

During this anxious waiting, before Cao Zhenghu could wake up, Cao Shujie arrived.

Cao Shubin was surprised when his cousin suddenly appeared beside him: "Brother, didn't you go to Shencheng?"

"Brother, after such a big thing happened, how could I stay still? I flew back in the afternoon." Cao Shujie said.

Not only did he come, Cheng Xiaolin and Mengmeng didn't go home either. It was almost 6 o'clock when they got off the plane in Quancheng.

Cao Shujie still wanted to let his wife and daughter go back first, but they both refused, especially Mengmeng, who had to see that the old man was fine before he could rest assured.

Not seeing grandpa at this moment, Mengmeng asked anxiously: "Grandpa, where is grandpa?"

"Did grandpa fly into the sky?" As she spoke, Mengmeng opened her mouth and started crying.

Cao Shujie saw his father, uncle and two cousins ​​together, but he did not see his grandfather alone. He was also anxious: "Dad, where is my grandfather?"

"Shujie, don't worry, grandpa is still observing in the ward," said the eldest brother Cao Shubin.

"Grandpa is not well yet?" Cao Shujie was also worried.

He asked: "What is going on? Can it work here? If not, shall we go to the province?"

"It's okay. Your grandpa has stabilized now and is under observation in the ward. It's not appropriate to move around at this time," Cao Jianlin said.

After hearing what his uncle said, Cao Shujie didn't say any more.

Cao Jianguo saw his son's eyes were red, his face seemed to be covered with a layer of oil, and he had an obvious tired expression, and asked him: "Shujie, you haven't had dinner yet, right?"

"No, I'm not hungry." Cao Shujie said smoothly.

Cao Jianguo looked at his granddaughter Mengmeng and said, "You're not hungry. Mengmeng is hungry too. Eat something."

Hearing what his father said, Cao Shujie looked down at his daughter, Mengmeng's eyes were filled with tears, and he couldn't care about eating at all.

This is one of the few times that Cao Shujie has seen Mengmeng be so honest.


Cheng Xiaolin asked about the specific situation, but the brothers Cao Jianguo and Cao Jianlin didn't know exactly why grandfather Cao Zhenghu fell.

This is very annoying.

Cao Shujie said to his father: "Dad, please wait here for a while. I'll go find the doctor and ask."

After finishing speaking, Cao Shujie went to find someone.

Grandpa's attending doctor is called Chai Xinglei, a surname that is rare here.

When Chai Xinglei saw Cao Shujie coming over, he kept frowning as if he was thinking about something.

Cao Shujie was very confused at the moment. He didn't pay attention and directly asked Chai Xinglei about the situation of his grandfather Cao Zhenghu.

"It's really Director Cao." Chai Xinglei laughed.

Upon hearing this title, Cao Shujie knew that the other party recognized him.

"Dr. Chai, do you know me?"

Chai Xinglei smiled and nodded: "Director Cao, I have seen you on TV several times."

"I remember you had a live award ceremony in the city last year."

Cao Shujie knew which time he was talking about.

That should be the live broadcast of the awards ceremony for the top ten outstanding young pioneers in rural revitalization in Yiling City.

After some pleasantries, Chai Xinglei told Cao Shujie about the situation of his grandfather Cao Zhenghu, but Chai Xinglei's words made Cao Shujie nervous again.

"Director Cao, Mr. Cao's condition is not very good." Chai Xinglei pointed to his head and said: "Mr. Cao has a little congestion here. At present, the congestion is compressing the nerves, so he has not woken up."

Cao Shujie's heart skipped a beat. Is it so serious?

This chapter has been completed!
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