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Chapter 613 Lack of money, accident (800.01 million)

"Advertisement?" Cao Shujie thought thoughtfully.

Guan Boyong continued his analysis: "Boss, we are mainly placing advertisements on provincial TV stations."

"Jiajiayue Supermarket now distributes goods to 50 supermarkets mainly in the province. Six trucks of goods are delivered every two days. The consumption is much larger than that of Wal-Mart Supermarket's 100 stores. I guess it is mainly because we do not have

No advertisements are placed in other places outside Dongshan Province."

As the saying goes, the smell of wine is afraid of the depth of the alley.

Aimeng Preserved Fruit is launched as a new product without any advertising. How many people know about it?

After Guan Boyong finished speaking, several other people also expressed their opinions in this regard.

They thought what Guan Boyong said was very reasonable.

Cao Shujie was thinking about another question.

I have to admit that the programs of Dongshan Provincial TV Station are more traditional. Under such circumstances, its ratings nationwide will not be very high. Even after leaving Dongshan Province, it will cause serious acclimatization. In this way, Dongshan Provincial TV Station

The advertisements are not popular outside the province.

What Guan Boyong just said is very close.

Cao Shujie is wondering whether to place ads on other TV stations, or simply go directly to the CCTV Radio and Television Center in Beijing to place ads.

But the cost is high.

"Or find a popular variety show to name it." Cao Shujie has several plans in mind.

This is a trick played by many products.

As Guan Boyong said just now, 80% of the first batch of supermarkets to be distributed by Jiajiayue Supermarket are concentrated in the province, and the remaining 20% ​​are exploring markets outside the province.

However, the first batch of 100 supermarkets distributed by Wal-Mart Supermarkets are for the whole country, and Dongshan Province is only a small part of them.

At first glance, it seems that the national market is larger, but they have not promoted it outside the province. As a new product, it is difficult to open the market.

And this is not just a problem they are facing now. This problem will also arise when they develop other new customers or new markets.

Therefore, nationwide advertising and promotion is an imperative step.

"Everyone, let's discuss what we should do next." Cao Shujie asked.

As soon as he said this, all the managers present began to brainstorm and write down their ideas, regardless of whether they were feasible or not.

Because it was a brainstorming session, Cao Shujie considered whether there was a better way in the online sales field. He also asked He Ruijia to call over Chen Hong, who was in charge of online sales.

Including assistant He Ruijia, a total of 14 people gathered together to brainstorm, which was very efficient.

While thinking of all kinds of wonderful ideas and taking notes, 14 people came up with dozens of suggestions in 20 minutes.

However, many of the suggestions were repeated. He Ruijia took notes and everyone worked together to filter out the useful information. In the end, only a few were left.

"Promote through the Internet."

This was the idea of ​​Chen Hong, the sales manager in charge of online sales.

This is precisely the most important thing on the Internet.

It’s not that the factory’s products don’t need to be promoted or taken care of after being put on Taobao stores. On the contrary, they still need to continue to invest money to buy traffic or launch new platforms. In short, they have to continue to invest money.

Fortunately, online sales are settled in cash, and it is also the most important area that can bring stable income to the company. Cao Shujie is also willing to make this area bigger and stronger.

The second suggestion is to advertise on CCTV.

Cao Shujie thought of this, and others also thought of this.

Putting aside the issue of how much money is spent, everyone knows that CCTV's advertisements must have a wider coverage than Dongshan Province's advertisements.

In addition, Cao Shujie was also considering naming and advertising the phenomenal variety show just now.

This was the idea of ​​Wang Zhifeng, the manager of the human resources department. He usually likes to watch popular variety shows and finds them very interesting, more interesting than watching TV series.

He also listed several variety shows that he likes to watch now, such as "The Voice of China", "Where Are We Going, Dad", "Running Brother", "If You Are the One", "The Strongest Brain" and so on.

In addition to these variety shows, there are actually many more, such as "I Am a Singer", "Swordsman" and so on.

Wang Zhifeng feels that his company's products do not need to be advertised in all popular variety shows, but only one or two of them need to be advertised.

In addition, what everyone didn't expect was that assistant He Ruijia made a suggestion. She thought she could create a popular program to drive sales of their company's products.

She simply offered advice and did not consider other factors.

Just like Wang Zhifeng's suggestion of placing advertisements in variety shows without considering the issue of funding, this is the core of the brainstorming.

But when the last few items were filtered out and everyone was comparing funds, the conference room fell silent again.

No. 1 online promotion doesn’t need to be considered at all.

Regardless of whether you go to CCTV to advertise, advertise in a phenomenal variety show, or produce a phenomenal program yourself, all of this requires money, and the funds required are very large.

In addition to not knowing how much money it costs to produce a phenomenal program, everyone knows that advertising on CCTV and phenomenal variety shows must cost hundreds of millions.

My thoughts got stuck here.

As for creating a phenomenal program, everyone knows that this is more difficult than simply spending money to advertise the program.

"Xiao He, please sort out your thoughts and discuss it after the meeting." Cao Shujie said.

We cannot allow these people to continue to fall into a vicious cycle of thinking that makes them feel that the company has no money.

Cao Shujie abruptly changed the topic, and then asked about the second and third phase projects of Shi Jingxiu Company.

When it comes to this point, Shi Jingxiu talks clearly.

She made a unified report on the progress of these two projects.

In layman's terms, the Phase 2 project will take longer, but the Phase 3 factory renovation has entered the construction stage, and Shi Jingxiu told General Manager Wang Jianhua of Pingyuan County Construction Co., Ltd. that their factory will increase production in a short time.


I also mentioned to Dikang Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. that the equipment must be made and installed in the shortest possible time.

Relatively speaking, the progress of the third factory project mainly depends on the time it takes Dikang Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. to manufacture the equipment. As long as the equipment is manufactured and installed, it can be debugged and produced.

In addition, this equipment already has mature products, so it is not that difficult to reduce the size in some areas.

"Boss, Dikang Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. promises to deliver all the equipment within three months. If everything goes well, installation can begin in September and we will work overtime to put it into production in November." Shi Jingxiu said.

This progress is not slow. Including factory renovation and equipment manufacturing, it takes about half a year, which is nearly half the time of the first job.

Cao Shujie was very satisfied. He told Shi Jingxiu: "You can push it again. Dikang Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. told them that if they can't make the equipment as soon as possible, we will find a second company to make automation equipment."

Cao Shujie is very confident now, unlike when he first put his first factory into operation, he had no goals for the future and no confidence in the market, and everything was moving forward through trial and error.

Now, the market they are targeting is clear and the market demand has a clear outline.

Just like what he told Xiang Yuheng last night, Xuemeng Food Factory's products are facing an untapped blue ocean. This also means that Xuemeng Food Factory is in the process of developing this market.

They have no competition.

Or the competitors are small and the market is open to them.

All they have to do now is to produce the product, advertise it, let more people know about Aimeng Preserved Fruit, and occupy the commanding heights in this market in advance.

However, another issue must be taken into consideration. Once a product becomes famous, there will definitely be people who will imitate it.

At that time, this blue ocean will become a mixed scene.

But for Cao Shujie or anyone at Xuemeng Food Factory, it is impossible to avoid rats.

After the meeting, Song Baoming drove Cao Shujie to check out the Phase 2 and Phase 3 projects.

Shi Jingxiu and Guan Boyong saw him walking out and followed him.

The three people were chatting on the road, talking about the company and the upcoming advertising. They all knew in their hearts that the real challenges the company needed to face had just begun.

If we talk about opening up the market and successfully developing the customer of Shangjiayue Supermarket, it is the first step for Xuemeng Food Factory to succeed.

So in the next time, how to make their products gain more visibility and be accepted by more customers is the second key point of whether their factory or products can go further and longer.

Regardless of the second phase project or the third phase project, they are all in Qingshi Town, not far away. Not long after, Song Baoming stopped the car.

Cao Shujie and the other three got out of the car and walked towards the depths of the Phase 2 project.

There are currently 4 construction companies working here.

In addition to them, construction companies hired in the name of the Qingshi Town Government are also building roads and building water and electricity.

Liu Furong and Luo Ningyou both attach great importance to the Phase 2 project of Cao Shujie or Xuemeng Food Factory. They also hope that the Qingshi Town Industrial Park will be completed as soon as possible and the Phase 2 project of Xuemeng Food Factory will be put into production as soon as possible. Only then will they have the confidence to

There is also capital to attract more investors.

Otherwise, it will be empty talk, there will be no resources, and few people who can make money will be fools.

Cao Shujie and the others were walking in when they suddenly saw a few people gathered in front of them and yelled. They were a bit far away and couldn't hear what they were shouting.

But looking at the fuss and tumult at the scene, I knew it wasn't good.

"What happened?" Cao Shujie asked.

"Hurry up and go, let's go over and have a look."

At the same time, his pace also quickened.

Shi Jingxiu and Guan Boyong were also at a loss and didn't know what was happening over there.

They walked quickly over there, and the closer they got, the clearer they could hear. They had already heard the curses starting over there.

Some people were very excited and were about to take action.

"Stop it, what are you doing!" Cao Shujie shouted.

But the people who were pulling the strings were very excited, and they couldn't listen to these persuasion.

After Cao Shujie and the others got closer, they saw that the man in the middle who was being pulled by several people was still wearing the work clothes of Xuemeng Food Factory.

"What is going on?" Cao Shujie had a huge question mark in his heart.

Shi Jingxiu and Guan Boyong also discovered this anomaly and hurried over: "Everyone, stop it."

"Whoever takes action again will stop work immediately."

"What's going on? Why the noise?"

Even Song Baoming, who was originally waiting by the car, saw the abnormality here and was afraid that Cao Shujie would be surprised. He took a wrench from the car and ran over.

"Boss, I am safety officer Bai Weilin. I came over to check and found that they were smoking and not wearing seat belts while working at heights. I followed the company's regulations and asked them to stop work for rectification. Who knew that several of them were dissatisfied and threatened to beat me.

"The man in the middle, wearing the work uniform of Xuemeng Food Factory, shouted after seeing Cao Shujie and the others.

The arrival of the boss also gave him more confidence.

"Are you from the security department?" Cao Shujie didn't know the other person, and there were not only a few dozen people in the company like at the beginning.

With the investment in the construction of Phase 2 and Phase 3 projects, the company is recruiting more and more people.

Next to her, Shi Jingxiu often comes to the Phase 2 project. She recognized Bai Weilin: "Boss, this is the safety officer of our factory. Manager Xu arranged for them to watch the scene here."

"Who is in charge of this project? Call your person in charge." Cao Shujie looked at several people on the construction side.

No need to ask, Shi Jingxiu said directly: "Boss, Yiling City Bogu Construction Co., Ltd. is in charge here. Their boss is Gu Kewen, and the general manager is Xing Jiaming. Usually Mr. Xing is directly responsible for this project. I will give it now."

Mr. Xing is calling."

"Call their boss directly." Cao Shujie said.

Seeing Cao Shujie and the others coming over, the group of people who had been fighting all stopped. Only when they heard Cao Shujie yelling to call their boss over did they panic.

A middle-aged man with a quite honest face said: "Boss, I don't have to make a fuss. I usually do a job, and I don't need to wear a seat belt when I'm two meters tall. Besides, that thing is troublesome and delays my work.

It's just stepping on the scaffolding, so it's okay at all, but this little brother in our factory insists on stopping me from working, and even says I'll be fined. I don't make much money in a month, and you fined me for taking it away. Can I still do this job?


"That's right, I just smoked a cigarette last time, and I was fined 500 yuan. What can I light in this crappy place? I think your factory is just picking."

"I must give an explanation today, otherwise I will quit."

"Yes, the money you earned has been fined, so what's the point of continuing to work?" some onlookers nearby shouted.

Looking at the words of these people, Cao Shujie understood that what their factory safety officer Bai Weilin said was true.

These people don't wear seat belts, they think it's okay, and they teach them a lesson.

I feel that they are deliberately imposing fines and punishing them through inspections.

How ridiculous!

This chapter has been completed!
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