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Chapter 627 Dad, go make money (400.01 million)

In the evening, Cao Shujie and his two cousins ​​drank wine and talked about the house decoration plan.

In fact, there is no essential difference between decorating a house in the countryside and decorating a building in the city. It all depends on your decoration budget.

The more money you spend, the overall decoration effect will naturally come out.

If you don't have much money to spend, just do a simple decoration.

If you want to be fashionable, you can also decorate in a European or pastoral style.

Brothers Cao Shubin and Cao Shuxin sold their father's small house of more than 60 square meters in Anyi City. The house was not big, but because the location was good, they sold it for more than 200,000 yuan.

The brothers did not touch the money and transferred it all to their father's account.

Part of it was used to build the house and decorate it, and the rest was money for their father's retirement.

During this period, the eldest sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law would also chime in and share their suggestions for decoration.

Unknowingly, the night passed quietly again.

At around seven o'clock the next morning, Cao Shujie got up to walk his dog and also ran 5 kilometers for exercise. Cao Tiemin called him and told him that he had returned to Caojiazhuang and asked where he was.

Cao Tiemin rushed back from the county town early this morning. If something happens here, he will definitely give his full support.

When Cao Tiemin saw Cao Shujie at the east river dam, he saw that Cao Shujie was sweating profusely, his hair was wet, and there was steam coming out of his head. His clothes were soaked with sweat and stuck to his skin, with sweat dripping down the corners of his clothes.

It trickled down.

"Shujie, what are you doing?"

"Let's go for a run. Now is a good time to exercise and lose weight."

Cao Shujie patted his stomach, which was trembling. This was the result of reckless eating and drinking during this period.

"Look at all this fat. If you don't lose weight, it will go bad. Then your weight will increase suddenly, and other problems will follow." Cao Shujie complained.

Cao Tiemin thought what he said made sense: "You still have time to spare. I'm busy working every day and I don't even have time to lose weight."

"Okay, come with me to the farm restaurant for some breakfast later. My brother and his friends just came back yesterday and they want to decorate the house that my uncle just built. You can give me some advice then."

"You just left your words here, I will definitely try my best." Cao Tiemin laughed and said.

Cao Shujie shook his head: "Tiemin, let me tell you the truth. Yesterday I also told my brother and others that your price may not be the lowest in the industry, but you must ensure the decoration materials and decoration quality.

There is no need to blindly lower the price just to save my face. You are also out to make money, so you can’t let your hard work go in vain.”

"Don't worry, I know what's going on," Cao Tiemin said.

"Okay, that's all you've said. When the office building next to my second-phase factory is completed, you can take people to decorate it. Do you want to do it?" Cao Shujie asked.

This was really an unexpected surprise. Cao Tiemin looked at Cao Shujie and asked specifically: "I've never done that kind of big project, so aren't you afraid that I'll mess up my job?"

"It's so big, I just enlarged the house. The main question is, do you dare to take this job?" Cao Shujie said casually.

"Office buildings don't need to be luxuriously decorated. The simpler, the better. After all, it's still a place to work. You can't just enjoy the decoration there every day."

"It must work. Shujie, let me tell you. I have about 30 people under me now. I am also worried about transforming, but I have never been able to figure out the context. I promise to do your job well for you."

"Let's go, I'm going to take a shower and change clothes, and let's go down to eat." Cao Shujie took the dog and the two of them walked down the mountain together.

After washing up, Cao Shujie called his eldest brother, sister-in-law, and nephew together, and the family went to a farm restaurant in the north to drink beef soup and eat two beef-stuffed sesame cakes. This was a happy life.

"This beef is still delicious!" Cao Tiemin has eaten it many times, but every time he comes here to eat it, there is a clear difference in taste compared to the beef he eats in the county.

Cao Shujie pointed to the breeding farm on the mountain: "Why don't you say you want to eat beef? I have 600 cows on the mountain, and there are more than 1,000 in the breeding farm in the south. When we are free one day and there are more people, we can kill them at any time.

Cow, let’s have an all-cow feast.”

The eldest brother Cao Shubin heard what he said and said with a smile: "Shu Jie, you are still living a comfortable life."

Not to mention, other people could only feel envious when they heard Cao Shujie describe that scene.

They could hear Cao Shujie's freedom and ease from his words. Compared with them who continued to struggle for life, there was a huge gap.

Cao Shujie said with a smile: "If you come back for the Mid-Autumn Festival on August 15th, you will kill the cow then."

"I heard your uncle said that three cows were going to be killed in the village, right?" asked the second brother Cao Shuxin.

Cao Tiemin also looked over. He also heard his mother talk about the village meeting held last month.

The standard welfare for the village during the New Year and festivals is 500 yuan, and three cows will be killed during the Mid-Autumn Festival this year.

Cao Shujie nodded: "Three will be killed in the village, and I will kill one more myself. If nothing else, we have to make sure we have enough beef to eat."

In fact, Cao Shujie had to take part of the beef as a gift.

Cao Shujie, like those who once helped him, will be put in place.

"There is also kiwi fruit wine, which is also fermenting. It will be almost ready by the end of the month." Cao Shujie told them.

There are more and more good things.

He also remembered something: "Brother, when you go back, I will get you some deer antler slices to take with you. Eat them slowly when you go back. It is good for your health."

"No, no, you can keep it for yourself." The sister-in-law refused at first.

She knew that thing was valuable.

But valuable only refers to people with specific needs. For Cao Shujie, he has accumulated more than 30 kilograms of dried deer antlers.

Moreover, there were 9 male deer born in the deer park this year. In the next few years, he will have more and more antlers.

There will be more and more high-quality velvet antlers in the first crop.

At that time, he will select the best of the best and sell the velvet antlers of average quality.

Cao Tiemin was not polite at all: "Shujie, thanks to you, I have to get some, just for my parents."

"Why are you so polite?" Cao Shujie said carelessly.

After breakfast, Cao Tiemin, Cao Shujie, his uncle, and two cousins ​​went to his uncle's house to discuss the decoration. The two sisters-in-law also followed and listened, occasionally giving suggestions, but most of the time they didn't

Talk too much.

At this time, Cao Shujie did not participate.

The newly built houses in Caojiazhuang this year all look the same from the outside. As for the interior decoration, everyone can use it individually. The Caojiazhuang Village Committee will definitely not impose any restrictions in this regard.

While they were discussing the decoration of the house, Cao Shujie kept reading the news on his mobile phone.

By the time they finished discussing the decoration plan and finalized the results, it was already two hours later.

Overall, the decoration is quite satisfactory.

The eldest brother Cao Shubin and the second brother Cao Shuxin meant that their father Cao Jianlin was old and couldn't handle some things at all, so they would not let him worry so much about decoration.

The two brothers couldn't always watch from behind, so they handed over all the work and materials to Cao Tiemin.

They also have peace of mind, and because it was introduced by their cousin, they feel at ease.

Cao Tiemin also promised them that the installation would definitely satisfy them in terms of price and decoration materials. This is a happy result for everyone.

When Cao Tiemin returned to the county town to prepare materials, he told Cao Shujie something before leaving.

Two days ago, Cao Shulun and Cao Shuyang came to see him and discussed when they would be free this month so that they could sit together.

The most important thing is that they want a treat.

Cao Shujie was quite surprised when he heard what Cao Tiemin said. Didn't those two brothers borrow money from Cao Zhen to speculate in stocks some time ago?

Now that you have taken the initiative to bring up the treat, are you waking up from that crazy state?

If that's the case, this is still a good thing.

Cao Shujie also took the initiative to ask Cao Tiemin about the current status of the two buddies.

As a result, Cao Tielin told him: "Anyway, they were doing well when I saw them. They were so happy every day, as if money was falling from the sky. I guess they probably made money again."

Cao Shujie thought of the more aggressive performance of the Shanghai Composite Index after the stock market entered August, and wondered whether their profits had increased as the stock market rose.

So people feel refreshed during happy events?

Apart from this result, Cao Shujie really couldn't think of any other reason.

But he didn't bother with that. He told Cao Tiemin that he could eat any day, he was always free.

"Okay, I'll tell them to leave." Cao Tiemin drove away in his van.

Seeing the van disappear from sight, Cao Shujie suddenly felt a little emotional.

In the three and a half years since he returned from the capital, Cao Tiemin may be the only one among them who has remained unchanged from beginning to end.

He does his decoration work diligently and down-to-earth, and he doesn't get overly excited or involved in all the foreign money that he doesn't understand.

Always remained calm.

It was precisely this that made Cao Shujie think more highly of Cao Tiemin and feel free to leave the decoration work of the factory office building to him.

He felt that it would be a good idea to let Cao Tiemin do this job.

After deciding on the decoration plan, the eldest brother and the second brother stayed in Caojiazhuang for another two days to accompany their father and grandfather.

I also chatted with Cao Shujie and learned from him.

I must admit that my cousin is very capable.

Moreover, Xuemeng Food Factory is now doing better and better, which proves from many aspects that their cousin's ability is expanding.

In this case, the two brothers are not pedantic and would not be embarrassed to ask for advice because their cousin is younger than them and is still a younger brother.

Cao Shujie told them about the beginning of his establishment of Xuemeng Food Factory and every stage of its development to the present.

This thing can only become an experience and cannot be replicated at all.

Because there will be many different variables in each link, Cao Shujie himself also adjusts the plan in real time to deal with it.

In addition to his own efforts, there are many people who help him.

There is a feeling that heaven and earth are all working together.

One day later, on the weekend afternoon.

The eldest brother and the second brother drove back to Anyi City.

Cao Shujie clearly saw his uncle Cao Jianlin watching his two sons, daughter-in-law and grandson go back. His eyes were full of reluctance, but he did not say anything to persuade him to stay.

He probably knew very well that his two sons had their own families and their own things to be busy with.

Just because he wants to go back to his hometown doesn't mean that it's appropriate for their son to come back now.

Everyone has their own ambitions, just like those of his childhood friends who haven't come back yet, Cao Shujie didn't express his opinion on this matter.

I turned around and walked home. Before I even entered the door, my phone rang again.

I took it out and saw that it was Liu Furong calling.

"Why is he calling me?" Cao Shujie wondered, but still answered the phone.

Listening to Liu Furong saying on the phone that city leaders would visit their factory again for a while, Cao Shujie wondered what was going on?

"Secretary Liu, who is coming this time?" Cao Shujie asked specifically.

But Liu Furong didn't say anything.

He just told Cao Shujie: "I have also just received a notice from the county. The county wants your company to do a good job in hygiene and reception. If there is any need, they can help solve it."

These words made Cao Shujie realize more and more that the leadership position in the city this time might not be low.

"Who is coming?" Cao Shujie wondered.

"Director Cao, are you free? Let's go to your factory today." Liu Furong finally said.

Cao Shujie sighed. He had just rested for a few days, but unexpectedly he had to get busy again.

Seeing his daughter Mengmeng running around in the yard, Cao Shujie wanted to say that she had no time.

But he knew that now was not the time for him to be willful.

"Okay, I'll go to the factory right away." Cao Shujie said.

After telling his grandfather and his wife, Cao Shujie asked his daughter if she wanted to go to the factory in town before leaving.

Who knows that Mengmeng told him: "I won't go, dad, go and do your work, and make money for me to spend."

"Ha ha!"

Cao Shujie laughed heartily!

When we came to the factory in the town, everyone was busy.

After Cao Shujie came to the office, he called Liu Furong and said that he had arrived at the factory.

"I'll be there soon," Liu Furong said.

Say Cao Cao and Cao Cao will be here.

Liu Furong's speed is not slow at all.

In less than 10 minutes, the two met, and there were two other people who came with Liu Furong.

One of them is the mayor Luo Ningyou, and the other is Xia Zhenjiang, whom Cao Shujie is also familiar with.

A former high-ranking official of the town party in Qingshi Town, and now the secretary-general of the Pingyuan County Party Committee.

He left Qingshi Town and went to Chengguan Town to serve as a high-ranking party official. Now he has been promoted to a higher level, crossing a big level and getting further and further away from the level of ordinary people.

If it weren't for Liu Furong's introduction, Cao Shujie would have never known about this.

But he was more curious about what Xia Zhenjiang came here to do?

"Director Cao, the leaders coming from the city this time are very important. The county committee asked me to come back and arrange this matter myself. I have to ask your company to pay more attention to it." Xia Zhenjiang had a serious expression on his face.

Cao Shujie thought that was not the case, even if Xiang Yuheng came over, there would be no need to set up such a big score.

He knew all the big leaders in the city.

"Is it possible that there are others?" Cao Shujie couldn't understand, and he didn't think much about it. Anyway, he didn't curry favor with those people.

"Okay!" Cao Shujie responded nonchalantly.

This chapter has been completed!
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