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Chapter 663 Younger siblings? The stock price doubled (400.01 million)

After Cao Shujie came back, he also heard his wife talk about this matter.

Although his parents did not invest in the project, they also participated in the construction.

No matter how hard I try, I won't listen.

I simply stopped advising them and asked them to pay attention to safety when working.

"I am such a big man, and I still need you to remind me." Cao Jianguo felt that he was being despised by his son.

Cao Shujie also didn’t differentiate from his father.

I heard from his father that after the two new farms are built, the original two farms will be renovated to make the supporting facilities inside better.

Cao Shujie thought to himself, why bother at this time? It would be better to wait for this wave of cattle to be slaughtered next year and set aside a month to reorganize the breeding farm.

Cao Jianguo felt that his son was right. There were already 1,500 calves on both sides. After a while, Zhu Xinfa and Liu Jiping would send 5,000 calves. At this time, there was really no need to bother: "Then tell Jianlong, he will

You are the Lord."

"Okay!" Cao Shujie nodded.

Seeing his grandfather drinking from a small teapot next to him, Cao Shujie went over and poured him a cup: "Grandpa, it's getting cold again. How are you feeling? Do you want to go for a check-up?"

"I'm fine, I'm eating enough, and I don't need to have any tests," Cao Zhenghu said.

He picked up the teacup and drank all the tea in one gulp: "Look, it won't be a problem if you drink another two ounces of wine."

"Hey, you can drink wine at any time, but we have to pay attention to our health." Cao Shujie sat on a chair left by his grandfather and chatted with his grandfather.

Seeing the grandfather and grandson living happily together, Cheng Xiaolin looked on and was happy for her husband, but then she thought of her brother and couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

There were no surprises in the last few days of October.

However, there are two more marriages in Caojiazhuang.

There is a single young man in his 30s named Cao Shuwei in the village. His family used to be poor and he could never find a partner.

Now that I have become a shareholder in the Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative, I have also planted fruit trees on my family's land, which can ensure a good harvest despite droughts and floods in the future.

Nowadays, some matchmakers also take the initiative to come to the door to propose marriage. Maybe the marriage is really coming. Cao Shuwei and another single young woman have found each other right. When the two families are combined, they are not too young, and they all think that the other person is good. It is not easy.

, keep dragging it on.

I am planning to get engaged next month and get married before the Spring Festival.

The other one was Cao Yuzhu, a young man in his 20s. He walked a little slopingly, so it was difficult to work in the fields. He went out to look for a job. He didn't have any strong skills, and he couldn't find a high-paying job.

It was hard to find a partner for people who couldn't make money in the past, but their family has taken a stake in the Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative. This time, they have almost 15 cows. In addition, the family also has an orchard of nine acres and two acres, which is considered in the village.

Big house.

Cao Yuzhu's parents considered that it was not easy for their son to find a job due to his current situation, so they simply put all their family savings into this investment to create a long-term financial path for their son.

If they are no longer here one day, the son will at least have a good income.

Who knew that because of this move, word gradually spread, and everyone praised their family for their vision.

People from all over the surrounding areas now know the benefits of Caojiazhuang. Those who used to have prejudices against this young man Cao Yuzhu now have no prejudices, and more than one family has come to propose marriage.

The current share dividend distribution in Caojiazhuang, Zhujiazhuang and Taodong Village is not a secret at all, it has already been spread around.

In addition, this year's dividend event was broadcast on TV, and a lot of news came out on the Internet. The pile of red money made everyone understand that as long as there are no problems, Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative will definitely get better and better in the future.


Some villages want to copy this model, but they find that they cannot copy it at all. The main reason is that there is no one in the village who can convince the public, and the people do not trust those who serve as village officials in their village.

Their first reaction was that if I handed over the money, would it be given to me by the officials in the village?

Such a comparison makes it even more obvious how unique Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative is.

Rare things are naturally more precious.

Because of this, all the families who participated in the Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative became a hot commodity, and even people from other villages came to them to discuss buying shares at a high price and asked them if they were willing to sell.

Someone told this matter to Cao Jianlong, Zhu Hongwei and Zhuang Xuejian. The three of them combined and told this matter to Cao Shujie.

Cao Shujie didn't even expect that Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative would cause such a monster just after it started. He directly told the three of them that if anyone in the village sold his shares in Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative, his participation would be cancelled.

If he is qualified, the money for his shareholding will be refunded to him.

And other money-making jobs in the village don't let him play.

In Cao Shujie's view, only those who don't trust them will sell their shares in advance at a high price.

Or villagers who are pedantic and don't understand will do the same thing.

But no matter which one, Cao Shujie must put an end to this silly behavior from the root.

As for some people who want to play tricks, Cao Shujie thinks that ordinary people are not stupid, and everyone has a strong balance in their hearts.

Besides, dividends will only be distributed to the people who participate in the company. Even if someone plays a roundabout trick, when the dividends get higher and higher later, the people who sell their shares are not stupid, and there will definitely be trouble. Once something like that happens,

Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative will not hesitate to cancel their qualifications to become shareholders.

I believe that in this way, those who have not made a good idea will weigh it in their hearts and see if it is worth it.

As for how things will develop in the future, Cao Shujie thinks that patches can be made at any time.

Not to mention the purchase and sale of shares, the two families who were engaged were brothers of the same generation as Cao Shujie. When they got engaged, the elders in the family came to see Cao Shujie, thinking that when the engagement was held, he would go over to suppress the situation.

This was a good thing, and Cao Shujie readily agreed.

As time enters November, the temperature is getting colder and colder, and the clothes on my body are beginning to increase.

As soon as Mengmeng came home, she had a reluctant expression on her face.

"Mengmeng, what's wrong?" Cao Shujie asked his daughter, was she being bullied at school?

Mengmeng pouted: "The teacher said it's too cold and we're not allowed to go out to play for fear of catching a cold."

Cao Shujie nodded subconsciously, thinking so was right.

When the weather gets colder, it is definitely the season for colds.

But Mengmeng didn't think so. She complained a little: "We can't go out to play. Just being in the classroom is not interesting at all."

"You have a lot of problems." Cao Shujie grabbed his daughter's armpits and lifted her above her head.

Mengmeng was shocked at first, but then she got used to it and had a lot of fun with her father.

She also boldly opened her hands and said in her mouth: "Dad, fly, fly, fly, fly!"

Let Cao Shujie take her and run.

Cao Shujie also followed the instructions. The father and daughter were playing, and Mengmeng looked particularly happy.

When getting ready to go to bed at night, Cheng Xiaolin asked Cao Shujie something: "New Year's Day is only about 20 days away. Have you started preparing for the 'big banquet' you talked about at the last village meeting?"

"Don't worry, Uncle Long and the others have already started preparations. This is the first time they have done this. It is also a symbol of the unity of our Caojiazhuang. There must be no mistakes." Cao Shujie said to his wife.

"I'll be relieved if you are prepared." Cheng Xiaolin said nothing else and leaned down to get ready for sleep.

Cao Shujie looked at his wife's figure from behind, which became more and more plump. He felt that this was the most beautiful time for his wife.

Feeling a little moved in my heart, I reached out my hand.


Cheng Xiaolin flicked her left hand back and knocked her husband's hand off: "Be honest, I feel a little uncomfortable. Go to bed first."

"What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? If it doesn't work, go check it out." Cao Shujie suddenly changed from lying down to sitting up, and advised his wife.

Cheng Xiaolin said: "I can't tell. It just happens one after another. The problem is not big and there are no other problems. Let's rest first."

When Cao Shujie heard what his wife said, he didn't take it seriously, but he also warned her: "You have to be careful. Don't let Mengmeng catch a cold before she catches it. You caught a cold first."


Cao Shujie received another slap, and Cheng Xiaolin muttered to him: "Can't you just hope that I'll be nice?"

Cao Shujie smiled and also lay down and fell asleep.

On November 7th, the day of the Beginning of Winter, Cao Shujie didn't go anywhere. He just stayed at home and called his parents and uncle over to make dumplings and eat them together.

It happened to be Friday again. Mengmeng finished her class and played wildly after returning home. For her, she didn't have to go to school tomorrow, which was a rare good day.

"Grandpa, let me tell you, we are going to have a holiday soon. I am so happy." Mengmeng ran to Grandpa Cao Jianlin and showed off to him.

Cao Jianlin asked her with a smile what kind of vacation she was taking.

Then I heard Mengmeng talk about taking the New Year’s holiday.

"The teacher said the Chinese New Year is coming soon, which is great. I can buy new clothes again."

Mengmeng looked longingly: "I want to buy a very beautiful skirt, and I also want to bring some clothes."

Mengmeng pointed to her clothes, which had no pockets and could not hold anything.

Her words seemed more like she was speaking to Cao Shujie and Cheng Xiaolin.

When the couple heard their daughter's complaints, they wanted to laugh.

"Mengmeng, come here to work, and I will buy you new clothes during the Chinese New Year." Cao Shujie greeted his daughter.

Mengmeng looked reluctant: "I still have to work."

"Otherwise, father and mother both earn money from work, and your grandparents also earn money from work. If you don't work, how can you have money to buy things." Cao Shujie made a false statement.

Mengmeng curled her lips: "Didn't you say you earned the money and spent it on me? You don't admit it so early?"

Cao Shujie: "..."

His daughter's words left him speechless, and then he realized that the little guy was sharp-tongued and not someone to be trifled with.

After making dumplings together, Cheng Xiaolin went to the kitchen to cook and prepare a sumptuous dinner.

Mother Wang Yuelan went in to help.

Cao Shujie put the wrapped dumplings aside first, preparing to make the dumplings later.

He went to the storage room to take out the wine again.

Both white wine and fruit wine are available.

There is also freshly made apple cider vinegar.

When he raised his head and walked out, Cao Shujie saw the silver vase with dragon and phoenix patterns placed in the glass cabinet, thinking that it had been there since he got it back last time, and he almost forgot about it.

However, Cao Shujie later checked some information online and found no antiques similar to this bottle.

He also specifically checked some antique information, starting from the characteristics, but did not find the results he wanted, and gradually stopped caring.

It's probably just a bad bottle, but it doesn't matter. Even if it's really an antique with historical charm, it's still worth the money.

When the dishes were served, Cao Shujie poured fruit wine for his grandfather, uncle and father, apple cider vinegar for his mother, wife and daughter, and poured himself a glass of white wine. The family gathered together, which looked quite formal.

"Grandpa, please say a few words of blessing." Cao Shujie asked his grandfather.

Cao Zhenghu looked at his two sons gathered under his nose, at his daughter-in-law, at his grandson, grandson-in-law and great-granddaughter. He thought of his daughter who had not been back for several years and his wife who passed away more than ten years ago. Even though this

There are still imperfections in life, and Cao Zhenghu has looked away from them.

Let those unhappy things go as the wind blows. He said: "The Chinese New Year is coming soon. I just hope that our family will be healthy and happy. Shujie, I hope you can have more children."

"Haha!" There was a burst of laughter in the house.

Mengmeng also joined in: "Mom, Dad, I want a younger brother and sister. Everyone has younger brothers and sisters."

"Only you can! What if it's an older brother or sister?" Cao Shujie put a hand on his daughter's head and asked her.

Mengmeng was confused by the question at that time and was a little unable to turn around.

She may be thinking in her mind, why brother and sister?

Seeing Mengmeng's confused look, Cao Shujie laughed unscrupulously.

Cheng Xiaolin gave him one back, which was disrespectful for an old man.

After the beginning of winter, the temperature dropped even more significantly, reaching several degrees below zero.

But on the contrary, as the temperature gets colder, the stock market has indeed become more and more popular recently.

The large-cap stock index has skyrocketed from more than 2,200 points in September, and has risen by nearly 300 points in two months, reaching a maximum of 2,474 points. During this period, many stocks that had surged in the early stage had fully adjusted in one or two months.

Now it's starting to rise again.

This has driven the broader market, especially the securities sector, to rise collectively during this period, continuously pushing the daily limit, and also driving the index to rise accordingly.

The rise in the securities sector has also led to the rise in this year's new concept Internet financial stocks.

For example, Silver Jacket, or Flush.

These are all leaders in Internet finance.

Even Cao Shujie didn't notice that Yin Zhijie hit the daily limit for 4 consecutive times, increasing the volume all the way, and the stock price was close to 40 yuan.

A straight flush isn't bad either.

After rising to a high of nearly 26 yuan in the early stage, it dropped diagonally all the way, and the lowest point almost fell below 20 yuan. However, starting from the end of October, Flush started a new round of rise with the rise of securities stocks and the sharp rebound of the market index.

In this round of gains, Flush also hit three daily limits in a row, plus the gains during the period.

In just half a month, the stock price went from less than 21 yuan to 33.7 yuan.

The stock price rose 65%.

For a time, many people saw the evil spirit of Silver Hero and Flush. Regardless of the current high price and the increase that has more than doubled since June this year, they all rushed in with their eyes closed.

When seeing this result, Cao Shujie's QQ group became lively again.

This chapter has been completed!
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