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Chapter 838 CuteCute, how about I prepare a few sets of Huanggang test questions for you?


Seeing his daughter jumping into school carrying her schoolbag, Cao Shujie was still shouting from behind: "Mengmeng, please take the test seriously, don't be careless, and take the test carefully. If you make a mistake in the test, the red envelope will be gone."

"Okay, okay!"

Mengmeng also made an OK gesture and said to her father: "Dad, just prepare the money!"

For Chinese and Mathematics, each test lasts for one hour, with a half-hour break in between.

During this period, Cao Shujie didn't even go to the factory, but waited patiently in the car parked in front of the school.

This is also the first time that Cao Shujie feels that time passes too slowly. Why is it not lunch time yet?

I don't know how much time had passed, but when I heard the laughter of children outside, Cao Shujie turned to look at the school gate, and saw groups of children lining up to come out of the school.

It was time to finish the exam. Cao Shujie quickly got out of the car, ran to the school gate, and waited patiently for his daughter to come out.

When he picked up Mengmeng, Cao Shujie was going to take his daughter to the restaurant of Xuemeng Food Factory for lunch.

He also asked her if she didn’t have to go to school in the afternoon and could just wait for the holiday.

As a result, Mengmeng told him that he had to go to school for physical education and music classes in the afternoon, so he didn't need to go to school tomorrow.

Then wait until Friday to go to school to get the test papers and have a holiday.

"Why is it so troublesome? It would be better to just take a vacation." Cao Shujie muttered.

But Mengmeng said to him: "Dad, I have to go to school to get a certificate. If you don't want to, I will ask grandpa to give it to me."

"Yes, I am willing, okay?" Cao Shujie didn't dare to offend his daughter, she is an ancestor!

Cao Shujie originally wanted to ask his daughter how she did in the exam.

But seeing Mengmeng's happy face, Cao Shujie thought it was better not to ask.

If Mengmeng is careless and fails the exam, asking questions at this time will undoubtedly disturb her good mood, which is not beautiful.

Arriving at the factory, Cao Shujie parked the car and took his daughter directly to the restaurant.

Mengmeng still wanted to carry her small schoolbag, but Cao Shujie asked her to put it in the car: "Mengmeng, you have to go to school in the afternoon. It's so troublesome to carry it back and forth now. You can just put it in the car. It's on our property."

, no one steals your stuff."

Mengmeng nodded, thinking her father was right.

Holding my father's hand, I followed him to the restaurant as I jumped up and down.

On the way, she asked her father what delicious food there was in the restaurant.

Cao Shujie doesn't know either.

After arriving at the restaurant, Cao Shujie and Mengmeng each took a stainless steel plate and a pair of chopsticks to queue.

Someone saw the boss and the little princess coming and wanted to make room for them and let them go to the front to get food, but Cao Shujie refused.

"None of us can jump in line, and you can't let me teach the children badly." Cao Shujie said righteously.

Others are not humble.

When it was Cao Shujie and Mengmeng's turn, Mengmeng saw that there were chicken legs, pig's trotters, pineapple rice, and some other stir-fry dishes inside. As a welfare work meal for a private enterprise, this place was quite interesting.

Mengmeng told her father that she wanted to eat two portions of pineapple rice, a chicken drumstick, and a piece of pig's trotters.

Anyway, there is no vegetarian dish.

Cao Shujie also let her do it. If Mengmeng couldn't finish it, he would eat the rest.

On the contrary, when Cao Shujie made his meal, he only ordered two vegetarian dishes and none of the meat dishes, plus a serving of pineapple rice.

The father and daughter found an empty table and sat down. Seeing Mengmeng eating with great enthusiasm, Cao Shujie felt happy in his heart. He wished that Mengmeng would eat more.

To him, it doesn't matter if Mengmeng gains a little weight.

But just as Cao Shujie expected, Mengmeng only ate a little more than one portion of the two portions of pineapple rice. She only ate the chicken bones of the chicken drumstick, but she couldn't finish the pig's trotters after only two bites.

In the end, Cao Shujie cleaned up the battlefield.

Wang Zhifeng didn't know when he came to the restaurant. When he saw the boss and his daughter eating, he also came over with a dinner plate: "Mengmeng, is the food delicious?"

"Well, it's delicious. Uncle Wang, good lunch." Mengmeng greeted Wang Zhifeng.

Wang Zhifeng also responded with a smile.

Cao Shujie asked him if something was wrong?

Wang Zhifeng mentioned the company’s annual meeting.

Some time ago, we went to Hangzhou to attend the Alibaba annual meeting together, which greatly touched Wang Zhifeng. At that time, Cao Shujie also asked him whether the Xuemeng Food Factory's annual meeting could be as good as the Alibaba annual meeting.

Wang Zhifeng shook his head at that time, he really couldn't do it.

The Chinese New Year is about to come in one month, and the company has not yet planned this year's annual meeting. Now Wang Zhifeng comes to ask Cao Shujie for instructions on how to hold the company's annual meeting this year.

It's now time, and the boss has to set a tone no matter what.

After he told Cao Shujie what he was thinking, he looked a little depressed.

Because it means he is incompetent, but Cao Shujie can understand him.

Having just attended Alibaba's annual meeting, Wang Zhifeng must have great ambitions in his heart. However, due to limited conditions, he cannot achieve the excitement of Alibaba's annual meeting. At this time, it is easy for him to see obstacles and form a shackle for himself.

Cao Shujie smiled and said to Wang Zhifeng: "Since it hasn't been decided yet, we won't hold the annual meeting this year."

Wang Zhifeng suddenly heard the boss's argument and suddenly raised his head with an incredible expression on his face. He looked at Cao Shujie, thinking that Cao Shujie was angry with him.

At this time, Cao Shujie took the last bite of pineapple rice and put it into his mouth with chopsticks. It tasted delicious.

Then she picked up the leftover pig's trotters that Mengmeng had eaten, gnawed off the meat and skin on them, and twirled the collagen on her fingers, which was sticky.

"Manager Wang, I have to take Mengmeng to wash her hands, and then take Mengmeng back to the office to let her rest for a while. You will come to my office after dinner later, and we will talk again," Cao Shujie said.

Wang Zhifeng nodded heavily, still thinking about what his boss had just blurted out: "Since it hasn't been decided yet, let's not do it!"

No matter how he thought about it, Wang Zhifeng felt that his boss was angry and he was considering what remedial measures to take.

A few minutes later, Wang Zhifeng, who had hurriedly finished his meal, washed his hands and came to Cao Shujie's office.

When he knocked on the door and entered, Wang Zhifeng was cautious, fearing to disturb Mengmeng's sleep.

"Manager Wang, just come in." Cao Shujie said.

Mengmeng had just finished her exam and there were no classes in the afternoon. She was so excited right now that she didn't sleep at all.

After Wang Zhifeng entered, he found a chair and sat opposite Cao Shujie. The two talked about this year's annual meeting again.

Wang Zhifeng still wanted to tell him the remedial measures he had just been thinking about, but who knew that Cao Shujie didn't give him a chance to speak: "Manager Wang, that's what I thought about it. It's freezing this month, and everyone may not like to see it.

Program, we will choose a day this year, everyone will stop working for a day, find a large indoor restaurant, all employees will have a reunion dinner together, and we will give out year-end bonuses during the meal."

"In addition, the budget for this year's annual meeting is 500,000, and the money will be used to buy practical gifts and distribute them to all employees."

When Wang Zhifeng heard what his boss said, he was stunned.

The boss's intention is very clear. He really doesn't want to hold an annual meeting this year and will have a reunion dinner instead.

"But wouldn't it be too monotonous without a program?" Wang Zhifeng expressed his worries.

Cao Shujie chuckled: "Manager Wang, your worries are unfounded."

"I have been thinking about this matter for the past two days. The annual meeting requires a lot of expenses for finding a venue, decorating the scene, hiring celebrities, costumes, and all kinds of miscellaneous things."

"Let's save all this money and buy some good-quality gifts for employees. Which one do you think the employees like?"

Faced with the boss's inquiry, Wang Zhifeng understood without thinking that from the employees' point of view, they would definitely choose the second option.

Seeing Wang Zhifeng's silence, Cao Shujie understood that he understood, and then said: "Didn't you just say that it would be lively without a program? When the time comes, we will build a temporary stage and a set of speakers in the dining area. There will be more than 1,600 people in the audience.

If anyone wants to sing and join in the fun, let him sing. Anyone who participates in the show will receive exquisite gifts."

“What is the core purpose of the company’s annual meeting?”

Wang Zhifeng opened his mouth, thought for a while and then said: "Use this opportunity for everyone to relax and celebrate."

"Yes, you also said it was a relaxing celebration. In this case, let's take a day off, have a reunion dinner together, receive year-end bonuses, and receive gifts. Those who don't have performances will receive extra gifts and use the money spent on the annual meeting

How nice to use it on the edge of a knife."

Wang Zhifeng's mind was a bit stuck. He wanted to tell his boss: "Didn't you say that the company's annual meeting should be more lively than Ali's annual meeting?"

Looking at the expression on Wang Zhifeng's face, Cao Shujie knew that he had something to say: "Manager Wang, if you have anything to say, don't hold it in your heart, just say it."

Wang Zhifeng then expressed his doubts, and then heard Cao Shujie say: "Manager Wang, don't you think it would be more lively for employees if everyone eats together, receives year-end bonuses, and receives exquisite gifts?"

After Cao Shujie finished speaking, Wang Zhifeng was stunned there, unable to regain his senses for a long time.

Because he realized what his boss said was right.

Wang Zhifeng had never thought that such a complicated matter could be considered with the simplest thinking.

He only thinks about how to make the annual party more exciting, inviting celebrities to sing, dance, talk about cross talk, tell sketches, perform acrobatics, etc.

His inherent thinking has already presented this model in his mind, and he has never thought of following the boss's idea and using the simplest way.

After calming down, Wang Zhifeng thought about the matter according to the boss's ideas, and then considered it from the employee's perspective, and suddenly found that the boss's proposal seemed very good.

Following the boss's train of thought, Wang Zhifeng thought of a few points and told them to Cao Shujie.

After hearing this, Cao Shujie smiled and asked him to go back and complete the article according to this idea.

He also told Wang Zhifeng that everyone could draw a lottery while eating together to liven up the atmosphere.

This matter actually doesn't need to be that complicated.

Wang Zhifeng followed the boss's idea and continued to think divergently. Various ideas burst out in his mind, and more and more thoughts came to him.

When Mengmeng started to yawn sleepily, Wang Zhifeng wisely stood up and said goodbye to Cao Shujie.

Tell Cao Shujie that he will go back and sort out the plan and bring it to Cao Shujie to take a look at in the afternoon.

Because there is no need to think about the program, which star to hire, or which dance team to hire, things have become simpler.

It is nothing more than organizing the ideas that Cao Shujie just said into written words.

Mengmeng fell asleep sleepily.

At 1:30 in the afternoon, Cao Shujie woke her up on time and sent her to school. After returning to the office, Wang Zhifeng came to him as if he was on time.

Print out the compiled manuscript and put it in front of Cao Shujie.

The whole idea was completely based on the results of the discussion between the two of them at noon. After Wang Zhifeng returned, he discussed the details with the people in the department and refined several processes.

When Cao Shujie saw this document, he couldn't find anything that needed to be changed, so he told Wang Zhifeng that he should just follow this document.

"Boss, which day do you think is suitable?" Wang Zhifeng asked him.

Cao Shujie looked through the calendar and then said to Wang Zhifeng: "Then it will be the 1st of next month, which is the Little New Year's Day."

"Everyone goes home to celebrate the Spring Festival. The brothers and sisters in our factory will get together to celebrate the New Year first, and by the way, we will distribute the year-end bonuses so that everyone can have fun." Cao Shujie thinks this is good.

"Okay!" Wang Zhifeng nodded and went back.

Cao Shujie looked at the calendar again. On the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, an annual party was held at the factory, and on the 26th of the twelfth lunar month, his cousin got married.

After waiting for his cousin to finish his business, Cao Shujie and his family prepared to set off for Shencheng on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month.

But before that, Cao Shujie had to buy a flight ticket in advance.

After thinking about it, Cao Shujie called Situ Fen, the exclusive customer service assigned to him by the Yiling Rural Commercial Bank Head Office, and asked her to help him buy a business class ticket for his family to go to Shenzhen.

Then use WeChat to send their family’s ID card information.

Cao Shujie took pictures of this information in advance and saved it on his mobile phone for easy use at critical moments.

As for the dedicated customer service, it was arranged for him by the head office. Cao Shujie usually never contacts the other party.

From the beginning of the year to the end of the year, this is the time to let the other party run errands.

Not long after, Cao Shujie received a message from Situ Fen. The other party told Cao Shujie that he had booked a flight for Cao Shujie.

Situ Fen also told Cao Shujie that someone would deliver the tickets to Cao Shujie in a few days. On the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, Cao Shujie and his family could just go directly to Quancheng Airport to take a flight.

At this point, Cao Shujie has to admit that it is really convenient to have privileges.

He doesn't even need to go out, someone will help him finish these trivial things.

Staying in the office until 3:30 in the afternoon, Cao Shujie saw that his daughter was about to finish school, and then drove towards the town central primary school.

After waiting here for a short time, the father and daughter rushed back to Caojiazhuang after picking up Mengmeng.

When Cheng Xiaolin got home, the first time she saw Mengmeng, she started asking her about the exam.

Mengmeng looked very tough and kept telling her mother to just prepare red envelopes.

"Mengmeng, I'm not telling you, look at the way you are now, I am worried about your exam." Cheng Xiaolin said this.

Mengmeng didn't like hearing it, so she snorted and then said, "Mom, we'll see what happens on Friday."

"Oh, you are quite confident!" Cheng Xiaolin didn't even bother to talk about her daughter.

"Of course, I will do the questions myself, I know what I know." Mengmeng was not polite at all.

Cheng Xiaolin didn't say anything else to her, she just told her not to be too arrogant.

Finally, she said that if Mengmeng scored less than 100 points in one of the two exams, she would prepare several sets of Huanggang test questions for Mengmeng.

Mengmeng blinked and asked her mother what the Huanggang test questions were?

Cheng Xiaolin smiled and said: "It's a good thing anyway, I'll prepare it for you, and you don't have to worry about the rest."

"Huanggang test questions?" After hearing this, Cao Shujie's mouth twitched, thinking that this idea was really vicious.

(End of chapter)

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