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Chapter 887 He knelt down directly to Cao Shujie (1.21 million) Please

Before leaving, Cao Shujie told his wife that he would have dinner with Wang Zhifeng and the others tonight.

Mengmeng was doing her homework. After hearing this, she suddenly said: "Dad, why are you in such a hurry to send me back today? It turns out that there is a party in the evening, and you want to avoid me and eat delicious food secretly."

"Kid, don't talk nonsense, dad is busy with business." Cao Shujie said seriously.

Mengmeng curled her lips: "Dad, drinking is a business at any time. Our teacher said that those who smoke and drink are not good children."

"Your teacher doesn't understand." Cao Shujie said.

But he certainly didn't drink much that night.

Just like the treat last Saturday night, Xiang Zhengyan, Luo Changjin and others went to besiege Guan Boyong, and today they changed to besiege Wang Zhifeng. Who promoted the two of them to senior managers and got huge benefits.

What's wrong with letting them drink two more glasses of wine?

In this way, Wang Zhifeng got very drunk at night.

In the end, Guan Boyong was loyal enough and came out to help him with the drink, repaying Wang Zhifeng's favor for helping him with the drink last time.

In this regard, he also saw clearly that the two of them were destined to be besieged, so the eldest brother just didn't leave the second brother behind.

For the next two days in a row, nothing happened.

The factory has been continuing to ship goods steadily, and the market is very stable. Cao Shujie doesn't need to worry about this at all.

As for my cousin Wang Shouzhi and the others, they have just decided on the office location of the office, recruited new people, and conducted pre-job training. They have not yet gone out to develop business in their respective regions. Therefore, in terms of market development, there has not yet appeared

A large proportion of increase.

In addition, the children's theme park and Mengmeng Orchard have also seen a steady increase in daily visitor flow in the past two days. The combined daily number of visitors to the two parks has exceeded 45,000, which is higher than the number during the previous week.

The number of visitors to the park has increased again.

Maybe one day the number of tourists per day will exceed 50,000.

No matter how you look at it, this is a good thing.

As the time approaches the end of the month, more than 2,000 acres of kiwi fruit trees in Caojiazhuang are also in bloom. Looking over from a high place, you can see an endless sea of ​​white flowers forming endless clouds. The scent of the flowers makes people feel intoxicated.

This has been noticed by more and more self-media people, who have taken photos and uploaded them online, and have been seen by more netizens.

Everything is brewing, and I don’t know when it will explode.

At this stage, Cao Shujie and Cao Jianlong held two private meetings to ensure that they could receive tourists well. One of the important tasks was to ensure enough parking spaces. So in the past few days, Cao Jianlong contacted Zhu Hongwei, Zhuang Xuejian and the others and asked

They set up temporary parking lots in Zhujiazhuang and Taodong Village.

The two of them wanted to take this matter and talk to Cao Shujie about the fact that fellow villagers in their village could also set up stalls near the children's theme park, but Cao Jianlong said that the parking lot can be reasonably charged, and these fees can be allocated to the village committee

The management fees made the two surrender.

Don't mention anything, just cooperate obediently and hurry up to build the parking lot in case of emergency.

Yiling People's Hospital.

Hu Yong was nervously waiting for his wife's test results.

It has been more than 20 days since they were hospitalized.

It has been two weeks since his wife had the resection surgery. According to what the doctor told them, they can basically be discharged from the hospital 10 days after the surgery, and it will take up to two weeks.

Unless it is extremely serious, it will take a longer time, but Du Qiuju's situation is not that serious yet.

The couple had previously agreed to discharge the patient within 10 days because they were almost out of money by then.

But they didn't expect that their daughter's school would donate to them.

After getting the money, Hu Yong changed his mind and asked his wife to stay for a few more days and let the doctor come for a check-up after two weeks.

His idea was simple. The conditions at their home were poor, and staying in the hospital for a few more days would only be good for his wife's recovery.

This is cancer after all. Stay here for a few days to observe it, and deal with any problems in time.

Just like this, he waited until two weeks passed. While the doctor was doing rounds on the ward, Hu Yong proposed the idea of ​​discharge and asked the doctor to order an examination. If there was indeed nothing wrong, they would discharge the patient.

After a whole morning of inspection, only the last item remained.

Hu Yong forgot how long he waited until the doctor inside called for Du Qiuju's family to come in. Hu Yong didn't react at first.

The doctor shouted several times, and Hu Yong seemed to have regained his consciousness and hurriedly ran in.

Before he took the initiative to inquire, the doctor told him that judging from the examination results, his wife's recovery was very good. Then he handed him a examination sheet and asked him to take it to the attending doctor to have a look and finally evaluate the results comprehensively.


There was no suspense when he was discharged from the hospital. The doctor also told Hu Yong that he would undergo chemotherapy regularly in the future. Based on the examination results, he would see how many courses of chemotherapy he would need.

Hu Yong listened very carefully, and he did not dare to be careless in this regard.

After completing the discharge procedures, Hu Yong returned to the ward and packed all his things, including two bags.

Asking his wife to wait in the ward, he went outside to find a car and prepared to take a taxi home.

At this time, Hu Yong didn't bother anymore, and he didn't think about going to the long-distance station with his wife to squeeze in the bus again.

When I got home from the hospital, it was already past 1 p.m.

Hu Litong was very happy to see his son and daughter-in-law coming back, and asked his wife to quickly pack up her things and go cook.

"Dayong, you were discharged from the hospital, and you didn't say anything in advance..." Hu Litong muttered, then remembered that he didn't have a mobile phone at home. What was his son going to say?

The old lady didn't think much about it. She said, "There are some spareribs in the refrigerator. I'll stew them to replenish Qiu Ju's body."

I bought these ribs during the Chinese New Year, but I didn’t want to eat them anymore, so I kept them in the refrigerator.

But what Hu Litong didn't expect was that his son had just settled down with his daughter-in-law, and then he was riding an electric bike to get ready to go out.

"Dayong, where are you going? Let's go out after dinner." Hu Litong called to him.

But Hu Yong said: "Dad, I'm going to Xuemeng Food Factory for an interview. If it works, I can go to work early."

According to what the doctor told him when he was discharged from the hospital, each subsequent course of chemotherapy would cost about 3,000 yuan.

For him, this amount of money is not a small amount, and he himself is at the end of his rope.

In addition, Hu Yong still wants to pay back the money donated to him by others, so he wants to make money as soon as possible.

After saying that, before his father could say anything, Hu Yong ran away on his electric bike.

"This kid." Hu Litong patted his thigh.

But he also knew that their family's situation was indeed difficult, and it was normal for his son to do this.

Not to mention his son Hu Yong, Hu Litong still thought about going out to work with the construction team in two days. If that didn't work out, he would go to Caojiazhuang to do odd jobs. Not to mention, if he could earn fifty yuan a day, he would still be able to pay for it in a month.

There are 1,500 yuan.

He knew very well that for a family like theirs, money could only be saved by accumulating little.

His daughter-in-law is unable to work in her current condition.

His wife is responsible for picking up and dropping off the children every day. If his son can successfully interview and go to work at Xuemeng Food Factory, he is also ready to find some odd jobs.

When he and his son make money alone, the family can be more relaxed.

These were all things he and his wife had discussed in advance, and his wife also agreed to do this. After all, the reality of the family situation was before us and must be resolved.

Hu Yong rode an electric bike from Huguantun to Qingshi Town, without even bothering to say hello to acquaintances in the village.

This section of the road is not very far, and it only takes 20 minutes to ride an electric bike.

It was less than 2 o'clock at this time. When he arrived at the gate of Xuemeng Food Factory, Hu Yong looked at the tall and majestic factory gate and hesitated whether to go through?

He has no confidence!

"I don't know if what Teacher Zhang said is true? Or is it just to fool me?" Hu Yong pondered in his mind.

Thinking of his wife still needing money for medical treatment and thinking of his daughter, Hu Yong made up his mind after hesitating several times.

He parked the electric scooter in an out-of-the-way place on the side of the road and walked towards the gate.

The security guard at the door, Cao, saw him coming and asked him what he did.

When Hu Yong said he came for an interview, Lao Cao said to him: "Our factory now conducts interviews every Monday and every Friday. There will be no interviews today. You can come back on Friday."

There were no harsh words.

"Uncle, I was asked to come here by Boss Cao of our factory. Do you think it can be convenient?" Hu Yong plucked up the courage to say.

This was already a big breakthrough for him.

Ultimately, he was jealous and longed that if he had an interview earlier, he would be able to go to work earlier and make money earlier.

Should I say it or not, he was really scared of poverty and didn't have any money of his own in his pocket.

In addition to borrowing money from relatives and donating money to him, Hu Yong still owes tens of thousands of yuan!

Given such an opportunity, Hu Yong wanted to seize it.

Lao Cao heard Hu Yong say that the boss asked him to come here. Looking at Hu Yong's honest and friendly demeanor, it didn't look like he was lying.

"Then wait a minute, I'll make a call and ask." Lao Cao said.

He did not call the boss Cao Shujie directly, but the boss's assistant He Ruijia.

He Ruijia heard that there was a person coming for an interview at the door, and it was the boss who asked him to come. She didn't know about it, so she asked Lao Cao to ask the person's name, and she went to ask the boss for instructions.

"Hey, big brother, what's your name?" Lao Cao asked.

Hu Yong said his name.

Lao Cao conveyed it to He Ruijia again, and it didn't take long for him to get a reply, asking Hu Yong to go to the human resources department to interview Manager Wang.

"Looking for Manager Wang?" Lao Cao almost thought he heard wrongly.

Who in the factory doesn't know that the human resources manager has just been promoted to senior manager, and that this ordinary-looking person in front of him is actually the boss?

Lao Cao was puzzled.

Could it be that he is a relative of the boss?

"Then you come with me to the Human Resources Department." Lao Cao led him towards the office building.

When Hu Yong followed Lao Cao to the Human Resources Department, in Cao Shujie's office, thinking about what his assistant He Ruijia had just told him about Hu Yong coming for an interview, Cao Shujie did not expect that the other party would come so quickly.

"Discharged from the hospital so soon?" Cao Shujie was still wondering. He thought the other party might have to stay for a while longer.

He asked He Ruijia to take Hu Yong to the human resources department to see Manager Wang first, and then bring him back to him later.

Wang Zhifeng has never forgotten about Hu Yong. He remembered that his boss said that he would have a chat with him and if his character was good, he would keep him.

After chatting with Hu Yong for a while, he felt that Hu Yong's character was pretty good, but his abilities were really limited.

To put it bluntly, Hu Yong used to do small jobs with the construction team, that is, hard work.

For a person who knew nothing about the technical positions in the factory, Wang Zhifeng was also considering which process would be more suitable for him.

Unexpectedly, Hu Yong was so straightforward. When talking about his thoughts on work, Hu Yong directly said that he would be given the most tiring and profitable work.

Hu Yong also said: "Boss, I went to work before I even finished junior high school. My education is limited. I can't do the technical work or operate the machinery and equipment. I used to work in the construction team, but I just can't do it."

I don’t have enough energy, now I just want to make money and solve the problems at home. If it’s suitable, I’ll do whatever job in our factory makes money. I’m not afraid of getting tired!”

"You see it quite clearly." Wang Zhifeng laughed.

Hu Yong did not dare to laugh, he said: "I understand in my heart."

"If that's the case, then you go to the warehouse and load the goods. It's based on piecework. The work is simple. The more you do, the higher the salary. Our factory ships a lot, and you can normally earn seven to eight thousand."

"Hey, OK!" Hu Yong became happy.

That's seven to eight thousand yuan.

He doesn't think loading goods in a warehouse is a lowly job. As long as this job can make money, he doesn't care about anything else.

After Wang Zhifeng finished talking to him, Hu Yong wanted to ask when he could go to work?

"You're quite anxious, but our factory has strict regulations. You must have a physical examination before you join the job, so that we can buy you insurance."

"In this way, I will arrange for someone to record it for you later. You can take it to the county hospital for a physical examination tomorrow. The results will be available next Monday. If there are no problems, you can come over and go to work."

When Hu Yong heard what Wang Zhifeng said, he quickly agreed.

He feels that next Monday is not too late.

When he was about to leave, he suddenly heard Wang Zhifeng say again: "Hu Yong, don't leave in a hurry. Our boss wants to see you, just follow Assistant He."

When Hu Yong heard that Boss Cao wanted to see him, he quickly nodded and agreed.

He also wanted to meet Boss Cao and express his gratitude to him.

Following He Ruijia, he came to Cao Shujie's office. When He Ruijia introduced him to the young man in the room as Boss Cao, Hu Yong's first reaction was to kneel down in front of Cao Shujie on the spot.

Cao Shujie was still sitting on his boss's chair at the moment. Seeing Hu Yong's sudden move, he was a little caught off guard.

He Ruijia next to him couldn't even react, what was he going to do?

The next moment, Cao Shujie quickly walked around the desk, came to Hu Yong's side, and pulled him up with all his strength.

"What are you doing? If you have something to say, say it nicely. If you keep kneeling down, I will kick you out and won't let you work in my factory." Cao Shujie said. ()

This chapter has been completed!
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