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Chapter 933 Cao Shujie, Unrivaled in Benevolence and Righteousness (4,000,120,000)

None of them are greedy people. Besides, Cao Shujie was thinking of them and wanted to give them a hand. At this time, none of them thought much about it.

They think they can get dividends without taking any money, but they can't open their hands.

Just give them a moment to show off.

As for the ownership of the village collective, if Cao Shujie hadn't taken the initiative to talk about it, they wouldn't even have this awareness.

And this matter spread not only in Caojiazhuang, but also in nearby Taodong Village and Zhujiazhuang.

Some people in some slightly more remote villages knew that Caojiazhuang was going to make another big move.

They heard that the village director of Caojiazhuang personally invested 100 million to build new attractions in the village.

The popularity of a children's theme park has made people in other villages jealous. Unexpectedly, before it is over, there will be another attraction soon, and the cost of this attraction is several times that of the children's theme park.

They really couldn't imagine what Cao Shujie, the village director of Caojiazhuang, was thinking.

What are you going to do this time?

But some people are also thinking about whether Cao Shujie can invest in them?

There is a section of mountain where Taodong Village and Caojiazhuang are connected. Zhuang Xuejian also called Cao Jianlong privately, thinking about asking him to send a message to the village director Cao Shujie, and their village also raised a sum of money to invest in the village.

In this project, the mountain is developed together, and they are willing to take a small share.

But Cao Shujie did not agree. In this matter, he still adhered to the same idea as when investing in children's theme parks and did not want to involve too much.

He said something to Cao Jianlong and asked Cao Jianlong to ask Zhuang Xuejian if he could raise 30 million?

If you can't come up with this number, you don't have to think about investing.

In addition, he also asked Cao Jianlong to explain clearly to Zhuang Xuejian that this project is different from Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative and Agricultural Planting Cooperative. If the money is invested, there may not be profits in the next few years, and there is no need to consider the issue of repaying the capital in the short term.

When he heard this investment amount, Zhuang Xuejian was defeated.

It is possible to dig up the money in Taodong Village, but after all the money is gone, what will we eat and drink?

What should I do if something happens?

What’s more, you may not see benefits within a few years!

He inquired and found out that the people of Caojiazhuang did not invest in shares with capital, but with the ownership of the mountain.

It doesn't require those ordinary people to spend a penny, it is essentially different.

But this did not dissuade the people of Taodong Village and Zhujiazhuang from paying attention to this matter.

On the 19th, Cao Jianlong called on the village committee’s loudspeaker for everyone in the village to come to the compound for a meeting.

Everyone knew what was going on, and at least one person from every household came over to discuss the matter.

The meeting was not delayed and went very quickly. As the host of the meeting, Cao Jianlong described the situation in detail to everyone present, and then the matter entered the voting stage.

The first item is to vote whether everyone agrees that the village committee will contribute part of the money, Cao Shujie personally contributes part of the money, and the Caojiazhuang collective will use the ownership of the barren mountain as a stake. The three parties will jointly invest to transform and upgrade the mountain and strive to give the barren mountain a new look.

Everyone is very supportive of this matter.

No one at the scene objected.

The conference then moved on to item 2.

Discuss Caojiazhuang Collective's investment in Huangshan ownership, how many shares are appropriate?

How much money does the Caojiazhuang Village Committee invest, and how many shares are appropriate?

According to Cao Shujie's plan, the transformation and upgrading of this barren mountain will be completed within three years.

Therefore, this investment can theoretically be completed in three years.

After internal deliberations, everyone unanimously decided that no matter how much the final total investment was, Huangshan Ownership in the name of Caojiazhuang Collective would hold 10% of the shares.

The Caojiazhuang Village Committee invested 20 million in three years, accounting for 20% of the shares. The remaining capital investment was completed independently by Cao Shujie, who accounted for 70% of the shares.

As for how much money Cao Shujie invested, no one asked him to give an exact figure.

But both the Caojiazhuang Village Committee and all the people in Caojiazhuang had the same idea, and Cao Shujie filled in the remaining gaps.

He is the one who is short of 50 million yuan, he is the one who is short of 80 million yuan, and he is the one who is short of 100 million yuan. Anyway, it is only 70% of the shares.

Strict or not?

In some ways, this approach is very imprecise, but everyone agrees with it!

Cao Shujie also recognized it!

In this way, the vote was passed. Cao Shujie had absolute control over the management rights of this barren mountain.

All the people in Caojiazhuang were convinced of this result.

Because of Cao Shujie's proposal to transform the barren mountain into a tourist attraction, this originally worthless barren mountain was given value!

But the more important thing is not just this.

In the coming time, the project team will build standardized and unified stalls around the foot of the entire mountain that has been transformed into a scenic spot.

After the entire mountain was renovated, the scale of the tourist attraction has been significantly expanded, far beyond what a children's theme park can match.

At the same time, in order to alleviate the fact that other villages think that Caojiazhuang is a monopoly and are not allowed to set up stalls here, Cao Shujie and others, after internal discussions, also believe that the people in their village do not need so many stalls at all, and they will use at least 30% of the renovated stalls.

The second number of stalls are open for rent to people outside Caojiazhuang.

However, there is no discount on rent.

This sentence is very level.

According to Cao Shujie, the villagers in Caojiazhuang who now set up stalls at the foot of Mengmeng Orchard enjoy a 30% discount on rent.

In other words, the current annual rental price of a stall is 80,000 yuan, and the original price should be 40,000 yuan.

Let’s not talk about how many stalls can be built in such a large mountain. When they heard the news, many villagers from other villages ran to the Caojiazhuang Village Committee to guard the gate, wanting to know the specific details of the rental stalls as soon as possible.

Some people simply come with cash. As long as they are allowed to sign up for the rental, the money will be left immediately and they will leave without any counter-offering.

Some people also asked why the stalls here cost money, while the stalls in the children's theme park are open to the people of Caojiazhuang for free.

Mainly because of their different properties.

This is a three-party joint venture, with Caojiazhuang collectively accounting for one share. The 15 hectares of land for the children's theme park were donated by villagers for free to Cao Shujie, without asking for anything in return.

He waived the management fees for the people to set up stalls there, which was actually a way of repaying the people's kindness for letting him use 15 hectares of land for free.

After the news came out that people from other villages were allowed to set up stalls, in addition to some people going directly to the Caojiazhuang Village Committee to find out how to rent these stalls, the village party secretaries, village directors, and even some leaders from the town also went to Caojiazhuang in person.

Call them and ask them how you can rent these stalls.

They know very well that these stalls are a cornucopia, a money tree erected in front of them.

Even if the rent is 40,000 yuan each, they don't think it is expensive.

Even if the Caojiazhuang Village Committee said that the items sold were not allowed to increase by more than 50% of the normal market price, they didn't think it mattered.

Judging from the current flow of people in Caojiazhuang, this investment will be earned back sooner or later.

These people are full of expectations for the new scenic spot that Cao Shujie invested huge amounts of money to build.

They believed that what Cao Shujie did must be right.

Just believe him and follow him all the way to the end.

Therefore, when this project was first announced and before it was officially approved, others were ready to take action.

Cao Jianlong, Cao Zhengcun, Gao Changyin, Cao Shuchao, and Lu Ping were in the village committee office when they saw people coming outside to inquire about stall rental. In particular, some of them actually came with cash in their handbags, ready to pay one year's rent in advance.

, the five of them looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

"Have you noticed? How much money can Shujie get back for one idea?" Cao Jianlong looked at the group of people outside and sighed.

People from Caojiazhuang's own village can still rent a stall for RMB 80,000, but people outside Caojiazhuang can rent a stall for RMB 40,000.

For such a long area, Cao Shujie told them that the plan was to have 200 stalls, no more, otherwise it would be worthless.

The key point is that the front line is very long. Even if there are 200 stalls, it will not feel crowded.

And based on the current number of tourists visiting Caojiazhuang, Caojiazhuang Children’s Theme Park and Mengmeng Orchard together have about 100,000 visitors every day. By then the mountain connecting Mengmeng Orchard is fully developed, and

How many people will it attract?

Can 200 stalls accommodate so many people?

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a money tree and a cornucopia.

As for whether the rental prices of these stalls are a bit low, Cao Jianlong and others also asked Cao Shujie this question, but Cao Shujie said that it is a steady stream of things and not to make a one-time deal.

Moreover, Cao Shujie does not want to put too much cost pressure on these stall operators because the rent is too high. The goods sold will be of poor quality and high prices, which will easily break the hearts of tourists. Invisible losses will still be caused by

They pay the bill themselves.

Cao Zhengcun even suggested building more stalls, but this suggestion was rejected by Cao Shujie.

He just said, rare things are valuable!

Instead of taking it for granted that they can do as many as they can.

Therefore, for those outside who come to inquire about stall rental, even if they come with money, Cao Shujie and the others are not letting go now. They must wait for the overall planning results to be released before talking.

In the next few days, Caojiazhuang became more and more lively.

Even when they heard that Caojiazhuang was planning to invest heavily in renovating the mountain to make it more beautiful, some tourists heard that new stalls were to be built at the foot of the mountain in Caojiazhuang and were open to rentals. Some tourists went directly to the Caojiazhuang Village Committee to inquire.

Can they rent these stalls?

Many of these tourists are wealthy themselves, and they are also aware of the investment value here.

This time it became more and more lively.

I don’t know who was the first to shout out that he could rent a stall for 80,000 yuan.

Then came the bidding sounds one after another, as if the one with the highest price would win.

This farce was eventually broken up by Cao Shujie himself.

He publicly declared that the rental fee for the stall would not increase after it was set, and that the person who rented the stall would not be allowed to transfer the stall for a second time. If anyone was found to have similar operations, Caojiazhuang would unilaterally terminate the cooperative leasing relationship and impose the other party's penalty.

Considered as a person permanently refused to enter the Caojiazhuang cooperation system.

It is also commonly known as blocking!

This rule also prevents some people from having dark thoughts.

On the territory of Caojiazhuang, they really didn't dare to openly challenge Cao Shujie and go against his opinions. Everyone knew that it would be tantamount to seeking death.

Pan Jianglong, director of the Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau, and Zuo Yongsi, director of the Pingyuan County Culture and Tourism Bureau, also heard about what happened in Caojiazhuang.

This matter was exposed on many personal self-media accounts, and everyone had mixed opinions on this matter.

But they all admired Cao Shujie's conduct.

After Pan Jianglong and Zuo Yongsi knew the whole story, they also admired Cao Shujie's operation.

It’s absolutely amazing!

They are still wondering whether this new scenic spot will charge admission fees after it is developed, or will it be open to the public free of charge like the two existing scenic spots?

For some reason, both of them subconsciously felt that Cao Shujie would most likely choose to open it to the public for free. Even if he charged tickets, the price would not be very high.

In Cao Shujie's words, the popularity he built these scenic spots to attract was far more valuable than earning the meager ticket money.

Until May 25th, the day originally scheduled to sign the contract.

This morning, Liu Furong and Luo Ningyou drove over from the town first.

Not long after, Zuo Yongsi and Pan Jianglong also rushed over.

Cao Jianlong was really surprised to see them coming so early.

This also shows that this project is far more important in their minds than they imagined.

Cao Jianlong also realized that perhaps they themselves had not realized the significance of this project.

Pan Jianglong and the others had already chatted with Cao Shujie at this time.

Cao Shujie also told them everything that happened this time, including the shareholding proportion of Caojiazhuang Collective's ownership of Huangshan.

As for Caojiazhuang's collective holding of 10% of the shares in this project, Pan Jianglong and others do not think this amount is small.

They even think this shareholding ratio is very high.

As for the Caojiazhuang Village Committee's management and 20 million capital investment, accounting for 20% of the shares, no one said anything.

After all, the Caojiazhuang Village Committee will have to take on many things in the later period, which are far more than just the current matter.

No matter who hears this distribution plan, they will have to say "admire".

However, they were also surprised that the Caojiazhuang Village Committee was so rich that it could invest 20 million in this project within three years.

Even Liu Furong and Luo Ningyou did not expect this result. Only now did they realize that their understanding of Caojiazhuang had only been superficial and they had never understood this place in depth.

The Caojiazhuang Village Committee can allocate 20 million yuan, even if it takes three years, they think this place is amazing.

There is no other village in Qingshi Town that has the strength of Caojiazhuang.

The two of them even thought that if they could turn back time and chat with Cao Jianlong alone again, their attitude towards Cao Jianlong would definitely change this time. ()

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