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Chapter 67

Chapter 67

Author: Infinite Inflorescence

Chapter 67

This glass house looks no different from the glass flower houses of wealthy people.

But Wen Xu knew clearly that this place was definitely different from the flower houses of wealthy people she mentioned.

After stepping into the last door, Wen Xu could clearly feel that a very comfortable feeling filled his whole body, as if every pore was breathing, making people relax and relax unconsciously.

Wen Xu knew that this was because of spiritual energy.

The feeling of staying in a flower room is a bit similar to staying in a space, but the aura here is not as full as the space, and naturally it is not as comfortable as staying in the space.

When she concentrates and does not look with naked eyes, she will "see" that the air in this small glass flower room has a light gray and black color. But this gray and black color does not make people feel

It is depressing, but makes people feel cool from the heart.

Maybe this is because...the best is like water?

But the best thing is water, and it is also the fickle thing.

The water aura molecules floating in the air gather or disperse, and are not always evenly distributed. Instead, they are constantly flowing.

Lin Pinzun looked at the only lotus in the pond and said, "This is the Xuanxinlian. If the seeds in Qian Weng's hand can germinate, it will eventually grow into something like this."

Because spiritual plants are too noble, except for spiritual plants that are suitable for interplanting and hybrid planting, almost every other spiritual plant has a separate "residence".

Lotus likes relatively still water in ponds, but does not grow well in flowing water with great fluctuations.

But Xuanxinlian is exactly the opposite.

The lotus is quiet and elegant. If the ordinary lotus can be called a quiet guest, then the Xuanxinlian can be called the swordsman among the lotuses.

Its leaves are emerald green, as green as ink.

Maybe this is the reason why it is called Xuanxinlian?

"That's not it. Its name comes from its flower heart." After a pause, Lin Pinzun showed a faint smile in his eyes and said: "Just like its name says, its heart is black.



Wen Xu was stunned and looked up strangely.

Could it be that Lin Pinzun just told a... cold joke?

Lin Pinzun cleared his throat slightly and returned to his normal appearance.

"The flowering period of Xuanxinlian starts in June and lasts until about September." Lin Pinzun looked at the only lotus in the greenhouse, "It's not the time yet. I'll show you when the flowering period arrives."

"Okay." Wen Xu looked at the Xuanxinlian in front of him curiously, "It looks so beautiful."

Although it has not bloomed yet, the upright lotus leaves are growing like cattail fans, which reminds Wen Xu of the proud princess for no reason.

Although, this princess is wearing a straw hat and standing in the mud.

But some people and some things are born with arrogance.

It didn't seem to matter where they stood, how they were dressed, or where they were.

The artificial waterfall pours down from the top of the flower house. The rapid water washes away the rhizomes of Xuanxinlian. The huge washing force makes the air smell of earth all the time. From time to time, there are splashes of water from the pond.

Splashed out.

Due to the impact of the current, the water in the pond has always been turbid.

However, although the rapid current makes the sand have no home and is always in a turbulent and floating situation, this current seems to have no effect on Xuanxinlian.

The more rapid the water flow, the higher the Xuanxinlian stands with its leaves.

The spiritual consciousness of Wen Xu "saw" that Xuanxinlian has extremely thick lotus roots. Although there are only a dozen lotus leaves on the surface of the water, the lotus roots under the water are intertwined with each other and penetrate deep into the pond. If they were all dug up,

Maybe even an ordinary tractor can't transport it.

Wen Xu thought of something and asked: "Ordinary lotus can divide into lotus roots and reproduce, but can Xuanxinlian do it?"

If it is possible, does that mean that the Qian family does not need to worry too much about Xuanxinlian seeds?

"I tried it." Lin Pinzun replied to Wen Xu, "It failed."

It failed.

This may be the difference between spiritual plants and ordinary plants.

Just like in the heyday of cultivation when spiritual energy was abundant, the more advanced a monk was, the harder it was for him to have children.

This may be a limitation of the laws of heaven.

Even if monks are like this, they have more ways to reproduce than monks and produce more offspring each time. If they can also divide themselves and reproduce asexually, that would be okay.

Wen Xu did not expect such an explanation.

Although she didn't understand, she still decided to read more and talk less because she didn't know much about it.

After visiting Xuanxinlian, Wen Xu followed Lin Pinzun to see other spiritual plants that could be visited within his authority.

In a blink of an eye, it was already half past eleven.

"Let's go have a meal. In the afternoon, you can choose classes according to your own preferences." Lin Pinzun said, "Do you have a class schedule?"

"I have Professor Lin's."

"Yes." Lin Pinzun nodded and said, "Okay, then I will send you all the class schedules of the agricultural college. You can choose according to your own interests."


"I know you are here to learn the exercises in the direction of Mu Linggen, but my grandfather's intention is for you to lay a solid foundation in agriculture first. As for the exercises, you are not in a hurry to learn them."

Lin Pinzun was afraid that he would be too distracted after hearing the preface, so he explained: "Nowadays, the spiritual energy is thin and there is not enough spiritual energy. Even if you have the skills, it will be difficult to make any progress in practice."

"So, after ordinary superpowers awaken, they give priority to finding suitable symbiotic spiritual plants for themselves." Lin Pinzun continued: "Only when the symbiotic spiritual plants are in place, then in the subsequent superpower training process

In this way, it is less likely to cause backlash on oneself due to lack of spiritual energy."

"Everyone is like this." Lin Pinzun pursed his lips, "It's not just you."

Once Lin Pinzun said these words, it became much easier for Wen Xu to accept them.

But Wen Xu continued to ask: "Then can I register for the mutual aid forum for people with special abilities first?"

"Of course." Lin Pinzun said: "Have you registered basic information at No. 1 Ping'an Road? If you have already registered, you will get a unique power user ID that belongs to you. With this ID, you can

Register and log in to the Mutual Aid Forum for People with Disabilities."

“This forum is still under real names.”

"Well, the background is." Lin Pinzun said: "If you don't like to use your real name, you can choose to give yourself a fancy name. But few people do this because it is not necessary."

Wen Xu quickly understood what Lin Pinzun meant by "no need".

Because it's really not necessary.

In this small mutual aid forum for people with special abilities, there really aren’t many people with special abilities.

As a newcomer, Wen Xu's ID number is actually I88.

In this way, you can know how many people there are in this forum.

(End of chapter)

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