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Chapter 291: Harvest

 Li Tianlan quietly bathed in the rain in the air.

The wind and snow in the North Sea had stopped when the sun rose, but the rain in the sky became more and more dense.

Moisturizes things quietly.

But the ruins of Dibing Mountain are changing at a speed visible to the naked eye, including flowers, grass, and trees.

There is great vitality, and the ruins in a mess are constantly glowing with life under the moisture of rain.

Li Tianlan's injuries are also continuing to recover.

No one knows how horrific Li Tianlan's injuries were after a sword fight with Wang Tianzong.

Drawing the sword at that moment was an extreme overdraft of his own ultimate ability. It is no exaggeration to say that it was a sword that was completely out of control.

Li Tianlan's current limit is to twist the sword energy at the peak of the Thunder Realm to the limit and explode it completely. Such a blow is equivalent to countless peak Thunder Realm masters taking action at the same time.

But just facing Wang Tianzong's sword energy clone, Li Tianlan burst out in an instant with half-step invincible sword energy. The same distortion frequency, the same extreme burst. The moment the sword energy appeared, Li Tianlan had already been affected by it.

Irreversible damage was caused, and at that time, even though Wang Tianzong's consciousness was still not very clear, he was still conscious.

The most direct result of the collision between the two sword energies was that Li Tianlan completely shattered Wang Tianzong's sword energy clone, and extremely horrific internal injuries also appeared on Li Tianlan.

His body was almost on the verge of collapse. His internal organs were severely torn, his muscle fibers became loose, and all his bones were crumbling. Except for the decisive battle in Tiandu, this could be said to be the most serious injury Li Tianlan had suffered since he entered the world.

The internal injuries were to such an extent that even if he was in the Dragon Vein, he would not be able to fully recover in a short time. With his injuries just now, if he could leave the Imperial Arms Mountain and carry the Dragon Vein, he would want to fully recover to his peak.

In terms of status, it will take at least two to three years.

This also destined him to make no progress in two or three years.

But now with this drizzle, the injuries in his body are recovering at an unimaginable and incomprehensible speed. The broken internal organs are restored to their original state with breathing. Muscles, bones, and every cell in the body seems to be cheering for joy. Countless

His wounds continued to heal as the rain fell, but within a few minutes, although Li Tianlan's body was covered with blood, his injuries had recovered as before.

White mist surged around him, and the vitality in the mist seemed to become more intense because of the rain.

Li Tianlan stood silently in mid-air above the Imperial Arms Mountain for a long time.

This kind of vitality was so familiar and yet so strange to his perception.

Every drop of rainwater in the world seems to be a force similar to dragon veins, but the richness of life is countless times more powerful than dragon veins. The injuries in his body that originally took two or three years to recover under the nourishment of dragon veins were healed in a few minutes.

Healing, the changes that occurred on the Imperial Army Mountain at this time...

All this shows how powerful this rain is.

But the most important thing is, what does this sudden rain without any warning mean?

The rain fell heavily for nearly five minutes.

When the rain stopped, the ruins of Imperial Army Mountain were almost completely covered by flowers and green plants. All the wounded on the mountain had recovered from their injuries. Wang Shengxiao was standing in front of the only intact Xiongxiong Platform, feeling all this silently.

Everyone is in disbelief and has many doubts, but they don’t know who to ask.

Li Tianlan's figure moved.

He disappeared from mid-air and appeared in front of the Heroic Stone when he appeared.


His figure suddenly swayed the moment he landed, and his palm subconsciously slapped the Xiongxiong Stone, making a crisp sound.

Now the injuries in his body have indeed healed, but there is not much physical strength left. This is what puzzles Li Tianlan the most. He has dragon veins, and his powerful vitality can exponentially speed up the recovery of his injuries, and it can also maintain his health.

Although Li Tianlan, who has dragon veins, cannot be said to have unlimited physical strength in combat mode, he is not afraid of most attrition battles, unless he encounters fire suppression to the same extent as in Qiushui City.

Or the absolute explosion of Wang Tianzong's sword energy clone. Under normal conditions, his physical strength can be said to be absolutely abundant.

The rain just now, which contained the vitality of a dragon's veins, helped him recover from his injuries, but it failed to restore his physical strength. Li Tianlan had no idea why.

Li Tianlan took several deep breaths and tried to stand up straight.

Wang Shengxiao stood beside him, squinting his eyes and looking at Li Tianlan thoughtfully.

Li Tianlan suddenly laughed.

His voice was a little low, but it was absolutely fierce and fierce: "If you want to take action, now is a good opportunity. Think about it, such an opportunity is indeed quite tempting. I am almost completely exhausted now. Do you want to try?"


Wang Shengxiao looked at him quietly, and after being silent for more than a minute, he smiled and shook his head: "Now Beihai needs a living Donghuang as an ally. Before the current situation fundamentally changes,

Beihai and Donghuanggong will always be each other's natural allies on the bottom line."

Li Tianlan didn't say anything, and slowly came to the sword avatar that had turned into a statue, remaining silent.

In the sky over the North Sea, the sun and moon are in the same sky.

A vast clear light shrouded the Emperor's Arms Mountain, and wisps of sword energy continued to merge into the statue in front of him.

The statue seemed to have lost all consciousness and was motionless.

But Li Tianlan knew very well that from now on, as long as there is some situation in the outside world, this seemingly unconscious sword energy clone can appear in any corner where the bright moon shines at any time.

A clone of Wang Tianzong's sword energy.

It's ridiculous to say it.

At this moment, the strongest person in the dark world is actually the sword aura in front of him.

At least before Wuyou's energy is exhausted, this sword energy clone is the strongest. Even Li Tianlan in his current state is no match for him.

Li Tianlan vaguely knew how far he was from the so-called supreme martial arts realm, and in tonight's fight, he vaguely saw the huge gap in combat effectiveness. The gap seemed to be only half a step, but in fact it was completely two steps.

a concept.

The only thing Li Tianlan could be sure of was that the sword energy clone that was completely torn apart by him was not in a state where Wang Tianzong's consciousness was fully awake.

The clone in front of him is Wang Tianzong's waking state.

How strong will this state be?

Li Tianlan was silent.

Others may not know the answer, but Li Tianlan can definitely draw the conclusion.

If this clone had been here a long time ago, after three bans of his own, the clone would revive...

Jiang Shangyu, Li Kuangtu, and even Li Tianlan himself...

If the fully conscious sword energy clone in front of them completely explodes, the three of them will not even have a chance to walk out of the Imperial Arms Mountain alive.

Wang Tianzong has been silent for two years.

But to a certain extent, he has entered a new realm in two years.

The serious injury restricted his body and his sword energy, but when his consciousness was active, his sword energy continued to improve. The sword energy clone now uses Wuyou's energy. In other words, in Wuyou's energy

Before it was exhausted, the destructive power of Wang Tianzong's sword energy clone was even more powerful than Wang Tianzong himself from Moormans more than two years ago.

It's vaguely close to the nearly eternal sword from the beginning.

Li Tianlan thought silently, if he wanted to forcefully defeat this sword energy clone now, he had no chance of winning unless he waited for the ruthless energy to recover and used the prohibition again.

Li Tianlan gently adjusted his black windbreaker.

The windbreaker was worn limply on Li Tianlan's body, listlessly, and the large golden patterns had all dimmed. Its energy had not been completely exhausted, but the remaining energy could only maintain its spirituality, without any combat effectiveness.

Li Tianlan was silent for a while, and then suddenly said: "I'm a little curious. At that time, at least from your standpoint, Wang Tianzong must have felt that he could kill me, so why didn't he do it?"

Wang Shengxiao hesitated for a moment: "Maybe he has the same considerations as me?"


Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows.

"This is just my father's sword energy clone. My father's real body is too far away from here, and his current condition is not very good, so this sword energy clone cannot speak. Even if it can express something, it is Wuyou's will.

To be precise, the main consciousness of the clone in front of me is still Wuyou, but it is Wuyou who is suppressed by his father's sword intent."

Wang Shengxiao smiled helplessly.

"So, it cannot be regarded as the Sword Emperor of Central Continent now?"


Wang Shengxiao nodded.

Li Tianlan hummed. He looked at the statue, remained silent for a long time, and then said softly: "We will have a battle."

Wang Shengxiao's expression changed slightly and he said nothing.

"But fortunately we still have time now."

He turned around, walked along the steps, and walked down the Xiongxiong Terrace.

"What are your plans next?"

Li Tianlan asked slowly.

"Rebuilding Imperial Soldier Mountain."

Wang Shengxiao's tone was a bit bitter. The Imperial Soldier Mountain that has stood in Beihai for hundreds of years can be said to have had a bad fate in recent years. First, it was swept away by Li Tianlan and left in a mess. Then not long after, that one has not been investigated yet.

The mysterious strong man whose identity seemed to disappear out of thin air was even more complete. He split open the Imperial Arms Mountain with one sword. Now, after two years of stability, the entire Imperial Armed Forces Mountain completely disappeared tonight, leaving only the Xiongxiong Tower intact.


It is impossible for the Wang family in Beihai to have no headquarters, and it is imperative to rebuild the Imperial Army Mountain.


Wang Shengxiao shook his head, drove all the messy thoughts out of his mind, looked at Li Tianlan and said.

Li Tianlan now really deserves this congratulations.

Wang Shengxiao has known about Wuyou's existence for a long time, and also knows that Wuyou can communicate with his father's sword intention, and then form the strongest fighting force in the dark world today.

In the decisive battle in Beihai, he sent out all the masters. It seemed that he placed all his hopes on the firepower of Emperor Bingshan and Li Tianlan's combat effectiveness. But in fact, Wang Shengxiao had always been confident in his heart.

Facts have proved that everything Wang Shengxiao expected did not live up to his expectations.

He saw his father's sword spirit clone.

I saw Jiang Shangyu and Li Kuangtu's embarrassing escape.

The only thing he didn't expect was that Li Tianlan actually had the power to directly crush his father's sword avatar without resorting to ruthlessness.

What disappointed him the most was that the sword energy clone that truly belonged to Wang Tianzong did not take action against Li Tianlan.

He won the decisive battle in the North Sea, but his final plan failed.

Wang Shengxiao did not want Li Tianlan to die. Just as he said, at this stage, the East Palace and the Beihai Wang family were indeed allies on the bottom line. Li Tianlan was alive, which was what he wanted to see.

Wang Shengxiao wants Li Tianlan to live, but even more wants to get the ruthlessness in Li Tianlan's hands.

Wang Tianzong's sword energy clone can completely take down Wu Qing and let Li Tianlan go.

Wuyou's energy is still abundant, which means that the sword energy clone will not disappear in a short time. After getting Qingqing, even if Li Tianlan comes to kill him, Emperor Bingshan has this sword energy clone without fear.

With the fusion of worry and ruthlessness, Wang Tianzong's sword energy clone will be more stable. He may not be able to do without Emperor Bingshan, but Wang Shengxiao also believes that he can enter the invincible realm within a few years. As long as he enters the invincible realm and has Wuyou's cooperation, he

Now that he has the capital to stand at the top of the dark world, he no longer has to worry about Li Tianlan.

But Wang Tianzong's sword energy clone directly turned into a statue.

Ruthlessness still hangs over Li Tianlan.

The decisive battle in the North Sea has ended.

Wang Shengxiao did win, but Li Tianlan deserves the most congratulations at this time.

Everything tonight will continue to ferment in the shortest time, and eventually evolve into a real stormy sea.

The two great masters of martial arts in the East Island, Yagyu Kuraizumi and Tianhai Wuji, all fell into the hands of Li Tianlan.

The new patriarch of the South American Chiang clan, Chiang Guo Chu, melted away in the carefree aura.

The three invincibles have fallen, and the dark world has become increasingly withered, and for the Eastern Palace, this also means benefits that are huge enough to expand their scale again.

The most elite nightmare army in the East Palace is now on the East Island. Although no clear news has been released, it is obvious that Li Tianlan is bound to win the East Island. The two invincible saints and hidden gods have all been sent by Li Tianlan.

Dongdao, this is enough to show Li Tianlan's determination. As the decisive battle in Beihai ends and the news of the death of the two masters of Dongdao spreads, with the strength of Dongdao Palace in Dongdao, they will hardly encounter any so-called competitors.


Tiandu Purgatory may be considered one.

But Tiandu Purgatory has long been blocked by Li Tianlan's sword.

No one knows how long this blockade will last. Everyone in Tiandu Purgatory may be waiting for Li Kuangtu to go back and lift the blockade. However, Li Kuangtu was also seriously injured tonight. In his current state, it is doubtful whether he can lift the blockade.

They are two different things. Even if Li Kuangtu can still do it, he has lost the initiative and is seriously injured. He is not qualified to compete with the East Palace for Tiandu Purgatory. As for Tiandu Purgatory, they now have to face the first thing to guard against.

Instead, it was the Eastern Palace that came to devour their interests.

The Chiang clan in South America seems far away from the East Palace, but a fact that no one can ignore is right in front of them.

Currently, Lin Fengting is in America. The Lin Clan headquarters may still be able to maintain a detached and secluded posture, but Lin Fengting's presence is enough to build a bridge of cooperation between the Lin Clan's American branch and the Eastern Palace. In this way, the Lin Clan's

The American branch has real strong support, and the East Palace can also take advantage of the situation to extend its hands to the Americas. Today's America is not only the Chiang family, the Heroes Association, Huanshi and other large and small forces can become the targets of the East Palace's conquest


After tonight's battle, Wang Xiaoyao was seriously injured, and the underground power of the Snow Kingdom was bound to be in turmoil. The Snow Dance Legion stationed in the Wulan Kingdom was also Li Tianlan's direct force. Wang Yue Xiange has not fallen. She is far from the peak of invincibility.

It was extremely close. Once she had her arm reattached and her injuries recovered to a certain extent, the Dark Knights could join forces with the Snow Dance Legion to sweep away the Snow Country and squeeze Wang Xiaoyao's living space.

When the decisive battle of Beihai broke out, the entire dark world was not at peace. The Holy Land was raided, and the two long-missing King General and Duke of the Samsara Palace reappeared. The forces of the American Fantasy World and the Heroes Association were also attacking the Chiang Kai-shek in South America.

There is chaos everywhere in the secret base. It is conceivable that this chaos will not subside with the end of the decisive battle in the North Sea, but will become even more chaotic.

Jiang Shangyu, who has been exposed, will naturally not hide anymore. By keeping Moraid, he is still keeping the power of the temple. With the fall of Tianhai Wuji, Yagyu Cangquan and Jiang Guochu, for these

If Jiang Shangyu can interfere with the power of his allies, he will definitely not give up. Wang Xiaoyao will become an ally of Jiang Shangyu if he is isolated and helpless. Wang Xiaoyao also needs the strength to rectify the forces left behind after the death of his allies.

The wind is surging.

A new era of chaos has fully emerged. There are self-protectors who are trying to maintain their status, and there are also speculators who are constantly making choices for a higher status. There are ambitious conquerors like the Eastern Palace, and there are also ambitious conquerors like the Eastern Palace.

There are rectifiers like Jiang Shangyu who are persistent in their evil intentions.

A feast.

The only pity is that it is difficult for the Beihai Wang family to gain much from this feast.

Wang Shengxiao's eyes flickered, with obvious unwillingness and regret deep in his eyes.

Li Tianlan hummed and said, "What suggestions do you have?"

This battle with the East Palace has completely broadened the road in front of us, and there is more than one road. Each of them can be said to be a bright road. Absolute power, huge benefits, and lofty status. Everything is almost at your fingertips. The East Palace is moving rapidly.

Rising, under the shadowless sky, it seems to be turning into a new shadow that can cover everyone.

Wang Shengxiao was silent for a while and said softly: "There are many choices, but the first choice is to stabilize the internal affairs. The problems in Zhongzhou should be solved."


Chen Fangqing.

This is the most important thing at hand, both for the East Palace and for the Beihai Wang family.

The decisive battle in the North Sea is not the end.

At least when it comes to Chen Fangqing's issue, there is still the possibility that the East Palace and the Beihai Wang family will work closely together.

Beihai needs to overthrow Chen Fangqing to stabilize some differences within the Southeast Group, stabilize the situation again, and then go dormant temporarily.

Li Tianlan's new group also needs to get rid of Chen Fangqing's stumbling block so that the outline of the new group can truly appear in front of everyone's eyes.

Chen Fangqing may be struggling to his death, but it is no longer a worry.

Tonight, the Beihai Wang family was able to collect enough evidence in the smoke. Similarly, as the Dong Palace entered Dong Dao, Li Tianlan could also produce countless evidence of Chen Fangqing's cooperation with Dong Dao in a short period of time.

To put it ten thousand steps back, what if Li Tianlan couldn't get it?

After occupying the dark world of East Island, they don't even need to go to the East Palace to find such evidence. They can just make whatever evidence they need by themselves.

The decisive battle in Beihai was completely Chen Fangqing's last act of madness. His situation had already reached the point of betrayal and separation. With the failure of the decisive battle in Beihai, Chen Fangqing's front had completely lost all cover, and was completely exposed to the artillery fire from Beihai and the Eastern Palace.


"Chen Fangqing..."

Li Tianlan slowly said: "It's nothing to worry about."

"It is indeed true, and the time is quite sufficient. There is still nearly a year before the general election, which is enough for us to make a lot of arrangements."

Wang Shengxiao nodded. He was thinking about what benefits Beihai could get after Chen Fangqing fell. When his heart slowly relaxed, Li Tianlan's voice rang again: "Do you have an internal opinion on Wang Qinglei's matter?"

The corners of Wang Shengxiao's mouth twitched fiercely.

He looked at the expressionless Li Tianlan expressionlessly: "What do you mean?"

"Just a reminder."

Li Tianlan said calmly: "This man is so ambitious that it would be too dangerous to occupy Wu Yue. If he is allowed to go further, believe me, it will definitely not be a good thing for you. The decisive battle in Beihai was based on a plan. Now Wang Qinglei seems to be still in the Southeast Group."

However, with the fall of Chen Fangqing, if Wang Qinglei goes further, he will not only occupy a spot in the Southeast Group, but he may even become the new leader of the Prince Group in the future, with endless troubles. My suggestion is that even this time

If you can’t pull Wang Qinglei down, at least you have to suppress him under Wu Yue and Ye Dongsheng. That’s good for you. Such a gain is already huge.”

Wang Shengxiao's body seemed to tremble with obvious anger.

Li Tianlan emphasized the word harvest.

This is undoubtedly telling him that outside of Central Continent, you, Beihai, cannot benefit from the interests of East Island, Snow Country, and America. As for Central Continent, solving the hidden dangers within the Southeast Group has already been a big gain. You will also benefit from Chen Fangqing’s fall.

Don't even think about eating it.

"Why don't I think we have gained a lot?"

Wang Shengxiao laughed angrily. Li Tianlan's appetite was beyond his imagination. If he really followed Li Tianlan's plan at this time, then in this Beihai decisive battle, the Beihai Wang family, which had put in countless efforts, would really just stabilize the internal situation.

situation, there is no gain at all.

This is not what Wang Shengxiao wants.

Before the decisive battle, he wanted to be ruthless and wanted more, all for profit.

After the decisive battle, Li Tianlan told him that there was nothing he could do.

This psychological gap is so obvious that no matter how well-educated Wang Shengxiao is, he can't help but lose his composure at this time.

"I think we are fully capable of harvesting some other things."

Wang Shengxiao increased his tone, looked at Li Tianlan extremely forcefully and said.

Li Tianlan's expressionless face did not change at all.

He walked down the steps of Xiongxiong Terrace and said calmly: "I don't want you to feel, I want me to feel."

He looked directly into Wang Shengxiao's eyes: "I think what I said is enough."

He pointed at the sword avatar on the hero's stage and laughed: "If you are not convinced, you can let it try?"

This chapter has been completed!
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